My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 494: Steel Mecha Fire-breathing Dragon

When the two returned to the Jitian Taoist Hall, it was already late at night.

The bright moonlight passed through the gaps of the vines, leaving mottled light and shadow on the road.

The girl's reassuringly gentle breathing came from her ears, her little hands were cold, and she tightly clasped Lu Cheng's hand.

"See you tomorrow."

Walking to the gate of Jitian Taoist Hall, Mu Wen rolled up the broken hair beside her ears and said with a blushing face.

"I forgot the keys to my house."

After speaking, Lu Cheng walked into the gym with carelessness, leaving Mu Wen stunned outside the door.

After a while, a sweet smile spread across her face.

the next day.

Since it was Sunday, there were not many people who challenged the Jitian Taoist gym, so Lu Cheng also put up the sign of closure and turned around and said to Mu Wen.

"wait me back."

Mu Wen nodded, staring at the black fire-breathing dragon with its wings outstretched for a while, and then said seriously to the yawning Maville.

"Marville, let's learn a new recipe today!"

Today, Lu Cheng and Du Zhe made an appointment to train fire-breathing dragons.

The newly evolved fire-breathing dragon urgently needs a lot of training to adapt to the new body.

Lu Cheng also intends to take the opportunity to let the fire-breathing dragon master the skill of hot air.

Du Zhe has profound experience in cultivating fire-breathing dragons. With his guidance, he can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

It only takes ten minutes to get to Jiangnan University on a black fire-breathing dragon.

And this is only the black fire-breathing dragon like a luxury supercar, which once again aroused the amazement of the onlookers below.

"It's too extravagant to raise a flash fire-breathing dragon as a means of transportation!"

"This... is this the world of the local tyrants?"

"Champion Lu, I don't want to work hard!"

Perched on the playground of Jiangnan University, Du Zhe dispersed the students who had come by Wen Feng, and said helplessly to Lu Cheng:

"Can't you keep a low profile?"

"I don't want to show you the fire-breathing dragon you gave me."

Lu Cheng grinned and patted the fire-breathing dragon's matte black scales.

"Look how well I nurtured it!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Du Zhe felt a burst of angina.

Who would have thought that the elf egg given to this kid could hatch a shining elf!

However, judging from the scales of this fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng really paid attention to its cultivation.

Du Zhe sighed helplessly: "Let's go, let's go to the training ground first!"

The advanced training ground for faculty members is much better than ordinary venues in terms of facilities and venue strength.

Various sophisticated instruments can detect various specific values ​​of the elves while exercising them.

Du Zhe fiddled with the equipment and said to Lu Cheng sternly, "I have a general understanding of your training plan."

"The most critical part of training hot air is the training of the fire-breathing dragon's wings."

With that said, Du Zhe tapped the black scales of the fire-breathing dragon, and there was a dull sound.

"And your fire-breathing dragon, perhaps because of the flash, has a much larger density of scales than ordinary fire-breathing dragons."

Ordinary fire-breathing dragons don't actually have many scales on their bodies, but rather hard skin covered with **** skin.

But Lu Cheng's black fire-breathing dragon has a layer of pitch-black scales on its back and wings, and its abdomen is light yellow like a common fire-breathing dragon.

"Because of the heavy metal-like effect, these scales will greatly improve the fire-breathing dragon's defense." Du Zhe said.

"But because of this, more power is needed to flap the wings when using air blades and hot wind."

Like the air blade, the hot air is a move formed by fanning the airflow with the help of wings.

Although there is no problem in flying, when it comes to performing moves, the heavy wings have become a burden.

Looking at the somewhat depressed fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng pondered for a moment and said, "But, if it can be used successfully, the power will be much stronger than ordinary hot wind, right?"

Du Zhe nodded: "The characteristic of your fire-breathing dragon is the power of the sun, which is quite compatible with the fire attribute."

"If you can successfully train the hot air move, the power and range will never be lost to the jet flame."

The fire-breathing dragon has already mastered the jet flame, but the hot air move has a better performance in striking the range and limiting the enemy.

