My Pokémon Player

Chapter 110 A visit from the Merchant Alliance

Ryan followed White to look at the other two nests, and sure enough he found Pokémon eggs inside. One of the nests even produced three eggs, which made Ryan extremely happy.

He turned to White and asked, "Besides these three couples, do other Marilu also have partners?"

"There are two pairs of Marilu that are also partners, but they don't lay eggs." White replied.

"Just because they don't have eggs now doesn't mean they won't in the future. Just don't let them water them for the next few days. The sowing work has been completed anyway. Just water them every few days to keep the soil moist."

The food crops in the Pokémon world are not as drought-resistant as the wheat in the previous life, but they do not need to be watered every day. Generally speaking, watering once every three or four days is enough, and the workload is not very heavy.

"Let the single Marilu and Mosquito Tadpoles share more of the watering task. I will give them extra food in the past few days. The Poké Cubes will suffice."

Ryan ordered White.

In the past few days, he can only work hard on the remaining Pokémon. If only he could draw the King's Certificate, he could evolve the Mosquito-Repellent King into the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King.

The characteristic of the mosquito-repellent frog he conquered is [Free Travel]. When it evolves into the mosquito-repellent frog queen, its characteristic will become [rainfall]. It can make the weather turn rainy without spending energy, which is very helpful for farming.

This is also the reason why Ryan didn't let Mr. Mosquito-repellent Repellent evolve into the Mosquito-repellent Swimmer even though he had the Water Stone. He still hoped that Mr. Mosquito-Repellent Repellent could evolve into the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King.

Of course, he also asked the mosquito-repellent incense gentleman for his opinion. After listening to Ryan's introduction to the two evolutionary forms, the mosquito-repellent incense gentleman chose the mosquito-repellent incense frog king without hesitation.

It originally likes to lead and take care of its own kind, so there are so many mosquito-repellent tadpoles around it. The mosquito-repellent frog king is the king of their clan and can lead more mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent kings.

Therefore, it is more willing to evolve into a mosquito-repellent frog king than a mosquito-repellent swimmer.

Since both myself and Mr. Mosquito-repellent Repellent are fond of the Mosquito-repellent Frog King, we won’t evolve into the Mosquito-Repellent Repellent Swimmer until he gets the King’s Certificate.

But even if Ryan draws the King's Certificate, the Mosquito-Repellent Repellent King may not evolve into the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King.

In the game, if the mosquito-repellent king wants to evolve into the mosquito-repellent frog king, he not only needs the certificate of king, but also needs to exchange connections.

Ryan originally thought that the Pokémon teleportation device had the function of connecting and evolving, but after actual operation, he found that this machine could only teleport Pokémon and could not allow Pokémon to connect and evolve.

It seems that if you want Pokémon to connect and evolve, you have to get a special Pokémon exchange device. There is no loophole in this panel.

Judging from the fact that the transmission device is a reward drawn from a high-level lottery, even if the exchange device is not as technologically advanced as the transmission device, it must at least be obtained by an intermediate lottery, so Mr. Mosquito Repellent cannot complete the evolution in a short time.

Unless they encounter a special magnetic field environment in the real world, Pokémon that require connection and exchange to evolve in the wild evolve in a special magnetic field environment, and the exchange device only simulates this environment.

But this kind of environment is hard to come by. Instead of searching for a magnetic field environment like a needle in a haystack, it's better to pay homage to Arceus. Maybe when the old man is happy, Ryan will be able to get the switching device.

"Understood, I will reassign the watering tasks."

"Ask the people below to check on the Pokémon eggs from time to time to avoid unexpected situations. When looking, be careful not to get too close to them, and don't try to touch the Pokémon eggs." Ryan emphasized to White. .

Pokémon in the incubation period are still very sensitive. No matter how kind they are to humans, they will not easily allow humans to touch their babies casually.

Unless they are humans like Ryan who are kind to them, if others want to touch the Pokémon eggs, they will most likely be attacked by them.

"Aren't these servants managed by Butler Anderson? It would be better to leave this matter to him."

White looked hesitant.

It's not that he's too fussy, it's mainly that Butler Anderson is quite rigid. If he knew that he was going over and over to inform the servants, he would definitely have to lecture him again.

To be honest, he was really a little afraid of Anderson. In order to prevent Ryan from calling them uncle, this housekeeper even tried to persuade Ryan's father for a week. Ryan's father was such a sunny and cheerful person, but in the end he didn't even bother to persuade him. Empty.

