Early the next morning, Zhuifeng finished showing off the animal pill early and ran out the door.

At that time, Qin Ran was sitting under the locust tree reading a book, and the wind picked up the pages of his book when he ran to chase the wind. He pressed the page of the book and looked at the back of Zhuifeng... That skinny figure finally disappeared in the dead wood forest.

"What is he going to do?" He asked Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin was practicing sword in front of the wooden house.

"I don't know either." She shook her head and said, "Zhuifeng runs out every day these days. He goes out after eating in the morning and doesn't come back until evening."

Qin Ran thought about it, there were probably not many creatures on Danfeng that could pose a threat to Zhuifeng, so he didn't ask any more questions and let Zhuifeng go.

Zhuifeng is now about four months old, and is a young Xuanming Spirit Tiger. But he was already the sub-adult size of an ordinary tiger, and by visual inspection, it weighed more than a hundred catties.

In addition to body shape, Chasing Wind also has Cultivation Base. The practice of Demonic Beasts is different from that of humans. They emphasize the physical body and despise Magic power. As for Magic power, they only have a simple and crude Monster core.

Because Zhuifeng followed Qin Ran, in addition to physical training, he also strengthened his Magic power... Simple conversion, Zhuifeng should be close to the Foundation Establishment late stage now, and he is the strongest among the three idiots of Danfeng.

In addition to Cultivation Base, Chasing Wind also has a variety of Talent abilities.

And what kind of talents does Chasing Wind have? Here is a brief summary:

First, to control the darkness, this is Xuanming Linghu's natal talent.

This Talent was awakened the night Qin Ran and Li Shiyin came back from casting swords. The little guy was afraid of being punished by Qin Ran for demolishing his home, and then ran away from home at the instigation of Li Shiyin. He ran into the forest, was beaten up by Demonic Beasts, and finally at the critical moment of his life, his blood was awakened.

Second, stepping on the wind, this is the inherent talent of the Tiger Clan. Some tigers will awaken and some tigers will not.

During the Qin Ran Transcend Tribulation, in order to rescue Qin Ran from Bifeng, Zhuifeng awakened Tafeng Talent to control Bifeng.

Third, soul control is also an inherent talent of the Tiger Clan. Some tigers will awaken and some tigers will not.

This is also to save Qin Ran's dog's life under Heavenly Tribulation, and Zhuifeng awakened the soul-controlling Talent. And it's not just making ghosts in general, but it has a certain degree of control over the soul.

Fourth, the Tail Clone, a special Talent that chases the wind. The little guy woke up quietly, but Qin Ran didn't know it yet.

This Talent can make Chasing Wind turn its own tail into a clone, and this clone can be integrated into the shadow.

To sum up, from the Cultivation Base, from the physical body, from the Talent, Zhuifeng is not a cute tiger who can only show cuteness; but a fierce tiger that scares Demonic Beasts.

What Qin Ran should worry about is not chasing the wind, but the little animals on Danfeng.

Instead of worrying about chasing the wind, Qin Ran continued to study Danfeng's mountain protection array.

He has been researching this large formation for several months, but he still hasn't figured it out yet. It is indeed a bit difficult to do.

He originally came up with a set, but that set of formation required three formation foundations, Qingyuan Stone, Zhenlingmu and Lingluo Xuanjin, and then he didn't buy Lingluo Xuanjin, so he couldn't deploy it.

Now he can't go to Linxian City, and he can't get Lingluo Xuanjin, so he can only get another formation... a formation that doesn't need Lingluo Xuanjin.

Or change the formation base and use the existing treasures as the formation base.

Treasures that already exist...

Thinking of this, Qin Ran suddenly summoned the own Kyushu cauldron, shrank it in his hand, and then poured out a Dao fruit from it.

This Dao Fruit is one of the five Dao Fruits he asked for from Tu Shan Youyou. Four of them were thrown out by him to lure the enemy, and this one was secretly taken by him.

"Could it be possible to use Dao fruit as the foundation?" He thought.