While trying to train with the fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng discussed with Du Zhe: "If I let the fire-breathing dragon learn steel wing moves, can I enhance the strength of its wings?"

Du Zhe's eyes lit up and said: "This is a good idea, but... Where did you get the steel wing training method?"

Lu Cheng looked up at the sky.

If I remember correctly, Senior Li Yunfei seems to have an armored bird, right?

If you have cultivated armored birds, it is reasonable to master the training method of steel wings, right?

Taking advantage of the training lunch break, Lu Cheng patted the sweaty fire-breathing dragon and called Li Yunfei.

"Hey, why does King Lu Tian have time to call me, this poor old man?"

Seeing that Lu Cheng took the initiative to call, Li Yunfei seemed quite happy.

"Then should have the steel wing training method, right?" Lu Cheng said shyly.

Li Yunfei was taken aback: "You want to train your fossil pterosaur?"

"It's not a fossil pterosaur, it's a fire-breathing dragon." Lu Cheng said sternly, "I am preparing for the World Youth Championship. If I have steel wings, I will definitely be more confident!"

Even without the steel wings, I don't believe you can lose!

Li Yunfei complained silently, but Lu Cheng really had no reason to refuse this request.

What's more, the training method of steel wings is actually not rare, and it is even easier for the flying king.

"I'll send you a copy later." Li Yunfei said with a smile, "You kid, don't you really plan to become a flying king!"

Lu Cheng's expression became strange.

If you count Yveltal, who is still sleeping, he can only perform his ultimate move once in ten years.

His strongest attribute happens to be the flight type!

After returning from lunch break, Lu Cheng waved the copy in his hand to Du Zhe.

"Done?" Du Zhe looked blank.

"Isn't it just steel wings." Lu Cheng sneered, "I have the wings of death!"

The lunch Lu Cheng prepared for the fire-breathing dragon was an energy cube based on dragon fire fruit.

Dragon fire fruit can enhance the special attack attribute of elves. You can tell from the name, which is quite suitable for fire-breathing dragons.

However, the taste is also quite spicy, the fire-breathing dragon was so hot that tears flowed down my face, but it was still one mouthful.

This spiciness is enough!

The training method of steel wings requires the elves to have strong bones or wings, which can increase the strength of the elves while increasing the hardness of the wings.

And Li Yunfei also specially marked in the cheat book that the weight-bearing training for elves can effectively enhance the training effect of steel wings.

Lu Cheng touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

With black scales similar to heavy metals, there is absolutely no problem with the learning conditions of the fire-breathing dragon.

The key is how to continue to load the fire-breathing dragon.

Of course, it is possible to use a forced exerciser, but the forced exerciser has little effect on the fire-breathing dragon at this stage.

Related to heavy steel wings...

Suddenly, Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

At the Neon Sword Trial didn't I also get a piece of metal film?

Wouldn't it be just right for craftsmen to create the exoskeleton of a fire-breathing dragon!

The material of the metal film is composed of extremely hard carbon alloy.

In terms of size, in order to forge this steel armor of the fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng also ordered quite luxurious items such as dragon scales and fire gems.

In the end, I entrusted the manufacturer of the fire-breathing dragon flying protective gear, which was designed and built by Raiden Technology, which is famous for its elf technology.

A week later, a steel mecha fire-breathing dragon wearing metal armor and spreading a pair of jet-black wings appeared in front of Lu Cheng.

The streamlined steel armor covers the body of the fire-breathing dragon, extending along the dragon's tail, and scarlet eyes are exposed on both sides of the metal helmet.

The black scales spread out from both sides of the armor, glowing with a cold metallic luster, revealing a wild and domineering beauty.

In the center of the steel armor, there is a radiant fire gem, which is constantly pulsing with red light like Iron Man's power furnace.

This is a fire-breathing dragon like a Gundam-like mecha wearing a metal membrane!

"Fuck." Lu Cheng couldn't help but utter a foul language.

"This is so handsome!"


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