My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

: 511 The truth of death can never be reached (six thousand four hundred)

A strange smile appeared on Hausen's face.

He made an inviting gesture towards Lu Cheng and walked outside the venue.

In an outdoor professional battle field, it is enough for the two heavenly kings to start a duel!

"What kind of death?"

The night wind blew on Hausen, causing him to sneer and mutter to himself.

"I hope you don't lose too badly, kid..."

Looking at Hausen's back, Luo Yun stepped forward nervously, hesitantly said again and again: "Brother Cheng, you must be careful!"

Jiang Xun also frowned and said, "I think his purpose is to prevent you from participating in the next battle..."

"I just happened to be a little bored."

Lu Cheng smiled, and his eyes gradually became awe-inspiring: "Relaxing for so long, it's time to try the taste of abusing the king!"

The strength of the electricity system Heavenly King Haosen is not considered to be the top among the Heavenly Kings, but he is also a trainer with considerable combat experience under the Four Heavenly Kings.

According to rumors, Hausen has challenged many heavenly kings around the world, and rarely fails.

This is a heavenly king with a very strong purpose. He is quite violent in tactics, and he is proficient in the destructive and powerful electrical system!

This is the most powerful opponent Lu Cheng has encountered since the Heavenly King assessment.

But Lu Cheng didn't panic at all.

Even in the Heavenly King assessment, he never showed his full strength.

What's more, Lu Cheng's trump card is by no means something that a little heavenly king can see through!

The night wind was blowing, and the lights on the battlefield were bright.

Many trainers came to watch, but after seeing both sides of the battle, a serious atmosphere permeated the field.

"Why does Hausen dare to shoot at the players? Isn't he afraid of being expelled from the competition!"

"No, strictly speaking, Lu Cheng is a Heavenly King-level trainer, and it is understandable to agree to Hausen's competition."

"But the difference in experience between the two is too great! Hausen's strength is top-notch under the Four Heavenly Kings!"

"The other is the newly promoted Heavenly King... Tsk tsk, I'm afraid this is a bit cruel."

The road that Hausen has taken is to grow continuously through challenges and fights.

Although due to his personality, he has accumulated a lot of enemies, but his strength is beyond reproach.

The sturdy Haosen moved his fingers and said with a grin: "Lord Lu, you seem to be quite interested, how about a 3v3?"

This outrageous remark changed the expressions of many trainers on the sidelines.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Hausen wanted to use the name of a challenge to prevent Lu Cheng from participating in the next game!

"Yes." Lu Cheng looked at Hausen calmly, "I'll let you go first."

Hausen was stunned for a moment, and a feeling of being humiliated came to his heart. He snorted coldly and threw a high-level ball, and the violent electric light immediately illuminated the field.

This is a thundering beast with a majestic face, the hair all over his body stands like needles, and the yellow mane on the top of his head is like a lightning rod.

As soon as it appeared on the stage, the electric current that came with the thunderbolt beasts flickered and turned into a thick electric current that went straight into the sky.

The dark clouds in the sky were all turned blue because of this electric column.

The red light flickered, and Lu Cheng sent a fossil pterosaur with electrical resistance.

Hausen looked at the fossilized pterosaur hovering in the air, and immediately burst out laughing: "Are you joking when you send a flight-type fossilized pterosaur to appear?"

"Or, are the rumors about the flying king true? That's really unfortunate, hahaha!"

When Hausen was laughing, the thunder light on the thunderbolt beast surged frantically, like tiny silver snakes dancing wildly.

"A charging move?" Lu Cheng murmured.

"Good eyesight, but unfortunately it's too late!"

Hausen restrained his smile, his eyes widened.

"You dare to let your opponent go first in a duel at the Heavenly King level, this is the price you have to pay!"

"Thunder beast, thunder!"

A long howl sounded, and the strong electric current went straight into the sky.

The thunderclouds surged, and the blue-white thunder exploded.

The thunder column with the big bowl mouth suddenly fell!

But faster than thunder and lightning, it was a purple figure that flew out.

How could the Fossil Pterosaur be indifferent while the Thunderbolt was charging?

The price of letting the thunderbolt beasts attack first is the fossilized pterosaurs soaring in the night, covered in rock armor!

"Jie O!"

