My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 537: Lizard King VS Diancie! Against the Fairy King

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the scene of the World Series Final Four!"

The cheers came and went like a tidal wave, and Lu Cheng walked slowly to the battlefield amid the attention of all the people.

On the other side, Alansha in front of the camera smiled and waved, which immediately attracted bursts of cheers.

"Xiaolucheng rushed for the Lord!"

"I will always support Miss Alanza!"

Sitting in the audience, Mu Wen held Maville's hand nervously.

Lu Cheng's grandfather waved the flag, stood on the seat, and shouted, "Lu Cheng—"

"come on!!"

The voices were so loud that the two players shook hands. Alanza smiled and nodded lightly.

And when Alanza walked back to the field, her aura suddenly changed, her blue eyes were as sharp as a saber.

With her pale golden hair swaying in the air, Alanza gracefully took off the Poke Ball and said condensedly, "Come on, Wind Fairy!"

A wind fairy as small as cotton wool, with fluffy cotton on her body, it can float by the wind.

"Go, Kyuubi!"

With a bright golden shimmer, the nine tails leaped lightly, and a beautiful luster shone between the red pupils.

The battle was imminent, and both sides commanded at the same time.

"Nine tails, the big characters explode!"

"Wind fairy, tailwind!"

The flames set off a heat wave, exploded in the air, and sparks scattered.

But the wind fairy took advantage of the wind to avoid the large-character explosion.

"Stay in the air, use poison powder!"

A large amount of poisonous powder blew toward the nine tails with the violent wind.

In the development of poison powder, the wind fairy even has a hypnotic effect. Once it hits the nine tails, it will definitely be at a disadvantage!


In an instant, the scorching ring of fire swayed away, instantly burning the poisonous powder in the wind clean.

With the sound of hissing steam, Nine Tails approached quickly, and a surging flame gathered in his mouth.

"Nine tails, shoot flames!"

A pillar of fire penetrated the sky, and the wind fairy in the air was instantly swallowed up, screaming in pain.

Alanza narrowed her eyes: "Wind fairy, parasitic seeds!"

The cotton wool fluttered in the wind and was firmly adsorbed on Jiuwei's body, becoming particularly heavy.

Lu Cheng frowned, "Nine tails, shoot flames!"

The flames swept away the heat wave, and the wind fairy fell all over black, but it also completed its mission.

Parasitic seeds are extremely difficult to remove, once hit, the entire game may be affected!

"Come on, Shanaido!"

Recovering the incapacitated Wind Fairy, Aransa threw the Poke Ball gracefully.

A pure white dress came into view, the slender Shanaido floated quietly, and her red pupils stared at Nine Tails.

"Xanaido." Alanza held the crystal pendant on her chest.

"Mega Evolution!"

The dazzling light shone on Shanaido's body, and the long skirt became more fluffy, like a noble dance skirt.

"Use magic to shine!"

The dazzling brilliance of Mega Shanaido, who showed the Queen's majesty in her eyes, covered the entire venue in an instant!

After the light passed, Nine Tails curled up in pain, the cotton wool on his body felt as heavy as a thousand pounds!

"Nine tails."

Lu Cheng said sternly: "Rush up and use the sacred fire!"


The white flames soared up and burned on the nine-tailed body, and even had a golden halo on the outside.

Under the characteristics of ignition, the cotton wool on Jiuwei's body was gradually burned out, which also caused Jiuwei's speed to skyrocket again!

Alansha frowned: "Shanaido, teleport!"

Although Shanaido shifted his position instantly, he was surprised to find that he couldn't avoid the flames of the Nine Tails!

With the help of supernatural powers, the nine tails forcibly locked the position of Shanaido, and slammed Shanaido into the air with the flames!


The heat wave was surging, and the two elves fell to the ground in embarrassment, and Shanaido's white dress was covered in charred black.

Although the Nine-Tails used the sacred fire to remove the parasitic seeds, it also consumed a lot of physical strength, and the breath was quite disordered.

And in the moment of silence, powerful mental fluctuations permeated the field!

"Lu Cheng's nine tails... Why can he fight against Shanaido in terms of superpowers!"

"Damn it, nine tails shouldn't wear one and two?"

Supernatural power and spiritual strength, purple and blue are intertwined on the field.

After the confrontation, it was Shanaido who groaned, and his body froze.

"Nine Tails!" Lu Cheng yelled, "Big characters burst into flames!"


The flames were burning, and a dazzling fireball exploded!

The violent roar seemed to shake the entire venue, and the commentator roared loudly:

"Big character explosion, hit directly!"

The white smoke dissipated, and Shanaido had released her Mega form, and fell to the ground weakly.

"Shanaido is incapacitated." The referee waved the flag, "Nine Tails wins!"

There was a commotion in the audience.

"One wears two! It's so easy to defeat the main force of the fairy king!"

"But the state of the nine tails is also not good, it is difficult to continue to stand."

The young man with a friendly smile looked at the venue: "I heard that his nine tails also have a peculiar evolutionary form."

