My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 501: Reform, the first 7-color lucky bag!

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In many circumstances.

Most ordinary people think that there is a thick barrier between themselves and the genius.

This barrier is so big that it is difficult to cross eternal life.

And between the genius and the genius, they think that 99% of the sweat is the most important thing, and the competition between the two is hard work.

But in fact.

There is a desperate "gap" between genius and genius.

Seeing Su Mo smiled and took Chen Shen down to inspect the work.

Lu Kuan, who was still in a daze, stood on the hillside, like a watchman in the field, unable to calm down for a long time.

Perhaps when Somo mentioned the update of consciousness and uploading, he did not consider the positive impact of technological innovation on these people who are placed in the brain.

But for Lu Kuan and other target groups, this fluttering sentence is tantamount to "breaking the defense".

"It turns out that what Somo said to take us out of the box is not fake..."

"He actually does that!"

Looking at the back figure who has become happily with the villagers and has no shelf.

Lu Kuan took a deep look again, as if he wanted to keep it deep in his memory.

Afterwards, sliding his mechanical wheels, he walked to the underground shelter without hesitation.

Facing the uncomplicated but cumbersome low-end technology tree development work, this time, his heart no longer has the slightest resistance.

Yes, it's just a piece that shouldn't have appeared on him...

A sense of belonging!


There is no dazzling light pollution.

The sky will sink as soon as eight o'clock in the wasteland overnight.

In addition, other areas are still raining unbearably heavy rains.

It is hoped that on the first day of construction of the village, the time of work will be advanced for a while, and it will be "received in gold" at 9 o'clock in the evening.

Even at this time, most people still look at the land under their feet reluctantly, and want to continue fighting.

But with the hint from the game, they quickly became happy, and walked back to the assembly place one step at a time, standing together and whispering.

Gambling on the buff lasts for sixty natural days.

Although it cannot be stopped once it is turned on, the time that it can be turned on is free, and it is up to everyone to decide.

Early in the morning, when the weather started to clear, the management passed a resolution and called everyone to start the buff.

And, in order to get lucky bags normally.

Follow today's goal.

Most of them have set a conservative workload of 80%.

But when they stood here at nine o'clock, watching the prompts given by the game, they felt shocked.

"Hey, what is your mission completion degree? I actually got 290% of my horse riding. This is a big loss. If I knew it, I would fix more points."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it possible to suggest that the quality of the items after completing the lucky bag can also be reminded? I can definitely give something good for 310%."

"Envy you who drive machines, I only have 240%, but it's a pity"

"It's okay, there are still fifty-nine days in the buff time, fifty or so lucky bags will definitely fatten you up!"

"Do you want to receive it now? I show here that the director has received the lucky bag, so we can receive it"

"Me too, don't worry, I will get off work right away, and I don't have to worry about driving when I go back!"


Discussing and comparing with twitter.

Has the behavioral inertia of a civilized age.

When everyone finds out what they are doing, what they are doing, they are doing it for themselves.

Instead of contributing to the capitalists, let them live the life of a big house driving a luxury car.

Fishing, lying flat, has truly become a thing of the past.

Instead, it is a 100% full working attitude and enthusiasm!

Gathering here, although everyone's face is dark, under the shining of the spotlight, you can see traces of sweat rushing out.

But compared to yesterday, both the standing posture and the energy level have improved by more than one level.

It can be described as a "miracle"!

"It's amazing, I never thought I could awaken the animality in everyone's heart in this way!"

"Judging from the strength of everyone now, it's comparable to a fighter who has been trained for a while!"

Walking from far to near along the way, with Su Mo, Su Deben repeatedly called incredible.

Unlike Lu Kuan, Su De discovered everyone's anomaly for the first time.

Especially with the help of the robot's fine observation ability, he can better see what changes the villagers have made in the details of some actions.

Animalism, or to be more specific.


Confucianism uses literature to disrupt law, while knights use martial arts to ban them.

Aggression is a characteristic that has long been polished and disappeared in modern society.

In the civilized era, the disappearance of this characteristic helps to stabilize society and maintain long-term stability.

But in the end of the wasteland, human beings without this characteristic can hardly fight against other alien creatures.

