My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 489: The king-level trainer, Lu Cheng! (Five/Five)

At the end of the three games, Lu Cheng ended up with two wins and one draw!

And this also means that Lu Cheng has passed the Heavenly King Exam and officially became a Heavenly King-level trainer!

But every Heavenly King present knew that Lu Cheng might not be so easily satisfied.

Judging from his eager look, he clearly wants to continue to challenge the next three heavenly kings!

The referee Qian Zhen couldn't help but look at Lu Cheng, and even he didn't notice that his voice was trembling.

"Lu Cheng, do you want to choose to continue the challenge?"

Although the Heavenly King's battle assessment has ended, the Heavenly King with two wins is obviously different from the Heavenly King with four or even five wins.

This is not only the manifestation of strength, but also the status of the association in the future!

The reason why Jiang Ziqian can become the head of the heavenly kings is precisely because he defeated many heavenly kings on the Eastern Battle Tower and became famous in one battle.

If Lu Cheng can really set a new record in the battle assessment today, its significance is no less than Jiang Ziqian's battle to the top!

This assessment may be the beginning of a young king's record of history!

Things have evolved to this point, and the heavenly kings present can't help but feel the pressure.

Because, the three heavenly kings that Lu Cheng will fight next are the ice, fire, and dragon kings among the four heavenly kings!

The Four Heavenly Kings are the top combat powers among the Heavenly Kings, and there are substantial differences between them and ordinary Heavenly Kings.

And these top heavenly kings are the important strengths of each country in the world competition!

If Lu Cheng wants to participate in the world competition, the strength of the top heavenly king is the part that Lu Cheng has to surpass.

"I choose to continue to challenge." Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

Everyone present couldn't help but breathe!

A beautiful smile bloomed on Han Qing's face, Shi Shiran stood up, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I'll be your opponent in the next match."

Lu Cheng looked at Han Qing in surprise, then nodded.

"If I'm not mistaken, are you planning to use Regais to fight against me?" Han Qing stared at Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "I want to take this opportunity to ask you some ice-type skills."

Han Qing nodded lightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and said, "Come on, let me see the strength of your self-proclaimed ice-type trainer!"

Han Qing has an innate pride in the ice element.

This pride stems from the inheritance of her ice family and her deep love for ice elves.

Han Qing, who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, has a perseverance that ordinary people can't understand when it comes to ice elves!


The hoarse voice sounded, and Regais, whose yellow beads lit up red, instantly frozen the venue into a world of ice crystals.

The snowflakes that fluttered around fell on Regais' body and instantly melted into its body.

And Han Qing's elf, an elegant and lovely Ice Ibrahimovic, with ice crystals shaking from all over his body, walked towards Regais!

Bing Yibu's appearance is harmless to humans and animals, and can be called beautiful, but Lu Cheng's back couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Regais, use brute force!"

Regais, who suddenly moved, stepped on the ice and rushed towards Ice Eevee with a rattling sound, a surging white light lit up in his hands.

"Good judgment." Han Qing nodded slightly, but his eyes became extremely sharp, "But in terms of strength, it's still a lot worse!"

"Ice Ibrahimovic, use freeze drying!"

A beam of cold white light was lasing out, but it did not hit Regais, but scattered into several rays of light, which were repeatedly refracted inside the wall of light.

Regais looked at these beams with some puzzlement, but the ice arm continued to wave towards Ice Ibrahimovic.

However, at this moment, the ground that freeze-drying touched suddenly formed mirrors.

The mirror surface formed by ice crystals combined the power of mirror reflection to shoot countless extremely frozen beams of double power at Regais!

Even Regais, who never melted, was imprisoned in place by the ice prison formed by the extremely freezing beam at this moment.

It was at this moment that the icicle slate behind Regais lost its energy, and the red light gradually dimmed.

"Regais is incapacitated!"

Although it seemed like Bing Yibu's unilateral crushing, Han Qing knew that this Regais had given her considerable psychological pressure.

As expected of the pillar of ice known as the eternal ice.

If Lu Cheng is really a trainer specializing in ice, this Regais can definitely exert the power of destroying the world!

But unfortunately, Lu Cheng was obviously not interested in this, but had a soft spot for fire and flight.

Thinking of this, Han Qing couldn't help but feel a little sour, and sighed helplessly.

Lu Cheng reflected on the battle with Bing Yibu just now, and couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

If Regais can solve the energy problem, the battle with Ice Ibrahimovic will also be 55%.

