My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 539: Fly Z, dive and crash at extreme speed!

"Go, Flying Dragon!"

The huge Flying Dragon spreads its blood-colored wings, its fangs are ferocious, and its shadow covers the sky and the sun!

"Come on, Fossil Pterosaur!"

The fossilized pterosaur spread out the wings of the purple diaphragm, and roared, with no less imposing manner!

The two elves soared in the air, showing their teeth and claws, their eyes burning with anger.


The roar sounded, and the Fossil Pterosaur and the Tyrannosaurus collided fiercely, but the Fossil Pterosaur was even faster!

"Rapid Dragon is already a very fast elf among dragons."

Du Zhe said solemnly, "But compared to the fossilized pterosaur, it's still far worse!"

Fossil pterosaurs have top speed, and under the cultivation of Lu Cheng, they have brought their speed advantages to the extreme.

Surrounding the huge tyrannosaurus, the fossilized pterosaurs used guerrilla tactics and quickly retreated after taking a bite.

In just a short while, Feifeilong had already left hideous wounds on his body!

"Flying Dragon, Dragon Claw!"

"Use the rockslide after avoiding it!"

The Dragon Claw swung out, but was avoided by the fossilized pterosaur. A large number of rock blocks condensed in the air and fell to the Dragon!

"Flying Dragon, Dragon Dance!"


A violent roar sounded, and the Flying Dragon hovered in the air, smashing the falling rocks with the dragon's tail.

Under the blessing of the Dragon Dance, the momentum of the Flying Dragon continued to rise, and its flight speed even surpassed that of the Fossil Pterosaur!

It was also at this moment that a rainbow-colored light shone on the body of the Storm Flying Dragon.

"Flying dragon, sacrifice your life to collide!"

The Mega-evolved stormy dragon, with its blood wings forming a scarlet full moon, swept through the turbulent wind and rushed towards the fossilized pterosaur!

"Primitive power!" Lu Cheng said sternly, "Catch it for Lao Tzu! Use free fall!"

A layer of surging rock energy covered the fossilized pterosaur's body, and rows of sharp rock pillars protruded, like the fossilized pterosaur's rock armor.

The white light that symbolized evolution flickered, and the fossilized pterosaur was slammed into the air by the rushing stormy dragon, but its claws were embedded in the body of the stormy dragon!

" this the Mega evolution of the Fossil Pterosaur!?"

"I heard that Professor Lu discovered the original return form of the fossilized pterosaur!"

"Professor Lu? I almost forgot, this paper was published by Lushen!"

But after the original return, the power of the Fossil Pterosaur is still not enough to shake the Flying Dragon!

"Jie O—!"

The roar of the Fossil Pterosaur sounded, and its eyes were full of blood red, but it was still held against its abdomen by the Flying Dragon and hit the ground.

The free fall can grab the opponent to the high school, but the power of the fossil pterosaur alone is not enough to do it.

Unless, use the power of Flying Z!

Lu Cheng took the belt, and the surging power poured out from the sky blue pure crystal.

"Fossil pterosaur, swooping down and crashing at extreme speed!!"

"Jie Ou!!"

The power poured out continuously, and the fossilized pterosaur broke free from the shackles of the dragon, grabbed the tail of the dragon with its claws, and flew into the air with a roar.

"Here, what's going on with this fossilized pterosaur! It can actually pull a Tyrannosaurus so many times its size!"

"This is the power of Z Pure Crystal... It comes from the Z move of the Great God of Radiance!"

Parker's pupils shrank, and he murmured, "He has even been recognized by the **** of the island..."

Even Jiang Ziqian was a little moved, looking up at the two elves falling from the sky.

With a dazzling white awn, the Fossil Pterosaur swooped down from the sky like a meteor, grabbed the Flying Dragon and slammed into the ground at high speed!

Boom! !

The dust is flying.

The Flying Dragon fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the Fossil Pterosaur staggered, but barely smiled.

"Jie O!"

"Flying Dragon is incapacitated!"

While Jiang Ziqian took back the Flying Dragon, Lu Cheng also took back the Fossil Pterosaur.

The physical strength of the fossil pterosaur has reached its limit, and it is too reluctant to continue fighting.