Under the primitive return, the fossilized pterosaur opened its **** mouth and swooped toward the thunderbolt beast.

But that thunder pillar followed the fossil pterosaur like a shadow.

At the time of the bite hit.

"Thunder" exploded on both the Thunderbolt and the Fossil Pterosaur at the same time!

The electric light surged wildly, and the fossilized pterosaur fell heavily from the air because of this thunder.

There were sharp bite marks on the Thunder Beast's body, but it was not damaged by the thunder at all.

"How could I not be on guard against those reckless men who punch their faces?" Hausen sneered.

"With the high speed of the fossil pterosaur, of course, you can avoid thunder, but the characteristic of thunder beast is a lightning rod. As long as you choose close combat, thunder can easily hit."

"Your reckless command is the key to your failure!"

Hausen raised his arm and shouted, "Thunder beast, Crazy Volt!"

The dazzling electric light enveloped the Thunderbolt, like a dazzling ball of lightning, and the Thunderbolt charged towards the fallen fossilized pterosaur at an astonishing speed.

Once hit, the Fossil Pterosaur is bound to lose its ability to fight!

"Rock grinding." Lu Cheng's eyes were stern, "Rock collapse!"

Under the primitive return, the indestructible rock formation is the most powerful weapon of the fossil pterosaur.

Almost instantly, the rock pillars covering the wings became sharper, and the air resistance instantly decreased.

The Fossil Pterosaur roared and pulled up to avoid the charge of the Thunder Beast. At the same time, rumbling blocks of rock fell from the sky!

"Do you really think rocks are resistant to electricity!?"

Hausen roared, "Don't worry about the rock fall, just jump up and use the electric discharge!"

The Thunder Beast's bouncing power is amazing, it jumped up on the rock, and the electric light on its body also poured out in all directions at this moment!

At this moment, the night is like day because of this violent electric light.

Scoped discharge, there is absolutely no way to avoid it!

A grim smile appeared on Hausen's face.

But the next moment, the smile solidified on his face.

The Thunder Beast, which leaped high, lost its defensive ability at this moment, even though it used a discharge.

The Fossil Pterosaur nailed the Thunder Beast's body with its sharp claws, bit its neck, and took it straight into the sky!

The white light generated by the discharge makes the entire sky curtain a scattered current.

Hausen shouted: "It's useless, the discharge will not have any effect on the Thunder Beast itself!"

"I didn't say I'd end the game with an electric discharge."

Lu Cheng glanced at Hausen indifferently.

"Fossil pterosaur, free fall!"

Hit by a powerful electric current, the fossilized pterosaur was covered in black marks.

But before losing consciousness, the fossilized pterosaur still carried the thunderbolt into the air hundreds of meters high.

Use Thunderbolt as your backing.

The fossilized pterosaur, who was almost in a coma, fell vertically with the thunderbolt!

"You are crazy, this will kill my elf!"

Hausen shouted: "I abstain, I abstain!"

But the figures of the two elves were still falling from the sky!

Seeing that the thunderbolt beast was about to be smashed into a pool of meat sauce, Hausen took out a high-level ball and used red light to retrieve the thunderbolt beast.

Lu Cheng also took back the fossilized pterosaur and looked at Hausen coldly.

"According to the rules, you have already lost."

"This is just the first game!" Hausen gritted his teeth.

Why is this kid so ruthless!

"Exactly... I also want to play a full game."

Lu Cheng smiled slightly, his eyes awe-inspiring:

"It's up to you whether you dare to release the next elf."

Even Hausen didn't realize that his lips were a little dry.

On this young Heavenly King, he actually felt the pressure of the Four Heavenly Kings.

how can that be possible?

How can a trainer who has only debuted for four years have such strength!

The tactical style must be too reckless, which made me have such an illusion!

Hausen did not provoke again, but his expression gradually became serious.

No matter what, he is also a veritable Heavenly King-level trainer, and he also has his own pride!

"Come on, Electric Shock Monster!"

The muscles were bulging, and the whole body was covered with black and yellow fluff, and two wires like wires extended from the back to both sides.

The electric shock monster's eyes lit up red.

With a thud, a pair of giant palms collided, causing a strong current.

In previous World Championships, Hausen's electric shocking beast has performed brilliantly.