He immediately shook his head, Daoguo can be used as a foundation, but there is only one problem, that is, he can't use it...

This fruit looks like an ordinary glass bead, and it can only be used after it is excited by a special method.

Putting away the Dao fruit, Qin Ran took out the willow branch he had cut off last.

He held the willow branch in his hand, looked at the branch, thought for a while, and suddenly had a strange idea in his head...

Ordinary willows can be passed on to the next generation by planting willow branches, but can the devil willow eat it?

"Master, this is that..." Li Shiyin at the side withdrew his sword, saw the willow branch in Qin Ran's hand, and asked quickly, "Is that the Demon-devouring willow?"

"Yes." Qin Ran nodded.

"Isn't the Pole Devouring Demon Willow dead?"

"This is a willow branch of the Demon Devourer Willow." Qin Ran said, "I want to try planting it."

"Where is it planted?"

"By the lake."

Speaking of this, Qin Ran made up his mind to give it a try.

He got up and went to the research building to get some formation materials, sorted out, and prepared them for Restrictions and formation materials at the bottom of the lake.

The bottom of the lake needs to be strengthened, formations must be formed, and then the lake water must be led down...

At noon, Zhuifeng came back with injuries all over his body.

At that time, Qin Ran was measuring data at the bottom of the lake, thinking about how to set up an array, when he heard Zhuifeng shouting from the lakeside: "Hey... Dad, rice!"

He looked up and saw Zhuifeng's pure white cat's head, with several bruises and bloodstains from being beaten.

"What happened to you?" He asked, pointing to Zhuifeng's head.

Chasing the wind shook his head and did not speak.

Qin Ran put down the measuring tool, jumped up from the bottom of the lake, and checked the bloodstain on the cat's head, which was probably caught by some kind of bird Demonic Beasts. He took out the Medicine Pill, kneaded it into powder, and applied it on him.

"You run out every day, are you looking for someone to fight?"

"My... territory!" said Zhuifeng. He was so hurt by the medicine that he shook his head and rubbed against Qin Ran's thigh.

Qin Ran slapped him directly, and scolded with a smile: "What is your territory? My territory!"

It can't be seen that this big cat has a strong sense of territory, and it wants to take power at such a young age. Calculated according to the age of human beings, Zhuifeng is only ten years old now, that is to say, a ten-year-old emperor wants to take power...

This cute tiger is so competitive.

While checking his wounds, Qin Ran murmured: "Run after eating, and don't come back until hungry. Why? Is my home a restaurant? Oh, you'll come back to sleep, it seems that my home is a hotel...

"I don't stay at home all day now, if I get older, won't I come back?!"

As he spoke, he suddenly felt angry, so he exerted more force when applying the medicine, and asked again, "How do you say? Did you win the fight?"

Zhuifeng grinned from the pain, but he was still obedient and did not move. Hearing Qin Ran's question, his feline face immediately became smug, raised his head, and roared vigorously, "I won!"

Seeing his complacency, Qin Ran was upset, so he slapped him again, cursing: "It's a big deal if you win? Look at the injury you caused, the Medicine Pill doesn't cost money, does it?"

Mao Mao lowered her head in aggrieved manner.

"What do you want to eat when you're hungry? Feed animal pills, spirit beast meat?" Qin Ran asked after giving him the medicine.

Mao Mao's big eyes lit up, and he roared loudly: "Barbecue!"

"How can I have time to barbecue for you every day?" Qin Ran kicked him and led him to the wooden house.

Qin Ran took out two pieces of Spiritual Qi's rich and high-quality animal meat from the refrigerator, and threw them into the basin for Zhuifeng.

After taking two bites, Zhuifeng couldn't get used to it, so he yelled at Qin Ran and acted like a baby, "Dad..."

Qin Ran was not used to him, and asked with squinting eyes: "You Xuanminglinghu lineage, do you all cook your own fire and eat cooked food?"

Mao Mao was very wronged, and lay down in front of the rice bowl, licking the meat with her tongue, eating bit by bit with the thorns on her tongue.

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