My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 522: World Series format

On the island of Hawaii, the Lizard King started special training in hardening plants.

As the ultimate move, hardened plants have extremely high requirements for the grass-type energy of elves.

Like the sun beam, different elves have completely different understandings of the same move.

For example, Martina's Frog Flower uses "vines" as the strengthening direction of hardened plants.

The thick vines drilled from the ground can not only kill opponents, but also have the effect of imprisoning, and their strength is quite amazing.

Like other grass family, geraniums usually use "flower trays" as a means to display hardened plants, and bricaron is "flying needles".

Therefore, Martina asked Lu Cheng to confirm the direction of the Lizard King before training moves.

"The hardened plants, combined with the Flying Leaf Storm, will enhance the sharpness of the flying leaves." Martina explained, "It can also be combined with vines to pursue the control effect."

"But your Lizard King should be good at physical attack, right?"

Lu Cheng nodded.

Regarding the direction of the hardened plants, the Lizard King is already quite obvious.

That is to use the "leaf blade" as a medium to instantly increase its hardness and achieve the effect of enhancing its destructive power.

Also, hardened plants can be used as an auxiliary control method, limiting the movement of the enemy.

As the exclusive move of Yu Sanjia, the ultimate move means the ultimate in energy control.

Conversely, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, training will be a matter of course.

Therefore, the progress of the Lizard King was astonishing, making Martina dumbfounded.

"Lizard King, try using hardened plants!"


The surging grass energy gathered towards the blades on both sides of the Lizard King.

The prism, which was incomparably sharp before, became even more indestructible at this moment.

At the same time, the sturdy vines drilled out from the ground and instantly formed into a big tree with intertwined roots.

The Lizard King stood at the top of the tree with a look of contempt, which made Lu Cheng couldn't help but admire him.

As expected of the Lizard King, he has a good X!

Even Martina's eyes widened in surprise.

At this rate, it doesn't take a week at all, three days is enough to get started!

But when she was resting, Martina still heard Lu Cheng's sigh.

"No, Lizard King, this progress is too slow!"

"That's right."

The Lizard King nodded lowly, but his eyes became firmer.

Martina only felt that her worldview was a little shaken.

Rao is known as a "grass genius". She spent three months training hardened plants.

Could it be... this is the world of the strong?

Two more days passed.

The Lizard King has successfully mastered the hardened plant, and the next thing to do is to continuously strengthen and consolidate it.

This amazing talent made Martina let out a long sigh and waved her hand tiredly, planning to leave early.

When Martina was planning to return to China, Norman, the flying king, also officially bid farewell to Lu Cheng.

During the period of Lu Cheng's training, Norman went to the Hezhong area to look for the trace of the legendary elf "Tornado Cloud", but he came back without success.

At the same time, he also brought an unusual news to Lu Cheng.

"The Tornado Cloud was subdued?" Lu Cheng's eyes widened, "Which trainer was it!"

Norman scratched his head: "It's been spread on the west coast, it should be the king of America who shot it."

He sighed: "If you can conquer Tornado, even if it's not the Four Heavenly Kings, you're definitely a trainer in the top field."

Lu Cheng couldn't help frowning.

He was not surprised that Tornado was subdued, after all, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the American League.

What he was worried about was that the trainer who conquered the Tornado was very likely to appear in the World Series.

With the tornado cloud, which has a fighting weapon, this will definitely be a very difficult opponent.

"Forget it, let's take the opportunity." Lu Cheng murmured, "Even if there are tornadoes, I'm not wrong."

On the Huaguo Alliance's side, Tu Ming also had a flaming bird, as well as Sidoran, who was subdued by Changbai Volcano.

Presumably in other alliances, there will also be some strange phantom beasts and even second-level gods.

But, who is not a beast man anymore?

It really made Lu Cheng anxious, and it was not impossible to wake the big guy up.

"By the way, the World Series in January will adopt the Swiss system in advance."

Norman said seriously.

"Trainers from different countries will try to qualify for the final championship through competitive rankings, so you should get ready."

"Do trainers from the same alliance also compete with each other?"

Norman nodded: "Because it is a round-robin tournament, only qualifying places are counted, so it is possible to meet trainers from the same league."

"This year's finals were held in America." Norman shrugged.

"Before this, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Venice and other regions will have Masters Open Championships, which can be considered a worldwide carnival."

The World Championship was approaching, which made Lu Cheng excited.

Officially called the "World Championship Championships", the event is divided into a youth group and a master group.

Lu Cheng led his team to win the championship in the youth group competition.

As for the Masters Tournament, only trainers at the master level and above are allowed to participate, so it is dubbed the "King of Heaven".

This is also the best time for countless heavenly kings to emerge and become famous.

Only the throne of the final world champion can bring supreme glory to the trainer and the alliance.

Lu Cheng took a deep breath and clenched his fists quietly.

Last day on the island of Hawaii.

The night was peaceful, the bonfire on the beach reflected the starry sky, and people played and danced around the bonfire.

The island owner, Wendell, officially practiced it to Lu Cheng.

"Lord Lucheng, I look forward to seeing your performance in the World Championships!"

"There will be a chance." Lu Cheng smiled.

Mu Wen stood quietly beside Lu Cheng, holding Lu Cheng's arm.

The orange-red bonfire danced, adding a layer of charm to her profile.

Mawell was holding Mu Wen's shaking her head and playing with the jewel in front of her neck, smirking from time to time.

It was a crystal clear pink orb, the Mega Stone of Dazuiwa.

At the same time, it is also Lu Cheng's engagement gift.

At the end of the trip to Hawaii, Lu Cheng has gained a lot.

The red tyrannosaurus has mastered the Z water splash, and this large version of "water splash" is displayed by its size, and its power is even more amazing.

With its inflated self-confidence, it means that it will be no problem to fight Jiang Ziqian's fast dragon again.

And flying Z also greatly improved the fossil pterosaurs.

The enhanced free fall has the prototype of "extremely fast dive and vigorous collision".

The future flying Z move can even be used as Lu Cheng's ace.

The Lizard King has mastered hardened plants. Although he is just getting started, it is only a matter of time before he becomes proficient.

In addition, Mewtwo's super powers are steadily improving at an astonishing rate.

Right now, Mewtwo has at least master-level strength.

In terms of spiritual power, it is not bad at all against some heavenly king-level elves.

Lu Cheng also returned to China and began to prepare for the round-robin points competition of the World Series.


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