Watching Su Xin's body turn into fly ash in front of him and dissipate in the air, the sadness in Fang Mengzhu's eyes flashed away.


The hazy gray light lit up in her hand again.

Press gently on your forehead.

But at this moment.

A scene that horrified her happened——

She saw countless flying ashes gathering together in front of her, quickly sketching out the appearance of Su Xin.

A living Su Xin reappeared in front of her eyes, with all his clothes intact, as if what she had just seen was just an illusion and Su Xin had never died.

"you you……"

Fang Mengzhu was stunned.

Su Xin looked at her calmly:

"If you kill me once, you can avenge your father. Our grudges will be settled."

In the sixteen years since he was reborn in this world, Su Xin has been living as he pleases with the mentality of playing with the world.

On the one hand, he feels that he has seen through life. Whether it is power, money, honor, status, etc., in his opinion, they are just passing by, and enjoying life is the most important thing.

On the other hand, the experience of following the rules, studying hard, and working hard all his life in his previous life, but dying suddenly in his early thirties has always made him brood. In this life, he does not want to live for the eyes of others, he wants to live only for himself. .

That's why.

In the more than ten years of his life, except for his parents, he behaved very casually with everyone and everything. Whether it was teachers, classmates, elders or friends, he treated them with an attitude of neither closeness nor alienation, neither condescension nor arrogance. In many situations, In the eyes of others, his behavior appears to be unique and unsociable, and he does not even show respect for his teachers and other elders.

But he has always been contented.

Don't care about other people's opinions at all.

But he just doesn't like to owe others.

Fang Mengzhu was with him only yesterday, and today she has been trying to help him, care about him, and treat him wholeheartedly.

But he killed Fang Mengzhu's father.

No matter what the reason was, he felt that he owed Fang Mengzhu.

He could feel at ease if he died in her hands.

Although there is a high probability that he can be resurrected indefinitely, in the end, he has paid off this debt with one life.

Fang Mengzhu was stunned for a long time.

The gray light in her hands had completely dissipated at some point, and her eyes gradually returned to clarity.

"Okay, let's clear up the grievances between you and me."

Fang Mengzhu took a deep look at him, and the will to die in his heart dissipated, and turned around to leave.

Su Xin suddenly shouted:


Fang Mengzhu paused and said nothing.

"I'll give you your bracelet back."

"No, you can do whatever you want with it."

After Fang Mengzhu was stunned for a moment, he opened the door and left without looking back.

At this time, the system prompts sounded in Su Xin's mind:

"Ding! Get 160 causal points."

"Huh? The cause and effect point is so high?"

Su Xin frowned.

But at this time, he was not in the mood to think about these problems in detail. Looking at the closed door, he couldn't help but sigh.

With confidence in the system, he had just calmly faced Fang Mengzhu's superpower. His body was broken into powder. After he died completely, his consciousness fell into darkness and chaos. He did not know the passage of time, had no consciousness, and his thinking completely disappeared.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was standing on the same spot again, with his body intact.

If there wasn't a countdown in his mind reminding him all the time, he might have thought that all the experiences he just had were just an illusion.




"In 58 minutes, I will die again. Then I can verify whether the power of the Unyielding Dead really makes me immortal."

In fact, Su Xin had wanted to test this power for a long time. After all, although he felt that the possibility of infinite resurrection was 99%, he would always feel a little uneasy if he didn't try it once.

This time, taking advantage of today's opportunity, he took a risk.

If he died, it was his life.

If he could truly be resurrected indefinitely, he might be able to act more liberally in the future, and in many cases he would have no worries.

As the countdown comes to an end.

Su Xin took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera function and pointed it at the bed. He lay down on it, half-raised his right hand, and quietly waited for time to pass.





The moment the countdown ended, Su Xin's consciousness suddenly fell into darkness and chaos.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Su Xin suddenly opened his eyes.

Without enough time to think too much, he rolled out of bed, reached for his cell phone on the bedside table, turned off the recording function, and clicked on the video he had just recorded to play.

In the video, he put down his phone, walked to the bed and lay down.

After lying there for about ten seconds, his half-raised right hand suddenly seemed to have lost all its strength and began to droop.

When his arms fell completely onto the bed.

The next moment, he suddenly stood up and rushed to the camera, and the video ended immediately.

"Almost a second?"

"Will you automatically resurrect immediately after death?"

"The most important thing is that you can live forever."

Su Xinxin said secretly.

In his mind, a one-hour countdown appeared again, timing this period of his life.

The second resurrection meant that Su Xin's guess when he first awakened his superpower was correct. This superpower really gave him the ability to live forever.

Or to put it another way, he will die every hour from now on.

This is actually good news.

But the sadness caused by the death of his parents made it impossible for him to laugh. At most, it only reduced part of the sadness.

"My parents' hatred is not over yet."

Su Xin's eyes regained their determination.

"Fang Keyi is just the mastermind. There are other executors who have not been killed. What's more, there are also lava superpowers who have appeared at the scene. This matter should not be as simple as it seems."

"Even Fang Keyi is not necessarily the mastermind. He should not have been killed directly at that time."

Su Xin, who had found his goal again, completely put aside the grudge between himself and Fang Mengzhu, and thought about the death of his parents again.

Since superpowers really exist, and the news has been deliberately concealed by the official, this means that the existence of superpowers is a secret, at least they are not small characters who will be randomly dispatched in ordinary operations.

Since the murderer used superpowers, this is enough to show that the nature of this attack is not simple.

Thinking about it, Su Xin gradually fell asleep.

after an hour.

Su Xin's breathing suddenly stopped, his pulse stopped beating, and his whole body completely lost the breath of life.

But just the next moment, all his vitality returned to normal, as if the pause just now was just a normal rhythm of breathing and pulse.

But such a resurrection from the dead made Su Xin completely wake up from his deep sleep. He had no sleepiness at all, and his energy and physical strength were extremely full.

It took him a moment to react.

“Isn’t this the characteristic life purification that [Unyielding Dead] chose when he upgraded to LV2?”

"When I was resurrected, an abnormal condition was randomly removed. Could it be that it dispelled my sleepiness?"

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