My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 467: Little fire dragon evolution

Yantu Mountain, Buxin Town.

A veritable active volcano, even the surrounding temperature has risen, and there is even a famous hot spring hotel in the town.

The owner of the hot spring hotel is a kind and kind old couple. When they heard that Lu Cheng was going to challenge the Fuxin Dojo, they immediately said that they could contact Lu Cheng.

"Xiaotong's strength is very strong, you still have to prepare first." The old woman said with a smile.

"Look at you, you should be a trainer who just debuted." The old man said while rubbing his goatee, "However, the Crusher Dojo will adjust the elves to play according to your strength, so don't worry about the challenge!"

Hearing the good words of the two old men to persuade him, Lu Cheng couldn't help laughing.

Since it was already night when Lu Cheng arrived at Bujin Town, he decided to challenge Bujin Dojo the next day.

Dinner is tofu miso soup, salted grilled fish, okra and a small plate of soy sauce, quite local flavor.

After soaking in the comfortable hot spring with Nine Tails, putting on loose nightgowns, and falling asleep to the sound of birdsong echoing in the mountains.

The next day, Lu Cheng, who was in good spirits, brought the little fire dragon to the Buxin Dojo.

Standing in front of Lu Cheng was a young girl in a short skirt with a healthy wheat complexion. She said with a grin: "Handsome guy, if you want to challenge the dojo, you have to pay the fee first!"

"What's the fee?" Lu Cheng was a little surprised, it was the first time he heard of the challenge to the dojo to pay for it.

"Looking at you, it should be your first time to challenge the dojo." The girl grinned, "It's not expensive, just 10,000 yen!"

If it was 10,000 yen, it would only be about 600 yen, so if it was a challenge fee, it would be fair.

Looking at Lu Cheng's action of taking out the money, the girl immediately froze in place, and said in disbelief, " won't bargain?"

"What's there to bargain for." Lu Cheng smiled, "If I can make my elf evolve, it's worth it no matter how expensive it is!"

The girl burst into tears and grabbed Lu Cheng's hand with excitement: "Let me introduce myself, I'm the owner of this dojo, San Yetong."

"Come on, just put 10,000 yen in this box, thank you for your patronage!" Tong San Ye smiled brightly while holding the wooden box that he didn't know where to take it out.

Looking at San Yetong whose eyes seemed to be ¥-shaped, Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel a strange emotion.

Why does this dojo look so unreliable?

Seeing that 10,000 yen was put into the wooden box, San Ye Tong let out a long sigh of relief, and his aura suddenly changed: "Alright then, let's start the dojo challenge!"

"So fast!"

"Stop talking nonsense, 10,000 yen is only half an hour, and the price is overtime!"

Inside the hot spring hotel, the old woman was thinking nervously: "Old man, do you think Xiaotong will kill that young man?"

"Buxin Dojo has not been visited for a long time, let alone Xiaotong to support the orphanage." The old man took a sip of barley tea, "I hope that kid's little fire dragon can really evolve."

The old woman nodded and looked worriedly in the direction of the Kamajin Dojo.

"By the way, old lady." The old man looked at the newspaper, "Don't you think the challenger looks a little familiar?"

In the battlefield, Lu Cheng suddenly returned to the scene of the first battle back then.

The two elves fighting against each other are the little fire dragon and the fire chick.

After all, this is still a little fire dragon, the first real battle.

However, when San Yetong saw this little fire dragon, his eyes suddenly changed.

"Gold...Golden little fire dragon!" San Yetong's voice changed, "Is it so extravagant!"

"Is this extravagant?" Lu Cheng was a little at a loss.

"Otherwise!" San Yetong widened his eyes and asked, "Could it be that a legend of elves is considered a luxury!?"

Lu Cheng suddenly coughed dryly.

He felt more and more that this dojo was a little unreliable.

After calming down his emotions, San Yetong gritted his teeth jealously and said, "The rule is a 3v3 battle. Since you don't have the badges of other dojos, I will only use the beginner elf."

"But!" Mitsuba Tong raised his voice, "If you lose, the challenge fee will not be refunded!"

"Didn't you guys use evolution as a sign here?" Lu Cheng said with a smirk, "It wouldn't be a lie, would it?"

