My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 476: I'm just an unknown swordsman

The top eight of the sword test competition were officially decided, and Lu Cheng became the only foreign player.

In addition to the numerous reports from the media, the contestants also felt extra pressure.

But Lu Cheng still followed the plan, training the fire dinosaur's fire control ability while training the fierce bite land shark.

"Nine Tails, use Da Qingtian!"

The dazzling brilliance bloomed on the training ground. The sunlight made the fire dinosaur warm all over, and it couldn't help but wag its tail.

"Don't be intoxicated first." Lu Cheng smiled, "Try to feel the energy of the sun and strengthen it on your flame!"

Fire Dinosaur nodded and slowly closed his eyes.

With a sudden sound, the flames at its tail suddenly rose, and the fire dinosaur opened its eyes, as if flames were dancing between its pupils!


With the roar of the fire dinosaur, a scorching flame vortex swirled out, and a turbulent column of fire immediately rose in place.

Looking at this scene, Lu Cheng nodded slowly.

The characteristic of fire dinosaurs is the power of the sun, which can exert double the strength under sunny days, and the flame will be greatly enhanced.

However, the power of the sun will also greatly consume the stamina of the fire dinosaur, which has no small side effects on it.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The characteristic of solar power is more common in sunflower monsters and tropical dragons.

They are generally stored in the body with the power of the sun, used to improve their various attributes, and can even be used for photosynthesis when needed.

If fire dinosaurs were better adapted to the power of the sun, the side effects of the trait might be mitigated.

Touching the panting Fire Dinosaur, Lu Cheng fed it the energy cube and said earnestly, "Can you try to store the power of the sun into your body?"

"Don't rush to release the flame, try to transfer it to the flame at your tail."

The flame on the tail of the fire dinosaur symbolizes the power of life, which coincides with the power of the sun.

If you can completely master the power of the sun, the day when the fire dinosaurs evolve will not be far away!

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, Huo Dinosaur nodded earnestly, looked up at the sky, and stared blankly at the sun.

It wants to feel the so-called power of the sun in this way.

But until he stared at him until tears flowed, he didn't know much, so he couldn't help but turn his head and stare at Lu Cheng resentfully.

"It's alright." Lu Cheng smiled and touched its head, "Take your time, remember, the first task now is to reduce the side effects of the power of the sun!"

Fire Dinosaur nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Cheng likes the serious character of the fire dinosaur, at least it is much better than the thorny head of the fossil pterosaur.

Leaving the training ground, Takashi Asai was waiting anxiously outside, and when he saw Lu Cheng, he quickly said, "Tonggu... No, Your Excellency Lu Cheng, the game is about to start!"

"Let's go."

Lu Cheng said lightly: "Go and see the first-class descendants of Ertian, what level they are!"

Looking at Lu Cheng's confident appearance, Takashi Asai couldn't help but froze in place.

Why does Mr. Lu Cheng seem to be very familiar with Ertian First Class?

Could it be that, as rumored, he really understood the true biography of a certain swordsman who was not born in the world!

In the arena where they were waiting anxiously for the score, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

"Lu Cheng is here!"

Standing in front of Lu Cheng was a mature woman with neat short red hair.

Miyamoto Mai stared at Lu Cheng coldly without saying a word.

Lu Cheng also looked at him with interest, this descendant who was 70% similar to Miyamoto Musashi.

I don't know if the style of play is in the same line.

If so, perhaps no one knows her genre better than Lu Cheng...

In the tense atmosphere, the referee blew the whistle: "The game begins!"

Mai Miyamoto took a deep breath and said sternly, "Come on, giant pincer mantis!"

The giant pincer mantis covered in crimson armor is like a heavily armored warrior holding a big sword, and the giant pincers in his hands are densely covered with ferocious patterns.

Those sensible eyes were fixed on the Lu Shark, and when the command sounded, the giant pincer mantis suddenly jumped out, like a red flash!

"Giant pincer mantis, the electric light flashes!"

"Bite the land shark, dragon claw!"

A harsh metallic sound rang out, and when the figures of the two elves overlapped, there was a fierce collision!

