My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 419: Different trainers, different paths (5/5)

In Lu Cheng's eyes, the armor-like blue shell of this Banquilas was covered with sharp thorns, standing like a dinosaur, with a hideous face.

It is like a ferocious beast like Godzilla, with black lines on its abdomen like a grin, and the rows of scales on its back make people shudder!

This is an incomparably ferocious and powerful behemoth, Banquilas!

The one who confronted Banquilas was also the steel beast, Boscodora.

The armor made of steel, Boscodora roared and rushed towards Banquilas, and the indestructible iron tail slammed on its body!


A roar that was enough to make the entire hall tremble.

The thick smoke dissipated, and it was actually Banquilas who knocked down Boscodora with one hand and stomped on its head with the soles of his feet!

This scene shocked everyone present, and even the narrator shouted: "This is an overwhelming advantage in power!"

"This Banquilas is very strong." Xing Feng frowned, "At least, it's no longer lost to my giant gold monster."

Lu Cheng also nodded solemnly.

The king of sandstorms, Banquilas, has a huge advantage in size.

And Dai Liancheng even cultivated this quasi-god to the quasi-king level, which shows the hard work he spent.

Boscodora was withdrawn from the Poké Ball, the red light flashed, and a sturdy monster appeared on the field.

As a fighting spirit with four times the restraint of Banquilas, once on the stage, the strange force swung a blasting fist with great strides!

"This strange force has no defensive characteristics!" the commentator shouted, "Once it hits, Banquilas will definitely lose its fighting ability!"

At this moment, Banquilas suddenly roared, and for a while, the wind was blowing!

"It's coming!" Xing Feng narrowed his eyes, his eyes awe-inspiring.

The violent flying sand and stone slashed through the body of the strange force like a knife,

With the pounding of Banquilas, there was a rumbling vibration on the ground!

"Yangsha's character can be controlled." Xing Feng explained, "Release the sandstorm at a critical moment will have unexpected and miraculous effects."

"And right now, Banquilas is counterattacking with sandstorms!"

In the yellow sand in the sky, the strange force even lost its direction, and had no choice but to continue dashing forward.

However, a loud vibration sounded, and the entire field was cracked open, swallowing the strange force!

Instant kill!

Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

He even used the sandstorm to interfere with the judgment of the trainer and the elves.

Even, the sandstorm, which was supposed to be an offensive method, was used as a defensive counterattack technique.

This vision and judgment are really quite old-fashioned!

"That's why Dai Liancheng is called, the 'Barrier of Sandstorm'." Xing Feng narrowed his eyes.

"It is said that as long as there is a sandstorm, his joint defense will be indestructible."

During the conversation, the opponent released the water arrow turtle, trying to break through the sandstorm in Banquilas.

However, Dai Liancheng has already replaced Banquilas and sent a green soft-shelled creature.

It was a sticky blue liquid, but the shell of this elf was dark green like seaweed, and even had three round eyes on its head.

This sea hare in the shape of the East China Sea made Lu Cheng's scalp numb.

"Player Dai Liancheng sent the sea rabbit beast!" The commentator praised, "Excellent prediction, perfectly resisted the breakout of the water arrow turtle!"

Li Qi returned to Li Qi, Lu Cheng was still pre-judged by Dai Liancheng for the show.

Sea Rabbit is an elves of the water and ground system, with strong defense and recovery capabilities.

The water diversion feature also allows it to perfectly restrain the water arrow turtle and become the team's joint defense.

"Not only that." As if seeing Lu Cheng's surprise, Xing Feng said solemnly,

"Dai Liancheng trained this sea hare in a targeted manner."

"In addition to the water diversion characteristics, it also developed the power of sand in its body, which can perfectly fit the sandstorm."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the khaki energy in the rising sand continuously gathering towards the sea rabbit beast.

The surging ground power formed a terrifying power of the earth, which instantly overturned the water arrow turtle.

Couldn't break through Dai Liancheng's zone defense, and in the end, this player, who is famous for his strong attacking style, finally lost the game helplessly.

"It's really old-fashioned." Xing Feng said with emotion, "Whether it's a command or a judgment, it's flawless."

"If I were to command these elves, I might be in a hurry before long."

Lu Cheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The Sandstorm team is a team with extremely high operational requirements. After all, the resistance is not very good.

Taking Banquilas as an example, he has seven weaknesses, including fighting, water, and grass. If he is not careful, he will be easily killed.

On the other hand, Dai Liancheng turned the Sandstorm team into an indestructible barrier.

The transition between offense and defense only took a split second, and he was so skillful that he could do it at his fingertips.

This commanding art is really worth learning.

Suddenly, Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Dai Liancheng's style seems to be completely different from Xingfeng!

Xing Feng also smiled awkwardly: "Well, I think it's better for the elves to play by themselves."

"What a trainer has to do is to make judgments at the most critical moment. Commands that are too detailed are likely to limit the elves' imagination."


"That's right, the imagination of battles and moves." Xing Feng smiled slightly, "You should feel the same way."

"Very ordinary moves will produce different effects in the hands of different trainers and different elves."

"I've seen your game. Take the Nine-tailed Purgatory as an example. You made it into the realm of the Sea of ​​Fire."

"And the Fire King, Tu Ming, likes to use Purgatory as a powerful burning move."

"Imagination." Xing Feng grinned happily, "Every battle, every move, is a different experience for me."

"This is exactly what I realized on the road to becoming a champion." Xing Feng laughed.

"If you have the opportunity, you can also go there to experience it, it will be of great help to you!"

"Okay, it's time for me to prepare for my next game, bye!"

Looking at Xing Feng who was leaving, Lu Cheng fell into deep thought.

It is said that Xing Feng once fought with five trainers at the same time in the championship road.

Under this circumstance is bound to be impossible to conduct a comprehensive command.

And Xing Feng, just letting go of the elves, used this independent battle to the extreme.

"Different trainers, different paths?" Lu Cheng lowered his head and suddenly grinned.

Why do you think so much.

The big deal is to beat them all.

Using the opponent's strongest field to crush the opponent, this is exactly my path!

Lowering the brim of his hat, Lu Cheng walked towards the training cabin with awe-inspiring eyes.


Two days later, in Xing Feng's battle, his giant golden monster showed an extremely terrifying suppressing power.

Still an almost omitted command, the giant golden monster used its computing power to play with the opponent's elves between applause.

The second and third sprites he appeared on were the self-exploding Magneto that could be called a chassis, and a gear set with powerful hardware.

The rotation between these three elves seems to be a self-contained system, and there is no need for Xing Feng to take action.

The final four of the competition are officially decided.

Lu Cheng, Xing Feng, Dai Liancheng, and Zhong Jianshu, the champion of the South China Division.

With much attention, the results of the lottery were officially announced.

Dai Liancheng, against Zhong Jianshu

Lu Cheng, against Xing Feng!

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