My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 487: Green onion duck, red duck! (Three/Friday)

In the battle assessment of the heavenly kings, as long as the three heavenly kings are defeated or drawn, they can pass the assessment.

This also means that Lu Cheng only needs to defeat two more heavenly kings before he can get the official title of heavenly king!

After winning the first battle, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile, looked around: "Next."

These words made the heavenly kings present stunned for a moment.

Especially after seeing Tu Ming in the high school league that year, his expression couldn't help but become weird.

Lu Cheng's plan is to treat the heavenly kings as little monsters, and come to brush them one by one?

Lu Cheng also realized his gaffe and smiled awkwardly.

In fact, Lu Cheng really had this idea.

As long as Tu Ming and Jiang Ziqian don't need the flaming birds and the three evil dragons, the elves with the peak strength of the king, Lu Cheng is still very confident in this assessment.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Du Zhe smiled and said, "Let me do this."

As a new king of clear sky, Du Zhe is good at using the clear sky system, but he is slightly different from Lu Cheng.

For example, in Du Zhe's fire-breathing dragon, the Mega evolution is the X form, and the elves of the team are mostly melee combat.

On a sunny day, these elves will burst out with incomparably amazing fighting abilities.

Looking at Du Zhe who was on the battlefield, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It just happens to be a sunny day today."

Under the clear blue sky, the sun shines all over the earth.

Du Zhe smiled and said, "I said, I won't show mercy!"

Lu Cheng nodded, his eyes awe-inspiring: "It just so happens that sunny days are also very beneficial to me!"

The red light flickered, Lu Cheng's Lizard King's eyes were sharp, and the blades of his arms flashed with a sharp cold light.

The Lizard King who did not carry dragon teeth, the props in this game are the Lizard King Evolution Stone!

And when Du Zhe's spirit was released, Lu Cheng couldn't help but startled slightly.

In this scene, Du Zhe did not send his own fire-breathing dragon.

It's a white green onion duck with thick eyebrows and big eyes, sharp eyes, waving a huge green onion stick and shield!

"To be honest, the onion wanderer is also my main elf." Du Zhe scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "It's just that he looks a little cute."

"Gah!" The green onion soldier raised his head in disdain, fighting against the green onion with his shoulders.

Despite his cute appearance, this green onion soldier brought a lot of pressure to Lu Cheng.

Judging from his aura alone, the strength of this onion wanderer will never be inferior to that of Lu Cheng's lizard!

Lu Cheng couldn't help frowning and said cautiously, "Lizard King, use the sword dance!"


The Lizard King crossed his arms, and under the sunlight, the raised blade blades on both sides flickered with a faint cold light.

Under the blessing of Sword Dance, the Lizard King is like a sharp blade unsheathed, and his imposing manner is particularly amazing!

Du Zhe looked at this scene with a smile, his eyes were suddenly sharp: "Onion wandering soldier, use the sword dance!"

The speed of the onion wanderer was obviously slower than that of the Lizard King. After the Lizard King's sword dance was completed, it was waving the green onion leisurely, with a hint of disdain on its brows.

Although the speed is slow, this green onion, which looks like a spear, still gives people an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

"Lizard King, Leaf Blade!"

Under the flash of electric light, the speed of the Lizard King was like a ghost, and the sharp blade was charging towards the onion wandering soldiers!

"Scallion Ranger, see through!"

But the onion wanderer just raised his head lightly, and the shield formed by the thick green onion leaves in his hand raised, with a ding, blocking the blade of the Lizard King.

In Lu Cheng's surprised expression, Du Zhe smiled: "The onion wanderer, swing wildly!"


The arrogant green onion soldier waved the green onion frantically, and took advantage of the interval between the Lizard King's attack and slapped the Lizard King.

The standard defensive counterattack is even more skillful than Lu Cheng!

But Lu Cheng just smiled coldly: "Lizard King, Mega Evolution!"

The white light shone and retreated in an instant.

The more sharp-eyed Mega Lizard King suddenly shot out like an arrow from the string!

Even the well-informed heavenly kings were surprised by this speed.

"The strength of this Lizard King should be close to that of the Heavenly King." Tu Ming nodded frequently.

"Unexpectedly, Lu Cheng really cultivated an elves with such strength!"

"This scallion soldier should not be Du Zhe's ace." Jiang Ziqian frowned, "However, it always gives me a rather difficult feeling to deal with."

All the heavenly kings nodded in unison.

Under this subtle sense of dislocation, the onion wanderer was cut with bruises and bruises by the blade of the Lizard King, which was more exquisite than Quanjude's master.

This made Lu Cheng frown.

Could it be that Du Zhe gave him water?

But when he saw Du Zhe's expression, he couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine.

I saw Du Zhe chuckling: "Scallion wandering soldier, use the Sunlight Blade!"

Carrying the damage of the Lizard King forcibly, the onion roamer's onion pole shone with incomparably dazzling light, and fell to the head of the Lizard King.

This highly visual move made the Lizard King too late to avoid it.

"Lizard King, see you!"

Fortunately, Lu Cheng's command sounded in time, and the Lizard King's eyes froze, and the sharp blade directly cut the thick sunlight blade.

But when the light dissipated, the onion wanderer was already straddling short legs, waving the green onion pole, and rushing towards the Lizard King.

Duck! (?`▽′?)?

"Scallion Rangers, use Meteor Strike!"

This exclusive move of the scallion trooper has a super output of 150 formidable power. With the strength of the king-level scallion trooper, it makes the world change color!

Gathering the sunshine blade and the green onion poles after the sword dance, with the help of the meteor attack, this is the most powerful move of the green onion troopers!

Du Zhe didn't release the water at all, on the contrary, he took advantage of the highly deceptive elf, the Onion You Bing, to cause a tactical misjudgment to Lu Cheng!

Lu Cheng's expression turned serious.

Seeing that the success rate of continuous use is not high, it is better to use speed to launch an attack in advance.

What's more, the Lizard King already has a lightsaber that is longer than the scallion of a scallion soldier!

Under the meteor attack, the onion poles of the onion roamers burst into a dazzling light, and the beams suddenly skyrocketed.

But at this moment sounded Lu Cheng's command: "Lizard King, Sun Beam!"

Under a sunny day, the sun beam doesn't need time to charge at all.

In the shocked eyes of the heavenly kings, a large sword with a length of more than forty meters fell directly at the onion wandering soldiers!

Boom! !

Before the little short legs had finished half the distance, the green wandering soldier screamed and fell to the ground.

There was a strange silence on the sidelines.

You said that this green onion soldier is not strong, and no elves can resist this meteor attack.

But you have to say that it is strong, the speed is too slow, and it can be attacked by the Lizard Queen.

It can only be said that in the selection of elves, Lu Cheng has a huge advantage in this round.

Du Zhe coughed awkwardly, withdrew the onion wandering soldier, and walked off the stage silently.

And Lu Cheng stood on the stage, looking a little at a loss.

That's it?

It's over so easily!

What Lu Cheng didn't realize was that in the experience of Neon, the strength of the Lizard King had already reached an astonishing level.

And this also means that as long as he wins one more game, Lu Cheng can pass the assessment and get the official title of Heavenly King!


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