Under the blessing of lightning flashes, the giant pincer mantis has a ghostly shape, and the sharp giant pincers slashed towards the body of the bite land shark one after another.

However, the rough scales have become the strongest armor of the fierce bite land shark.


Sparks splattered everywhere, and the claws of the giant pincer mantis only left a faint white mark on the body of the fierce bite land shark!

On the other hand, biting Lu Shark fiercely, the dragon claws with the illusory blue-green dragon shadow suddenly swung out, and with a squeak, three bloodstains were left on the giant pincer mantis!

Miyamoto Mai frowned, and when the dragon claws swung out and Lu Sha was stiffened, she suddenly shouted, "Two strikes!"

As a profound meaning passed down from one generation to another in two days, the double claws of the giant pincer mantis can counterattack while defending.

At the moment of stiffness, there was no possibility of evading the bite of the land shark, and the left claw of the giant pincer mantis was rushing to the point!

However, at this moment, Mai Miyamoto's eyes widened.

With a bang, the giant pincer mantis' left claw was parried, and an unbelievable look appeared in its eyes!

"You're not the only one who knows how to use two swords." Lu Cheng smiled slightly, "Bite Lu Shark fiercely, and chop twice!"

He parried the claws of the giant mantis, and the double scythe that bit the land shark suddenly swung out, making a crackling sound.

"Giant Claw Mantis, shadow clone!"

Erlian split tore two shadow clones in an instant, and the giant pincer mantis retreated violently, with awe-inspiring eyes, and the double pincers condensed airflow in the air, forming an extremely sharp sickle!

shu shu shu-

The whirlwind knife formed by the air flow flew towards Liebite Lu Shark at an amazing speed. In just a short while, Liebite Lu Shark was covered in bruises all over his body.

"Since it's a rough scale, then it's better to keep your distance." Miyamoto Mai said sternly, "Your fierce bite of the land shark can't keep up with the speed of the giant mantis!"

Between the voices, a large number of whirlwind knives whistled again.

"Does it have the characteristics of light metal..." Lu Cheng muttered to himself, he said, "Bite Lu Shark fiercely, use digging!"

The sharp whirlwind knife was bitten by the Lu shark to avoid it by digging a hole, Miyamoto Mai sneered: "I don't believe there is a time when you don't come out!"

"Giant Claw Mantis, use the sword dance!"

With the sword dance of the giant pincer mantis, its momentum continued to rise, and a large number of flying knives hovered beside it, waiting for the moment when the fierce bite land shark appeared!

However, Lie Bite Lu Shark did not show up. The one who waited first was the quicksand **** that was constantly strangling!

In the collapsed crypt, the stinging land shark opened its double scythes, as if waiting for its prey, and grinned at the giant pincer mantis that was constantly sinking.

Miyamoto Mai's scalp was numb, and she said anxiously, "The giant mantis, run away!"

But no matter how the giant pincer mantis struggled, the quicksand sank deeper and deeper.

"With the power of light metal, it is impossible to escape the shackles of quicksand hell." Lu Cheng smiled slightly, "While focusing on skills, perhaps he neglected the training of strength."

Miyamoto Mai was suddenly startled.

"Bite the land Claw!"

The deadly dragon claws split open on the body of the giant pincer mantis, and after a painful neigh, there was no sound.

"Bite the land shark and win!"

Rao is that the audience was already mentally prepared, and after seeing such an easy victory, they couldn't help but feel awe in their hearts.

Facing the inheritance of the Sword Saint, he can win so easily.

What height has this champion's understanding of kendo reached!

Looking at the giant pincer mantis who was incapacitated to fight, Miyamoto Mai was a little stunned: "What do you mean... neglecting the training of strength?"

"This is the fault of your two-day first-class. You are overconfident in defense and counterattack." Lu Cheng sighed, "Although I have taught her many times, it seems that she still hasn't corrected it!"

Miyamoto Mai looked at Lu Cheng blankly and was dazed for a few seconds.

Who is this person.

Why does he know the advantages and disadvantages of Ertian first-class so well!

"You... Who are you!"

"I'm just an unknown Sword Saint." Lu Cheng sighed slightly.



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