My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 461: Do you want to learn, I can teach you (1/3)

Looking at Takashi Asai's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy, the surrounding audience whispered.

"If that kid succeeds in kicking the gym, I'm afraid he won't be able to open from the cloud dojo, right?"

"Don't be stupid, how could Asai-senpai lose!"

"But the stakes are too high. Takashi Asai has put down the reputation of the entire dojo!"

"I'll be the referee!"

In the crowd, a girl in a red and white witch costume came out, causing an uproar.

"Gardenia from Kasuga Shrine actually came here!"

"Miss Gardenia is also a famous trainer. The inheritance of the shrine is no worse than the dojo!"

"Excuse me, Miss Gardenia." Takashi Asai nodded slightly.

Gardenia gave a bow and said in a clear voice, "I'll be the judge and notary."

"The rule is a 3V3 competition system." Gardenia said loudly, "The competition begins!"

"Both sides are Tyrannosaurus, but Mr. Asai's Tyrannosaurus... is too small!"

"Didn't you just say that his tyrannosaur was famous for its large size?"

"This, the speed of this red tyrannical carp dragon is definitely not as fast as Senior Asai!"

However, before he finished speaking, the onlookers opened their mouths wide.

In the surging waves, the red tyrannical carp dragon slammed into a huge wave, and the tail of the water was the first to hit!

With a bang, Takashi Asai's tyrannical carp dragon was knocked out by a huge force, and fell heavily into the waves, causing thousands of water splashes.

Takashi Asai couldn't help swallowing, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

This red tyrannical carp dragon not only has an advantage in size, but even his understanding of moves is completely out of his tyrannical carp dragon!

It even...has a considerable advantage!

The tail of the water that swept out, like a storm crashing on the shore, exploded again.

"The tyrannical carp dragon." Lu Cheng's eyes were awe-inspiring, "Water splashes!"

In the horrified sight of the audience, the red carp dragon broke out from the huge waves, like a whale jumping out of the sea.

From top to bottom, riding the huge waves, the tyrannical carp dragon drew a beautiful arc, and the tail of the water blasted loudly!

Like a torpedo, it exploded on the scattered water surface, and the turbulent waves engulfed Takashi Asai's violent carp dragon in an instant!

Everyone's eyes widened with disbelief.

Even the gardenia of Kasuga Shrine was a little absent-minded, and her heart was beating wildly.

Why, why is this tyrannical carp dragon so similar to the one in the ancient painting!

The red tyrannosaurus in the big wave of Kanagawa——

But that is clearly a legend from the Edo period!

And Takashi Asai's eyes were full of horror.

Water splash... How could this be a water splash!

This is even more amazing than the high-pressure water cannon of King Whale King, and even more spectacular than the climbing waterfall of giant-finned flying fish!

The huge waves hit the shore, carrying the incapacitated Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon and returning it to the beach.

And the red carp dragon in the sea, like the overlord in the ocean, burst out with an earth-shattering roar!

On the silent beach, it took a while before hoarse discussions sounded.

"Senior Asai, actually... actually lost?"

"This is completely crushing... How is it possible! Why is he so strong!"

"You're too young! This... This is already the strength of a heavenly king!"

Looking at the fainting Violent Carp Dragon, Takashi Asai was at a loss for a long time before he said with difficulty, "What kind of move did you just do...?"

"Water splash."

"Water... water splashing?" Takashi Asai's eyes were bloodshot, and he laughed, "Are you lying to me, this must be the ultimate move!"

Lu Cheng shook his head.

Takashi Asai showed a crying smile, and said with trembling lips, "Is it really water splashing?"

"Do you want to learn?" Lu Cheng nodded, "I can teach you!"

Takashi Asai's second elf is a fat giant-finned flying fish.

Glide on the sea, and gathered incomparably thick water cannons in his mouth.

However, the tyrannical carp dragon just glanced at it lightly, and a water cannon in return instantly crushed it with double the power.

Afterwards, the tyrannical carp dragon, which jumped out of the sea, splashed with water that covered the sky and blocked the sun, and once again sunk the giant-finned flying fish to the bottom of the sea!

On the silent beach, there is the sound of waves crashing on the shore.

Takashi Asai murmured in a daze: "Really... it's a water splash!"

The surrounding audience was chatting.

"Asai-senpai... Are you going to lose?"

"According to the rules of kicking the hall, the winner has the right to deal with the loser and decide whether to continue the inheritance or erase the genre..."

"Congyun Dojo is an old brand for more than 30 years! Asai-senpai will not lose!"

Takashi Asai's fingers were trembling, and he took out the last Poké Ball.

Asai-ryu, a genre that has been handed down from order and passed down, is it really going to be ruined in your own hands?

No, I, Takashi Asai, will never allow such an ending!

"Come on, dancing swan!" Takashi Asai shouted, "Show your true elegance!"

Three minutes later.

Takashi Asai's face was ashes as he looked at the dancing swan with the smell of burning, and he lost all his strength.

And the tyrannical carp dragon smacked his mouth, glanced at Lu Cheng with some dissatisfaction, and let out a low roar.

Why use flaming teeth, isn't it fragrant to use it directly to crush it?

Lu Cheng smiled awkwardly.

Unexpectedly, I thought this "the first person under the king" could come up with a powerful elves.

But from the perspective of this strength, it is only the master level of Hua Kingdom!

Gardenia finally regained her senses at this moment, and said in a trembling voice, "Mr. Tonggu wins!"

"According to the rules, Mr. Kiritani has the right to dispose of the personnel changes of Congyun Dojo and the ownership of his Asai Ryu!"

Lu Cheng was dumbfounded: "What do you mean?"

"It means that you are already the actual owner of Congyun Dojo." Gardenia said sternly.

"You can even change the name from Cloud Dojo to your own genre, erasing the inheritance of Asai-ryu!"

Lu Cheng opened his eyes.

What the uncle just said, giving up the inheritance of Asai-ryu, turns out to be the case!

"From the cloud dojo, it belongs to you now."

"But about the inheritance of Asai Ryu." Asai Takashi lowered his head and gritted his teeth: "Please... raise your hand!"

The change of owners of the dojo is irrelevant. After all, in the neon where the wind of kicking halls prevails, the owner of the dojo changes every time.

The key is that the other party is willing to keep the badge of Ryu Asai, which keeps them going!

Looking at Takashi Asai in a low voice, even Zenbei of Zidian Dojo had a feeling of sadness at the moment.

What is the origin of this young man?

So easily kicked out the Congyun Dojo, which has been passed down for decades.

Who will be the next one?

Lu Cheng was a little embarrassed.

I thought it was just a challenge to a gym, but I didn't expect to kick everyone's signs.

"Can you take me to see your dojo?" Lu Cheng coughed.

"I won't deprive Asai-ryu of the inheritance, I'm just curious about your dojo here."

Ryu Asai was startled for a moment, and then his eyes regained their vigour.

"Of course there is no problem!"

Takashi Asai bowed deeply to Lu Cheng and said, "Thank you very much!"

At this moment, Gardenia, dressed in a witch costume, suddenly rushed to Lu Cheng.

"Mr. Kiritani! Can you come to Kasuga Shrine if you have time?" Gardenia said in a panic.

"There is something in our shrine... It should help your tyrannosaurus."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Speaking of shrines, I seem to have an acquaintance at Ise Shrine.

"If there is a chance, I will come over." Lu Cheng nodded.



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