My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 454: Doubles! To any national champion! (2 in 1)

The former champion of the national competition, named Ye Chenghai, once practiced in Qinghai Gymnasium for a long time.

In the national competition, Ye Chenghai's use of the water system was once hailed as a textbook-like understanding.

But in the past three years, Ye Chenghai has not been able to break through the bottleneck of the heavenly king level. It is said that this is also related to the path he has taken.

Chen Dayong exhorted Ye Chenghai's deeds, "You can ask him about his attributes in the battle later."

"After all, Ye Chenghai takes the route of specializing in the water system, so maybe it can inspire you as well."

Lu Cheng nodded.

Although the specific path has not been set, but contacting these seniors can also have the effect of bypassing.

Jiangnan University, Athletics Center.

Wearing glasses, a bookish middle-aged man smiled and nodded to Chen Dayong.

"This one should be Lu Cheng." Ye Chenghai looked up and down and said with a smile, "There are talents in Jiangshan!"

"Mr. Ye, I would like to ask you for some insights on attributes." Lu Cheng said straight to the point.

"I want to use this method to decide the direction of my future specialization."

Ye Chenghai also became serious, nodded and said, "In the beginning, I also struggled with this for a long time."

"You also know that specializing in a certain attribute is quite disadvantageous in battle."

"But... maybe it's out of love for water elves." Ye Chenghai smiled.

"Although it is indeed difficult to become a king, but I am still working hard."

Chen Dayong smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, please give Lu Cheng some pointers, so that he won't be too public!"

"It's really hard to tell." Ye Chenghai shook his head with a smile, "I can only say, ask each other for advice."

"But when I came back, I didn't bring all the elves with me, or else I'd play doubles." Ye Chenghai adjusted his glasses,

"You also know that doubles is a mandatory format for the World Series... You should also be preparing for next year's World Series, right?"

Lu Cheng nodded and said with a smile, "Then let's play doubles!"

Lu Cheng also wanted to try some tactics in doubles.

After all, if you want to become the king of tactics, you need to pay special attention to both doubles and singles.

"I'll be the referee." Chen Dayong was also a little excited.

After all, this is a contest between national champions, and the admission fee is quite expensive!

Lu Cheng and Ye Chenghai came to the venues on both sides.

Before the game started, the students who arrived after hearing the news surrounded the stadium.

"Have you heard that the two national champions are going to have a doubles match at our school!"

"In the competition center, Senior Lu Cheng will face Master Ye Chenghai!"

"It's over, I'm afraid Lushen is going to kill him again!"

"Attribute restraint! Ye Chenghai is proficient in the water system, so he restrains the road **** team too much!"

Between the voices, red lights flickered on the field.

Ye Chenghai's elf appeared, which attracted bursts of cheers.

The graceful Minas has two cherry-colored eyebrows raised, a milky white body winding, and four gleaming fish scales on the tail.

As described in the illustrated book, Minas is an elf with extreme beauty.

Ye Chenghai's other elf is also eye-catching.

The arrogant Koga Ninja Frog stood straight with arms around his arms, and his scarlet tongue turned into a scarf around his neck, exuding a ninja temperament.

When Jiahe Ninja opened his eyes, those sharp eyes instantly locked on Lu Cheng.

This made Lu Cheng grin and couldn't help but get excited.

Because Ye Chenghai didn't despise him because of his age.

On the contrary, in this doubles match, Ye Chenghai released his two ace cards as soon as he came up!

"This is the result of my experience in the past three years." Ye Chenghai smiled slightly, but his eyes were extremely sharp, "Although the road is a bit long, I still fulfill it step by step!"

In the cheers, Lu Cheng closed his eyes, thinking about the tactics and the elves who would play.

Of course, when he saw Ye Chenghai's two, he already had the answer.

The icy aura erupted suddenly on the field, and everyone felt a chill that chilled their spines.

When he focused again, the Lizard King was standing there quietly, his scarlet eyes locked on the Koga Ninja frog, and he stretched out his letter and licked the corner of his mouth.

It feels that this is an opponent that is enough to fight!

"The Lizard King of the Road God, but he grew up all the way from the U20 competition!"

"Both sides have sent ace cards. It seems that this game is not just an exhibition match!"

"This... why is this nine tails so beautiful!"

Enchanting and noble steps, each step is full of a fiery fire lotus.

The nine tails stretched wildly, showing the temperament of an empress looking down on the world to the fullest!

The red pupils flowed, and Nine Tails looked at Minas, but his eyes were full of disdain.

This is the self-confidence that belongs to the nine tails, a kind of aura and absolute confidence in psychology!

