When Li Shiyin went out at noon, she said that she had gone out to play. Qin Ran thought she was back to normal and really ran out to play.

From this, he was still thinking that the stupid apprentice really didn't cause any trouble, but was really concentrating on practicing the Sword Technique. For a moment, he couldn't help feeling relieved that the stupid apprentice finally became sensible.

After noon, Li Shiyin didn't go home; dinner was ready, but Li Shiyin didn't go home yet.

For a foodie like Li Shiyin, it doesn't matter at other times, but she won't come when eating...

Qin Ran knew something was wrong.

He rushed to Zhuifeng who was cooking, grabbed the word "king" on his forehead, pulled his fur, and carried him outside the house.

Sitting on a chair, Qin Ran looked at Zhui Feng, who was dodging his gaze in front of him, with a gloomy face, and asked in a cold voice, "What's going on?!"

"Oh... Dad..." The big White Tiger crawled down, looking attentive, trying to get away with it.

Qin Ran ignored him, staring at him coldly.

Chasing the wind to show off his cuteness, but found that it didn't work, and secretly glanced at Qin Ran. Seeing Qin Ran's frosty face, he knew that he couldn't be fooled, so he straightened his upper body, lowered his head, and said in a low voice: "Poetry!" Yin said, for the glory of Danfeng..."

"Hmm..." Qin Ran nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"Top Ten Talents of Daojianmen..." The logic of Zhuifeng's speech was not very clear, it was intermittent and confused, but he finished the matter in the end.

"So Li Shiyin ran to challenge the Gold Core middle stage?!"

After Qin Ran listened, she sorted out the matter, and suddenly felt chills down her spine. She was frightened and angry at the same time, and hurriedly got up, started to escape, and was about to fly to the main peak discussion platform.

But just as he got up, he saw a star falling in the night sky over the main peak, and saw a purple Sword Qi flashing past.

Flying fairy outside the sky!

Qin Ran will not admit his mistake, even though this Sword Qi has changed compared to the one he was demonstrated to him before, he will not fail to recognize the first sword move his apprentice comprehended.

Li Shiyin's Kendo Talent is top-notch, after listening to his words, in just a few days, he has improved this Tianwai Feixian. The current Sword Qi is much more solid, with fewer bells and whistles, and its power has increased several times.

Just looking at the sword, he knew the outcome of the battle, and he turned back and sat down.

Holding a bowl of rice, Long Qiqi leaned against the door to watch Zhuifeng being scolded, but she didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. Seeing Qin Ran flying up and down, she asked curiously, "Why don't you go?"

"No need to go." Qin Ran said.

He sat there, staring at Zhuifeng without saying a word, waiting for something.

This little White Tiger weighing several hundred kilograms did not dare to move around under his gaze, and squatted on the ground, counting the dust on the ground with its head down.

Although Li Shiyin defeated Song Ze with a move called Flying Immortal, the price was the Magic power of his whole body. The figure of her turning around and leaving is very chic, but it is very embarrassing to use the Spiritual Qi absorbed by the Cultivation Technique.

Fortunately, the main peak is not very far from Danfeng, so she didn't have to hold on for too long and returned to Danfeng soon. She passed through the mountain guard formation with the token, and flew to the cabin wearing Star.

"I don't know if I can still make it for dinner?" she thought to herself.

Then he looked forward and found that there was a light in front of the wooden house. Except for Tu Shanyouyou, who lives in a simple way, everyone else in Danfeng was there...but the atmosphere didn't seem very harmonious.

Long Qiqi was grilling rice with a bowl bigger than her head, and there was a big chicken leg in the bowl, asking Li Shiyin to take a second look;

Zhuifeng didn't know why, but he didn't cook when it was time to cook, and squatted there with an aggrieved face;

And the master is even worse, his face is as cold as ice, and the anger in his eyes can roast people.

According to Li Shiyin's experience in doing bad things for many years, this is what happened!