Edson, the King of Steel, nodded: "It's the evolution of bonds... It has been shown in the Magic City Division, but he doesn't seem to intend to use it this time."

Parker nodded lightly: "The flame of that level is no longer inferior to the legendary elves. If it can evolve again..."

"Ha, I'm looking forward to it!"

On the field, the commentator shouted: "Alanza player sent a third elf! Pokkis, who is known as a blessing for Pokémon!"

Lu Cheng looked up at Pockys flying in the air, covered with white fluffy feathers, like an airplane.

"Since it's an aerial battle, I really have to choose this guy."

Taking back the endangered nine tails, Lu Cheng took out the advanced ball: "Come on, Fossil Pterosaur!"

Soaring in the air, the fossilized pterosaur opened its **** mouth and swooped towards Pokkis!

"Pokkis, use Air Slash!" Alanza said in a condensed voice.

The air slash has a certain probability to make the opponent fall into a state of cowardice, and with the graceful characteristics of Pokkis, the famous scene of "infinite air slash" often occurs.

However, the fossilized pterosaur covered its body with rocks and rushed out of the air slash, its wings glowing with metallic luster.

"Fossil pterosaur, steel wings!"

The sharp wings cut through Pokkis' body, and the double damage immediately caused Pokkis to let out a groan.

But after passing by, the fossilized pterosaur yawned and fell directly from the air!

"Have you used the yawning move at the expense of physical strength?"

Lu Cheng muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly sharp: "Fossil pterosaur, dream talk!"

The fossilized pterosaur in the sleeping state fluttered its wings again, and a large number of rock fragments gathered in the air, which was a rock avalanche!

Alansha didn't expect Lu Cheng to prepare counter-hypnosis measures.

Once the rockslide hits, the damage is doubled, and Pokkis is likely to lose his fighting ability!

"Pokkis, speed!"

Pokkis, who quickly avoided the rock avalanche, vibrated his wings, and the sharp air slash roared again!

This time, the Fossil Pterosaur's moves were interrupted directly, and he was forced to recoil!

"Go ahead! Use Air Slash!"

For two consecutive rounds, the fossilized pterosaur not only failed to wake up from sleep, but was also covered in bruises.

It wasn't until the Fossil Pterosaur finally opened its eyes that it screamed loudly, flying around in the air in pain.

"Pokkis, **** the kiss!"

Pokkis blew a kiss, and the fossilized pterosaur fell dizzily from the air, losing its ability to fight.

"You are also capable of rock collapse..."

Lu Cheng shook his head helplessly, took back the fossilized pterosaur, and took out the next Pokeball.

"Go, Lizard King!"

The red light flickered, the Lizard King closed his eyes and slowly opened his red pupils, and spit out a letter unhurriedly.

In the air, Pokkis only felt a chill behind him.

Alanza couldn't help frowning.

It was the first time to see Lu Cheng, the Lizard King, in the World Championship.

A sense of crisis crept into her heart, and Alansha said in a condensed voice, "Pokkis, Air Slash!"

"Lightning flash!" Lu Cheng said loudly, "Iai Slash!"

A cold light passed by!

Alansha's pupils shrank, and she shouted, "Use the speed to avoid it!"

But when Pokkis reacted, he only felt a burst of pain, and the wound on his back was deep into the bones!

Landing lightly, the Lizard King spun the blade and rushed out again like an arrow from a string!

"Pokkis, take the baton!"

At the critical moment, Pokkis turned into a red light and flew into the Poké Ball.

But the Lizard King was even faster.

Leaping forward, overlapping his two blades, the Lizard King's pursuit smashed Pokkis to the ground!

Chase: If the target is replaced this turn, this move will immediately attack the Pokémon that is about to leave the field, and its power will be doubled!


Pokkis fell from the sky.

The Lizard King landed lightly, and threw the blade of both arms, without even looking back.

There was silence on the field, and everyone looked at the Lizard King with awe.

It wasn't until the semi-finals competition that Lu Cheng released the Lizard King's trump card!

In the audience, Parker looked at the Lizard King with interest, while Edson's expression was quite serious.

Even his aluminum-steel dragon is not fully confident that he can defeat the Lizard King in a 1v1 battle!

Right now, there are only three elves left in Alanza, and the situation is quite unfavorable!

Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on Alanza's face.

"I admit, this is a fairly powerful elf."

"It is precisely because of this that I will do my best!"

The red light flickered, and Dianxi of Aransa appeared on the field.

There is a pink round diamond on the top of the head, the upper body is a white skirt, and the lower body is a small diamond-like mineral.

Dian Xi, who was pure and flawless, with eyes as clear as onyx, saluted Lu Cheng gracefully.

In Lu Cheng's mind, Dianxi's telepathy sounded.

"Guian, Mr. Lu."

A smile appeared on Lu Cheng's face, and he also answered with the power of the waveguide: "Long time no see, Dianxi."

Dianxi was slightly startled, the corners of his mouth raised an arc, a rare desire to fight.

