My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 426: National Competition Finals (Mon/Fri)

National competition, final.

The helicopter hovered above the Phoenix King's Nest, and the hostess said loudly to the camera: "Dear viewers, we are now at the finals of the national competition!"

"What I'm going to bring to you is the most high-profile talent trainer Lu Cheng, and the powerful showdown between Sandstorm team professional player Dai Liancheng!"

"We can see that all the facilities are ready to be in place, and the audience cheers one after another!"

The mighty cheers were heard clearly even from the helicopter.

With colorful **** and cheerleaders dancing like waves, the main venue of the Phoenix Nest, which can accommodate 50,000 people, was packed!

In the audience, a red tyrannosaur with a ferocious expression seemed to be able to hear its vibrating roar as the fans danced.

And the leading old man was the fan who cheered for Jiangnan University in the national competition that year.

Waving a huge flag, the old man was shirtless, revealing the hideous dragon tattoo, and shouted:

"Lu Cheng—"

"come on!!"

The commentator's voice sounded, pushing the atmosphere of the audience to a climax.

"Hello, viewers, my name is Ding Lei, the commentator!"

"Next, let's invite players from both sides to appear!"

The audience suddenly became restless.

"Come, come, Lushen is about to appear!"

"Crossing this mountain, Xiaolucheng will rush for the Lord!"

In the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami, Lu Cheng slowly appeared in a dark red shirt and a brim hat with the Poké Ball logo.

Ding Lei's voice immediately sounded: "Now standing in front of you is the best individual in the National College League, the most influential young scholar, the father of Fairy Ibrahimovic, the youngest master trainer in history..."

"The overall champion of the South China Division, the legendary elf trainer, the strongest person in the younger generation, Lu Cheng!!"

Cheers and laughter sounded, cheering and cheering like a tidal wave.

Listening to this long passage, Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, he has already achieved so many achievements along the way.

But right now, the title Lu Cheng wanted most was nothing more than the trophy in front of him.

Lu Cheng's eyes were stern.

When this game is over, another legendary title may be added to the list!

Slowly stepping onto the battlefield, Lu Cheng slowly raised his fist.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Cheng wanted to quiet the audience.

Lu Cheng extended his hand beside his ear and made a listening gesture.

Not enough... these are far from enough.

Let the cheers be more enthusiastic!

In an instant, the whole venue was boiling.

Arrogant, too arrogant!

But it is youth and strength that give Lu Cheng such arrogant capital!

"Damn, this is too arrogant, too appetizing!"

"No matter how they say they are already the runner-up, they have the qualifications to be arrogant!"

"Road God is awesome!!"

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, several heavenly kings looked down at the battlefield and couldn't help but sigh, "It's nice to be young."

"It's not a good thing for young people to be too high-profile." Tu Ming smiled slightly, but he couldn't hide the admiration in his eyes.

"Of course, people don't frivolously despise young people!"

"Maybe it's this confidence, let him go all the way to the present." Han Qing smiled.

Ding Lei shouted: "This will be the most disparity in age in the history of the national finals!"

Dai Liancheng stepped onto the stage slowly, with a resolute face and a meticulous look.

His temples have begun to gray, and his more than ten years of training as a trainer has allowed him to repeatedly appear on the stage of national competitions.

Maybe because of bad luck, he seems to be half a step away from that trophy forever.

But now, standing on the biggest stage of the national competition, Dai Liancheng has rekindled his belief in victory!

Dai Liancheng's cheers were no less than Lu Cheng's.

This is the sincere respect and support for the veteran Dai Liancheng from the audience all over the country!

"Dai Liancheng is a professional trainer. He has participated in rescue work for many years!"

"It's a pity, the talent is so high, and the elves have suffered heavy casualties... It's really a pity!"

"It's a hot experience! I support Dai Liancheng in this game!"

As the players on both sides stood still, the referee stepped onto the stage.

On the big screen, the terrain of the match also began to be randomly selected.

In the limelight, the topographic map kept beating and finally landed on the rocky terrain.

For a while, the audience exclaimed in surprise.

"This is really beneficial to Dai Liancheng's Sandstorm Team!"

"Lu Cheng's team played at high speed. There are too many obstacles in this terrain."

"Don't worry, this is only the terrain in the first half. When the third battle is over, the venue will be changed."

"Lu Cheng, come on!!"

With the rumbling sound of machinery, the field rose, and the rocky terrain with strange rocks appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes.

This terrain is full of jagged rock pillars and blue boulders, which is a match for the weathered desert terrain.

For Dai Liancheng's team, this is like a duck to water!

Even the unsmiling Dai Liancheng nodded slightly and said solemnly, "We can choose to change the terrain."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

In principle, the terrain can be changed as long as both players agree.

But this kind of terrain is obviously beneficial to Dai Liancheng, and it is unexpected that he is willing to change it.

Lu Cheng was a little moved and smiled: "It's alright, maybe the terrain in the second half is good for me?"

Hearing this, Dai Liancheng nodded. "Assigned."

"Please release the elves from both players at the same time!" The referee's voice sounded.

"The rocky terrain is very beneficial to the team of Dalian City."

Ding Lei explained in time, "On this kind of terrain, Lu Cheng's tyrannical carp dragon would be easily injured by the rock pillar."

Bao Xing also nodded and said, "And rocks can also become obstacles. This is really the best terrain for Dailian City, who is good at zone defense."

Suddenly, sand and rocks flew on the field, and a chilling roar made everyone tremble.

"Dai Liancheng has sent Banquilas!" Ding Lei shouted, "The sandstorm is coming!"

The terrifying sandstorm raged in the rocks, and the sound of clicking was enough to make the scalp tingle!

"Player Lu Cheng... sent a fossil pterosaur who is good at aerial combat!"

"Although the Fossil Pterosaur will not be hurt by blowing sand, the sandstorm will also affect the flight of the Fossil Pterosaur!"

Flashing red Roaring fossil pterosaurs hovered in the air.

The yellow sand was almost obscuring the sky, and only a shadow as terrifying as Godzilla could be vaguely discerned.

Flying against the wind, the speed of the fossil pterosaur was greatly affected, and it could only do its best to flap its wings.

"Fossil pterosaur, use Tailwind!"

The gust of wind whistled, and through the tailwind of the fossilized pterosaur's wings, it blew away the yellow sand in the sky, revealing the figure of Banquilas.

"Sharp stone attack!" Dai Liancheng shouted.

The booming rock thorns protruded from the ground in rows, unexpectedly jumping out of the ten-meter-high rock thorns, suddenly poking at the fossilized pterosaur in midair!

But with the blessing of the speed under the wind, the fossilized pterosaur just avoided the ridged rock spurs and hovered in the sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun.

The yellow sand blown away by the wind engulfed the entire sky once again.

And as the fossilized pterosaur circled, small but sharp rock spikes drilled out from the bottom of Banquilas's feet.

Once you let the elves step on these rock spikes, you will definitely feel the pain!

This is exactly the invisible rock used by the fossil pterosaurs!

Under the cover of sandstorms, these rock spikes become more stealthy and deadly!

"Fossil pterosaur!" Lu Cheng yelled, "Use Roar!"


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