My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 121 Mushrooms In The Land Of The Immortal Relics

Su Zhangqing's hand hurt from being pinched by Chu Batian, he apologized: "Junior Brother, the situation was urgent at that time, and there was no other way, I had to come up with this worst plan."

Chu Batian knew this, but he couldn't accept it in his heart. He gritted his teeth, stared at Su Changqing bitterly, and remained silent for a long time.

This was Misty's blow to the group of six. When they were still dizzy and couldn't even find their way, a cultivator permanently lost his own leg.

For a while, the atmosphere in the team became even more oppressive and dull.

Several people paused here for a while, then collected their mood and continued to explore the unknown place in the mist.

Although the process was not very beautiful, but Chu Batian's body did not continue to disappear...

I just don't know if the so-called "poison" was really cut off by Su Changqing, or if he actually just "poisoned" the leg.

And Chu Batian is a Gold Core cultivator after all, and he is a Qi cultivator. The loss of his leg has an impact on him, but it is not that big. He used his own power to transform a leg and barely supported him to move forward.

Then Qi Yun was kind-hearted, and he was around Chu Batian, helping him occasionally.

Qin Ran walked at the end, leaving another array stone behind.

He looked back at the bug that was trampled to death by Chu Batian, he was a little reluctant, and wanted to collect it, but because he didn't know the mechanism of the bug, he was afraid of hurting himself, so he finally gave up.

In the mist, the group of people continued on their way in silence. Every time they passed, they would stop to check the direction with spells, and every time they confirmed the direction, Qin Ran would leave behind a stone with patterns.

Qin Ran didn't know how long and how far they walked, but he only knew that they stopped four times and he lost the array stones four times. If he couldn't get out again, he would run out of array stones.

And after they determined the direction for the fourth time, they didn't walk for long, and suddenly their eyes lit up, and they came to a place without fog.

"Have we walked out of the fog?" Bai Ruoxi's excited voice sounded, but it stopped soon.

Because what they came to was just a small blank place, not completely foggy.

This is a hemispherical space with a radius of ten feet, like a bowl turned upside down to separate the fog. And it is a very standard hemisphere, a bit like a space specially opened up by people, it is very strange and weird.

"Tmd, finally came to a place without fog!" Chu Batian cursed, "I'm going to suffocate daddy to death!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and punctured the air bubble covering his head.

Before Qin Ran could say "Farewell", he just raised his hand.

"What the hell do you want to say?" Chu Batian noticed Qin Ran's movements, looked over, and asked in a thick voice, "Could it be that there are some bugs here?!"

Qin Ran sighed, and pointed to the center of the hemispherical space.

Everyone looked over and found that in the center of the circle, among the shallow grass, there was an ugly mushroom.

It is small, about the size of a child's fist, and it is earthy yellow in color. It grows among the weeds, and there is nothing worthy of attention. But it grows in the land of immortality, in the middle of this foggy space...

"What's that?" Su Changqing asked.

Qin Ran glanced at it, roughly measured the distance from the mushroom to the edge of the space, and replied: "The space here exists because of it."

"It dispelled the fog?" Su Changqing said.

Qin Ran shook his head: "It's not that the fog was dispelled, but that it was eliminated."

Su Changqing cast his pupil technique and looked closely at the sky, then he was startled suddenly and shouted: "Junior Brother Chu, cover your mouth and nose! Hurry up!!"

"It's too late." Qin Ran sighed, he looked at Chu Batian, waiting for something.

"What?" Before Chu Batian could react, he smiled when he saw Su Changqing's appearance, "The air here is sweet and sweet, and I shouldn't be wearing that kind of air bubbles."

"Let's rest here for a while, you also poked the air bubbles..." He looked around and was about to sit down.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the other people looked at him in the wrong way, as if there was fear, fear, they were retreating? !

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing this, he panicked, stood up, stretched out his hand, asked, and then...

He saw that Own's hand was covered with densely packed tiny mushrooms!

Only then did Chu Batian look at himself, and found that his body was covered with mushrooms, khaki, densely packed, and extremely small mushrooms. From his feet to his hands to his body, he has been covered with mushrooms.

And the mushroom absorbed nutrients from his body, and grew rapidly. At a speed visible to the naked eye, it grew from densely packed spots to the size of a thumb.

However, Chu Batian watched these mushrooms grow, but he didn't feel anything wrong. He even felt that his body was numb and comfortable.

He found that his face was itchy, so he stretched out his hand to touch it, and what he touched was also a mushroom.

Mushrooms grew in Chu Batian's nose and ears, as well as in his eyes. Mushrooms grew on his eyeballs, which blocked his vision and made him unable to see clearly.

" me..." He realized something was wrong at this moment, and he thought of calling for help, but when he opened his mouth, there were mushrooms in his mouth, gums, tongue and lips, making his voice muffled.

Seeing that Chu Batian, the Gold Core cultivator, was covered by mushrooms in just a few breaths, Su Changqing was frightened at first, and then reacted to save it.

But he hasn't moved yet...

"Mushrooms!" Bai Ruoxi's voice came from behind, and she exclaimed, "We've grown mushrooms too!"

Su Changqing was startled, and hurriedly looked at himself, only to find that mushrooms were sprouting from his exposed skin.

But not as scary as Chu Batian, there are only a few here and there.

"Quick, get back into the fog." He said anxiously.

"No retreat!" Qin Ran hastily stopped him, but Jian Yuanjie, who was walking at the back, moved quickly and had already retreated into the mist.

Then Jian Yuanjie screamed.

The people in the mushroom space looked over, only to see that the mist came into contact with the mushroom on Jian Yuanjie's body, and the two melted instantly... and the part connected to the person with the mushroom melted together.

Mushrooms and mist are incompatible, no wonder a blank space can be opened here, Su Changqing came to his senses, and hurriedly cast a spell, a flame burned on his body, and wiped out the mushrooms.

"Brother!" Bai Ruoxi shouted again, "The mushrooms can't be dispelled!"

Su Zhangqing hurriedly looked at Bai Ruoxi, only to see that when Bai Ruoxi activated the Magic power, the mushrooms on her body grew wildly.

These mushrooms feed not only on flesh and blood, but also on Magic power!

"Sword Qi!" Su Changqing hastily reminded that he himself was burned with flames, which meant that mushrooms could not cope with intense energy.

Only then did Bai Ruoxi disperse the mushrooms on her body with Sword Qi.

Seeing that Bai Ruoxi had dispersed the mushrooms, Su Zhangqing looked at the others again. Jian Yuanjie from outside the space was offset by fog. Although the price was heavy, there were no mushrooms on his body.

He looked at Qin Ran again... He was surprised to find that there were no mushrooms growing on Qin Ran.

"You didn't grow mushrooms?" he asked with a frown.

Qin Ran raised his hand to signal to him, only then did Su Changqing realize that Qin Ran didn't just have a bubble on his head, his whole body was covered by a layer of bubbles, the bubbles were like a thin film sticking to his skin, so it was usually invisible.

"Brother Qin is amazing!" Su Changqing praised.

He looked at Qi Yun again, and he didn't know what method Qi Yun had used, but he had already cleared the mushrooms.

Seeing that the others were all well, he thought about taking care of Chu Batian, but when they looked at Chu Batian again at this time, they found that Chu Batian could not move.

He stretched out his hands forward, his body was covered by khaki mushrooms, not like a living thing, but like a statue!

Chu Batian is dead! !

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