It's just that the characteristic specular reflection is tricky.

If Regais can develop his frozen body into a mirror, perhaps he will have another terrifying move that can be attacked and defended.

Just like the one in the animation that can only bounce Giratina's shadow ball.

With Regais' super strong dual resistance, coupled with the mirror reflection, his strength can definitely be improved to a higher level!

"As expected of the strength of the top heavenly king." Lu Cheng couldn't help muttering to himself.

In four matches, two wins, one draw and one loss.

But Regais' defeat was also expected by Lu Cheng.

After all, the energy limit is too great, and Lu Cheng has not trained Regais too much.

What Lu Cheng is looking forward to more is the duel with Tu Ming and even Jiang Ziqian in the next battle.

"Next time, let me go." Tu Ming got up and said.

Lu Cheng looked at Tu Ming in surprise, and immediately smiled: "You shouldn't send out Flaming Birds!"

"The light wall here can't withstand the flame of the flame bird." Tu Ming said lightly, "It depends on this elf, whether you can withstand it."

Lu Cheng's face darkened, but he couldn't help but get nervous.

I don't know if the nine tails can resist the flame of this elf, Tu Ming.

But this battle is obviously an excellent opportunity for the Nine Tails to fight.

Since the fight against Groudon, the Nine Tails haven't really shown their full potential!

When he came to the opposing battlefield, Tu Ming threw the Poke Ball: "Come on, Heluga!"

There was a terrifying low roar, and the sturdy giant black dog bared its teeth, giving people a shuddering sense of oppression.

With its long horns bent back and a skull symbol on its neck, Heruga was regarded as the incarnation of the **** of death in the Middle Ages, and even in modern times, many people shy away from it.

It has an extremely terrifying flame, and can even spray flames with poison.

As for Tu Ming, who took the path of extreme fire, he also brought his flames to the extreme.

In Lu Cheng's eyes, He Lujia seemed extremely heroic and domineering, showing the rebelliousness of large dogs.

"Come on, Nine Tails!"

The golden light flickered, the beautiful and noble nine tails took elegant steps, and the brilliance flowed between the beautiful red pupils.

The nine soft tails stretched out, and the nine tails stared at Heluga with a vigilant look.

"Game start!"

When the referee blew the whistle, Tu Ming's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said loudly, "Heiluga, Mega Evolution!"

With the roar of Heluga, it arched its back and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the white light dissipated, the super black Luga with huge white horns and a skeleton-like armor on its chest, more than two meters high, showed a sneer.

"Heruga, shoot flames!"

"Nine tails, shoot flames!"

On the field, there is still the solid ice that solidified after the last battle.

But under these two incomparably turbulent fire pillars, the field suddenly turned into a sea of ​​burning fire.

The nine tails, bathed in flames, radiated red light all over their body, and their aura was particularly astonishing.

"My nine tails have the characteristic of igniting fire." Lu Cheng said coldly, "Your flames have no effect on me!"

"I know." Tu Ming smiled, "I didn't say that I only used jet flame!"

At this moment, the low voice of the Nine Tails resounded in the field.

The purple toxin eroded the surface of the nine-tailed body, and it was still spreading!

"Tu Ming's tactics are still so cruel." Jiang Ziqian couldn't help but sighed, "The toxin fused with the flame, if the nine tails were not of the fire attribute, would also suffer from burning damage at the same time."

"After all, he was a trainer known as the 'Butcher' at the beginning." Han Qing frowned, "I hope it won't leave any dark troubles for Xiaolucheng's Nine Tails."

In the conversation, Tu Ming's Heluga has raised a burning purgatory on the field.

Purgatory is fused with highly toxic gas, once inhaled, it will cause a lot of damage to the elves!

"You have a dirty heart for playing tactics." Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing.

"Nine tails, holy fire!"

Tu Ming couldn't help widening his eyes.

Under the bath of holy white flames, the Nine Tails seemed to be reborn from Nirvana, the toxins on the body subsided, and an incomparable vitality erupted!

"Don't pretend, the poisoning has no effect on me." Lu Cheng smiled, "Nine tails, the big characters explode!"

After the Mega evolution, the characteristics of Heluga changed from ignition to the power of the sun, and fire can also cause damage.

I saw an incomparably surging fireball gathered in the mouth of the nine tails.

The large-character explosion flame fused with the sacred fire suddenly blasted out with a violent roar!

Boom! !

A terrifying white air wave rose, and Heruga jumped back with a scorched black body, making a painful roar.

