My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 103 Crouching Dragon And Phoenix Young

The second day Qin Ran left home, Li Shiyin ruined all the food in the house, so she took Long Qiqi to Wendao Square on the main peak.

"What do you want to eat?" Li Shiyin dragged Long Qiqi through the crowd.

"I'm a snake, of course I eat meat!" Long Qiqi replied, "But do you have money?"

Li Shiyin raised her hand, took out a Spirit Stones from the universe bag, and threw it in front of Long Qiqi.

"What is this? The monthly payment I just received."

"Hurry up, hurry up...I want to eat meat..." Long Qiqi became excited, dragged Li Shiyin and ran into the market.

The two of them entered the market, wandered here and there, and after a while, they were dazzled by all kinds of strange things. For a while, they wanted to buy this and that.

Not long after we walked on, there was a shopper who bought the meat of the Lion Heart Flame Beast on the side of the road ahead. Long Qiqi became interested. The Lion Heart Flame Beast is the fourth-level Demonic Beasts. Feng also has a high rank cultivator who was severely injured by the Lion Heart Flame Beast...

She really wanted to know how the meat of this lion-heart flaming beast tasted.

"Let's go buy that!" She pointed at the Lion Heart Flame Beast and Li Shiyin.

"That's... Lion Heart Flame Beast?" Li Shiyin was also a little interested when she saw it, but she was worried because she had never heard that lion meat was delicious, so she hesitated, "Is it delicious?"

"That's the meat of fourth-level Demonic Beasts!" Long Qiqi picked it up, "Whether it's delicious or not, the Spiritual Qi in the flesh is very nourishing."

Li Shiyin thought about it, yes, even if it doesn't taste good after buying it, it's still good to keep it for the master's pill refining. She didn't hesitate anymore, and dragged Long Qiqi to the stall.

"How do you sell this Lion-Hearted Flame Beast?" she asked.

The appearance of the stall owner is extremely ordinary, and it can be seen that it has been disguised. He glanced around, and there were two young and beautiful girls, with childish faces and innocent eyes, who had never been beaten by society...

Business is here!

He smiled, looking rather smug, and said: "I am a lion-heart wild flame beast, an ordinary cultivator, I won't sell it! It depends on how sincere you are."

If you don't sell it, what are you doing out there? Li Shiyin rolled her eyes, she just wanted to make more money.

"I often come here to buy and sell things, and I know the market of fourth-level Demonic Beasts very well..." She said, stretching out a hand, "Fifty Spirit Stones a catty."

The stall owner raised his eyebrows, and it turned out to be a fat sheep.

He shook his head and said:

"This is the Lionheart Flame Beast, can it be compared to ordinary fourth-level Demonic Beasts?

"Do you know that the disciples of Jianfeng went to hunt and kill the Lionheart Flame Beast a few days ago? A group of more than a dozen people were all Gold Core cultivators, but in the end, the damage was heavy, and some even died.

"Fifty Spirit Stones? Are you kidding me! Is the life of a Gold Core cultivator worth fifty Spirit Stones?"

This guy has a skill in changing concepts, and in a blink of an eye, he replaced the life of the Gold Core cultivator with the flesh of the fourth-level Demonic Beasts.

Li Shiyin didn't pay attention, and after thinking about it, Huang Feiyu was lying in the flame room of Danfeng. The lion-heart mad flame beast was really unusual.

It is indeed a bit too much to buy the lion heart mad flame beast at the market price of the general fourth-level Demonic Beasts. She stretched out another finger and said, "Add ten yuan!"

"Tch..." the stall owner sneered, "Hurry up and go, don't come to buy high-end Demonic Beasts meat if you don't have money."

"You!" Li Shiyin was in a hurry, and wanted to let the stall owner test whether her fists were firm.

Long Qiqi stopped Li Shiyin, stepped forward to look at the meat on the stall, and said quietly: "It's been said that the lion-heart wild flame beast is hard to kill, so... where did you get this meat?"