"Your elves have been cultivated quite well." Ye Chenghai said with a smile, "And... they seem to be very similar."

"No, I'm better than you." Lu Cheng grinned and said this like a joke.

Ye Chenghai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

Today's young people... Maybe they have forgotten about the national competition three years ago.

Three years ago, I had already reached the top, but three years later, how could I stop moving forward!

When he raised his eyes again, Ye Chenghai's eyes were already full of fighting intent, as if a flame was burning.

"The game begins!" Chen Dayong blew his whistle.

"Pray for rain!"

"Sunny day!"

Almost at the same time, Lu Cheng and Ye Chenghai gave orders.

The moisture in the air condenses into water droplets at a speed visible to the naked eye, but before it forms rain fog, it evaporates into hissing water vapor.

Nine tails and Minas refused to give in to each other, and the large-character explosions and water cannons fired at the same time!

Boom! !

There was a lot of water mist on the field.

On the hazy field, the figures of two elves rose from the ground like sharp swords.

"Lizard King, use the blade!"

"Koga Ninja Frog, Shuriken of Water!"

The dazzling rays of light bloomed from the mist.

The dazzling and crystal grass-type energy condensed in the arms of the Lizard King, drawing a graceful arc of the full moon.

And the water **** in Koga Ninja's hands gathered into a large shuriken, facing the blade of the Lizard King.


The Shuriken of Water was scattered by the blade in an instant, but the corner of Koga Ninja's mouth raised strangely upwards.

The scattered water droplets formed tiny shuriken in the air, flying towards the Lizard King from all directions!

The shuriken sank into the Lizard King's body, and immediately made it look hideous, but Ye Ren's double slashes still swung towards the abdomen of the Koga Ninja frog.

Appearing in front of the Koga Ninja frog is a thin layer of water curtain.

Resisting the damage of the leaf blade, the Koga Ninja frog jumped in the air, and touched the ground with its toes.

"Minas, the freezing beam!"

In line with the turbulent water fluctuations, the freezing beam freezes it into sharp ice needles that fly at an astonishing speed!

This terrifying move that exudes cold air made everyone present gasp for breath.

"If it hits, I'm afraid it won't be tied into a sieve!"

"Ye Chenghai's understanding of the water system is too deep, and he is not at all disadvantaged in the face of the grass system!"

"Fuck, what kind of cooperation is this, it can be avoided!?"

In a flash of lightning, the two blades of the Lizard King left two beautiful curved beams.

The flame vortex entwined on both sides of the Lizard King's double blades, as if covered in flames, and all the ice needles that flew towards the Lizard King were all melted by the flames!

"Is there a tacit understanding between the two elves?" Ye Chenghai nodded slightly, his eyes awe-inspiring, "Minas, blizzard!!"

As Minas raised his upper body, the icy cold wind whistled, and the terrifying chill formed a roaring frost dragon that devoured the two elves!

"This, what is this! This is actually a blizzard!?"

"The humidity in the air has risen, **** it, it's the water mist that evaporated before!"

"The previous moves against each other made the entire field a lot of invisible water vapor!"

"The charm of the water system lies in moisturizing things silently."

Ye Chenghai stood beside the field, looked at the circling frost giant dragon, and muttered to himself.

"And once the water is strong, it will form a terrifying giant wave that devours everything!"

However, Ye Chenghai suddenly opened his eyes.

Years of intuition made him quickly give instructions.

"Minas, surfing; Koga Ninja frog, shadow clone!"

In the belly of the amazing frost dragon, a scorching fireball kept beating like a heart.

The temperature continued to rise, everyone's eyes widened, the fireball became more and more red, and the terrifying flame expanded!

Suddenly, the entire ice dragon was blown up!

On the ground, a ring of fire spread along the ground towards Minas, instantly surrounding the entire field.

The purgatory of the nine tails formed a tornado of flames circling one after another, and the walls of fire on all sides rose into the sky!

Seeing that Purgatory was about to wrap the two elves, Minas suddenly set off a turbulent wave.

The purgatory that has not yet erupted was instantly extinguished by the surf!

"Koga Ninja Frog, Shuriken of Water!"

A shadow avatar appeared in the sky, and a sharp shuriken condensed in the hands of Koga Ninja, and flew towards the center of the flames!

At this moment, in front of everyone's eyes, there was only a flash of sword light.

Ye Chenghai opened his eyes in disbelief.

With just a wave of sword light, it ripped apart the shadow avatar in the sky, and even with the body of the Koga Ninja frog, it also left deep scars on its abdomen!

After being stunned for a moment, Ye Chenghai asked suspiciously, "Sun... Sun beam?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "There is one more trick."