What should I do if something happens?

Of course it's slipping!

She fell from the air, flew halfway to the cabin, braked sharply, the Star power on her body was bright, she reversed the tip of the sword, and flew straight into the air.

"Stop!" Qin Ran shouted angrily when she noticed Li Shiyin's movements.

But what kind of experience does Li Shiyin have? Master is in a fit of anger, just stand still and wait to be beaten? ! She quickly flew out at a faster speed.

"Hmph!" Qin Ran roared, Danfeng is his territory, and want to leave after entering his Realm?

He raised his hand and pinched the seal formula, and the mountain protection array was activated immediately.

Li Shiyin, a semi-literate person, didn't know the magical effect of Qin Ran's mountain protection array, she flew straight over, and even tried to open the formation channel with tokens.

Then she didn't pay attention at all in a hurry, her token failed to open the formation channel, and rushed out...

"Dang!" She slammed her head into the protective shield formed by the mountain guard formation, and she hit her head with stars.

She rubbed her head, but before she recovered, she was sucked in by a bubble as soon as she turned around.

Bubble took her to the Qin Ran side of the ground at high speed, she was so anxious that she stopped rubbing her head and raised the Star Sword to stab Bubble, but how can she stab now?

She stabbed and found that she was getting closer and closer to Qin Ran, and when she got closer, she saw the angry face of the master again.

"Cough!" She couldn't help but stop struggling, lowered her head, and shouted in a drawn out voice, "Master~fu~"

"Run? Why didn't you run away?!" Qin Ran's lungs were really going to explode.

"Hmm..." Li Shiyin lowered her head, put away her sword, hugged her little hands like a baby and didn't speak.

Qin Ran sat down on the chair, and the chair made a "creak" sound. He released Li Shiyin from the bubble, stared at Li Shiyin with a pair of fiery eyes, and asked, "Do you know what you are doing?!"

"Master... Fu..." Li Shiyin defended herself in a low voice, "I agree!"

"Win?" Qin Ran laughed angrily, and immediately roared, "Then what Realm is Song Ze? What Realm are you? There is a big Realm between you!!! A big Realm! Do you know?

"Do you know how dangerous that is?!"

It doesn't matter whether you win or not; it doesn't matter if you are looked up to or looked down upon. Qin Ran didn't care, he only cared about Li Shiyin's life.

What Dan Feng's glory? Danfeng has a fart glory! Such a big school has been passed down for several generations, how dare you talk about glory?

He, Qin Ran, doesn't have the honor value of that Laoshizi at all!

"Leapfrog challenge, very majestic, very amazing?!" Qin Ran's eyes were blood red, he was really terrified, "Then do you know that as long as you make a mistake, you will lose your life?

"The gap between big Realms is exponential!!"

When is the right time to leapfrog? Only when life and death are at stake, as a last resort! !

Li Shiyin had never seen Qin Ran get so angry, and she never thought that the well-mannered, black-bellied, and deeply-scrupulous Qin Ran would get angry, she knew it was really angry.

She didn't dare to say a word, she just lowered her head and was scolded.

Qin Ran's roar shocked the entire Danfeng, Li Shiyin didn't dare to move, Chasing the wind didn't dare to move, Long Qiqi stopped chopping rice, and Houshan Fox stood at the entrance of the cave to watch what happened here.

After roaring, Qin Ran sat back on the chair and put his hand on his forehead. He felt the arteries in his forehead hammering his hand.

Anger is because of fear.

What is he afraid of? He was afraid of losing Li Shiyin. If Li Shiyin died because of this, what should he do? It was not easy for him to have another concern in this world. He was really scared, if Li Shiyin went out to leapfrog challenges in the future.

After Qin Ran stopped roaring, Danfeng was quiet for a long time.

After a long time, he stood up and said in a calm and hoarse voice, "Foot grounding, three months!"

Then turned around and entered the house.

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