She looked at the stall owner, "Your meat can't be fake!"

"How could it be fake!" The stall owner was a little agitated, but he calmed down quickly, closing the distance with the two women, and said in a low voice, "Actually, this is the lion-heart mad flame beast that Jianfeng hunted a few days ago , I got it through my relationship...

"If you really buy it, I can make it cheaper." He said, "It's rare to see a beautiful female cultivator like you."

Did it come from that Lion-Hearted Flame Beast? Li Shiyin nodded, it seems that it is not fake. She thought again, it would be great if I bought some for Tian Wenjin to taste, and it would be considered as a way to relieve Tian Wenjin's anger.

"How many Spirit Stones do you want?" She also lowered her voice.

"Friendly price, for the sake of your beauty..." The stall owner stretched out a hand, spread his five fingers, and whispered, "Five hundred Spirit Stones."

"What?" Li Shiyin raised her voice, "Are you fucking robbing?!"

At this time, someone came to ask: "Brother, how do you sell this lion-heart wild flame beast?"

"I negotiated with this beautiful female cultivator to offer 500 Spirit Stones. If you have such a face, you can offer 600!" the stall owner said.

The visitor took a look at Li Shiyin and thought it was reasonable, so he took out a temporary Qiankun bag, ordered Spirit Stones, and threw it to the stall owner: "One catty here."

The stall owner took the Spirit Stones, and cut a catty of lion heart mad flame beast meat with this person.

There wasn't much meat from the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast in his stall, and it felt like half of it was gone after a catty. Li Shiyin was a little panicked, and hurriedly said, "Can it be less? Three hundred?"

"Six hundred Spirit Stones, girl!" the stall owner shook his head.

"Five hundred..." Li Shiyin thought about it, he only had five hundred Spirit Stones in total, did he buy this meat?

"Wait." Long Qiqi asked again at this time, "Is your meat okay?"

"What's the problem?" the stall owner said proudly, "I personally went to cut the lion heart mad flame beast..."

"Can I have a taste?" Long Qiqi asked.

"What?" The stall owner froze for a moment.

Long Qiqi opened her mouth, stretched out her tongue, and licked the really smelled like a lion-heart wild flame beast, she nodded.

"Wow! I can't tell, you pink girl is still a snake demon." The stall owner said in surprise.

"Is it unusual?" Long Qiqi gave him a blank look.

"Cough...not unusual, not unusual!" the stall owner continued, "Well, since you are a snake demon, I'll give you a discount, four hundred Spirit Stones, how about it?"

Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi exchanged glances, and finally paid for a catty of Lion Heart Wild Flame Beast.

"Hmph!" Carrying the meat away, Long Qiqi proudly said to Li Shiyin, "I poisoned his meat, and it will all rot later. Let him be arrogant..."

Li Shiyin gave her a high-five: "You are still the best."

"So? It's a bit expensive, and the meat of the Lionheart Demonic Beasts is indeed unpalatable, but after all, you bought a catty of meat from fourth-level Demonic Beasts, and it's okay to eat it for a day or two, right?" Qin Ran asked.

Long Qiqi frustrated: "No... the meat is fake!"


"He only smeared a layer of the blood of the lion-heart wild flame beast on the surface, but the inside is actually ordinary animal meat!" Long Qiqi covered his face, "It's still bad, and the meat is still in the bag before we get home. It stinks!"

"That's why he lowered the price immediately after I licked it." Long Qiqi wanted to cry but had no tears.

"You spent four hundred Spirit Stones to buy a catty of rotten meat!" Qin Ran praised, "It's amazing!"

"The one who came to sell the meat in front is their entrustment!!" Long Qiqi gritted his teeth, "Don't let me see them, or I'll take one bite at a time!"

"You only spent four hundred Spirit Stones, don't you have one hundred Spirit Stones left?" Qin Ran asked curiously.

"This... is why we fight in the ring."

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