My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 520: Z Pure CrystalGet√

There were ruins everywhere, and the aftermath of the two legendary elf moves almost destroyed the entire venue.

In that terrifying big pit, Kapu Mingming weakly supported his body with his gauntlets, but the corners of his mouth raised an arc, looking like he was enjoying himself.

The horror in the eyes of the three heavenly kings present can no longer be described in words.

In the 1v1 battle, he defeated Kapu Mingming, the **** of the island, and even looked like he had room to spare.

This Darkrai... No, it's this trainer, who has reached a level that is enough to be admired!

Darkrai panted and slowly escaped into the shadows, not forgetting to smile at Lu Cheng: "Well, I didn't embarrass you!"

Although they are both legendary spirits, Kapu Mingming, as the **** of the island, holds the power of Z moves.

Although Darkrai had a difficult victory, it was clear that it was already capable of confronting the main force of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and was about to speak, but Wendell reminded him aloud.

"Lu Tianwang... Kapu Mingming seems to have something for you."

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows and raised his head, Kapu Mingming was already floating in the air.

A stone as crystal clear as a diamond, wrapped in iridescent brilliance, slowly seemed to be in the air.


Kapu Mingming pointed to the glowstone and nodded to Lu Cheng.

This glowstone is the main material for making Z bracelets, which can mobilize the power of Z pure crystals to use Z moves.

It was an unexpected joy to be able to harvest glowing stones on this vacation trip to Hawaii.

But only glowstone is not enough. In theory, Z pure crystals with specific properties are also needed.

Lu Cheng looked at Kapu Mingming expectantly, but found the big golden bird with the head of Mohigan looking tangled.

Not only Lu Cheng, but the three heavenly kings were also curious about what kind of pure crystal Kapu Mingming would give Lu Cheng.

"It should be Evil Z." The flying king Norman touched his chin and said, "After all, Darkrai defeated him."

Martina, a dignified old woman with silver-white temples, smiled and said, "Kapu Mingming has the ability to understand people's hearts, so she should give Lu Tianwang the most suitable Z pure crystal."

Wendell looked at Lu Cheng with a thoughtful look, hesitating to say anything.

In the end, Kapu Mingming seemed to have made up his mind, and a light blue light flew out from the gauntlet.

Lu Cheng looked at the flying ball of light in surprise, and subconsciously reached out to catch it.

With an icy and cool touch, he looked at it closely, and a gem that was as clear as the sky, radiating azure blue light, lay quietly in Lu Cheng's palm.

"Fly, fly Z!?"

Norman screamed: "Why, I want to fight Kapu Mingming too!"

"Do you think Flying Z is more suitable for me?" Lu Cheng asked with a smile.


Kapu Mingming nodded earnestly and pointed to the Poké Ball on Lu Cheng's waist.

At the island festival, Kapu Mingming observed Lu Cheng for a long time and felt that Lu Cheng might be better at flying.

And the Z move of the flight department is called "extremely fast dive and bang"!

The name is quite domineering, and it is a match for the "extremely giant flying rush" of the giant move.

It is worth mentioning that "Speed ​​Dive" is a must-hit move, and can even cause damage to spirits under protection.

This also means that in the World Championship, flying Z moves will be the key to Lu Cheng's shield breaking.

In the same way, Flying Z can upgrade "Tailwind" to "Tailwind Z", which can make the elf's moves more vulnerable.

Even, the power of flying Z should also be applied to the hot wind of the fire-breathing dragon to enhance the flame and wind.

Judging from the situation, Flying Z is indeed the most suitable Z pure crystal for Lu Cheng.


Seeing Lu Cheng's expression of satisfaction, Kapu Mingming also grinned and danced back and forth in the air.

"Thank you." Lu Cheng smiled and said, "If there is a chance, let's fight again!"


Electric current lingered in the air, Kapu Mingming flew towards the horizon, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Lu Cheng played with the Flying Z in his hand, and muttered, "Take advantage of the vacation and try training Z moves in Hawaii..."

In the game, Z pure crystal needs to be carried on the elves, but in the animation, it is only necessary to put the Z bracelet.

In reality, the elves will echo the power of the Z pure crystal, but they need a glowstone as a medium.

The island owner Wendell took the initiative to step forward and said, "King Lu, if you don't mind, we can help you make the glowstone into a bracelet or necklace."

"No need." Lu Cheng smiled, "I have special props."

After the transformation, Lu Cheng's belt has a groove in the center and four holes on each side.

The central groove is where the Poké Ball of the Variety Monster is placed. In an emergency, the Variety Monster can be transformed into an armor or a weapon.

The groove on the right is embedded with a rainbow-colored keystone, which is used to evolve with Mega.

The glowstone and Z pure crystal obtained this time can be embedded in the remaining two grooves to use Z moves.

For the remaining grooves, Lu Cheng pondered the gigantic transformation, and he should also need to use the "Wishing Star" as a medium.

If there is a chance, perfect this belt to the ultimate form, it will definitely be in place.

"Islander, do you know where there is a suitable training ground?" Lu Cheng asked.

"I plan to practice in Hawaii for a while to train Z moves."

"Don't worry about the venue, just leave it on me."

Wendell had planned to befriend Lu Cheng, not to mention that Lu Cheng is a trainer recognized by the beast, and his future is limitless.

At this time, Norman also came to Lu Cheng's side, hehe smiled and said, "Lu I'll be your sparring partner!"

Norman's abacus is playing loudly.

As a rookie king, Lu Cheng, although powerful, is definitely lacking in experience.

As his sparring partner, he can make friends with Lu Cheng.

Secondly, maybe you can also feel the energy of flying Z, which will benefit Norman's elves.

Lu Cheng doesn't mind, it's natural to have experience in delivering to your door.

Looking at Wendell, who was moving, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Islander, if you come to train with us, we can also exchange some experience of evil spirits."

Wendell was stunned for a moment, but in response to the undeniable condition, he had no choice but to smile and nod.

Later, Lu Cheng used the same excuse to persuade Martina, the king of grass.

Lu Cheng had been greedy for Martina's frog flower for a long time.

At the island festival, Frogflower uses powerful hardened plants, and the scene is even comparable to the arrival of the tree world.

Lu Cheng thought, if there is a chance, he can ask Martina to learn about the training method of "hardening plants".

As a condition of exchange, Lu Cheng prepared an energy block formula with mind herbs as raw material.

On the island of Hawaii, Lu Cheng also officially started training for Z moves.

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