My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 509: Really red-eyed black dragon, black flame!

For the team competition, the venue in the Royal Arena has already started to operate.

With a roar of machinery, a wide grassland field appeared in front of the audience.

The red light flickered, revealing the five elves of the French Union: Sword Monster with Strong Shield, Slime Dragon, Ice Giant Dragon, Ice Ibrahimovic, and Koga Ninja Frog.

The narrator couldn't help shouting: "The ice giant dragon is an elves that have been resurrected through fossil technology in recent years, and can operate at a low temperature of minus 150 degrees Celsius!"

"Could it be that in this team match, the French Union played snow tactics!"

Han Ying is well aware of the importance of low temperature to ice elves.

To a certain extent, the minimum temperature that can be manipulated even determines the strength of ice elves.

The low temperature that her ice-type nine tails can operate is only around 120°C.

This made Han Ying a little nervous. She looked at Lu Cheng subconsciously, but saw that he was holding back a smile.

"what are you laughing at?"

"Cough, Regais comes with a temperature of minus 200 degrees Celsius... No, it seems that my decision to go on the fire-breathing dragon is correct!"

Han Ying was startled.

She, from an ice family, naturally knows what the ice **** Pillar Regais means.

To some extent, Lu Cheng is really a stronger ice trainer than her!

"Snow days are also very helpful to my ivory pig." With a sigh, Han Ying said condensedly,

"If you find it difficult, you can leave that ice and snow dragon to me to deal with!"

As a shield in the group, the huge size of the ivory pig provides excellent shelter for teammates.

Lu Cheng shook his head: "Just follow my instructions later."

The red light flickered, and when the fire-breathing dragon, dressed in metal armor and with black scales shimmering with cold light, appeared, the audience was silent for a moment.

Immediately, cheers erupted from the field.

"This fire-breathing dragon is too handsome!"

"Damn it, how rich is Lu Tianwang, he has actually captured two shining elves!"

"The fire-breathing dragon has been restrained in terms of attributes, this French alliance still has a chance!"

Looking at the elves sent by Lu Cheng, Alansha was slightly startled.

In just one year, the elves of the second team can be nurtured to this level.

Lu Cheng's talent in elves training is truly amazing!

The five elves in the Chinese League: Fire-breathing Dragon, Latias, Ivory Pig, Tanabata Blue Bird, and Floral Mushroom.

As soon as the game started, the fire-breathing dragon took the lead into the sky, while Latias and the Tanabata Blue Bird rushed towards the enemy line with a neigh.

"Latias, the reflection wall!" Lu Cheng's command sounded, "Qixi Blue Bird, the light wall!"

The two layers of crystal clear protection shrouded the camp of Hua Guo.

The two giant creatures, the ivory pig and the ice and snow dragon, collided, and a violent roar sounded.

"Ice Ibrahimovic, use Snowfall!"

In the French faction, trainers try to use snowfall for control of the weather.

However, Huyan Xing smiled and said loudly, "Disclose the ball mushroom, clear the smoke!"

The purple poisonous fog and the snow-falling ice crystals lifted into the air at the same time, and the two energies covered the field with a gray fog, but there was no sign of snow coming.

Seeing that the snowfall tactic failed, the sword monster with a strong shield and the frog, the two assassin-type elves, rushed into the enemy line!

Holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, the Koga Ninja Frog avoided the waves of the dragon with astonishing control, and a swallow flashed like a cold light!

"The French Union even has such a combination skill!"

The narrator couldn't help but shouted: "Using the power of the shield sword monster, the Koga Ninja frog is like a no-man's land!"

"Are all real assassins Kai Wushuang?"

While complaining, Lu Cheng commanded: "Fire-breathing dragon, flame vortex!"

A raging flame swept over at this moment, and the grass field was instantly ignited by this whirlpool, imprisoning the Koga Ninja frog.

"Snipe and kill this Jiahe Ninja frog first!" Lu Cheng frowned, "Fire-breathing dragon, dragon's wave!"

The illusory purple dragon shadow roared at the Koga Ninja Frog, and the Blue Bird on the Tanabata also replenished with the power of the moon in a timely manner, turning into a beam of light that flew straight down.