Ye Chenghai looked at the venue subconsciously, and saw a raging flame in Jiuwei's mouth.

The scorching fire burst out, roasting the ground to the point of cracking, and rolling in with a sea of ​​fire!

This is a fire-type ultimate move, explosive flames!

"Jiahe Ninja, a stand-in!" Ye Chenghai shouted, "Minas, water cannon!"

In an instant, the Koga Ninja Frog split into two, and the clone, together with the main body, shot out a surging water cannon.

And Minas' water cannon also blasted out, and the three streams of water converged and flew toward the fireball!

Boom! !

With a violent explosion, the entire venue began to shake.

There was silence in the audience for a while.

"This is the confrontation between the national champions?"

"This is too scary!"

"As long as you survive this move, the Spirit of the Road God will not have the energy to act!"

The sky was filled with mist, and the scene on the field could not be seen clearly, but it seemed that the four elves were all affected by the explosion.

Ye Chenghai also saw this, gritted his teeth and said, "Minas, regenerate yourself!"

"Koga Ninja frog, use the secret attack!"

A cold light flickered.

The Koga Ninja frog, which flew out quickly, suddenly sensed a strong sense of crisis.

Koga Ninja, who made a decision in an instant, turned sideways to dodge, and turned to the water shuriken to attack.

At the same time, a large number of blades shot out from the misty mist like sharp blades!

Flying Leaf Storm! !

There was an exclamation from the audience.

"Using water mist to cover Feiye Storm's starting action, your hearts for playing tactics are too dirty!"

"Did the Koga Ninja Frog notice it? It can be avoided!"

The sharp blade of the blade landed on Minas' body, and it tore apart its milky white body in an instant, blood splashed, and a sharp scream came out.

At the same time, the Koga Ninja Frog passed by the Lizard King, and the sharp shuriken fell straight down at Kyuubi's neck!

However, at this moment, a severe pain spread to the Koga Ninja frog along the arm.

On its arm, there are already scorch marks hit by the ghost fire!

"It's over." Lu Cheng's eyes were stern.

Ye Chenghai was suddenly shocked.

"Minas, use the water cannon!"

"Koga Ninja Frog, Shuriken of Water!"

The surging water cannons gathered.

A large amount of water mist condensed, forming a crystal clear large shuriken.

"Nine tails, the big characters explode!"

"Lizard King, Iai Slash!"

The collision of flames and rapids.

The confrontation between the blade blade and the flying water shuriken.

Boom! !

Everyone only felt a buzzing sound in their ears, and when they opened their eyes, they were already horrified!

The large-character explosion devoured Minas' water cannon and exploded violently on Minas' body.

On the other side, the emerald green blade cut a beautiful arc, shattering all the shuriken flying in the face, and slashing a deadly knife in the middle.

Boom! !

Everything calms down.

Minas and Koga Ninja fell to the ground at the same time.

Looking at the two elves who lost their ability to fight, Ye Chenghai was a little stunned.

Chen Dayong took a deep breath and blew his whistle: "Winner, Lu Cheng!"

"Road God is awesome!!"

"As expected of Senior Lu, the former national champion can defeat it!"

"It's a pity for Ye Chenghai, it has already reached the Nine Tails, alas, what a pity!"

"I see! In fact, the inverse is the tactic that Senior Lu is really good at!"

Ye Chenghai shook hands with Lu Cheng absentmindedly, swallowed and said, "You've only been training for three years, and you're still just a master?"

"Yes." Lu Cheng nodded, "I plan to go to the Heavenly King Exam next year."

Ye Chenghai's expression suddenly became strange, and even Chen Dayong coughed hard.

"I'm also planning to take the Heavenly King Exam next year." Ye Chenghai adjusted his glasses awkwardly and said with a wry smile, "When the time comes... Please give me more advice."

You know, it took Ye Chenghai more than three years to reach the bottleneck of the Heavenly King.

But what happened to this young man, half a year? three months?

If I ran into him in the battle assessment, wouldn't it be bad luck!

Lu Cheng didn't know what Ye Chenghai was thinking.

Instead, he seriously recalled the battle just now and fell into deep thought.

The water shuriken of the Koga Ninja frog, even if it faced the blade of the Lizard King, would not be defeated.

This is the expression of energy condensing to a heightened level.

And just like a vigorous flame, it can also evaporate water.

In the face of restrained attributes, Tian Wang can also play amazingly.

This gave Lu Cheng a great inspiration.

Doesn't this mean... I, the master of the inverse attribute, may really be able to advance to the title of Heavenly King?

: . :

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