If there hadn't been a combat mission later, Anderson might not have been able to continue persuading him.

The key is that you can't refute him. After all, everything they say is well-founded. Besides, Butler Anderson is the most educated person in the entire Yinghuo Town. Who can argue with him?

What White fears most is this kind of talkative person. He would rather fight with a powerful enemy than listen to Anderson's preaching.

Ryan naturally saw what White was thinking, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

I didn’t expect that Uncle White, who was always calm and steady, would be afraid of people.

"Butler Anderson has been busy teaching the maid arithmetic these past two days. He doesn't have time to take care of these things at the moment. I can only trouble you to inform the servant."

Ryan explained with a smile.

"I see, I understand. I will tell the people below." White nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go to other parts of the courtyard to see if there are any Pokémon laying eggs."

"As you command!"

In the following time, Ryan and White walked around the courtyard twice, checking each Pokémon's nest to see if there were any eggs. As a result, they found a lot of Pokémon eggs.

"This is a caterpillar egg, and there is a stalker egg, whose egg is that?"

Ryan happily checked the eggs laid by Pokémon. The Pokémon eggs in reality are different from the eggs in the game animation.

The Pokémon eggs in the game all look the same. No one knows what Pokémon is inside before they hatch. Of course, if the parents are clear, they can still know.

The Pokémon eggs in the animation have patterns similar to the Pokémon in the egg. For example, if there is a Togepi in the egg, then this Pokémon egg will have a blue and red hollow triangle pattern on it, so people can tell what Pokémon is inside at a glance.

The Pokémon in the real world are neither as stereotyped as in the game, nor as complex as in the animation. They only have color and subtle pattern differences.

For example, the eggs laid by Maril are blue, the eggs of the caterpillar are green, and the eggs of the stalker are blue with irregular green patterns on them.

People can roughly divide the range of Pokémon in eggs by color and pattern, but they can never identify the Pokémon inside by the pattern of the egg like in the animation.

Therefore, Ryan heard that there are many egg gambling shops in Guanhai City. Merchants put many Pokémon eggs together and claim that these eggs are picked up by themselves or sold to him by others.

They can't be sure what Pokémon is inside, but the color of the eggs is very similar to those of rare Pokémon, so the price will be more expensive than ordinary Pokémon eggs.

After the customer spends money to buy it, he spends time to hatch the eggs. If it is an ordinary Pokémon, he will lose some money. If it really hatches a rare Pokémon, he will make a lot of money.

Under the merchants' exaggerated boasting, many people can't help but gamble, especially those who want to capture the first Pokémon and become a magician.

If they can win a rare Pokémon by gambling, their future path as a Beast Master will be much easier. Even if they fail to hatch a rare Pokémon, at least they can become a Beast Master. It's just a little more money, which they can accept.

Therefore, this kind of egg gambling business is very popular in Guanhai City, but in fact, there are not so many lost Pokémon eggs for people to pick up.

Most Pokémon eggs are purchased by merchants from other places. They already know who the parents of the eggs are, and naturally know what Pokémon will hatch from them.

They will sell some eggs that are not easy to sell in the form of gambling eggs. For example, it is obviously a caterpillar egg, but because the color of the egg is green, they will say that there may be a frog seed inside.

This is not too much. Some unscrupulous merchants will even paint the color of the egg heavier with paint, and then boast that this egg is likely to hatch a young Kiras.

Faced with the temptation of quasi-gods, few people can suppress the desire to buy.

To be honest, Ryan doubts that if these merchants knew the existence of Rayquaza, would they say that this egg may hatch Rayquaza.

Hmm? Caterpillar and Rayquaza? To some extent, this statement is quite reasonable!

Ahem, I have gone off topic. The most important thing at the moment is to count how many Pokémon eggs there are in the courtyard. What they saw is only a part of it. There must be many Pokémon eggs that have not been discovered.

He gave this task to White and asked him to report to him after the count.

"Master Ryan, do you still need to check the camp? There are many Pokémon from Iron Mountain there."

White asked.

"The camp? Logically, they have just recovered from their injuries and should not be in a hurry to breed offspring, but just in case, you should go and check it out."

Ryan pondered.

After all, it is spring now, and the air is filled with the smell of hormones. It is possible that those Pokémon will do some "rehabilitation exercises".

"Yes, I will go to the camp after counting the Pokémon eggs in the courtyard, and then come back to report to you."

"Then I'll leave it to you. You've worked so hard during this period."