In the previous seven days of short training, the failure to develop everyone's offensiveness was a major "regret" for Su Deben's coaching career.

But he didn't expect that the sleeping villagers would suddenly undergo such a huge change just once.

"Suma is indeed the chosen one, he definitely has a secret that we don't even know about him."

"Looking at all the heroes in the wasteland, even those who are powerful, don't have the potential to turn decay into magic in him."


Thinking about it, Su Deben made a fist secretly, with a trace of comfort and longing for the future.

However, when he turned his head to look at Somo, he was surprised to find out.

The magical person in his mouth is not as profound and mysterious as he imagined, but like a child getting a new toy. Touching here and stepping on it makes people can't help but laugh.

"This soil is really compacted. I thought I had to use cement concrete to stabilize the foundation. I didn't expect to have this effect after pressing a circle."

"When you come back tomorrow, I will drive some more rocks, find a way to flatten a layer, and just flatten it. It's really convenient!"

Suddenly I saw a large piece of soft land in front of the underground refuge, which turned into a leveled land simulated by virtual reality.

Even in the dark, there is still a blazing light in Somo's eyes!

very good.

The progress is fast.

Sure enough, there are so many people!

If you are alone, even if you have the corresponding engineering equipment, if you want to meet such conditions, you have to start at least a week.

On the New World, taking the multi-person development path is indeed the right one!

On the right path, the progress and speed will only get faster and faster.

Walking on the wrong road will only go the opposite way.

Suddenly realizing that his choice was correctly verified again, Su Mo nodded slightly, took a big step, and flashed out of the darkness with Su Deben.

One person, one machine.

The chatting voice disappeared without a trace the first time it appeared in the villagers' vision.

In addition to the wind blowing on the ground and making a whistling sound, the world that was still lively just now suddenly became deserted.

As everyone watched, Sumo slowly walked up to the temporarily erected high platform along the road separating from the center and picked up the microphone.

Not in a hurry to speak, I saw from the left to the right, and from the front to the back.

Unlike the shyness of the past, Sumo now has sharp eyes, and everyone he looks directly at has a feeling of thorns on his back.

This is a lion.

A top lion king who can lead the lions.

When such strange thoughts appear in most people's minds.

After a pause, Sumo's voice suddenly sounded:

"In your eyes, I see the dissatisfaction with the current life and the ambition to break the old rules"

"In addition, in the eyes of some people, I also see the thirst for strength"


Two fluttering words came from the speaker, and in an instant silenced the already silent team again.

In the case of not knowing whether Somo is boasting or cursing, it is based on the literal meaning and the thinking of the civilized age.

Most people are even so nervous that they hold their breath.

They thought of the fate of the other party after the emperor spoke this sentence to the courtier in the TV series.

They are even more reminded of what kind of miserable situation they will have if they are expelled from the territory.

Fortunately, this atmosphere didn't last long.

Seeing most people's suffocated blushes and thick necks, the coldness on Somo's face suddenly changed.

"Don't be nervous, when the apocalyptic wasteland is reached, the old rules should also be changed."

"As people who are destined to follow me in the history book in the future, you should have a little confidence in yourself"

The divine light flashed, and a lucky bag exuding colorful colors appeared in Sumo's hands.

In the dark, even high-lumen spotlights can't cover this colorful half-point.

This is a high-level bag that can only be obtained with an average completion degree of 300%, and it is also the best testimony of the villagers' hard work.

"Today's harvest belongs to each of us"

Just a word, with Su Mo's grin.

In an instant, the ice melted!

The silence that hadn't occupied this land for long, was suddenly broken by cheers.

Except for the information conveyed by a group of managers who understood a trace of Sumo's words, they stood below with complicated eyes and mixed feelings in their hearts.

All the other villagers in the line were very neat.

Blue, green, and colorful.

More than a thousand colorful lucky bags, with the launch of Somo, began to be in everyone's hands.

At this time, the light of the spotlight was completely overshadowed by the light of the lucky bag.

When everyone raised the bag of fortune above their heads, from a distance, it looked like a new sun rising from the earth, which was extremely shocking.