And in that sea of ​​fire, the nine tails bathed in flames are like the lord of flames, and their pupils glow with a bewitching red light!

Looking at this scene, even Jiang Ziqian couldn't help but exclaim: "This nine-tailed creature has developed its fire-ignition properties to the extreme!"

"The flame added by the power of the sun does no harm to the Nine Tails, and the poison has no effect either. Tu Ming must be quite distressed." Han Qing said with a smile.

In the field, Heluga, who was forced to helpless, could only use his close body to attack the Nine-Tails.

But every time, he was avoided by the nimble movements of Nine Tails, and he returned with a jet of flames, which burned Heruga's face ashes.

Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, Tu Ming could not help frowning, and said solemnly, "Didn't you ask me about the application of the power of the sun before?"

"In fact, instead of reducing the side effects of the power of the sun, it is better to directly explode this characteristic to the extreme!"

Tu Ming suddenly shouted: "He Lujia, use tricks!"


Following Heruga's long howl, a cold aura enveloped Heruga's body.

At the same time, the hot sunlight fell on Heruga's body, causing his body to emit a black mist!

"The trick can greatly strengthen Heluga's special attack, but it will also bring great side effects to it." Tu Ming said coldly, "And the same is true for the power of the sun."

"Therefore, my understanding of the power of the sun is that it is the strongest move to do everything possible regardless of the consequences!"

With the roar of Heluga, its aura has climbed to an extremely terrifying level.

Even Jiang Ziqian couldn't help frowning, and said sternly, "It seems that Tu Ming is really moving!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help frowning and said, "Nine Tails, mysterious guardian!"

A faint light curtain surrounds Kyuubi.

And Heruga arched his back and roared in pain, his eyes were blood red, and the terrifying energy kept accumulating in his body.

"Heruga, the wave of evil!"

At this moment, the wave of evil that gathered the power of the sun and trickery burst out with extremely terrifying energy!

With a black flame, the waves of evil surged out, instantly swallowing the raging sea of ​​flames.

Lu Cheng's eyes were stern: "Nine tails, holy fire!"

In an instant, Nine-Tails' tail turned from golden to pure white.

This amazing scene made the heavenly kings on the sidelines widen their eyes.

"Lu Cheng's Nine-Tails, the fetters evolved and changed?" Han Qing exclaimed, "Last time, after his Nine-Tails fetters evolved, wasn't it still a black tail?"

Jiang Ziqian said solemnly, "I only know that the aura of this nine-tailed animal has become even more amazing!"

The holy and sacred white flame collided with the evil wave of Heruga at this moment.

The two energies are intertwined with each other, and the sacred fire continues to devour the black flame!

Tu Ming's eyes widened.

And, the sacred fire roared towards Heruga with the momentum of a prairie fire!

Boom! !

After a violent roar, there was a wave of air on the field!

Even Jiang Ziqian didn't notice that he actually swallowed.

And when the air wave dissipated, Heluga had already been blasted off the field and lost his ability to fight!

After a long delay, the referee waved the flag and said, "Lu Cheng wins!"

Lu Cheng took back the exhausted nine tails and let out a long sigh of relief.

And many heavenly kings looked at Lu Cheng with a different look in their eyes.

In a regular 1v1 battle, he defeated Tu Ming, one of the four kings!

Although this is not Tu Ming's main, it also means that Lu Cheng definitely has the strength of the king, and even above the king!

In the last game, Lu Cheng played against Jiang Ziqian.

Although the tyrannosaurus has already reached the level of the king, coupled with the Mega evolution and reverse scales, its strength is comparable to that of the Lizard King.

However, compared to Jiang Ziqian's nimble and fast dragon, the strength of the tyrannical carp dragon was still a bit worse.

In the end, Lu Cheng's six battles against heaven ended with three wins, two losses and one draw.

And this also means that Lu Cheng officially passed the assessment and won the title of King of Heaven.

When Lu Cheng's battle assessment was over, everyone present let out a long sigh of relief.

At the same time, there was no contempt in the eyes that looked at Lu Cheng.

Instead, it is a respect for the peers, and even for the strong!

Recovering the violent carp dragon that was incapacitated, Lu Cheng looked at Jiang Ziqian with an inquiring look.

Rao is an unsmiling dragon king, and he couldn't help but smile at this moment.

Because he knows that in China, the youngest king in history has been born.

Heavenly King-level trainer, Lu Cheng!


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