"How... how is that possible!" San Yetong's face instantly turned red, and he laughed loudly, "Hahaha, guest, you really know how to joke!"

Lu Cheng shook his head helplessly.

Anyway, he can still go to Yantu Mountain to find an opportunity. The six hundred yuan should be regarded as an experience of local customs.

There is no referee in this somewhat dilapidated dojo, and San Ye Tong has to shout: "The game begins!"

"Little Fire Dragon, smoke screen!"

Thick black smoke poured out, which blocked Sanyetong's sight for a moment, but Sanyetong hummed.

"This kind of trick is really a beginner! Fire chicks, use pecks in the direction of the flames!"

Judging by the flames on the tail of the little fire dragon, the young turkey flew to peck, but suddenly froze.


With a thud, San Yetong stared at the fallen turkey, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's too reckless to rush into the smokescreen without any information." Lu Cheng was speechless.

Use the avatar to confuse the enemy, and then let the little fire dragon hide in the dark to use the dragon's fury.

Even a senior trainer wouldn't be fooled by this kind of trick. Is this guy really the gym owner?

Suddenly, Lu Cheng froze in place.

Could it be that the master of the gymnasium in China is too strong... I have high expectations for Neon?

"What, he's clearly a beginner and he's teaching others a lesson!" San Yetong pouted and threw the Poke Ball, "Come on, Lava Worm!"

The lava worm looks like a leech wrapped in magma, squirming and splashing with flames, which is quite curious.

"Lava worms, use falling rocks!" Sanye Tong shouted.

However, the lava worm suddenly froze in place, shivering and shrinking its head.

Looking at Sanyetong's dazed expression, Lu Cheng knew that she obviously didn't know what the little fire dragon did just now.

"It's a ghost face." Lu Cheng sighed, "Little Fire Dragon, use Dragon's Fury."

Once again, once again defeating the enemy with one move.

San Yetong opened his mouth wide and looked at Lu Cheng with red eyes: "You, you are not a beginner at all!"

"Who said that?" Lu Cheng unbuttoned his clothes, "Look, there is no badge at all."

San Ye Tong blushed and peeked through his fingers.

This guy... even has abdominal muscles...

Wait, what's up with this purple Poké Ball!

"Big, Master Ball?" San Yetong twitched her lips.

"Ah." Lu Cheng patted his forehead.

Inadvertently, he revealed the master ball again.

"It's a golden fire dragon again, and it's a master ball..." San Yetong trembled with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "You're here to show off!"

"How come." Lu Cheng spread his hands, "I'm just here to let the little fire dragon evolve."

"I won't let you!" San Yetong shouted angrily, "Come on, Hueybu!"

Seeing this brightly colored Huo Yibu, Lu Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

The strength of this Fire Ibrahimovic is much stronger than the previous two, and it can be regarded as a formidable enemy of the Little Fire Dragon.

With the strength of the little fire dragon, this Hueybu just happens to be the most suitable opponent!

"Come on, Fire Ibrahimovic, use the accumulating flame attack!"

In the state of ignition, Fire Ibrahimovic is like a rolling burning wheel, like a ball of fire rushing towards the little fire dragon.

This speed can no longer be restrained by the ghost face.

Lu Cheng held his breath, concentrated on staring at Huo Yibu's movements, and said sternly: "Dragon Dance Avoid!"

Hearing Lu Cheng's command, San Ye Tong was immediately irritated.

Sure enough, this guy is a rich second-generation, and the little fire dragon has inherited such a powerful move!

The mysterious dance, the peculiar dance steps, the little fire dragon avoided the energy storage flame attack at the critical moment, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Don't be in a daze, use catch!"

Stepping on his short legs, the little fire dragon scratched vigorously with its teeth and claws, and actually left a few bloodstains on Huo Yibu's body.

Such judgment! This guy is definitely not a beginner!

San Ye Tong's competitive spirit was also aroused, and he commanded with full attention: "Huoyibu, flame vortex!"

The flame suddenly rose on the side of the little fire dragon's feet, startling the little fire dragon, and in a short while, a vortex formed and the little fire dragon was imprisoned.

And Huo Yibu's electric light flashed, like a bolt of lightning rushing into the flame, triggering the ignition state, and directly knocking the little fire dragon several meters away!

With a thud, the little fire dragon fell heavily to the ground, making a painful neigh.

