My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 416: Why are you so good (2/5)

The body is crystal clear like a diamond, with a smooth cross-section, but the limbs and joints are cone-shaped ice edges.

Standing like a glacier, Regais made the room temperature drop below freezing.

What kind of elf is this, how come I have never seen it before. "

"Fuck, this won't be the legendary elf in Professor Lu's thesis, Regais!"

"Didn't you say it's just a dissertation, why did you directly release the legendary elves!"

There was an uproar between the venues, and the noise intensified.

Jiang Xun's face turned blue.

He could clearly feel the power of this elf.

What's more terrible is that this is an ice elf that is obviously restraining him!

The moisture condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and ice flowers quietly floated in the Phoenix King's nest.

The crystal clear ice flower fell to the ground, and in an instant, the earth condensed into an ice field at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The ice layer was still expanding. This shocking scene made everyone's eyes widen.

"It actually froze the entire field... It's not even a move!"

"Is this the special effect of Regais' appearance, but it's too scary."

"I found the paper by Lushen, "The Legendary Glacier God Regais".

"Nima's is really a legendary elves!"

The shock in the audience intensified.

"What the hell, Master Lu is still a professor of elves!? Are you kidding me!"

"This is already the second legendary elf of the Road God, and it's still the ice type!"

"It's over, Jiang Xun's youth is over."

The referee held his whistle and looked at the main console with inquiring eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

Unable to hide his excitement, Ding Lei said loudly, "We just received a notice from the organizing committee."

"Published by the most authoritative journal "Science of Spirits", Professor Lu Cheng proved that the glacier elf, Regais, only exists in legend."

"The alliance will officially incorporate Regais into the Elf Pokédex, numbered NO.378, and will always record Lu Cheng's name!"

The whole venue was instantly boiling.

No one could have imagined that Lu Cheng could conquer two legendary elves at the same time.

What's more terrible is that Master Lu seems to be a professor of elves! ?

You are also on the nine-year compulsory system, why are you so good!

"I found it, I found it, the most influential young scholar at the scientific research summit, the father of Fairy Ibrahimovic, and a distinguished researcher in geology and heritage..."

"Blooming in both style and style, this... is this the world of the strong?"

"I've accepted it, Lu Shen is obviously a king of heaven, please don't pretend!"

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the delicate face of the Ice King was almost frozen.

Where did this kid catch this Regais?


The legendary elf in the ruins, the ice pillar of the Ice Age.

The only thing that matches these two... is the ice cave!

Damn, it was the old lady who took him there by helicopter!

I remembered, Lu Cheng, this stinky boy, still owes me a helicopter!

Looking at Han Qing who was suddenly pulling her hair, Han Ying said with relief, "Forget it, sister, we still have to see how strong it is."

"Even if it's a legendary elf, if the trainer fails to pass the test, you still won't be able to exert the strength of an ice elf!"

Taking a deep breath, Han Qing gradually calmed down.

Looking at Regais on the field, Han Qing's eyes were stern.

If, if Lu Cheng can really use Regais' power to his advantage.

Then maybe everyone has far underestimated Lu Cheng's strength.

The peak of the master level?

A trainer who can master two legendary elves is definitely approaching the heavenly king level!

Approved by the organizing committee, the referee nodded and waved the flag: "The game begins!"

A drop of cold sweat quietly slipped from Jiang Xun's forehead.

Just standing there, this ice **** gave Jiang Xun an indescribable pressure.

But no matter what, I have to win this game!

With a cold look in his eyes, Jiang Xun shouted, "Double axe fighting a dragon, dragon dance!"


With the roar of the two-axe fighting dragon, his aura suddenly soared, and blood gleamed in those scarlet eyes.

With the rumbling sound of hitting the ground, the two-axe fighting dragon rushed towards Regais, and the dragon's claws flashed with a sharp luster!

The two-axe dragon roared, but Regais just stood there silently.

Standing on the ice sheet, the ice crystals falling from the sky, exuding a suffocating chill.

The corners of Lu Cheng's mouth rose slightly.

"Frozen Wind!"


Regais' yellow beads suddenly burst into red light!

The roaring cold current came, wrapped in ice flowers all over the sky, and cut like a sharp blade on the body of the two-axe fighting dragon.

This icy wind, like a cold wave, is as powerful as a blizzard, turning the entire field into a vast expanse of white!

The cold wind howled, Jiang Xun shouted: "Double axe to fight the dragon, use the earthquake!"

The blizzard completely obscured the sight of the two-axe fighting dragon, and in the roar, the indestructible dragon tail slammed against the ice.

But the ice didn't crack.

It seems that the earthquake of the two-axes and dragons can't shake the frozen ice surface at all!

"Not only the surface, but even the ground has been frozen into extremely hard frozen soil by Regais."

Han Qing said solemnly, "No, this can already be called an ice field."

Looking at Regais, Han Qing said with deep eyes: "This is precisely Regais' powerful control over ice!"

A sense of danger suddenly rose, Jiang Xun's pupils shrank, and he said urgently, "Double axe and dragon, get out of that position!"

"Do you realize that?" Lu Cheng smiled slightly, his eyes stern. "Unfortunately, it's too late!"

"Regis, lock it!"


The cold wind howled, and in the white snowstorm, the painful roar of the two-axe fighting dragon sounded!

An ice flower quietly landed on the armor of the two-axe dragon, which instantly froze the metal armor into ice.

And hard ice edges rose from the ice surface, freezing the feet of the two-axe fighting dragon, and directly imprisoning it in place!

"The freezing wind reduced the speed of the double-axe dragon." Ding Lei shouted, "and the ice edge directly imprisoned the double-axle dragon."

"This terrifying suppression ability makes the Double Axe Fighting Dragon have no room to evade at all!"

Setting up the fort, UU Reading Regais's ice arm formed by the ice edge slowly raised it, aiming at the roaring two-axe battle dragon.

The extremely cold beam slowly condenses.

The next moment, the freezing beam directly penetrated the blizzard, swaying the white airflow!


This extremely freezing beam made the blizzard quietly stop.

Inside the entire wall of light, it is already a world of ice crystals!

There were sharp ice edges all around, and on the tundra, the body of a two-axe fighting dragon stood.

Reflecting the sparkling sunlight, the two-axe battle dragon has been frozen into an ice sculpture, instantly losing its ability to fight!

This terrifying suppression ability made the audience open their mouths.

Although you can think of the power of the legendary elves, this... there is absolutely no room to fight back!

This Regais was able to turn the entire field into an ice field.

If it wasn't for the wall of light to limit it, perhaps even the entire Howang's Nest would not be spared!

"This is an overwhelming victory." Ding Lei took a deep breath, "Next, let's look forward to Jiang Xun's second elf!"

Jiang Xun stood silently, taking back the two-axe battle dragon that was frozen into an ice sculpture.

But in those eyes, an even more scorching fighting intent erupted.

"Come on, Latias!"

The big red bird hovering in mid-air, the purple fluctuations slowly echoed, making an ancient and mysterious cry.

Battle of the Legendary Spirits!

Regais, face off, Latias!



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