My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 507: Arrived in London, news of the Z move?

The Huaguo Alliance's zero seal against the South Korean Alliance caused quite a stir.

Although the strength of the South Korean League is not strong, it is rare to see a clean opponent in previous World Leagues!

This is not just a symbol of strength, it is more like a declaration from the China Alliance.

They are here for the championship!

At the same time, the group stages of each major region have also come to an end.

In the European Division, England and the French Union won.

In the North American Division, the American League advanced with an absolute advantage.

As for the Asian division, Huaguo and Neon qualified together and will go to London to compete for the quarterfinals.

League of England, London.

Across the city of London, is the Thames River reflecting the blue sky, Laplace and ships can be seen everywhere on the wide river.

On both sides of the iconic London Bridge, you can see the famous Big Ben, which is said to be built to commemorate Queen Elizabeth's owl nighthawk.

On the sparkling river, the Gothic fairy centers and churches on both sides are reflected.

In the distance is the hazy fog of London.

"As expected of a fog city."

Lu Cheng and others were planning to go to the hotel. The bus passed by London Bridge on the way. Lu Cheng couldn't help expressing emotion.

"The William family in London is a famous dragon family, famous for cultivating fast dragons."

Jiang Xun, who was silent all the way, said, "The weather in London makes it easier for them to train for rain and snowstorms."

Mu Haoyun, who is also a dragon-type trainer, also nodded and said, "I also heard that the fast dragons of the William family are good at using ice-type moves, and they have a considerable advantage in the dragon clan civil war."

Luo Yun yawned: "When can I get to the hotel, I'm almost sleepy!"

In order to prepare for the quarter-finals, Luo Yun, who had the weakest foundation in the team, received "preferential treatment" from Lu Cheng, and the amount of training increased exponentially.

But the effect is also very significant.

With the title of "Dragon Clan's Inner Ghost", the Super Tanabata Blue Bird will never be at a disadvantage against the Dragon Clan family.

Han Ying sat quietly by the window, flipping through the tourist brochure and said, "Upstream is the world-famous Elf College, Oxford and Cambridge. It is said that a water navigation contest is held every summer."

"What elves do they use?" Huyan Xing asked curiously.

"The Laplace provided by the school, or the Tyrannosaurus."

Huyan Xing looked over at the manual and said in surprise, "It's really rich!"

"After all, the two universities have produced many Heavenly King-level trainers." Lu Cheng smiled.

"And this time, the leader of the English league, Professor Edward also graduated from Oxford University."

"That super power king?" Huyan Xing opened her mouth wide.

"It is said that he is a professor of the Oxford Combat Department, and he has a very good tactical style!"

"It's useless to think about this now. Let's consider the next game against the French Union."

While talking, Lu Cheng looked out the window: "But at night, we can still go sightseeing on the river for entertainment."

Hearing that there is no need to practice at night, Luo Yun was moved to tears.

On the contrary, the two dragon trainers lacked interest, so they just responded lightly.

The group came to the hotel provided by the organizer.

It is also a chain of shy bud hotels, which are almost the same as those in China in terms of furnishings and layout.

Back in his room, Lu Cheng began to seriously think about the next match against the French Union.

The leader of the French Union is Alanza, the fairy king who once had a relationship with him.

In terms of strength, Alanza has climbed to the top of the French Union, which is equivalent to the strength of the four heavenly kings.

At only 27 years old, she can become the Four Heavenly Kings, and she is no less talented than the Ice King Han Qing.

As for Han Qing's age... Lu Cheng didn't dare to ask her, but judging from Han Ying's words, it was not far from thirty.

Rubbing his brows, Lu Cheng continued to read the information in front of him.

In the French Union, since it was once regarded as the birthplace of Mega evolution, almost all players were equipped with a set of keystones and Megastones.

Only in the group stage are the super evolutions of Absol and Electric Dragon.

Reflected in the tactical style, the French Union pays attention to the ability of singles, but in the team competition, it plays a normal role.

Lu Cheng frowned and murmured, "In the next game, you can focus on the team competition."

While Lu Cheng was thinking about it, the front desk of the guest room called and said that a guest was visiting.

"Guest?" Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

In London, does he really have no trainers he knows?

With curiosity, Lu Cheng came to the lobby and couldn't help but be startled.

Standing in front of Lu Cheng, the fairy king with beautiful blue eyes, Alanza.

"Long time no see, Lu Tianwang." Alansha put her hand on her chest with a smile and bowed slightly.

"The last time we met was in the Changbai Mountains." Lu Cheng smiled awkwardly.

"The Diancie diamond is very beautiful, I have received it!"

Alanza blinked and said with a smile, "It's best if you like it. After all, in my hometown, it's an engagement gift for lovers."


"Just kidding, that's a thank you gift for saving your life."

Alansha said with a smile: "By the way, it's really surprising that you can be promoted to the king in such a short period of time."

"It's only a year." Lu Cheng waved his hand.

"It's slow enough."

Alansha took a look and smiled, "I wonder if I have the honor to have dinner with Lu Tianwang?"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

This woman, came to talk to me before the competition, just to have dinner with me?

Shouldn't she be greedy for my body?

Lu Cheng coughed dryly and said, "You don't need to eat dinner, I'm already engaged."

Alanza blinked: "With my diamond?"

"That's not really..."

Lu Cheng secretly said in his heart, "Although it's not much different."

"Oh well."

Alansha smiled and said, "I just have some news about the league. Please allow me to remind you in advance as a thank you gift for your trip to China."

"what news?"

Although the competition was imminent, Alanza did not show a hostile attitude, which made Lu Cheng very fond of.

And when he heard the news from Alansha, Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

"Z move?"

"Z move? Maybe you can say that, other names are super moves, unique moves, etc."

Alanza said: "The first time it appeared was at the Island Conference in Hawaii. A trainer from the American League used a powerful impact, which was even comparable to a life-threatening collision."

Sounds like this, it should be a normal Z move, the ultimate invincible collision.

Although it is necessary to dance to mobilize the power of the Z pure crystal, in reality, the energy of the Z pure crystal should be stronger than imagined.

"You mean, in this American team, there are trainers who can use Z moves?" Lu Cheng frowned.

Alansha pondered: "I'm not but it is said that among the heavenly kings, there are many people who are looking for ways to break through the limits of moves."

Looking into Lu Cheng's eyes, Alansha said sternly: "I think, for this group of people, it must not be difficult to master the profound meaning of moves."

Lu Cheng couldn't help but nodded.

If there is a real king who has mastered the Z move, it is not impossible to pass it on to his disciples or heirs.

If you face the American League, you should be prepared in advance.

Lu Cheng nodded and said, "Thank you, King Alanza!"

"You're welcome." Alanza smiled, "Just treat me to dinner!"


"Just kidding." Alansha smiled. "Next time, please be merciful to my students."

Lu Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "It depends on whether they give me a chance to play."

"When they heard that their opponent was the King of Heaven, they all planned to abstain." Alanza sighed and suddenly said,

"By the way, do you plan to participate in next year's World Series?"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

"That's true." Alanza smiled slightly, "I hope at that time, I can see your true strength!"


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