"You'd better replace the elf." San Yetong hummed, "The flame of the little fire dragon has no effect on Hueybu!"

Sure enough, it's a little too reluctant?

Lu Cheng frowned and looked at the fallen fire dragon, but suddenly his eyes lit up.

The little fire dragon struggled to get up from the ground, let out a long breath, scratched his legs with his small claws, and stood up suddenly.

Little Fire Dragon: (????ω????)??

"Hey, his personality is quite tenacious." San Yetong said in surprise, "Huoyibu, continue to flash the light!"

However, Huo Yibu suddenly froze all over, and his calf trembled as if he was having a cramp.

In San Yetong's panicked eyes, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It was the dragon's breath that hit just now, and the paralysis state was triggered."

San Ye Tong trembled all over.

The fleeting years are not good!

"Little Fire Dragon, Dragon's Wrath!"

Even with the strength of Fire Ibrahimovic, the physical strength to resist the next two Dragon's Wrath in a row has already been exhausted.

"Kaka!" Even the mild-mannered little fire dragon roared proudly after winning the hard battle.

"Congratulations, this is the badge of Fuxin Dojo." San Yetong reluctantly handed the shabby badge to Lu Cheng.

"As for your little fire dragon not evolving, if you want a refund..."

Between the voices, a dazzling white light enveloped the little fire dragon.

After several months of accumulation, coupled with the accumulation of actual combat, the little fire dragon has reached the conditions for evolution.

"I'm a little reluctant." Lu Cheng murmured, shaking his head with a smile, "But there's no way."

Bai Guang retreated, and the muscular fire dinosaur looked at his body in surprise, and pursed his mouth unhappily.

Fire Dinosaur: o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

"Why does it look unhappy." San Yetong said in surprise.

"But girls all love beauty." Lu Cheng smiled and touched the head of the fire dinosaur, "It's okay, you look better after evolution."

Fire Dinosaur scratched his head shyly, and there was a different kind of heroic spirit in his gestures.

After all, Fire Dinosaurs have a stronger physique, just like the feeling of a daughter going to high school, joining a track and field club, or practicing pole vaulting.

"Oh, by the way, then your challenge fee!" San Ye Tong clapped his hands, suddenly realized.

"The purpose of my visit has been achieved." Lu Cheng said with a smile, "Thank you very much this time."

"Hey, don't say that, this is what I should do." San Yetong scratched his head.

Looking at Lu Cheng who was leaving, San Yetong held the wooden box and smirked: "As expected of a rich man, he actually invested another 10,000 yen."

Just as he was in a trance, the couple at the hotel ran over with a newspaper in panic.

"It's incredible, Xiaotong, do you know who the person who came to challenge just now is!"

"Who?" San Yetong was a little dazed.

"He is the champion of China's latest national competition and the youngest master trainer in history!"


The two ninja masters far away in Kansai stared at the newspaper with grim expressions.

"So, he is really the national champion?" Koga Kiyomasa asked blankly.

"Let's pass on the profound meaning to him, and nothing will go wrong, right?"

"What are you afraid of!" Fuuma Taro was righteous. "Didn't King Ino also go to China to study back then?"

"If he can use our profound meaning in the World Championship, UU Reading" Fuuma Taro swallowed, "That's what we earned!"

"You said that..." Jiahe Qingzheng nodded blankly, "It seems to make some sense!"

Lu Cheng didn't know how much repercussions the news of the Chinese champions coming to Neon for training caused a lot of repercussions in Neon.

Although a small number of people still hold the idea of ​​being an old man, most people still welcome Lu Cheng's visit.

Even, it is a great honor for Lu Cheng to recognize and learn the skills of neon.

And Lu Cheng practiced in Yantu Mountain for half a month, allowing Fire Dinosaurs to master the power of evolution.

And let the nine tails use the energy of the volcano to further exercise the characteristics of sunny days and ignition.

Compared with Du Zhe's fire-breathing dragon, Jiuwei's current sunny weather is not much inferior.

As for the bite land shark, he is more proficient in the quicksand hell, and can even use the magma terrain.

Leaving Buxin Town, Lu Cheng looked at the verdant forest in the distant mountains and muttered, "Next, it's time to visit that divine beast."

"The elf who masters time and space - Celebi!"



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