My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 11 Flying Sword With Guardrails

After Qin Ran left, Li Shiyin reluctantly went to the storage room.

A place like a storage room is in great need of space. Naturally, there is also a space formation. The inner space is much larger than it looks from the outside, which almost catches up with the change in the ratio of the inside and outside of the exercise room.

This is the first time for Li Shiyin to enter the storage room, and as soon as she entered, she was overwhelmed by the dense and messy things inside. At a glance, I feel that there is everything, and I don’t know what I know.

There are tools, hoes, shovels, sickles, and baskets; there are unfinished or failed defective products of the master, such as rotten tables, broken chairs, broken formation templates, and broken guardrails.

Wait, guardrail?

With a hoe and a shovel in his hand, Li Shiyin suddenly noticed something was wrong with the guardrail.

She looked at it carefully, and the more she looked at it, the more strange she felt, so she walked over with a hoe and shovel to straighten the guardrail.

This fence...

Hmm, weird.

There is a circle of metal guardrails around it, about five feet high, and the base is a one-foot-long and three-foot-wide, um, metal product, and there are some strange patterns on it, probably array patterns.

The reason why this thing is strange is because the metal product on its base looks a bit like a sword.

Li Shiyin rubbed her chin and circled the thing a few times, and suddenly remembered that the master seemed to be afraid of heights, so she couldn't help but make a bold guess.

Although a bit outrageous, but...

This, should be, probably, could be, the Master's Flying Sword!

Qin Ran, who was rapidly descending the mountain, suddenly shuddered, almost lost his balance, and fell down the middle of the mountain. He stopped in a hurry, only feeling a little chill on his back, as if he had forgotten something very important.

But he couldn't remember it for a while, so he had to continue on his way.

Running and running, when he reached the assembly square of the main peak, he suddenly remembered that his epic invention—the guardrail Flying Sword didn't seem to be put away!

"She'll just go in and get a hoe, she probably won't find out!" He comforted himself, "How can there be such a coincidence?"

But he always felt that he was short-sighted and his whole body was weak. There was a famous law revolving around his head. The name of that law was Murphy's Law.

Today's assembly square is very lively, much more lively than usual... mainly because there are more people setting up stalls and selling things.

The reason is that the Daojian Sect's Wendao Conference has just passed, and many new disciples have been recruited in the sect. The current time is a good time for them to take the first lesson of Immortal World. As we all know, newcomers are always the best at cheating.

The cultivators who set up stalls and sell things at Daojianmen are not all cultivators from Daojianzong, there are also cultivators from other sects and Rogue cultivators running around.

Qin Ran came here today, on the one hand, he wanted to buy some life supplies for Li Shiyin, the little girl had been wearing bright yellow clothes for several days, and she had to change them;

On the other hand, he wants to find some Cultivation Technique for Kendo practice, Kendo Cultivation Technique, Movement Technique, escape method, combat method, he needs them all.

If Li Shiyin wants to take the road of sword repair in the future, he has to prepare for her.

Qin Ran is not a famous person, and he is only in his twenties. He does not wear the first robe and walks on the road. No one knows him at all. The ordinary Tsing Yi, from the other side of the square, passed through the disciples practicing in the square, and came to the small market, but no one came up to say hello to him.

That's right, in addition to stalls, there are also many practitioners in the square. After all, the original function of this assembly square is to allow disciples in the sect to practice martial arts.

When he arrived at the small market, Qin Ran started from this end and walked to the other end of the market. When he saw something interesting on the way, he would stop and check it carefully. If the price was right, he would take out Spirit Stones to buy it.

However, he had visited more than a dozen of them along the way, and bought a lot of strange herbs, but he couldn't find an interesting Cultivation Technique for a long time.

There are not many in the back. If you can’t find a suitable Cultivation Technique, should you go to the transfer power hall to ask? But Daojianmen is not a great sect after all, and the public Cultivation Technique Qin Ran doesn't like it. Or do you really want Li Shiyin to worship Jianfeng and learn Jianfeng's secret method of transfer power?

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly found a Cultivation Technique at a small stall.

This stall is just an ordinary stall, under a cloth mat, there are some messy books and Jade Slips, and the owner of the stall is also an ordinary-looking young man.

But, in Immortal World, appearance and age are never the focus.

The Cultivation Technique is called "Dayan Sword Code", and it is a yellow and cracked Jade Slip. Jade Slip was too badly damaged, and when I checked it consciously, I only felt dilapidated and chaotic.

"What's the situation?" Qin Ran asked the stall owner.

"I don't know." The stall owner replied, "It's a family tradition. It looks like this when it was found out of the box. It's been a long time, right?"

Family tradition? Qin Ran pouted secretly, not knowing which tomb he went to to steal it from. Could it be that so many Cultivation Technique cheats are handed down from family?

But he was just disdainful in his heart, but his face didn't show it. Because this kind of place is like this, cultivator sells things at stalls, some are real and some are fake, you can buy or not, but never ask the origin of things.

Even Daojianmen only gave a piece of land for people to set up stalls, and never interfered with specific transactions. If you suffer a loss here and buy fake products, don't make a fuss, because no one will make decisions for you, only people will see your jokes.

Of course, if you have the ability to make trouble afterwards, no one will care...

"How much does it cost?" Qin Ran asked in a flat tone.

Seeing that Qin Ran wanted it, the stall owner asked for the price: "One thousand low-grade Spirit Stones."

Qin Ran remained silent, put Jade Slip on his forehead, then looked at the internal situation of Jade Slip with consciousness, and asked, "Is there a formula for unsealing?"

Unpacking formula, that is, the formula for decrypting Jade Slip, is equivalent to the power-on password of the mobile phone. Without the formula, the specific content in Jade Slip cannot be read.

"There are formulas." The stall owner replied.

"Ten low-grade Spirit Stones." Qin Ran countered.

"If you don't buy it, get out!" The stall owner yelled angrily.

Qin Ran's expression still didn't change. He squatted in front of the booth to choose, and then picked up a Movement Technique called "Tiger Triple Leap", and a Sword Technique called "Fuyunjianjue", and motioned to the booth. Lord, said: "Spirit Stones for ten yuan, plus these two Cultivation Techniques, will you sell them?"

Seeing that Qin Ran didn't know what to do, he not only didn't increase the price, but also added extra money, the stall owner's face changed from anger to... flattery, he was afraid that Qin Ran would regret it, and hurriedly said: "deal!"

"Damn it, it's a loss again!" Qin Ran cursed inwardly, while taking out ten Spirit Stones from the Qiankun bag, he was talking to the stall owner.

The stall owner told Qin Ran the formula for unsealing the two Jade Slips in a secret voice.

Qin Ran nodded, put all three Cultivation Techniques into his Qiankun bag, got up and continued walking.

At this moment, a young disciple who had been waiting for a long time leaned over and shouted, "Shouzuo Qin, please stay."

called own? Qin Ran frowned, looked back, and saw a handsome young man in black, but he didn't recognize him, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Junior is Huang Feiyu, a disciple of Jianfeng, and I would like to ask senior for help." Huang Feiyu saluted Qin Ran respectfully, and said so.

Although Qin Ran was not very old and his cultivation base was not high, he was indeed the head of Dan Peak. Hearing that this person was a disciple of Daojianmen, he accepted the ceremony calmly.

"Junior wants to buy some ice pills, but I don't know Medicine Pill..." Huang Feiyu was overjoyed when he saw that Qin Ran didn't reply, but he stood there and didn't leave. He said hurriedly, "I don't know if Senior has any Time, help a group of disciples."

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