Lu Cheng's tactical arrangement has been completed to be able to defeat the Mega-evolved Flying Dragon.

"Next, leave it to other teammates!"

Jiang Ziqian pondered for a while and sent a second elf.

The stick-tailed scale armored dragon covered with hard armor, most of its body is gray, its arms are extremely strong, and it has overwhelming power.

At the same time, the fighting spirit, Lu Cheng sent Lucario.

However, due to the characteristics of the stick-tailed scale dragon, it is bulletproof and immune to projectile-type moves, so Lucario's wave missile is difficult to take effect.

At the cost of spending a lot of physical strength, the stick-tailed scale armored dragon used the exclusive move "Soul Dance and Sonic Boom" to forcibly improve its attributes.

And as the melee combat was blocked by the "Iron Wall", Lucario was also knocked to the ground by the "Dragon Claw" that the Rodtail Scale Armored Dragon counterattacked.

The pale green dragon shadow roared away on the field, the stick-tailed scale armored dragon had blood red eyes, beating its chest, and its aura rose to an astonishing level!

"Thank you for your hard work, Lucario."

Taking back Lucario who was incapacitated, Lu Cheng looked at the roaring rod-tailed scale dragon on the field with a serious look.

What is certain is that if you don't knock down this behemoth as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles!

"Come on, bite Lu Shark fiercely!"

The deep purple body and scarlet chest, the fierce biting land shark, was covered with sharp barbs all over its body, and those dark yellow eyes stared coldly at the cane-tailed scale dragon.

In the dragon-type civil war, both sides restrained each other, and whoever is faster means who has the right to give priority to the lethal shot.

And the speed of fiercely biting the land shark is enough to dwarf the heroes in the dragon family, and it is not even comparable to the Flying Dragon, which is good at flying!

"Use the dragon element to fight the dragon element." Han Qing smiled slightly, "It's really his fighting style."

"But for this stance, Lu Cheng should have planned to let Lie bite Lu Shark to harvest."

Tu Ming pondered: "If I guessed correctly, Lu Cheng should choose to use the sandstorm as the winner of the game!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling light bloomed on Liebite Lu Shark's body, and the commentator exclaimed, "Lu Cheng chose to let Liebite Lu Shark evolve Mega!"

Lu Cheng said slowly: "I was testing just now, what are the characteristics of this rod-tailed scale dragon."

"If it is bulletproof, it also means that it has lost its dustproof properties... Biting land sharks, sandstorms!"


After super-evolution, Lie Bite Lu Shark wielded a huge blood-colored twin scythe, and his expression was crazy and ferocious, like a cold-blooded butcher.

And its body is covered with rows of sharp bone spurs. Once it fights in close quarters, it will never feel good about the Scaled Armored Dragon!

The flying sand rolled in from the sky, and between the flying sand and the rocks, Jiang Ziqian's expression was quite serious.

In this sandstorm, there is no way to tell the location of the fierce bite land shark!

"Stand-tailed Scaled noise!"

The noise produced by scratching the metal scales is enough to make anyone's teeth sour, and this sound can also cause great harm to the elves.

Huge sound waves poured into the sandstorm, but there was no sign of Lie Biting Lu Shark at all.

Jiang Ziqian's expression changed: "Be careful going underground!"

However, the rolling sand has completely blocked the movement of the stick-tailed scale armored dragon, even if it struggled desperately, it just fell deeper and deeper!

"Bite the land shark and dig a hole!"

The fiercely biting land shark broke out of the ground, the blood-colored giant scythes overlapped, and grinned ferociously around the neck of the Scales-Tailed Dragon.

The sour metal sound rang out, sparks splashed everywhere, and the Scaled Ankylosaurus fell directly to the ground!

"Using the sandstorm to cause damage while hiding the figure... Lu Cheng's understanding of the sandstorm system is so thorough!"

"In the previous duel between top trainers, the weather is a crucial factor!"

"The characteristic of the Super Bite Land Shark is the power of sand, which must be one of the reasons why Lu Cheng let the Bite Land Shark Mega evolve."

"A battle for the weather..."

Jiang Ziqian muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly sharp: "Come on, fast dragon!"


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