"This is what I should do. It's my honor to share your worries!"

White responded with a serious expression.

Ryan also knew that White said this not to flatter him, but he really thought so.

But the more White did this, the more guilty he felt.

Since Ryan's father disappeared, White has been handling all the big and small things in the territory. Although Ryan has also learned to handle government affairs, he is not yet proficient, and most things still have to be handed over to White.

In addition to government affairs, White also shoulders the responsibilities of the captain of the Knights. He has to take time out every day to train with the Knights' followers and select good seedlings for the future Knights.

In addition, he had to manage the militia before. Now he has finally handed over the burden of the militia to Raymond, but he has the task of counting and taking care of Pokémon eggs.

Although Pokémon eggs do not need White to watch over them all the time, a person with a strong sense of responsibility like him will definitely spend a lot of time checking the condition of Pokémon eggs to prevent accidents.

Ryan naturally does not want White to work so hard, but there is no way. As mentioned before, there are few talents available in Firefly Town.

In the past, White had the help of his brothers in the Knights Team. They are all literate, otherwise they would not pass the knight assessment.

What's more, they are powerful knights, and they will have the opportunity to be enfeoffed with land and become small lords in the future, so they have more or less learned knowledge about government affairs and are quite experienced in handling government affairs, which can help White share some of the burden.

In fact, the main force in handling government affairs at that time was not White, but the deputy captain of the Knights. White just played a commanding role like he managed the militia before.

Unfortunately, the knights of the Knights, including the deputy captain, died in the fight against the beast tide, and White was forced to take on these responsibilities.

After these days of hard work, White was visibly haggard.

Looking at the newly grown white hair on White's head, Ryan became more determined to establish a school. At present, he only has a small territory, Firefly Town, and talents are not enough. If he occupies other territories in the future, wouldn't he not even have the most basic management personnel.

It's just that it takes a long time for the school to cultivate talents. Far water can't quench thirst. The most urgent task is to recruit some talents.

It seems that I have to take time to go to Guanhai City. There are not many talents in a small territory like Firefly Town, but there will be some in big cities after all.

"Then you go to count the Pokémon eggs first, and leave all the government affairs today to me."

"This" White hesitated.

"What? Uncle White doesn't believe me?"

"No, no, no, of course not. It's just that there are too many government affairs today, and you may not be able to handle them all."

"It's okay. I've been getting more and more handy in handling government affairs these past two days. Don't worry, I can definitely handle them all."

Ryan patted his chest and promised.

Just kidding, Firefly Town is only a small place. No matter how many things there are, he doesn't believe he can't handle them all.

As a result, when Ryan really started to handle government affairs, Ryan felt that he had said it too early.

Since paper that is easy to write on has not been invented in this era, and animal skin rolls are very precious, ordinary government affairs will naturally not be written on them.

Therefore, when handling government affairs, relevant personnel must be summoned to ask in person, and then instructions are given.

It is quite troublesome and time-consuming to handle government affairs in this way.

The main reason is that he has a lot of things to deal with, and there are not many big things among them, but some trivial things.

Either some residents say that someone has stolen their things, or neighbors quarrel over a small matter, and then make trouble here.

Ryan didn't know whether the lords of other territories would handle these matters, but in Firefly Town, he had to handle these matters personally.

Time soon came to noon, and Ryan was numb. He slumped in a chair, staring at the table with lifeless eyes, and his mind was full of the sounds of residents quarreling.

Ryan regretted it now, very much. He shouldn't have promised White that he could handle all the government affairs.


Just as Ryan sighed, Tian Zhuzhu came to him with a glass of secret juice on his head. After putting the juice down, it also exuded a calming aroma.

Ryan's mood immediately improved after smelling the aroma. He picked up the juice and drank it all in one gulp.

"Hiccup~ Thank you, Tian Zhuzhu."

He touched Tian Zhuzhu's calyx.

"Mengji~" (You're welcome~)

Tian Zhuzhu squinted happily.

Hehe, I can help Ryan again~

"No, I have to make paper that can be written on, so that I don't have to ask people one by one when handling government affairs. This task will be handed over to the players."

"They have been playing for such a long time, why haven't they thought of inventing paper? Is it unnecessary? It shouldn't be, then what do they use to go to the toilet? Just follow the local customs?"

"We have to set up a department similar to the government office. I don't want to deal with these trivial matters anymore!"

Just when Ryan was thinking about where to transfer people, White reported something to him.

"What? Someone from the Merchant Alliance came to visit?"

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