My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 449: The road of heaven belonging to Lu Cheng

Lu Cheng survived the rescue work in Kyrgyzstan, causing a shock to the entire association.

According to the report after the incident, Lu Cheng couldn't help but solve the riot of the flying elves, and went to the dangerous situation to calm Yveltal's recovery.

This kind of achievement, apart from admiration, can't find enough words to describe it.

It's just a headache for the association, about Lu Cheng's reward.

Among the heavenly kings, they knew that Lu Cheng had gained the friendship between Emperor Yan and King Feng.

This is why the association agreed that Lu Cheng would be the leader of the Rockets.

Now, what Lu Cheng needs is the resources to advance to the Heavenly King, and fame and title are not very important.

A trainer who is not from an elven family has reached a height comparable to that of a heavenly king. This is something that no one can imagine.

In the end, the association decided that in addition to tilting the Rockets in terms of resources,

It also improved Lu Cheng's position in the association.

"The general director of the Jiangcheng Elf Association?" Lu Cheng opened his eyes in surprise.

"That's right." Jiang Ziqian nodded solemnly, "This is still the youngest general director in the history of the association branch."

"Is there any privilege to be the general director of the Jiangcheng Association?" Lu Cheng asked curiously.

Jiang Ziqian coughed vigorously and raised his head, expressing that he did not understand.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but give Jiang Ziqian a blank look.

Forget it, I'll figure it out myself.

In terms of rank, Guo Zhang belongs to the head of the Armed Forces of the South China Division.

Compared with Lu Cheng's chief director of the city association, he was on the same level.

But what is certain is that this means that Lu Cheng has been recognized by the association.

The resources tilted towards the Rockets will also feed back Lu Cheng to a certain extent and promote the improvement of Lu Cheng's strength.

"By the way, this is what Alanza asked me to give you."

Jiang Ziqian stretched out his hand and handed Lu Cheng the diamonds that circulated in brilliance.

"This, this is Diancie's diamond?"

Lu Cheng looked at this crystal clear diamond with pink luster, and was a little dazed.

"Yes, there is no market at all in the market."

"This is for you." Jiang Ziqian hesitated for a while, "Thank you."

A life-saving grace?

Lu Cheng grinned, and generously took the diamond into his arms.

"By the way, Jiang Tianwang." Lu Cheng suddenly said, "Do you know which country is suitable for me to practice?"

"You want to go abroad?" Jiang Ziqian pondered for a while.

"Indeed, with your current strength, you can indeed consider the examination of the Heavenly King."

"Different countries have different styles of trainers." Jiang Ziqian explained,

"The trainers in North America have a soft spot for Mega Evolution. The world champion has mastered three Mega Evolutions and can use them at the same time in battle."

Lu Cheng's expression couldn't help but become strange.

Tyrannosaurus, Lizard King, Lucario... I seem to have mastered three of them now, right?

However, the most important thing is the condition of "use at the same time".

The power of the waveguide greatly improved Lu Cheng's spirit.

But at this time in the battle, Lu Cheng could only use two Mega Evolutions at the same time.

If you can exercise your physical and mental strength, you should be able to use three Mega Evolutions at the same time.

North America was temporarily ruled out by Lu Cheng.

After all, Mega Evolution can come at any time, there is no hurry.

Jiang Ziqian continued:

"European trainers pay attention to the cultivation of elves themselves, and even a giant rock snake appeared in the European competition. The strength is amazing."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled.

As early as two years ago, he had heard that research on maximalization was being carried out in Europe.

If you think about it this way, maybe the gigantic transformation will come out soon, right?

"Oceania, including trainers in Hawaii, likes to develop the potential of elves in moves, and pays attention to the power and personal style of moves." But Jiang Ziqian shook his head.

"But I don't like that group of trainers. They're too exaggerated. They're like coordinators."

Lu Cheng laughed awkwardly.

Indeed, he wasn't very interested in the Z move either.

Besides, it's another matter whether the haunted animals in Hawaii can be found.

"Finally, it's our part of Asia." Jiang Ziqian said solemnly, "Lu Cheng, the trainer of China, focuses on improving himself."

"All-round development of morality, intelligence and physique, this is something you learned in the trainer school, right?"

Lu Cheng had no choice but to nod his head.

"As for Neon, we attach great importance to the inheritance of the gymnasium." Jiang Ziqian said with his arms wrapped around him,

"The heavenly king over there is generally specialized in a single attribute."

"If you plan to specialize in a certain department in the future, I suggest you to travel around Asia first."

Lu Cheng couldn't help falling into thought.

He had heard Du Zhe before, about the differences between heavenly kings.

Some heavenly kings will choose to use sandstorms, hail and other weather as the core of their system.

Derivatives include the famous Sandstorm King and Snow King in the World Championship.

After entering the heavenly king, some trainers will choose to make breakthroughs in attributes.

For example, Tu Ming's Flaming Bird, and Heluga, who has the characteristics of igniting fire, pursue the ultimate fire.

Even if the water element restrains the fire element, for the heavenly king who pursues attributes, this restraint can be minimized.

As for the third category of heavenly kings.

The pursuit is the trainer's own understanding of elves.

This kind of heavenly king is not fixed in a certain team, and often a team of elves can be re-bred in two or three years.

The Fraud Team, the Saling Team... Through tactics and command, these weaker teams can also defeat other Heavenly Kings.

This is the king who pursues the ultimate tactics!

"Looking at your expression, you should have already decided where to go to practice." Jiang Xun smiled slightly.

"Du Zhe should have told you about the categories of heavenly What are your thoughts, which way do you want to go?"

If the system is based on sunny day tactics, Lu Cheng should specialize in the weather.

But when it comes to attributes, Lu Cheng has a deep understanding of the flight system.

As for tactics...

This kind of heavenly king is like a rival party that pursues high difficulty in the game, but it may be the most difficult to deal with.

Lu Cheng pondered for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist.

"I want it all!"

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Jiang Ziqian was slightly startled, then shook his head and smiled, "Sunny Tactics, you can continue to learn from Du Zhe."

"As for the flight department, Senior Li Yunfei is the best teacher."

"Also, don't put too much pressure on you, after all, your strength is already... forget it."

Jiang Ziqian coughed hard and couldn't help thinking of his son who was still training.

Without comparison, there is no harm!

"Come on!" Jiang Ziqian sighed, patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder, and walked away.

Staying in place, Lu Cheng fell into deep thought.

The first stop, let's set it at Neon.

But before that, you can slow down.

After all, it's time for Lu Cheng to think about his path as a king.

: . :

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