"Mr. Lu, Dianxi wants to win this game!"

When the referee's whistle sounded, Dian Xi closed his eyes and used meditation to strengthen himself.

The Lizard King jumped out at the same time, and the blades of his arms glowed with emerald green luster.

"Lizard King, Leaf Blade!"

"Dianci." Alanza said loudly, "Power Gem!"

In front of Diancie, a solid pink diamond appeared out of thin air.


The blade of the leaf slashed on the diamond, and the sparks splattered, but it was not shaken in the slightest.

At the same time, a dazzling light lit up on the diamond, making the Lizard King forced to close his eyes.

A violent roar sounded, rows of rock pillars rose from the ground, and sharp stone attacks followed!

"Lizard King, hardened plants!"

When the rock pillars were raised, the sturdy plants also grew wildly, clinging to the rock pillars and rising together with them.

In an instant, the rock pillar has grown into a towering tree!

The Lizard King stood on the crown of the tree, raised his hands, and a large number of branches stabbed at Dianxi frantically!

Alanza said, "Dianci, Diamond Storm!"

As Dianxi's exclusive move, Diamond Storm condenses a turbulent diamond frenzy out of thin air, rushing towards the giant tree!

The broken diamonds splashed, and the field was full of colorful diamonds, but when they broke, they were scattered in the wind.

This splendid scene caused bursts of exclamations on the field!

Parker smiled and said, "As expected of the champion of the French League, Diancie has conquered it."

"But if the princess of the land of ore doesn't agree, even the champion can't drive it."

Edson pondered: "It is certain that this will be a duel between a spear and a shield!"

Seeing that the giant tree was about to be submerged by the diamond sea, Lu Cheng shouted, "Lizard King, Feiye Storm!"

The crown of the tree suddenly burst into light, and a large number of leaves flew, turning into blades whistling towards the diamond storm.

There was a sour clack, and countless diamonds vanished, causing bursts of breathless sounds!

"This game is too worrying to watch!"

"Brother Meng, put your tears on the public screen."

"The culprit of the diamond scam has been found, @Kuwei won the championship today!"

What shocked many heavenly kings even more was the strength of Lu Cheng, the lizard king.

Even if the opponent is a legendary elf, the Lizard King is not at all disadvantaged!

After the diamond storm, Dianci became more crystal clear, and the defense rose again.

And in the hands of the Lizard King, a surging beam of light slowly condensed, gradually forming a blazing sun blade!


Holding the Sunlight Blade tightly in his hand and reaching it in front of him, the Lizard King wiped the blade all the way along the hilt.

Open the blade!

The narrator shouted, "The sword dance has brought the Lizard King's momentum to a new height!"

"This is a duel between the strongest spear and the strongest shield!"

"The Lizard King." Lu Cheng shouted with dignified eyes.

"Ihe Slash!"

In Dianci's hands, a huge indestructible diamond was condensed.

The Lizard King clenched the Sunlight Blade, jumped, and fell along the center of the diamond!

A cold light flashed.

Unbelievable expressions appeared in everyone's eyes.

"This... is this true or false?"

"Is this, Lu Cheng's trump card..."


The huge diamond was split in half in the middle, and turned into crystal fragments that were scattered in the wind!

Dianxi's figure swayed for a moment, and finally fell to the ground weakly.

Looking at Lu Cheng, a weak smile slowly appeared on Dianxi's face.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lu."

With a thud, Dianci fell to the ground!

"Dianci is incapacitated!" The referee waved the flag, "The Lizard King wins!"

The Sunlight Blade gradually disappeared, and the Lizard King wrapped his arms, still with his grim look.

The game isn't over yet, it's not time to celebrate!

To take back Dianci, Alanza sent her fifth elf.

Fairy Eevee.

Lu Cheng also has a relationship with Fairy Ibrahimovic, and is even known as the "Father of Fairy Ibrahimovic".

But the Lizard King would never be soft-hearted, and the Iai Slash moving at a high speed directly slashed Fairy Ibrahimovic to the ground.

It's not that Fairy Ibrahimovic is After all, she is also a famous dragon killer in recent years.

In fact, the Lizard King's physical strength has reached the limit, so he can only use this quick-fix method.

And Alanza's last elf is the West Lion Hairen with the combined attributes of water and fairy.

Lu Cheng has the advantage of the number of elves. After the sacrifice of the Variety Monster, Lucario easily won the victory with bullet fist.

"The World Series, the Eighth Final Four, the winner Lu Cheng!"

The applause was like thunder, and the cheers rose one after another.

By the time of the semi-finals, Lu Cheng had already set the record for the youngest semi-finals in history, and it was like stepping on Parker's record and climbing up step by step!

"The sword points to the world champion, Xiaolucheng will charge for me!"

"You won't really usher in a 22-year-old world champion, will you? No way!"

When the two sides shook hands, Alansha quietly approached Lu Cheng's ear: "Can I ask you a question?"


"What is your other master ball?"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, looking up at the sky.

"Count the days, it should wake up by the time of the final..."


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