As soon as this electric shock beast appeared, there was a burst of exclamations from the sidelines.

In just the second duel, Lu Cheng forced Hausen to release his ace elf!

The electric power amplifier behind the electric shock beast burst out with crackling electric light, swaying wildly on the field.

Jiang Xun's expression became serious, and he said in a low voice: "Hausen's electric shocking beast, the elf who once maimed his opponent in the World Championship..."

"This electric king's style of play is quite violent, and the electric monster fits his style perfectly!"

Luo Yun swallowed nervously and stammered, "I, should I find some doctors over here?"

At this moment, a man dressed in a dark suit, with a brown mirror frame, with a bookish look, smiled and said:

"If there is any danger, leave it to me to handle it."

Jiang Xun narrowed his eyes: "Superpower King, Edward?"

Edward nodded, smiled and said, "I also have some research on elf healing."


Edward looked at the opposite battlefield, and the mirror reflected a fine light.

"This game may not be of use at all."

in the venue.

Lu Cheng looked at the electric shock beast and suddenly sighed.

"Actually, I didn't want to fight with you."

"It's too late to be afraid now, King Lu." Hausen sneered.

"I admit that you do possess the strength of a heavenly king, but the gap in experience can never be eliminated!"

"No, I mean..."

Lu Cheng looked at Hausen and said indifferently, "This game is over."

The red light flickered, and the introverted Lizard King appeared in the field, slowly opening his pair of scarlet eyes.

Hausen was stunned for a moment, then cursed inwardly, "Fxxk!"

Mega Lizard King's characteristic is a lightning rod, and it has an overwhelming advantage against electric spirits.

Although very large volts of current can also make lightning rods useless.

But it is easier said than done to let the electric shock monster accumulate such a huge current!

Just as Hausen was considering changing the spirit, a dazzling white light had already risen on the field.

The sharp dragon's tail extends one by one, and the whole body protrudes with hard bones, and the blades of both arms form diamond-shaped blade blades.

Mega Lizard King's eyes were scarlet, and the blade blades overlapped, drawing a piercing knife light in the field!

Cross cut!


Hausen roared loudly, "Breakthrough!"

This cross scissors almost blocked all the retreat paths of the electric shock monster.

However, due to the characteristics of the electric shock engine, the speed of the electric shock monster skyrocketed, and between the flashes of electric light, it rushed out of the knife light.

At the same time, the noise formed a natural barrier and stopped the Lizard King's offensive.

"Electric Shock Monster, use it to overheat!"

Accompanied by a roar, the power amplifier behind the electric shock beast spurted out dazzling sparks.

At this moment, the electric engine seemed to have become a flamethrower, spewing out two pillars of fire, causing the electric monster to rush out.

The fiery flames wrapped around the electric shock beast, forming a surging fireball!

Luo Yun narrowed his eyes and said in disbelief, "This electric shocking beast has actually mastered the skill of flame!"

Edward nodded and said with emotion: "Even of the heavenly king level will also have a lot of dabbling in the attack surface."

"It's is not the best way to restrain the Mega Lizard King."

Edward's eyes were deep, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I don't know if the king of the road, can you see through this little trick?"

After overheating, the electric monster will fall into a weak period, and its special attack will drop significantly.

As long as you resist this overheating, the balance of victory and defeat will be tilted!

"Lizard King." Lu Cheng's eyes were awe-inspiring, "See you!"

A cold light flashed.

The light of the saber swung by the Lizard King almost split the fireball in two.

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the power amplifier behind the Electric Shock Beast actually failed!

But the aftermath of the explosion also made the Electric Shock Monster rush towards the Lizard King.

A grim smile appeared on Hausen's face.

Young man, your experience is still too shallow!

"Electric Beast, Frozen Fist!"

Fierce ice crystals condensed on the fist of the electric monster.

Four times the damage, one hit hits the Lizard King instantly!

Frost continued to permeate the Lizard King's body, exuding traces of cold air.

With just one punch, the Lizard King flew several meters upside down and fell heavily to the ground!

"Can you send the next elf, King Lu?"

Hausen sneered, "Your Lizard King has already..."

Suddenly, Hausen's eyes widened in disbelief.

