My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 230: Preparation, the last busy day

The shortage of diesel was solved, and after recording it in the material requirements, Somo turned and returned to the third floor.

The problem of the harvester is solved, and the two design drawings that are still on the table are much simpler.

Not to mention the flour grinder, it is the rotary tiller, it is just a rotary tiller shaft on the basis of the tractor, and there is no technical difficulty at all.

And because the drawing I got was an inclined rotary tiller shaft, I didn’t have too much thought and system help. I just leaned on the workbench and rushed to the middle of the night before two o’clock. Somo also finished the whole rotary tiller. shell.

"The workbench is easy to use, but it is difficult to make big things. After the disaster is over, it is convenient to make the cutting machine quickly."

After finishing the main body part, as the cutter head in the rotary tiller shaft for farming, it can only rely on the system to slowly glue the small part, and finally form a large piece.

Fortunately, the copper and iron purchased last time are very abundant, and I finally did not encounter any problems with the neck in terms of materials.

Time passed by, beckoning Moore to lift things up and down.

When the iron block on hand was empty, the last part of the rotary tiller was finally finished.

Next, you only need to wait until tomorrow to exchange some items that can reduce the consumption of survival points in the trading secret, and the rotary tiller can be freshly released and become an important part of the automated farm.

"Master Sumo, Moore is so sleepy, Moore wants to sleep!"

Sowing the remaining three acres of land, negotiating a deal, and rushing to produce the rotary tiller and harvester overnight. Even if the work efficiency is modern, it is a proper exaggeration and terror.

Moore, who had been busy for a day, had reached the limit at this time. After Suma came to the second floor, he muttered a few words and lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

Seeing this bear warrior, Somo couldn't laugh or cry. After pasting the Shanhai scroll card on Moore, he wandered back to his little bed.

Seeing the task set in the morning in the diary, Somo hammered his backswing, quite emotional.

"Doing farm work is not as dangerous as fighting, but it is also a way of training people."

"Presumably after this wave, all human beings in the wasteland will become good farmers after returning to the earth."

With all the thoughts that came up in my mind, I just lay on the bed, before I had time to read a wave of information on the World Channel.

A wave of fatigue has already rushed into Somo's mind.

Enduring the dual fatigue of the mind and body, after finding out the mountain and sea drawing scroll card, and after drying out a small cup of psychic water on the bedside, Somo immediately became drowsy and fell into deep sleep within a few minutes. .

This kind of mental exhaustion is more tormenting than physical exhaustion.

But at the same time, after recovery, the next time you encounter the same thing, your body's tolerance will increase a lot.

During sleep, the cells in the brain quickly reorganize and join the new "fighting" group to ensure that the body will not appear abnormal the next day.

The misty starlight painted by the mountains and the sea and the blue light spots of the nether energy water are also constantly drifting around in the body, producing all kinds of energy required by the human body.

That night, Somo slept extremely deeply, even the sound of breathing aggravated, rippling back and forth in the third floor of the empty underground refuge.

The faint white moonlight sprinkled down the window on the second floor, illuminating the fourth small sleeping in the second floor.

Follow the window to the top of the refuge, the moon is sparse, and the wild wasteland is filled with a different kind of beauty.

Here is a place of despair.

Here, it is also a place where a new life is born.

In this day, countless seeds have been sown in the well-opened land one after another, waiting for the disaster to grow and grow.

And the owners of these seeds, tonight, is destined to be a sleepless night!

Carrying the anticipation of tomorrow, even after a tiring day, these refugees lie in bed and realize that they have insomnia!

Tired for a day, still insomnia?

It sounds incredible, but with the excitement and the expectation for the future, everyone’s bodies are protesting, but the spirit inside is extremely excited, and all kinds of things in their minds that they never thought of before flew one after another. out.

I have been hungry for a month, and after eating the food planned every day, if I am hungry again, I can only collect the bark, grass, roots and belly by myself.

I'm used to the days when I'm never short of food as long as I have money, and suddenly I come to such an environment, and there will be a very uncomfortable adjustment period for anyone who changes.

However, these situations will be different tomorrow.

As long as the welfare disaster comes, no matter what crop it is, as long as it can be eaten.

After a day or two of meticulous care, you will be able to harvest a batch immediately to alleviate the immediate urgency.

By then, the survival crisis that oppresses everyone will be greatly reduced, and the maddening hunger will be quickly satisfied.

"Roasted vegetables, fried vegetables, boiled vegetables"

"Dead bread, big white steamed buns, noodles"

"Wowotou, Rhizome Soup, Nagano Vegetables"

Every different refuge is planted with different crops, and the items that appear in their minds are completely different.