The flame vortex was instantly twisted by these two majestic energies.

Koga Ninja was holding a sword monster with a strong shield, and he resisted the attack in shield mode!

It was at this moment that the freely changing Koga Ninja Frog's figure soared, the shadow of the sky was cloned, and at the same time, he threw a turbulent flying water shuriken!

"Fire-collecting fire-breathing dragon!"

The command issued by the French Union is exactly the same as the road.

The freezing beam shot by Bing Yibu instantly condenses the flying water shuriken, and the power of the sharp boulders becomes even more deadly!

Under the refraction of sunlight, this flying water shuriken shone with a shimmering luster, like a huge golden shuriken.

The characteristic of fire-breathing dragons is not to store water. If you hold on to this golden shuriken, you will lose your ability to fight!

"This is the strongest offensive of the French Union!" the commentator shouted.

The golden shuriken smashed through the walls of light and reflection with force.

Rotating at an astonishing speed, what resisted the fire-breathing dragon was a streamlined red plane!

The excellent double resistance made Latias resist this move, but because of this, he became extremely weak, and he perched from the air with a groan.

Jiang Xun gave Lu Cheng a deep look: "Protect you, I did it."

"Do not let me down!"

A barrage of despair floated past.

"Four guards can't win the game! The defense is almost torn to shreds!"

"It won't last too long for the exposed ball mushrooms, wait, is this... using Daqingtian?"

Venus Ball Mushroom looked at the sky tenaciously.

Layers of white mist evaporated from its body and gradually floated to the sky.

The water mist evaporated, but it dissipated everywhere in an instant.

Clear the clouds and see the sun, the arena is shining brightly!

"Fire-breathing dragon, continue to use Da Qingtian!"

Lu Cheng naturally would not miss the opportunity his teammates gave him.

This tactic is the result of everyone's discussion.

After all, the black fire-breathing dragon is a natural fort, with excellent screen-clearing ability!

Under the sunny weather, a steady stream of energy poured into the fire-breathing dragon's body.

The fire of the sun, which symbolizes life, is burning vigorously, and the orange-yellow flame at the tail rises suddenly.

The Solar Power trait triggers.

The fire-breathing dragon soared in the sky, spreading its dark wings, and bursting out with a frightening roar!

"Fuck, this fire-breathing dragon has developed!"

"With a sunny day and a full state, the stamina of other elves are already endangered!"

In the French Union, the trainer of Koga Ninja changed his expression and said anxiously: "Jiaga Ninja, flying water shuriken!"

This round, Koga Ninja was cautious, took a deep breath, and condensed a huge shuriken with all his strength.

Throwing out, the water flow is turbulent, and a lot of water mist rises!

But the scorching sunlight made the flames of the fire-breathing dragon skyrocket, and the hot wind waved out from the black wings.

At this moment, the scorching heat wave spewed out, like a raging fire!

The venue was instantly swallowed up by flames, and the sound of explosions roared.

Boom! !

The ice and snow dragon was the first to be blasted away by the explosion, and there were black marks on its body.

The hot wind swept through the venue, and a wide-ranging screen-clearing move, like a roaring fire dragon, danced wildly in the venue!

Alanza narrowed her eyes: "This is... a black flame?"

She didn't read it originated from the power of the fire-breathing dragon.

With the blessing of the sunny day, the flame of the fire-breathing dragon has reached a whole new level.

Unlike the Nine-Tailed White Holy Fire.

The flame of the fire-breathing dragon is a black fire that symbolizes destruction and is full of violent violence!

In the master ball, Yveltal smiled and said, "I like this kid."

"It was your dark aura that affected it." Lu Cheng sighed, "I originally wanted Emperor Yan to inherit its flame."

Yveltal gave a strange laugh and did not respond.

On the field, the black flame of the fire-breathing dragon continued to burn.

The black flame that symbolizes destruction, once it touches it, it will continue to burn until the opponent burns out.

Although the fire-breathing dragon has not yet touched the flames of this level, this hot wind has also achieved the effect of clearing the screen!

The violent roar passed.

The venue was filled with gunpowder smoke, and all the audience swallowed because of the scene in front of them.

With one move, he instantly killed the five elves of the French Union!


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