My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 459: Dragon from the Cloud

Ishiyama Town is a seaside town not far from Nara City.

The beach landscape located here has a large number of tourists even in winter.

And today, a large number of trainers came to participate in today's grand ceremony.

"I heard that Asai-senpai is going to hold a practical training lecture for trainers today!"

"I also came for the lecture. After all, Asai-senpai's tyrannical carp dragon is praised even by the Four Heavenly Kings!"

"Hehe, I've heard that Senior Asai will choose his own disciples today, if he likes him..."

"Don't dream, you're a master! How could they fall in love with you!"

Just as the trainers were looking forward to it, a Tyrannosaurus carp dragon swam slowly from the far sea.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

"Here, Mr. Asai is here!"

"This tyrannical carp dragon is too big, it's estimated to be ten meters long!"

"You may not know that Mr. Asai's tyrannosaur is famous for its size!"

On the back of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, there was a man with a resolute face and a thick mustache, with a serious expression.

Looking down at the crowded crowd, Takashi Asai also showed an imperceptible smile and coughed lightly.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to my practical lecture."

"This time, I will select a few suitable trainers to become my personal disciples!"

Following Takashi Asai's promise, cheers erupted from the crowd.

"Mr. Asai, choose me, choose me!"

"It doesn't matter if you pass it on or not, mainly I like water elves!"

Takashi Asai waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said solemnly, "In this practical lecture, I only use the elf, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon."

"As long as there is someone who can survive three rounds in the hands of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, then they will get the place to be passed down!"

There was an uproar in the crowd.

"Three rounds can still hold it..."

"Takashi Asai looks down on people too much, I'll come!"

"Don't...don't be impulsive, Senpai Asai is recognized by the Alliance as the number one person under the Heavenly King!"

"Oh, let's see if he has the guts to choose me, I'm an electrical trainer!"

Takashi Asai looked around and pointed his finger at the arrogant trainer.

It was the person who made provocative words just now and used the electricity system!

Zenemon sneered and said with a grin, "Senior Asai, I'm the descendant of Zidian Dojo. If you win, wouldn't it be bad for you?"

The surrounding crowd suddenly whispered.

"Asakura Leizuru of Ziden Dojo, and Takashi Asai are mortal enemies!"

"It is estimated that this time it was sent by Zidian Dojo to demolish the platform... Four times the weak electricity! Senior Asai did not need to agree!"

"Yes, Asai-senpai, let's challenge someone else!"

Glancing at the booing crowd, Zenemon said with a sneer, "Mr. Asai, as the 'Dragon from the Cloud', you won't break your promise, right?"

"Of course."

Takashi Asai nodded and said indifferently, "I'll use the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, you can do whatever you want."

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

"It seems to be underestimated." Shanweimen gritted his teeth and said with a savage smile, "I hope you can be so generous after you lose!"

"Come on, Electric Shock Monster!"

A thick electric current swept through, and the black and yellow lines on its head were densely covered with hideous black and yellow lines, the electric shock beasts with scarlet eyes, and the blue electric light surged from both fists.

Even in the face of the tyrannical carp dragon, the aura of this electric shocking beast still remained firm, and the muscles on his body swelled more and more.

"This... this electric shock beast looks so strong!"

"Senior Asai may really lose... The attribute restraint is really too powerful."

"Is this what Zidian Dojo deliberately sent to cause trouble? Senpai Asai is too irrational!"

"It's too late for you to regret it now." Zenemon smiled, "Otherwise, you will lose the face of your 'Congyun Dojo'!"

"It's not necessary."

Takashi Asai slowly stepped down from the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, brushed his sleeves, and said lightly, "It's still the same rule, as long as you survive three rounds, I will lose."

The audience fell silent, and everyone's eyes widened.

I heard it right, in such a battle, Takashi Asai still wants to give up one hand?

This is too self-confidence, or he looks down on his opponent at all.

After all, Zenbei is also a senior trainer of Zidian Dojo!

"You brought it on yourself!" Zenbei suddenly attacked and shouted, "Electric beast, 100,000 volts!"


With the roar of the electric shock monster, the electric current as thick as the wrist crossed out, and the blue electric light illuminated the entire beach!

Everyone held their breath.

In Shanbingwei's hideous expression, the thunder light exploded!

However, at this moment, Takashi Asai slowly raised his hand.

Behind the tyrannical carp dragon, a huge tidal vortex suddenly surged up on the sea.

The wind and clouds changed, and the calm sea suddenly burst into waves.

The tyrannical carp dragon set off a big wave that covered the sky and the sun, instantly making the surroundings gloomy!

Zen Bingwei opened his mouth wide and stared at the surging waves with an ashen face.

And the rest of the audience, who had long since dispersed in screams, ran as far as they could.

The 100,000 volts of the Electric Shock Demon are insignificant compared to this huge wave that covers the sky.

But when the 100,000 volts came into contact with the big waves, the water surface all boiled.

With the wild thunder, the big waves swallowed the electric monsters in an instant! !

The scorched electric demon beasts are covered in black, full of scorch marks from the electric shock.

On a dead beach, Zenbei with a gray face, and an unbelievable audience.

"Using... devour one hundred thousand volts with surfing, and repay the opponent in return?"

"One move, the trainer of Zidian Dojo, he couldn't even survive a single move!"

"It's terrifying... This is the 'Dragon from the Cloud', Mr. Takashi Asai's tyrannical carp dragon!"

After a while, the crowd erupted in earth-shattering cheers.

On the other hand, Zenbei's face was dark, his lips were trembling, and he had lost his self-confidence.

"Didn't your master tell you?" Takashi Asai frowned, "At our level, attribute restraint is minimal."

"Unless your strength is on the same level as mine, you will only be attacked by your own strength."

Zenbei raised his head and looked at the hand that Takashi Asai held out, a little stunned.

"Get up." Takashi Asai grabbed Zenbei and smiled lightly, "Your strength is still good, but it's a pity that you are already a member of the 'Purple Electric Dojo'."

Zenbei shivered his lips, grabbed Takashi Asai's hand suddenly, and cried, "Mr. Asai, I, I'm sorry for you!"

"It's fine, just report it to your master truthfully, he won't make it difficult for you." Takashi Asai patted Zenbei's back and smiled.

The trainers who were watching couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"As expected of the 'Dragon from the Cloud', Mr. Asai's character and strength are really first-class and excellent!"

"There should be no one in our group who can withstand Mr. Asai's three moves, right?"

"Ah, let's take a shower and sleep!"

The trainers who were about to leave suddenly widened their eyes.

In the direction of the far the monstrous waves are suddenly shooting towards the beach!

"Wait... Look, what is that, a tsunami!?"

"What's going on with this wave, why is it bigger than the wave that the Tyrannosaurus Dragon just set off!"

The panicked crowd couldn't help swallowing, looking at the dark shadow that came riding the wind and waves.

It turned out to be... a mutation caused by the riding spirit!

But what a powerful spirit this is, to be able to set off such a terrifying wave!

And Takashi Asai also had a grim expression on his face, and couldn't help but feel a pressure.

Could it be that... there are other dojos today, who sent people to smash the field?

What is going on with this pressure, why is it stronger than the aura of the Senator!

In the end, which dojo sent a master!

Rao was Takashi Asai, who was not panicking, and there was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead at this moment.

The tsunami was getting closer and closer, and when the shadow appeared, everyone's mouths opened wide.

In a voice that sucked in cold air, an unbelievable question sounded.

"Red... Tyrannosaurus!?"



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