My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 451: We Rockets are all legitimate business (2/4)

Today is a special day for Liu Shengnan.

Because of the boss whose tail is not visible, he finally remembered that he still has Team Rocket to manage!

Liu Shengnan gritted his teeth, covered his dark circles with large-frame glasses, and pressed the elevator button as if venting.

On the 30th floor of the top floor of the Rockets Building, Lu Cheng's office is located in the widest and widest field of vision.

There are floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides, which can witness the rise of new buildings around.

With the planning of the trainer school, a large number of developers and businesses have also arrived, and the construction of residential and commercial areas is also being prepared.

It won't be long before this place will become a golden area where every inch of land is worth every inch of land. The landmark is this splendid Rocket Team Building.

Could it be that this is also in Lu Cheng's plan?

Liu Shengnan was suddenly stunned.

But when she thought about it, she was so angry that her teeth itch.

The elevator door opened, the sun shone in from the glass windows, and fragrant green plants were on both sides of the corridor.

Pushing open the office door, Liu Shengnan was stunned.

Under the dim overhead light, the solemn-looking man, like a godfather, stroked a beautiful nine-tailed in his palm.

Nine Tails' ruby-like pupils radiated an intoxicating light, quietly watching Liu Shengnan.

"You're here." He put one hand on his cheek and spoke hoarsely.

For a while, Liu Shengnan only felt that his anger just now disappeared.

In a trance, Liu Shengnan was a little stunned.

Although I don't want to admit it,

But this kid seems to be quite a leader...

Shaking his head, Liu Shengnan gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't turn on the lights during the day, you're acting like a ghost!"

Lu Cheng chuckled: "Don't tell me, even the sofa comes with its own massage, which is quite impressive!"

Well, the charisma of leadership just now has collapsed to a complete mess.

Liu Shengnan sighed tiredly, "You have to attend the opening ceremony of the trainer school in two days."

"After all, you are the principal in name. Before you are out of breath, let's attract more high-quality students."

"Why are you so out of breath!" Lu Cheng was shocked, "Isn't my national champion not good enough?"

Liu Shengnan sneered and said nothing.

With a light cough, Lu Cheng pressed the button.

The electronic curtains on all sides are opened, and the sun is a golden area in the ascendant.

"Speaking of which, I really have business to look for you."

"You think of me when you have business affairs?" Liu Shengnan sneered, "I'm just a wage earner!"

Lu Cheng snorted awkwardly.

"Do you know the specific process of applying for a gym in the magic capital?"

"Gym?" Liu Shengnan was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

"You need to have the title of master, get the approval of the association, and you need to prepare a lot of troublesome proofs."

"What?" Liu Shengnan looked at Lu Cheng, a little bewildered, "Are you planning to set up a gym?"

"It's not very good to have a gym to promote the Rockets." Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

"If you see a suitable trainer, take the opportunity to bring it under your command, and become the same team, wouldn't it be beautiful!"

"It seems reasonable for you to say so."

Liu Shengnan nodded strangely: "But your gym owner has been running out for the past three days. What about the challengers who come to the door?"

"Then raise the threshold of the challenge!" Lu Cheng showed a hideous expression, "If we want to do it, we will make it the most difficult gym in the country!"

"But those people in the association..."

"Forgot to tell you, I'm already the president of the Jiangcheng Association." Lu Cheng smiled coldly.

"Even at the national conference, I have the right to speak!"

I always feel that your prime minister will be dismissed soon...

Liu Shengnan murmured secretly, and was suddenly stunned.

Slow down.

If you add that, the pavilion owners who have joined Team Rocket, the forces behind them, and even the branches that are being prepared in each region...

In this way, it seems that the Rockets are already very active...

"Don't worry, what we do is legitimate business."

Seeing Liu Shengnan's worries, Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

"In the case of the gym, I only need to let a few elves guard it, I really can't let Mewtwo..."

How can you let the divine beast guard the gym for you!

Let Mewtwo play, how can anyone get the badge!

Liu Shengnan held his forehead with a headache and groaned, "Forget it... I don't care."

"I'll keep an eye on the right area for you. If someone from the Supervision Bureau comes to you, I'll be the first to run away!"

"Don't worry, the Rockets are a serious organization." Lu Cheng smiled and nodded.

"By the way, speaking of Mewtwo, how is Professor Liu's research going?"

Liu Shengnan said sternly: "It's in the scientific research area below, you can go and see for yourself."

"About the 'Super Dream' you mentioned... Maybe, the day it will come out soon."


Liu Bosheng really loves this little guy in the training cabin.

Any knowledge, as long as it is read once, it can be learned immediately.

Even in the IQ test, it completely crushed the artificial cell egg created by Liu Bosheng.

Of course, what Liu Bosheng was most concerned about was the character of this little guy.

Perhaps due to the influence of Lu Cheng's genes, the characteristics of this little guy are manifested in... the house.

Tian Tian held the comic book that Lu Li secretly collected and couldn't put it down.

As a result, in less than two days, the little guy has already drawn an entire comic by himself.

Liu Bosheng only glanced at it twice, his face flushed red, and he was so angry that he tore up all Lu Li's comic books.

"Lu Cheng is talking about the truth, the good and the beautiful, so why don't you show him this kind of thing!"

Lu Li bowed his head submissively, and whispered secretly, "Isn't this true, good and beautiful enough..."

At this moment, a pair of small hands in the incubation cabin stuck to the glass.

The blue light rose, Liu Bosheng only felt that most of his anger had disappeared, and even his breathing became much smoother.

Looking at the breeding cabin, Liu Bosheng couldn't help but smile: "Thank you, little guy!"


The whole white, kitten-like elf circled happily for a few times, and the long purple nerve bundles on the back swayed like braids.

If Lu Cheng was present, he would definitely cry out in surprise.

Because this Mewtwo is different from the somewhat ruthless divine beast in Lu Cheng's impression.

Instead, she looks like a has feline characteristics, stretches out short arms and legs, and looks a little cute super dream.

Mega Super Dream Y!

An evolution that can be completed by Mewtwo's own power without going through the Mega Stone.

Unexpectedly, through the research of Liu Bosheng and others, Chaomeng Y was created directly!

"Okay, it's time for a routine check."

Through the glass, Liu Bosheng touched Chao Meng's head with a smile.

Chao Meng also danced up and down happily, then lay down on the glass, widening those big flickering eyes.

Returning to scientific research, Liu Bosheng's expression became serious, and calmly said: "The first test stage—

"You draw I guess!"

Chao Meng glanced at the display screen, took out the graffiti board, and began to draw quickly.

After a while, Chaomeng pointed the graffiti board at Liu Bosheng and others,

"It's hard to guess." Liu Bosheng frowned, "Hat?"

"No, no, there's obviously a Poké Ball next to it!"

"What is this long block, a cloak or a cape?"

"I see!" Lu Li suddenly shouted, "Chaomeng, it's Lu Cheng!"

"Ugh!" Mewtwo nodded excitedly.

Standing at the door, Lu Cheng, who seemed a little confused, scratched his head:

"Which one of you called me just now?"

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