My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 524: Mewtwo's first battle

The curtain of the World Championship was opened, and the whole demon was immersed in a lively battle atmosphere.

On the building in the bustling area, the LED screen played the promotional video of the World Championship back and forth.

Countless foreign tourists also came to Modu, intending to watch this world-renowned masters competition.

The Eastern Battle Tower has different battle areas, and contestants go to different floors according to their groups.

The higher the floor, the higher the ranking of the players.

Generally speaking, players will go to different regions to challenge in a loop to improve their rankings.

And the final top 16 trainers will go to Los Angeles to compete for the final championship seat.

This not only symbolizes the honor of the alliance, but also the biggest stage for trainers in the world.

All the contestants are chasing the same goal, and the difficulty of the master group can be imagined.

And today, the splendid Oriental Battle Tower officially ushered in the first day of duel.

The spire towered into the clouds, and the lights were bright everywhere.

The flames that symbolize victory are burning fiercely, and even outside the tower, the cheers of the audience can be heard.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to bring you the commentary of the first day of the Masters competition!"

"I'm Leo, the commentator. Today's final match of the master group is from Lu Cheng and Tiyan Sanda, let's wait and see!"

The first day of competition in the master group is mostly a competition between master-level trainers.

Therefore, Lu Cheng's finale debut attracted the attention of all audiences.

At this moment, Lu Cheng is standing outside the player's passage, looking at this super power master from Thailand.

Long brown hair, slender body, bronze skin.

Tiyansana smiled slightly, showing her snow-white teeth, but her eyes were quite aggressive.

"I know you, young king." Tiyansana said sternly, "You are the champion of the China League."

Lu Cheng shrugged: "That was a long time ago."

Ti Yangsha said with a smile: "I'm also a champion, but I didn't participate in the Heavenly King Exam."

Having said that, Ti Yangsha flicked her long hair and walked into the passage with Shi Shiran.

Lu Cheng pondered her words, and suddenly grinned: "You mean, do you want to use me to prove the Dao?"

"In terms of superpowers, little girl, you are still far behind."

A red light flickered beside Lu Cheng, Chaomeng Y floated quietly, and said softly, "Are you going to kill her?

Lu Cheng's expression changed and he coughed: "It's not necessary, just use your normal strength."

After the little guy became familiar with Lu Cheng, he was gradually willing to communicate with Lu Cheng.

This kind of telepathy will make the sound directly into the other person's mind.

Chaomeng Y's voice was very soft, with a taste of toffee, but what he said made people shudder.

The little guy nodded as if he didn't understand, and said softly, "As long as... you win her, right?"

Lu Cheng touched its head and said with a smile, "You don't have to be under psychological pressure. After all, you are a quasi-king contestant, just do your best."

At this moment, a faint blue light flickered from Chaomeng's eyes, and then dissipated after a while.

Lu Cheng opened his eyes in surprise.

This should be Mewtwo's predictable future.

"Dad, I see the future."

Chaomeng sullenly said, "I won't lose this game!"

"What did you call me just now?"

A smear of crimson appeared on the fair skin, Mewtwo flew into the Master Ball and began to shake gently.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and walked slowly towards the battlefield.

"Next, let's welcome the champion of the national competition, Lu Cheng!"

The cheers that surged up instantly pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

"Damn it, that man is about to appear!"

"If you match the master, do you just look down on me, King Lu?"

"Xiaolucheng kill me!"

The spotlight slammed on Lu Cheng, making the familiar red coat more vivid.

Lu Cheng lowered the brim of his hat, wore black gloves, moved his wrists, and smiled at the camera.

This suit is exactly the one that Lu Cheng won the national championship in.

With a familiar gesture, that man challenged the stage of the World Series!

"Master's youth is back!"

"Woooooo, Lobo's shot is so amazing, I love it!"

"Is this a high-level trainer? The special effects are full!"

Tiyansana, who was wearing a sequined dance dress, smiled and said, "I still underestimated your popularity."

"You are... the costume of the gorgeous contest?"

"No, it just makes me feel the emotions of the elves better."

At this moment, Tiyansana's amber eyes glowed with pale green fluorescence.

After a while, the fluorescent light stopped, and Tiyang Sanda smiled at Lu Cheng.

"A superhuman?" Lu Cheng murmured, "It's really rare."

"That's why I dare to challenge the king!"

Tiyang Sanda smiled sweetly, but the next moment, the smile stiffened on her face.

Lu Cheng's pointer glowed with a faint blue light, turning into a butterfly and dissipating in the night.

"It's just a little trick." Lu Cheng shook his head, "It's not good enough."

Tiyansana was a little startled.

Did this man also possess special abilities?

Could it be that this is the reason why he became the king of heaven at such a young age?

"Please release the elves at the same time, three, two, one!"

Tiyansana had no time to think about it, she raised her hand and threw the Poke Ball: "Come on, Hu Di!"

This Hu Di, which she nurtured from childhood to adulthood, fits perfectly with her super powers.

There are almost no elves that can escape the lock of Hu Di's superpowers. Under the eyes of miracles, even evil elves are no exception.

But the next moment, Tiyansana's eyes widened.

What Lu Cheng took out turned out to be a master ball!

"The king exploded at the beginning? Why did you throw the master ball directly!"

"What kind of elf is this, why have you never seen it before?"

"It won't be a legendary spirit again, won't it!"

Hu Di tried to lock this unknown elf with super power, but unexpectedly found that all fluctuations were isolated.

As a superhuman, Tiyansana also felt this.

"What kind of elf are you...?"

"Super power elves."

Lu Cheng glanced at Chao Meng.

The little guy was a little excited, with a sullen face, looking at his opponent in the first battle.

"Strength... Probably about the same as your Hudi."

This elf, which had never appeared before, shook the whole world.

The same question hovers in the hearts of all scholars.

What is the origin of this!

In the research institute in the United States, the researchers looked at this Mewtwo Y in shock and murmured:

"Why does this elf look so similar to a dream? Could it be..."

"Could it be that China has made a breakthrough in the field of artificial elves again?"

This assumption made all the researchers fall into a trance.

Use the genes of divine beasts to create divine beasts...

What a crazy and wonderful idea this is!

Or, is this a legendary elf that is very similar to the dream, and just happened to be captured by Lu Cheng?

How good is this trainer's luck!

At the same time, in the Team Rocket Building, a group of researchers looked nervously at the big screen.

"Go on, little guy, don't lose!"

"How can you lose! It was cultivated by our Rockets, the strongest elf!"

Liu Bosheng didn't say a word, quietly stared at the screen, clenching his fists nervously.

This is not only the first battle of Mewtwo, but also an announcement to the world that this new elf has come out.

Come on, go and prove to the world that you are powerful!


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