A steady stream of energy overflowed from the body of the electric shock beast, turned into a crystal light and fell into the body of the Lizard King.

It was with the help of Ultimate Drain that the Lizard King resisted this frozen fist.

Moreover, the injury is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The Lizard King stood up from the ground and looked coldly at the Electric Shock Demon.

The blade blades of both arms, even at night, flashed a chilling cold light!

"Lizard King, Iai Slash!"

A sword swings out!

The Electric Shock Monster, which was originally in a weak stage, was directly hit by the Iai Slash!

The red light in the electric shock beast's eyes dimmed, and he fell to his knees with a thud.

There was silence in the venue.

No one could believe the scene in front of them.

Lu Cheng's Lizard King actually defeated the proud trump card of Hausen, the king of electricity!

Despite his characteristic suppressing power, Hausen's specialty in electricity cannot be fully used.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Lu Cheng defeated Hausen.

More than half of the 3V3 duel, Lu Cheng has won two games!

If this were on the stage of the World Series, the long-established Haosen would be eliminated directly by Lu Cheng!

Edward took a deep look at Lu Cheng and said with a smile, "It seems that I still underestimate Lu Tianwang."

Luo Yun also breathed a long sigh of relief.

There is only one last game left.

No matter how strong Hausen's elves are, they will never be able to wear them all at once!

Suddenly, Luo Yun felt a strong gravity, causing his shoulders to sink.

Luo Yun looked at the venue in surprise, but saw that Lu Cheng also looked serious.

Appearing on the field was a flying saucer-shaped elf that looked like a UFO with one scarlet eye.

The composite properties of the steel system and the electricity system, master the self-exploding magnetism in various fields such as gravity, magnetism, and electricity!

Hausen tugged open his sleeves and said with a grin, "King Lu, come on, there is one last duel left!"

It is not uncommon for Hausen to have the experience of making two chase three.

What's more, Hausen also brought his own trump card to this trip!

A yellow lustre, crystal clear crystal, is inlaid on the bracelet at Hausen's wrist.

The iconic Z made Lu Cheng look grim.

This is exactly the Z pure crystal that Alansha and him mentioned before, and there may be some people in the American League.

Judging from the color, what Hausen is carrying is the Electric Z exclusively for the Electric Department!

Noticing Lu Cheng's eyes, Hausen was a little surprised and grinned, "Does Lu Tianwang actually know this kind of gadget?"

"Then, you must be mentally prepared."

Hausen's eyes gradually turned cold.

Lu Cheng didn't make a sound, and took out a pitch-black dark ball from his arms.

When the dark ball appeared, Edward's eyes suddenly widened.

As if substantial coercion shrouded the field.

A beam of red light shot from the dark ball and landed on the field, forming a dark shadow like ink.

In the shadows, a gloomy death aura pervades.

A body composed of black mist and turbid air slowly rose from the shadows.

Edward felt a little dry in his throat, and murmured, "This should be... that legendary elf, right?"

Although I have heard of this young king, he conquered the legendary elf.

But when the legendary Nightmare God appeared, it still gave people a powerful shock!

A drop of cold sweat fell from Hausen's forehead.

This has nothing to do with strength, it is a natural fear of the unknown and nightmares.

Darkrai's Nightmare feature has been strengthened again after absorbing the power of the Ghost Slate.

Whether it is for humans or elves, this is a mental blow of a dimension-reducing type!

"Pretend...pretend to be a ghost!"

Hausen gritted his teeth and shouted, "Explode Magneto, use the electric field!"

Despite being a mechanical body, the Exploding Magneto can still feel the tremor from Darkrai.

The self-exploding Magneto shook all over, but still enveloped the entire field with electric light.

Driven by the electric field, Hausen's electric Z echoes the energy of the self-exploding magnet.

Hausen raised his arm and shouted in a domineering manner: "Magnetic explosion, use 100,000 volts!"

Dozens of electric currents poured into the thundercloud at this moment, and a roaring thunderstorm was produced in an instant.

Under the Z move, this one hundred thousand volts also has a long list of names.

Ultimate Volt Thunderbolt!

Like the enhanced version of several hundred thousand volts, this move, which was once called "one billion volts", made the world change color.

