My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 457: Out to sea, to Neon

It takes about two to three hours by plane to travel from the magic capital to Osaka.

As for the ferry, it would take about a day and a night.

Lu Cheng calculated the speed of the tyrannical carp dragon, touched his chin and said, "It's a rare opportunity, or else we'd better go out to sea this time with the tyrannical carp dragon."

The sea is always a man's romance.

According to the navigation of the mobile phone Rotom, even in the ocean, you can follow the established route.

As for the wind and waves, it will take at most two days, as long as you are optimistic about the weather in advance, there will be no problem.

After all, it is a rare opportunity, and it may not necessarily have the experience of taking a voyage on a tyrannical carp dragon in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng couldn't help but make up his mind, and felt a little excited in his heart.

Ride the Red Tyrannosaurus to Osaka!

The permission to go to sea has been obtained, and the next step is to prepare the various materials for sailing.

The Poké Ball is really a product of quite sophisticated technology.

Although portable tents cannot directly receive Poké Balls.

But as long as it is carried by the elves, it can be included, which is quite unscientific.

Sleeping bags, camping kits, condiments, boilers…

These are all necessary props for trainers to experience.

Don't look at Xiaozhi's life of subduing elves and flirting with girls is so unrestrained, but behind him is Xiaogang carrying the burden for him.

Counted the Poke Balls, there were 11 in total, and Lu Cheng put them all into his backpack.

Although it is possible to entrust Senior Sister or Team Rocket to help take care of it, Lu Cheng is always a little reluctant to give up.

Bring enough golden energy cubes, and the remaining ingredients can be sourced from the surrounding islands.

"Oh yes, you have to bring a fishing rod too!"

After preparing, Lu Cheng went directly to the port of Jiangcheng.

The salty sea breeze blew across the coast, the white sails hung from the masts, and a few long-winged gulls flew by.

The long whistle sounded, and ships sailed away from the port one after another, and the ripples fainted in circle after circle.

Lu Cheng looked around and saw several trainers riding Laplace, and even a giant marsh king.

"Young man, do you want to go to sea?" The bearded crew member came to Lu Cheng's side and said with a smile,

"Those are all experienced trainers who can use elves to go out to sea. Like us, ships are the best choice!"

"Yes." Lu Cheng nodded in agreement.

"Even like the giant marsh king, if a wave hits it, it will be overturned!"

The crew was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Don't underestimate the King of Giant Swamp, a young trainer like you..."

Before he finished speaking, an earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the port.

The trainer on the back of the Giant Marsh King looked back and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Damn it, what's going on with this red carp dragon! Why did it suddenly appear in the port!"

"Let the captain raise the alarm! Let the other ships come back quickly!"

"No, this tyrannical carp dragon looks familiar...Fuck, it's the red tyrannical carp dragon of Champion Lu Cheng!"

The crew looked up blankly, the tyrannical carp dragon with a dark shadow covering the sky and the sun couldn't help swallowing.

"This, is this your car?" The crew member opened his mouth wide.

Lu Cheng nodded and patted the tyrannical carp dragon, who immediately lowered his head and gave the crew a grim smile.

Amidst the long chirping of seagulls, a group of trainers burst into cheers.

"Lu Cheng! This is really Lu Cheng's tyrannical carp dragon!"

"Is that the trainer on the tyrannical carp dragon? Damn it, he plans to go out to sea on this giant beast!"

The twenty-meter-long Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, no less than a super battleship in the sea, is ready.

Lu Cheng stood on the head of the tyrannical carp dragon, grabbing the three raised edges and corners of its crown.

Finally, he looked back outside the port and bid farewell to his parents and senior. Lu Cheng smiled and waved.

"Tyrannosaurus, let's go!"

"Roar!" It was as if the battleship set sail, and the waves raised made the giant marsh king almost capsize.

But the trainer of King of Giant Marsh was not angry at all, but looked at Lu Cheng's back excitedly, like a fanatical fan.

"Damn it, I really saw Lushen himself! This wave is not a loss!"


The weather was sunny and windless.

Occasionally, a few floating clouds drifted across the clear blue sky.

The sharp-eyed King Yan soared past the clear sky, and was suddenly startled by a ferocious fossilized pterosaur, almost falling from the sky.

"Jie O!" The fossilized pterosaur glides down from the air, returns to Lu Cheng's side, and shakes his head.

"Is there no small island near here?" Lu Cheng yawned while wearing a sun hat while tossing his fishing rod.

It has been three hours since the trip, and once the initial freshness has passed, there is an almost empty feeling left.

There are the same waves on all sides, rippling constantly, and you will feel dizzy after staring at it for a long time.

However, Lu Cheng had seen quite a few elves in the ocean.

Sea Xingxing, Carp King, Agate Jellyfish... They are occasionally caught by Lu Cheng, and occasionally they jump on the Tyrannosaurus by themselves.

However, these ingredients are not very high-quality, and the taste is much worse than that of savage sea bass.

With a sigh, Lu Cheng held his cheeks boredly, and murmured, "Agate jellyfish, it should be made into jellyfish and dipped in soy sauce..."

Of course, Lu Cheng just thought about it, the toxicity of the agate jellyfish alone is enough to turn over a Kentaro.

Due to the protection of the trainers, the number of agate jellyfish is small in the offshore sea, but once they reach the far sea, they will emerge in groups.

Of course, with the current strength of Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus, only one surf is enough to deal with the swarms of agate jellyfish.

The voyage continues.

Lu Cheng flipped the fishing rod in one hand and flipped through the data on his phone in the other.

The Neon Sea, known as the Whale Sea in ancient times, is home to a large number of roaring whales, but it has become endangered due to overfishing.

But if you are lucky, you can still see the roaring whale jumping out of the water, and you can even see the king roaring whale spraying water.

"Roaring Whale King is indeed a better means of transportation than the tyrannical carp dragon." Lu Cheng nodded, "It's a pity, there are too few trainers who can afford it."

Suddenly, something strange happened to the fishing rod, and it began to vibrate violently.

"This power, could it be a big guy!" Lu Cheng was suddenly surprised and threw the fairway, "Lucario, help me hold on to the fishing rod!"

"Luca!" With Lucario's help, Lu Cheng suddenly relaxed, and when the prey slackened, Lu Cheng suddenly pulled on the fishing rod.

A huge black shadow burst out of the water, causing huge waves. UU Reading

Lu Cheng was suddenly startled and thought he had really caught Kyogre.

Taking a closer look, a full-bodied lobster is showing its teeth and claws, opening and closing its tongs in a demonstration.

"This is really a famous ingredient." Lu Cheng muttered to himself, sucking in his saliva suddenly, his face became strange, "But it seems inhuman to grab it with a Poke Ball and eat it..."

Iron Claw Lobster and Lu Cheng looked at each other for a while.

The head is full, and the tongs can see that it is full of meat at a glance. After being boiled, add some garlic and soy sauce...

"Go on, Lucario!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly, "Tonight's snack is here!"

"Luca!" Lucario's eyes also lit up, and he suddenly threw a bullet fist.

Taking advantage of the iron-claw lobster's dizziness, Lu Cheng suddenly covered the iron-claw lobster with a fishing net.

Looking at the iron-clawed lobster struggling in the fishing net, Lu Cheng frowned and said, "But at night, it must be dehydrated..."

"Oh, it's better to catch fresh ones later." Shaking his head, Lu Cheng threw the iron claw lobster back into the sea.

"I'm really a kind person!" Lu Cheng couldn't help but nodded. Kudos to myself.



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