My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 200 Fishing In The Cold River Snow

The snow is so deep, although Zhuifeng is no longer as novel as it was at the beginning, he is crazy every day, but he still likes snow very much. Relying on his thick skin and fur, he is not afraid of the cold, so he has a great time rolling in the snow.

And compared to him, Long Qiqi is too miserable.

She is not only afraid of the cold, but also...

When she first came to Danfeng, Zhuifeng was very small, not as big as her; but in the blink of an eye five or six months later, Zhuifeng was as tall as a bull, but she was still a girl of six or seven years old. There is no leg height for chasing the wind.

Zhuifeng often wonders why she doesn't grow taller.

So it's easy for her to get stuck in such a deep snow, and then she can't find anyone.

After all...she really isn't much taller than Xue.

Li Shiyin was really diligent, even in such a cold weather, she never stopped practicing swords for a single day. Although, she seems to like snow quite a bit.

For example, this time, when she practiced her sword in mid-air, snowflakes fluttered one after another, and she gathered them together with her sword force, and finally gathered them into a big snowball that couldn't be hugged, and then...

"Zhuifeng! Look at the snowball!!" She yelled to Zhuifeng, who was sleeping on the edge of the Xijian Lake monument.

"Is there a snowball?" Zhuifeng was excited, his eyes lit up, and the feline instinct told him to get up and look for the little ball. Then he raised his head and saw the "little snowball" thrown by Li Shiyin.

"Snowball?!!!" Zhuifeng screamed, and was hit on the head by the snowball, snowing all over his body, and the whole tiger suddenly became sober.

"Wow~~" He was hit by the snowball and rolled twice on the ground, then gathered the snowball with his paws, squeezed out a big snowball, lifted it up with two paws, and threw it at Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin dodges, laughing and avoiding.

"Ahhh..." Zhui Feng died of anger, "You hide, it's not fair!!"

He didn't hide when she threw him, why did she hide when he threw him?

"Hahaha! Stupid tiger!" Li Shiyin wanted to laugh at him, and threw another big snowball over.

Zhuifeng jumped up and slapped the snowball, and the snowball scattered, drenching him with snow again.

"You are lying!!" He was incapable of rage, and there was a strong wind, and he threw himself from the ground into the air.

He wants to bite that bad woman into eighteen dollars!

Although the snow was deep enough to cover most of the charred trunk of the Lightning Strike*Extreme Devourer Willow, in the snow, on the scorched trunk, there was a tender yellow bud that opened the snow covering the tree and grew leaves.

With its tenacious spirit and vigorous vitality, there must be a brand new Thunderbolt Demonic Beasts tree growing from this old Demonic Beasts tree in the spring of the coming year. It will be a tree with ninth-level Demonic Beasts The bloodline of the Pole Devouring Demon Willow will call himself Liu Xiaoji.

And right next to the willow tree, Qin Ran moved a small stool, brought a whole set of fishing equipment, and made a hole in the lake, and finally sat on the stool by the lake embankment, closed his eyes, like an old man. Fishing in the ice and snow.

While fishing, he picked up the primordial spirit, ran to the heart of the willow tree, entered the dark cave, found the baby named Liu Xiaoji inside, comforted him with Divine Sense, and used the method of beast control to brainwash him The Primordial Spirit of the Demon-Eating Demon Willow told him that his name was Liu Xiaoji, and that he Qin Ran was his master...

While brainwashing, Qin Ran suddenly felt a big movement in the fishing rod in his hand. He opened his eyes quickly, suspecting that a big fish had taken the bait. But when he opened his eyes, what he saw was a white figure flashing past, followed by a gust of turbulent wind, which made his fishing rod flutter and his hair messy.

"Zhuifeng!" he roared angrily, "You scared all my fish away!"

Zhui Feng chased Li Shiyin around Danfeng and came back to Qin Ran, with his big head lowered, looking terribly wronged. He raised his big paw, pointed at Li Shiyin who was proud of himself on the lake, and complained to Qin Ran: "Father, she cheated and bullied me!"

"Hey hey!" Qin Ran gave him a big blow, "How old is she? She bullied you, you don't know and you go back?"

"I can't catch up..." Zhuifeng was about to cry.

"Losing face, good for nothing!" Qin Ran shook his head, "When I was your age... my nervous system was not yet fully developed, and I couldn't even control my physical needs."

"Ah?" Zhuifeng couldn't understand.

"You don't believe me if I tell you to read more, I think you won't even know when Shiyin scolds you in the future." Qin Ran squinted at him, "Come on, sit next to Dad and be a good baby, so she won't dare to bully you gone."

He didn't care about other pursuits, but he couldn't miss being a good baby, so he quickly squatted beside Qin Ran obediently.

Whether it is by the Master's side, Li Shiyin dare not mess around for the time being. She came over from the ice on the lake, stood on the other side of Qin Ran, and shyly said to Zhuifeng, "Daddy's good baby..."

Zhuifeng glanced at her, pretending that tigers don't understand what you humans are saying, and lowered his head to lick the fur on his shoulder blades.

After playing around for a long time, Li Shiyin was also a little tired, so she sat down with her legs crossed against Qin Ran under the snow.

"Master, if you want to eat fish, why don't you use magic to catch it?" She asked Qin Ran puzzled, "It's too slow to catch fish like this."

Qin Ran glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and said inscrutablely, "Fishing is also a kind of practice."

"What kind of practice is fishing?"

"Fishing can cultivate one's morality and peace of mind." Qin Ran said, "Then, the Master will tell you a little story about fishing."

"Wow, wow!" Li Shiyin nodded repeatedly.

She doesn't know whether fishing counts as spiritual practice, but the stories told by the master are very exciting.

"The so-called Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait." Qin Ran slowly talked about the old story, "Many years ago, there was a very knowledgeable old man named Jiang Shang...One day he was fishing by the river, but he used It's a straight hook..."

The world is white, the mountains are white, the lake is white, the house is white, the ground is white, the trees are white, only the lakeside has three colors, a girl in pink and a young man in white. , one... a snow-white-haired Xuanming Spirit Tiger.

From time to time, a cold wind blows, blowing the girl's clothes, blowing the girl's hair, her skirts and skirts are blown onto the hem of the young man in white, and her hair caressing the face of the young man in white.

She listened to the Master talking and felt very beautiful.

After the Xuanming Spirit Tiger finished licking his fur, he turned his head and saw that the hair of the young man in white was messed up by the wind, so he tilted his head, stuck out his tongue, and kindly helped him with his hair.

When the girl in pink saw Xuanming Linghu move like this, she felt uncomfortable, so she slowly leaned on the young man in white, holding his hand...

You can't let that stupid tiger occupy the master alone!

In a world of ice and snow, Qin Ran is fishing by the lake. On the left is the girl he likes...the female apprentice, and on the right is...a silly child who was brought up with one hand. He has a feeling of family happiness. What do you want?

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