Even the super-power king Edward couldn't help but look solemn and muttered: "Hausen's mastery of the electricity system has reached a point that is enough to be admired!"

The Z move was unavoidable, and the strong electric current slammed down, as if to tear Darkrai to pieces on the spot!

Luo Yun didn't even want to witness this scene, so he closed his eyes subconsciously.

But Edward opened his eyes wide in shock, unable to believe that he was looking at the scene in front of him.

"Darklay, dark black hole!"

In the void, the black void was torn open, shaped like an abyss, exuding a gloomy aura.

The terrifying attraction makes the dark black hole swallow everything around it.

At the same time, a billion volts crashed down, swaying a dazzling electric light!


There was silence all around.

Darkrai emerged from the shadow of the self-exploding Magneto and let out a strange laughter.

This dark black hole actually devoured all the billion volts of the self-destructing Magneto!

Hausen's face was ashen, and he murmured, "This... how is this possible!"

Only Lu Cheng knew that in order to defend against this Z move, Darkrai almost used the darkest black hole to the greatest extent possible.

And the aftermath of the dark black hole also successfully hypnotized the self-exploding magnetite!

The dark black hole devoured all the light around it, making it a darkness that could not be seen.

Hausen stared at the darkness, only to feel that an indescribable shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

In that shadow, a hellish whisper came: "What kind of death do you want...?"

The dark black hole stops.

Brightness is restored.

In the field, the self-destructing magnetite was already damaged by Dream Eater and lost its ability to fight.

However, Hausen was equally absent-minded, looking up at the night sky blankly, as if he had seen something that was enough to frustrate his mind.

"Brother Cheng, end, it's over?"

Luo Yun ran to Lu Cheng's side, swallowed and said.

Lu Cheng nodded: "It's over."

"Then what happened to this person?"

Luo Yun asked, pointing to the lost Hausen.

"Darklay's nightmare hurt him by mistake."

Lu Cheng let out a haha ​​and said with a smile, "It will be over in about five minutes!"

Lu Cheng didn't dare to let Darkrai's nightmare last too long.

This kind of situation in nightmares, where you want to die but can't die, if it lasts for too long, it will be enough for another person to go crazy.

If you want to describe this kind of nightmare, it's like being tied to a tree and stabbed with a knife.

In short, in Darkrai's nightmare, Howson could never touch the truth of death.

As a punishment for him, five minutes is enough.

five minutes later.

Hausen's body softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground, as if he had just been fished out of the water, sweating all over his body.

He gasped heavily, glanced at Lu Cheng's dark ball with lingering fears, and stammered, "Yes, I lost..."

He swallowed hard, Hausen's face was pale, and he couldn't say his apology after all.

Lu Cheng didn't care too much.

Darkrai's nightmare was already the best punishment for him.

What's more, the discussion was brought up by Hausen, which can only be regarded as a side effect of Darkrai's move, and it will not be blamed on Lu Cheng.

"Let's go."

Lu Cheng said to Jiang Xun and the three, "It's time to go back to training."

"Against some leagues, it's time to show your own housekeeping skills!"

Looking at Lu Cheng's back, Hausen let out a long breath with lingering fears.

Edward helped Hausen up and said with a smile, "You're planted this time."

Hausen licked his lips and said with difficulty, "Can you see his strength?"


Edward pushed his glasses, and UU Reading murmured, "Even the four great heavenly kings may not be able to compare with them in terms of attainments in dreams."

"After all... that's the legendary **** in charge of nightmares, Darkrai!"

Hausen took the initiative to provoke Lu Cheng, but was easily defeated, which caused quite a stir all over the world.

No matter what, Hausen is a veteran king, but he was defeated by a young rookie king.

What is certain is that Lu Cheng's strength has improved qualitatively since the Heavenly King assessment!

After three days.

In the game against the American League, the Chinese League showed a strong suppression force.

Lu Cheng has never been someone who repays grievances with virtue.

Since the opponent came to provoke him, Lu Cheng would also let them know what real cruelty is.

In this game, Lu Cheng dispatched the long-lost red tyrannical carp dragon to pierce through the American League team with a crushing attitude.

And this game is also known as the semi-final with the most disparity in strength in the world.

So far, the Hua Guo League has officially entered the finals.

With England League, compete for the championship seat!


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