My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 499: Super dream team

Team Rocket Building, Research Area.

Today is the day that Mewtwo completed the last set of observation reports.

With the final stabilization of the gene, all the research members could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

But at the same time, there was a trace of reluctance.

Because the observation is completed, it also means that Mewtwo is about to leave the research institute.

In the past year and a half, all the researchers have developed a strong impression of this curious and well-behaved child.

And when parting came, this reluctance finally turned into a long sigh.

Mewtwo Y, who was covered in white, had long nerve bundles like purple braids floating in the air.

It seemed that it didn't know why the doctor was sad, so he scratched his head in anguish, and immediately took out a drawing board and handed it to Liu Bosheng.

Liu Bosheng, who was secretly wiping his tears, looked up and found a few lines of fine handwriting on the drawing board.

"Don't be sad, Doctor, let's play with your drawing I guess!"

Liu Bosheng was startled, and reached out his hand to touch Chaomeng's head: "We won't play this today."

"Today, you are going to the outside world, which is also the beginning of your new life."

Chao Meng was in a daze for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the light.

With Light and Shadow behind his back, he is the trainer that Mewtwo often sees on TV.

He seems to have countless titles, the youngest Dr. Elf, the national champion...

Today, the trainer will usher in a new identity.

Mewtwo's trainer.

Lu Cheng stretched out his hand towards Chaomeng and smiled slightly.

Due to the ordinary Poké Ball, it simply cannot withstand Mewtwo's powerful mental power.

Therefore, the Poké Ball that Lu Cheng chose was the vacant Master Ball.

Chao Meng tilted his head, looked at the master ball with some puzzlement, and glanced back at the researchers behind him.

Those researchers, with reluctant and expectant eyes, silently watched Mewtwo.

As if plucking up courage, Chao Meng looked at Lu Cheng with those clear and translucent eyes, as if to see through Lu Cheng's heart.

The crystal blue light, like a flapping butterfly, flickered constantly around.

"I won't limit your freedom." Lu Cheng suddenly said.

"This is your residence, your habitat, or... your home."

The corners of Chaomeng's mouth slowly raised an arc, and his eyes narrowed, revealing small and sharp tiger teeth.

Stretching out his palm with only three toes, Mewtwo poked the purple master ball.

Without any resistance, the soft red light enveloped Mewtwo.

With the gentle shaking, the Master Ball made a crisp sound.

Lu Cheng looked down at the Master Ball and smiled: "Super Dream, welcome to join!"

In Chaomeng, Lu Cheng felt an indescribable connection.

Maybe it's because Mewtwo's genes were originally taken from him.

He has a natural affection for Mewtwo.

Presumably this is also the reason why Mewtwo chose to take the initiative to enter the Poké Ball.


Liu Bosheng took off the frame of the mirror and wiped away the hazy mist, "Finally, a stone has fallen to the ground!"

Looking at Liu Bosheng who was full of emotion, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Doctor, I will visit you often with Chaomeng!"

Lu Cheng knew that this was Liu Bosheng's love for Chaomeng for more than a year.

And Mewtwo, born in such an environment, naturally would not have the motive to destroy the world.

The world is so beautiful, Chaomeng is just full of deep curiosity, waiting to explore with Lu Cheng.

Liu Bosheng snorted, "You're a kid with a conscience!"

The red light flickered, and Lu Cheng released his super dream.

Chao Meng, who had made a connection with Lu Cheng, seemed very excited at the moment.

But it was still like a little adult, patted Liu Bosheng on the shoulder, and wrote on the drawing board with his mind:

"One, two, three wooden people, you are not allowed to speak or move!"

Liu Bosheng was stunned and looked at Lu Cheng in confusion.

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It wants you to stop crying!"

Mewtwo scratched his head shyly.

In the next half an hour, Liu Bosheng finally did a complete test for Chaomeng.

After confirming that it was normal, he put the master ball into Lu Cheng's palm seriously and seriously, and patted it hard.

"Don't let Chaomeng down." Liu Bosheng said solemnly, "Just like your original... 'God-making plan'."

"This Mewtwo has a power no less than that of a divine beast!"

Lu Cheng nodded seriously.


Leaving the Rockets Building, Lu Cheng flew towards Jiangcheng on a fire-breathing dragon.

The small Mewtwo Y, hovering beside Lu Cheng, looked at the surrounding scenery curiously.

"It's not the same as what you saw on TV?" Lu Cheng smiled.

Chao Meng nodded obediently.

"You try this."

Lu Cheng took out a chubby orange fruit from his backpack and handed it to Chao Meng.

Chao Meng tilted his head, holding the orange fruit in both hands, ahhh.

Suddenly, Chao Meng's eyes lit up.

Super Dream: (′▽`〃)

"You probably haven't tasted this in the scientific research institute." Lu Cheng smiled.

"Follow me, there will be a lot of delicious food in the future!"

Chaomeng blushed, and his surging mental power fluctuated, almost knocking Lu Cheng off the fire-breathing dragon's back.

Lu Cheng finally grasped the handle firmly, and said with shame in his heart.

An orange fruit has already become like this.

If I take out the golden energy cube, what will it look like?

It turns out... Is Mewtwo so easy to pass up?

But it is also true that Chao Meng's food in the scientific research institute is only nutrient solution, and this is the first time I have tasted this kind of tree fruit.

It is like a newborn child, full of curiosity about the world.

Lu Cheng unconsciously touched the slender nerve bundle of Chaomeng Y.

In the end, Chao Meng was shocked, and with a pair of ruby-like eyes, he looked at Lu Cheng with tears and anger.

Lu Cheng couldn't help laughing.

This kind of is really like raising a daughter!

Chao Meng manipulated the drawing board with his mind, and scribbled with a brush: "No!"

"Nothing?" Lu Cheng deliberately teased the child.

"Don't get caught!"

Lu Cheng rode the fire-breathing dragon like this, and went back to Jiangcheng with Chaomeng all the way.

A row of Bobo flew leisurely in the air, and Mewtwo followed curiously, only to be startled by Bobo's cry.

"This is, Elf?" Mewtwo wrote on the drawing board.

Lu Cheng pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Then me too, Elf?"

"Don't you already have the answer?"

Touching Chao Meng, who was a little frustrated, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It's not who you are, but what you have done."

"For me, you are my family, that's enough."

The cute and small Mewtwo Y, blinked her ruby-like eyes.

It seemed a little puzzled, but still nodded with great momentum.

"You too, my family." Mewtwo wrote on the drawing board.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.


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