My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 526: I'm about to go bankrupt

Since the advent of Mewtwo, this powerful and mysterious elf has attracted countless attention.

As the birthplace of Mewtwo, snowflake-like letters poured into the Rockets Research Institute, and the media flocked to try to find out.

But these were all rejected, and what appeared to the world later was a paper from academia.

"Mewtwo, as the newly discovered elf, is highly consistent with the dream's genes, and is very likely to be a legendary elf!"

This paper is from the European Institute of Genetics.

However, in the United States, the Darwin Foundation, which had developed the Silver Companion War Beast, gave a different analysis.

"Mysterious super-type elves, or artificial elves!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and two completely different voices appeared on the Internet.

However, after years of development in the field of artificial elves, there are also precedents for the appearance of polygonal beasts and silver companion beasts in world competitions.

Therefore, the advent of Chaomeng not only opened people's eyes, but also gained a new understanding of Lu Cheng's strength.

"Road God, this is the rhythm of all-attribute domination!"

"It seems that Mewtwo has also been included in the legendary elves... Speaking of which, the Road God competition team is too extravagant!"

"Let's not say anything else, just focus on the cute face, I'm a fan of Lu Cheng!"

It's different from the naive Regais and the ferocious Darkrai.

The cute and small Mewtwo Y has gained countless fans as soon as she debuted.

At this moment, Lu Cheng is preparing for the next points match.

At the same time, he also started training for Mewtwo's "spirit breaking".

"Spirit Break" is Chaomeng's exclusive move, and it is also the embodiment of the spiritual power to the extreme.

None of the super-power kings have mastered this skill, and they can only explore by themselves.

But the little guy has made rapid progress, and it can even be said that he already has the prototype of his exclusive move.

In the training room, Mewtwo was floating in the air, and the long purple nerve bundles glowed brightly.

In the ruby-like eyes, a dazzling blue light is in full bloom, and the terrifying mental fluctuations are vented.

cluck clack——

With the mental fluctuations, more than a dozen super gems covering the surrounding area shattered, turning into a powerful spiritual field that enveloped the surrounding area.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel the pain.

Is it crisp?

This is the sound of money being wasted!

The super gem alone costs nearly one million a day, not counting the high site maintenance costs.

According to this training, in a few years, I will be bankrupt!

Standing beside him was Su Yu, the super-power king who Lu Cheng had invited for special training.

In the Yveltal incident, she once went on a mission with Lu Cheng, and she has a lot of insights on reflex moves.

Seeing Lu Cheng's face, she couldn't help comforting her: "The strength of the moves you require requires at least 20 million for super gems alone. Maybe you can lower your requirements."

Lu Cheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Only 20 million?"

"That's fine."

The reason why Chaomeng has been able to make rapid progress is inseparable from Lu Cheng's unscrupulous krypton gold, in addition to his own powerful racial value.

With the existence of the Rockets, a listed company, Lu Cheng doesn't need to be constrained in elves training.

Use 20 million Let Mewtwo to train exclusive moves.

Lu Cheng couldn't think of anything more cost-effective than this.

Su Yu's expression stiffened for a moment, then sighed helplessly: "The mental strength of ordinary elves is to kill opponents in a linear way."

"Since you want Mewtwo's mental power to cover the entire venue, the demand for energy has also increased exponentially."

Through powerful mental fluctuations, a shock wave is formed to impact the opponent, which is the prototype of Mewtwo's "spiritual breakthrough".

Lu Cheng's requirements are even stricter.

Not only to form shocks, but also to cover the entire field with super powers to form absolute suppression like gravity.

This kind of coercion from the spiritual level will never lose to the oppressive characteristics of some divine beasts, and it will even be stronger.

For the next three days, Lu Cheng stayed in the magic capital and continued to train Chao Meng's spiritual power.

With Su Yu's magic wall puppet there, you can easily display the spiritual field, making Chaomeng's training more effective.

But what Lu Cheng didn't expect was that Mewtwo had mastered the "spiritual field" earlier than "spiritual breakthrough".

This made Su Yu's expression quite exciting.

Co-author, you haven't paid any tuition fees, so I'll give you a skill for nothing?

Su Yu is going to London to participate in the European London points competition.

Mewtwo's training has come to an end.

At the same time, the battle for the summit of the Eastern Battle Tower is in full swing.

Among the four heavenly kings, Han Qing went to Moscow to challenge the ice king in the extreme north.

As the Dragon King, Jiang Ziqian rushed to London to compete with the ancient royal dragon family.

Tu Ming, the Heavenly King of Fire, guards the Demonic Capital and challenges the Heavenly Kings of all countries.

Although the points competition has several divisions.

But in the domestic competition area, there is no doubt about defending the glory.

A duel that Lu Cheng watched was Tu Ming facing a fire king in Southeast Asia.

They are also Heavenly Kings, with the same specialization attributes, but their strengths are worlds apart.

"King Yanwu, use jet flame!"

Tu Ming's sturdy Yanwu King, with blood-red eyes, opened his **** mouth, and a monstrous heat wave swept in.

The opponent's Dharma baboon was trapped in purgatory, and suddenly howled in pain, transforming into a defensive "Dharma form".

The rumbling sound of stepping on the ground sounded, and the fiery flames surged up from King Yanwu's body, and the flash charge directly knocked out the Dharma Baboon!

"Victor, Tu Ming!"

The cheers swelled up immediately, and Lu Cheng also clapped his hands unknowingly.

In the field of fire, Tu Ming can be said to be his leader.

But now Lu Cheng can even see Tu Ming's mistakes.

The elves are growing, and so are the trainers.

In terms of command and vision, Lu Cheng has improved in an all-round way compared to the national competition!

"Next game, let's welcome the champion of the national competition, Lu Cheng, against the ghost king from South Korea, An Haochang!"

The commentator's voice sounded, and Lu Cheng, who was walking in the channel of the players, was also at a loss.

The points competition is a random group the results will be released on the same day.

Against An Haochang, Lu Cheng was obviously not expected.

This ghost king had a small conflict with Lu Cheng in the youth league.

But since it's a world competition, Lu Cheng doesn't intend to pursue his previous grievances, as long as he shows his own strength.

At the corner, An Haochang with a gloomy face was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a greeting.

"Come on, Coach An Haochang."

Lu Cheng smiled and waved.

An Haochang was stunned for a moment, then clenched his teeth.

Is this provocation?

Even if you play well in the youth league, here is the battle stage for the kings!

The spotlights illuminated, and the voices were full of people.

When he got to the competition stage, An Haochang calmed down and looked at the young king seriously.

There is no doubt that this is a true genius.

But the experience of being a heavenly king is a chasm that these young people will never be able to cross!

"Please release the elves at the same time, three, two, one!"

"Come on, Crystal Lantern!"

"Come on, fire-breathing dragon!"


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