"I declare that from today, everyone's lucky bag reward does not need to be turned in"

"This is the result of your labor and the reward for you to live every day in the last days"

"Everyone's property will be protected by me, and no one under my command shall coerce the transaction of other people's goods by any means."

As expected.

When Somo really said such words, this time, the management felt relieved.

Looking down at the villagers cheering and cheering like the New Year.

In the end, they shook their heads, unable to say a word.

When a collective begins to appear in privatization, it means that a preliminary social structure is about to be formed.

Although there are only a thousand people in the territory now, there are rules first.

Soon, when the number of people increases, a small social collective will be completely formed.

And if such rules can be formed in the long run, when the number of people reaches a peak.

At that time, territories could not be called territories, there was a better term to describe them.


The villagers are not ordinary survivors, but...the people!

And this depression is no longer the territory of Somo alone. Under the push of countless people, it will become the first one on the wasteland continent...


Shocked in every way, sighed in every way.

What Sumo said later, all the management was dizzy, it was difficult to listen to it.

It wasn't until Sumo shouted that the meeting was over, and all the villagers walked towards the farm tool center in groups, that they suddenly reacted.

"Why, was it unexpected?"

Seeing Suma stepping down confidently, Chen Shen, who had known Suma's ultimate goal before, shook his lips and seemed to want to say no, but finally nodded.

"Time, it shouldn't be now"

"It's too early, our heritage has not yet gathered, there is not enough..."

Sumo interrupted: "When is the right time then?"

It's like guessing a riddle.

This time, Sumo's questions stunned Chen Shen.

Yeah, when is time.

Ten thousand people?

100,000 people?

One million people?

One year? Five years? Or ten years?

In this wasteland, no one knows how long he can live, and what is the point of talking about it in the future?

"I understand, but this..."

Sumo: "What I want to see is not lifelessness, but circulation, Chen Shen, I don't believe you don't know the meaning of circulation"

"Any commodity in our hands is of no use. The big pot of rice is not suitable for the end times."

"I don't want to see that good and bad things are the same. I don't even want to see everyone who lives in our territory for a long time, without food, still waiting for us to distribute."

"In the future, when our size becomes larger, we can't continue to be like parents, worry about this, worry about that, let them buy things and shelters if they want to eat, and spend money to find them if they want to use it. People build"

"What I want to see is a diversified development territory, not money, materials, weapons, all concentrated in the hands of us, let these things lie in the warehouse every day, and dust company!"

Seeing the same doubts in other people's eyes, Somo said it out of his head.

Reform is a matter of time.

The sooner you say it, the greater the damage will be to a lord like Suma, and the more it will benefit the people below.

But the later you say it, although it will accumulate more wealth for the upper class.

But after the volume becomes larger, the difficulty of reform will rise exponentially, and more problems will arise.

At that time, if there was a mistake, it would have unimaginable consequences. UU reading www.

Between the two, Somo chose the former.

He is not the kind of idiot who wants to gather all the good things together and look at it several times before going to bed in order to sleep peacefully.

As long as you don't worry about eating, you don't have to worry about using.

Once the economy circulates, Sumo believes that as the source of technology.

Wealth will return to his hands in the end!

At that time, he will reach an unprecedented level of control over this territory.

Ten times, a hundred times more than it is now!

"Okay, I know what you want to say, you will naturally understand in a few days"

"Now go back and open the lucky bag. If you open a good thing, you can also change and become the rich in your territory!"

He shook the colorful lucky bag in his hand.

Looking at the gang below, the management who wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Su Mo laughed, turned and walked to the underground refuge.

From an angle that everyone couldn't see, Sumo cast a glance at Su Deben and grinned.

In a sense, he is still selfish.

It's just that only Su Deben can understand it.

Scientific research is a bottomless pit. Relying on one person's wealth to invest in it, no matter how much it is, it will not be enough to fill it.

If you use the wealth of the territory and continue this way, when the number of people grows, the people below will definitely be quite veiled.

Even if they are distributed for free, they will still feel that Suma himself is embezzling collective wealth to do things.

But now, as long as such a distribution.

When Lu Kuan and others produced high-tech equipment, all the villagers wanted to use it naturally was to pay.

At that time, everyone would be willing to "get the bait" after playing crowdfunding.

This is Suma's ultimate goal!

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