Swallowing the rapidly secreting saliva in the throat, feeling the soreness in the stomach, until the morning sun comes out, most people are still in a state of closed eyes and meditation.

However, these fatigues can't defeat the human beings who have been living in the wasteland for a month.

When the time came, everyone spontaneously ate a shabby breakfast and rushed to their own fields to continue farming.

Of course, Sumo, who had fallen asleep in the refuge, didn't know.

In the dream of relieving mental stress, there are ten thousand acres of fertile fields near the underground refuge, and several streams that are like the refuge of hope slowly pass through, like a paradise on earth.

The plump fishes passed by the river, and they were caught by Moore who was lying beside the stream from time to time, making struggling flops.

Oreo was still lying on the high **** where he could get the sun with large and small sparks, lying lazily, looking at the harvest scene below.

On the ground next to the river, countless sweet melons and fruits are everywhere, and the various fruits on the tree heads even bend the branches and hang low.

Picking a fruit at will, the taste can pass through the mouth, making people feel extremely satisfying and happy.

Ding Ding Ding

As the clock hung on the wall of the gym reached the set time every day, it began to make a harsh sound.

During his sleep, Somo was also awakened by this sound, and his consciousness gradually returned to his body.

"What a satisfying dream!"

With a sigh, when Somo opened his eyes, he happened to match the biological clock that had been kept in the wasteland for a long time.

"After sleeping for six hours, the spirit has been fully recovered. It seems that the brain can indeed be exercised!"

After touching the back of his head, which was a bit chilly, and after confirming that he had not lost his hair, he drank a large mouthful of nether energy water, and Sumo got up and walked to the living room.

Unlike the fresh smell of the hope refuge, the slightly dull air in the underground refuge is more real.

After taking two greedy breaths, carrying a gun in his hand, and performing a set of warm-up actions in the Su family gun, Su Mo came to the second floor.

Animals generally like places with light sources and wind.

Therefore, in the third floor underground, except for Somo alone, all four small children lie on the second floor.

Seeing Somo coming, Oreo woke up alertly, thumped up intimately, and turned around Sumo's trousers.

Moore, who had fallen asleep yesterday, still had no intention of waking up at this time, collapsed on the ground, his stomach sank together, and was still in a deep sleep state.

After strolling around and confirming that there was no abnormality near the underground shelter, Somo rubbed his hands, walked back to the workbench, and began to carefully study the task of the last day before the disaster.

"The collection of seeds is the most important task today. It is not only used in the trading secrets, but also in the candlelight refuge before the dawn arrives, so as not to waste any sowing time."

"As for the harvester and the rotary tiller, this is not in a hurry. When the time comes, we will arrange for the people from the candlelight refuge to come over and drive them away, so that they can be used before the second crop is planted tomorrow."

The wheat harvested by the harvester loses the outer layer of pulpy skin, which belongs to the category of fruit. The secondary planting of the wheat with low survival rate Only manual harvesting and careful protection of the outer skin can be used. Save the seeds intact and use them for the second planting.

Therefore, whether it is the first harvest of the black soil or the first harvest of the Candlelight Refuge, it requires manpower to harvest carefully.

Of course, after the first batch of seeds are collected, they can be unscrupulous and go directly to the most advanced modern tools.

As for the black soil, the seeds of the other three plants, cabbage and carrots, need to wait until they bloom and bear seeds and fruits before they can be removed and harvested.

As for soybeans, these are the simplest ones. You only need to wait until the fruit is fully grown, harvest it, and then use it for sowing.

"Five acres of land, so much for me to collect it by myself, I will definitely not be able to collect it, then this task"

"Leave it to Moore!"

Quickly filled in the name of Moore who was still sleeping in the harvest column, and Somo quickly made arrangements for other things going forward.

There are still four hours before the market transaction arrives.

There are still ten hours before the airdrop.

Counting the time for ripening and harvesting, the last day before the disaster is equally urgent, and one minute can not be delayed.

When I came to the material warehouse, I took out all the remaining flour and made two cabbage. According to the usual workday, Somo made a large pot of gnocchi soup that was enough to eat for a day.

The scent of Youneng Cabbage is diffused. When the gluttonous Moore followed the scent to the kitchen, the new day officially kicked off!

Under time constraints, after breakfast, there seemed to be a trace of anxiety in the air.

When he took the four small trots to the black earth and looked at the flat land below, Sumo's anxiety only eased a little bit.

"This land has finally reached the time to explode to harvest!"

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