My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 518: Kapu Mingming Appears

The two kings who participated in the island festival were Norman, the flying king from the Netherlands, and Martina, the grass king from Canada.

In the World Youth League, this grass-type heavenly king once led his team to expedition, and is an old woman with a kind face.

And Norman has dazzling blond hair, looks quite young, and has a friendly smile.

Lu Cheng watched Norman's game.

Unlike Li Yunfei, who is also a flying king, Norman's style of play is quite aggressive, and only one Muke eagle swept his opponent.

In the player channel, after finishing the battle, Norman took the initiative to say hello to Lu Cheng.

"Hey, Mr. Lu Cheng." Norman showed his snow-white teeth and stretched out his hand: "It's an honor to have a showdown with you!"

"Are you so sure that we will meet next time?" Lu Cheng said in surprise, "Ms. Martina is also in the same group as us."

"I have communicated with her that Ms. Martina is only on vacation and competing with an entertainment mentality."

A light flashed in Norman's eyes: "That is to say, in this festival, only our two heavenly kings came to Z Pure Crystal."

Lu Cheng frowned somewhat defensively.

"Hey! Don't put on such an ugly face."

Norman hurriedly waved his hand: "I mean, fair competition, I never do that kind of shit!"

Norman also heard about the news of Lu Cheng's victory over Hausen.

Since Z Chunjing is the news on the table, it depends on who is more favored by the guardian **** of the island.

"I heard that the attributes you are good at are also flying, how about we have an aerial duel?"

Norman smiled and said, "Of course, as a condition, I will give you a message that no flight trainer can refuse!"

Lu Cheng didn't care, after all, both the Tyrannosaurus and the Fossil Pterosaur had reached the Heavenly King level.

"You have to tell me what the news is first."

Lu Cheng said, "I have to consider the value before making a judgment."

Norman sighed and shrugged: "The news isn't necessarily reliable, but it's already been widely spread among the Hezhong guys."

"In American legend, the three-headed spirit beasts would roam in the United States, bringing down hurricanes and torrential rains without warning."

"And recently, near the west coast, there have been abnormal rainstorms. It is said that there is a high possibility of tornadoes appearing."

Norman elbowed Lucheng, with a mean look on his face: "I believe that there is no flight trainer who can resist the temptation of tornadoes!"

Tornado Cloud is the second-level **** of the flight department. It has the "Heart of Mischief" feature and is extremely common in the game's battle events.

In reality, the ability of tornado clouds to call wind and rain should also reach the top level in the field of water system.

Lu Cheng was a little moved, but he glanced at Norman and said coldly: "Appearing in the United States, the heavenly kings of America must have already started, and it's our turn?"

Norman sighed and said dejectedly, "It's still necessary to have a dream, I'm not like you, I subdued two legendary elves..."

It's three.

Lu Cheng silently added in his heart.

"Then that's it." Norman smiled, "In the battle of the festival, we will use aerial combat to decide the outcome!"

Although Lu Cheng's strength is very strong, in the field he is good at, Norman is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

No matter how strong his Lucheng is, can he reach the height of a flying king while being proficient in fire and ground elements?

Go dream!

As it turns out, Norman wasn't just dreaming.

It was still a nightmare.

Hawaii Island, Island Festival.

The blue Hawaiian Sea reflects the blue sky and white clouds, and two elves cut two white airflows in the air.

The narrator shouted excitedly: "The speed of the two elves is about the same! God, the fossil pterosaur is better!"

Norman's teeth are already itching with anger.

When it comes to aerial combat, shouldn't everyone default to bird sprites?

Why did you come here, you sent the pterosaurs to the field directly!

What's more terrible is that this fossilized pterosaur is surprisingly fast, almost teasing Muke eagle in a teasing manner.

The annoyed chirping sounded, and the feathers on the forehead of the Muke eagle lit up with white light. Under the high-speed movement, Yan Hui rushed towards the fossilized pterosaur!

But the fossilized pterosaur fluttered its wings disdainfully, and it was also a combo of high-speed movement and swallowing.

The shadow clone was torn apart by Muke eagle, but the fossilized pterosaur had already come behind Muke eagle and smashed into Muke eagle's wings with a bite!

Norman sucked in a breath of cold air and said in pain, "Muke Eagle, use the Brave Bird to attack after being reckless!"

The distance between the two elves was as close as Chi Chi, and Mu Ke Ying flicked its tail at the speed of light, smashing the Fossil Pterosaur into the air.

However, the Muke Eagle, who was charging, was hit by a rockslide and fell from the air in a circle with both eyes.

With a flash of red light, Norman withdrew the Muke Eagle, gritted his teeth and said, "You used the unconventional elves first!"

Lu Cheng shrugged his shoulders and made a gesture of "please."

"Come on, follow the wind ball!"

The Netherlands, known as the "land of windmills", has fluttering **** and shuttlecock cotton fluttering in the wind all year round.

And the ghost-type ball with the wind really doesn't match Norman's fighting style, which is why he hesitated.

But with the wind ball can master the self-destruction and the same fate moves, it is also quite artistic beauty.

Art is the Big Bang!

Norman shouted, "Follow the wind ball and use the charge!"

This elf looks like a hot air balloon, and its body expands visibly with the naked eye.

It's enough to imagine how terrifying power this typhoon will produce after charging it three times!

But Lu Cheng had already taken back the fossilized pterosaur and threw another Pokeball.

Jet-black wings, matte scales, stern edges and corners.

This handsome and beautiful black fire-breathing dragon instantly made the audience burst into cheers.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the hot wind to ignite the ball with the wind!"

When Lu Cheng's command sounded, Norman's expression changed.

With the detonation characteristics of the wind ball, while enhancing the explosive power, it is also extremely resistant to high temperature.

The distance between the fire-breathing dragon and the wind ball is enough for the fire-breathing dragon to detonate safely!

"Follow the wind ball, sneak a surprise attack, and close the distance!"

But when the fire-breathing dragon's wings moved the flames, it instantly escaped into the void with the wind ball, and with the help of the power of the ghost system, the distance between the two sides was quickly shortened!

"Flame vortex, wrap the wind ball!"

With the wind ball like a wind hunting, it has reached the level of detonation in the state of charging!

The pitch-black flame turned into a rolling heat wave at this moment, forming a vortex that would be swallowed by the wind ball.

The black flames surprised Norman for a moment, but he still gave the final command: "Follow the wind ball, blow yourself up!"

A bunch of rays of light leaked out from the body with the wind ball.

Even the fireball formed by the flame vortex can't stop the power of the big self-destruction at all.

The terrifying air wave sent the fire-breathing dragon flying instantly, and the body was covered with explosion scars.

Even so, it barely flew in mid-air, and didn't fall from the sky until it was triggered by the same fate of the wind ball.

Taking back the fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng said softly to the Poké Ball, "Thank you for your hard work."

Taking back the "smashed" ball with the wind, Norman sighed, shook hands with Lu Cheng and said, "I lost, Z Chunjing will give it to you!"

"The patron saint may not show up yet..."

Lu Cheng was smiling and suddenly opened his eyes.

In the center of the celebration altar, a large yellow-haired bird looked at Lu Cheng curiously, with electricity wrapped around the armor of both arms.

"Kapu Mingming?" Norman lost his voice.


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