My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 205: The Forbidden Legend Of The Mountain Behind Dan Peak

A basilisk who just completed the Foundation Establishment? Danfeng still has this kind of thing?

Dong Zhongyuan didn't mean to discriminate against monsters, and he was not the kind of Taoist priest who raised his sword to defeat demons when he saw monsters. In fact, there was a big monster in the Daojianmen's mountain guard formation, and he was just surprised... I'm also a little curious, why does Qin Ran raise such a useless snake demon?

"I'm going down to Dong Zhongyuan!" Even though there were all kinds of thoughts in his heart, it didn't affect Dong Zhongyuan's introduction to Long Qiqi with a smile, "At the invitation of Uncle Qin, I came to Danfeng as a guest."

"Oh!" Long Qiqi looked Dong Zhongyuan up and down, and muttered, "Another food grab."

"???" A question mark popped up in Dong Zhongyuan's mind, maybe Danfeng and Demonic Beasts have some problems with their brains.

Long Qiqi fatly pointed to the place where Tu Shanyouyou disappeared beside the waterfall, and warned Dong Zhongyuan: "Don't be charmed by her, it's very dangerous."

"?" This kind of admonition is useless to lsp, Dong Zhongyuan thought that Long Qiqi seemed to know the inside story, so he hurried over, with a little flattery on his face, and asked Long Qiqi, "Who is she?"

Seeing Dong Zhongyuan like this, Long Qiqi knew that he was a full-fledged Hungry Ghosts. If a person like him was targeted by Tu Shanyouyou, he would probably be eaten up and wiped out. Not left... or he is willing.

"Knowing too much is not good for you." Long Qiqi tightened her tiger fur coat and walked towards the hut, "A person like you..." She glanced at Dong Zhongyuan, "It's easy to die."

Dong Zhongyuan was shocked when he heard it, could he die easily? What the hell is that?

He was suddenly more interested. There is a saying that the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is, so how beautiful is a woman who can kill people? !

"A human? A demon? A god? An immortal?" He was asking Long Qiqi.

Long Qiqi didn't answer, but walked quickly with short short legs towards the cabin.

"It must be a fairy!" Dong Zhongyuan followed Long Qiqi, but turned his head to look nostalgicly at the waterfall in the back mountain, where the white shadow disappeared.

Long Qiqi shook her head again and again. Only after seeing Dong Zhongyuan's appearance did she have a solid understanding of Qin Ran's heart. How tenacious Qin Ran's heart is... Well, Qin Ran was so afraid of death that he resisted Tu Shan Youyou's temptation.

Coming to the living room, Long Qiqi noticed that Tian Wenjin was also there, and greeted him casually, and saw Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng playing chess, so he leaned over to have a look.

After watching for a while, she pursed her lips and cursed as usual: "Two stinky chess baskets, the more you play, the more stinky they become!"

"You don't understand!" Li Shiyin retorted.

"I don't understand?" Long Qiqi wanted to laugh, she pointed to a certain position on the chessboard, and said, "You go down here, where the three roads meet, and Stupid Tiger can only stop one..."

Hearing Long Qiqi's words, Zhuifeng sat up immediately, and showed Long Qiqi a fingernail with his big claws.

"Father said, watch chess without saying a word!"

Long Qiqi slapped his big paw back and said with a sneer, "Your father told you not to eat, do you want to eat?"

Dong Zhongyuan walked into the room and saw the interaction in the room, he couldn't help but froze for a moment. Can Demonic Beasts of lower bloodlines interact with Demonic Beasts of higher bloodlines in this way?

He walked over, looked at the chessboard beside Long Qiqi, and asked Long Qiqi: "What kind of chess are they playing? Can you understand it?"

"What kind of chess can two idiots play?" Long Qiqi said disdainfully, "Gobang."

Wow! She was so arrogant, she not only scolded Xuanming Linghu, but also dared to scold the direct disciple of the head of Dan Peak, Dong Zhongyuan couldn't help but look at Long Qiqi more.

"What kind of chess is backgammon?" He asked again.

"Just connect the five chess pieces in a line." Long Qiqi replied.

Dong Zhongyuan is not an idiot, he realized it immediately. So he pointed to a certain place on the chessboard and asked, "Have the sunspots here made five pieces in a row?"

"Yes!" Long Qiqi nodded.

"Then why didn't Junior Brother Zhuifeng win?"

"Because there are fools who are blind."

"Aww! Aww!!" A stupid tiger was furious, "Why didn't I see it?!"

One of the characteristics of backgammon is that it is easy to learn, even people like Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng who don't like to use their brains can play it; but it is a puzzle game after all, it is chess, and its upper limit is actually not low.

Two people with enough wisdom to play can also play the taste of Go.

For example, the game between Long Qiqi and Dong Zhongyuan.

Even chess players like Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng would nod unknowingly and express their appreciation from time to time when they were watching chess from the sidelines.

It wasn't until Qin Ran prepared the appetizers and greeted everyone for dinner that the chess game dissipated.

The eating area is in the kitchen. The structure of this small wooden house was originally a kitchen and dining room. Before Li Shiyin came, Qin Ran lived alone and didn't pay much attention. He ate in this dining room every day; until later, Danfeng became more and more lively, especially Zhuifeng. Growing up, I ate most of my meals outside on the lawn. Now, it's just back to basics.

The seat is divided into subject and guest, human and beast. The subject and the guest refer to Qin Ran sitting on the main seat, Dong Zhongyuan sitting on the guest seat; humans and beasts refer to other people sitting on chairs, and Chase Feng sitting on the ground.

Before starting to eat, Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin toasted Dongzhong Genichi with a glass of wine to thank him for saving his life, and then began to eat.

The atmosphere during the banquet was pleasant and harmonious. Danfeng focused on a harmonious family atmosphere, especially with a courtesan like Dong Zhongyuan, there was no cold talk at all.

Those who eat eat, those who drink drink, those who talk talk; those who eat, those who eat, those who drink, those who drink, others, those who talk, Qin Ran and Dong Zhongyuan.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere became lively. Dong Zhongyuan thought it was time, so he asked Qin Ran: "Uncle, is there anyone living in the back mountain of Danfeng?"

As soon as this remark came out, Long Qiqi couldn't help but pause with his chopsticks jumping around in the banquet. It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, she shook her head silently.

"What? Did you see anything?" Qin Ran asked with a smile.

Dong Zhongyuan thought of what Long Qiqi said before, and felt that Qin Ran's smile had a lot of meaning. He thought about it, and finally his expression turned cold, and he lowered his voice and asked Qin Ran: "Is there any taboo on the mountain behind Danfeng?" ?”

Um? Taboo? Qin Ran glanced at Long Qiqi, saw Long Qiqi's unnatural expression, and instantly understood.

But after he thought about it carefully, it seems to be true to say so, especially for a man who has no resistance to beauty.

So for the good of Dong Zhongyuan, Qin Ran nodded, and followed Dong Zhongyuan's words: "There is indeed a terrifying taboo creature living in the back mountain of Danfeng, but it was suppressed by Danfeng senior. Extremely dangerous!!"

Dong Zhongyuan's mind was shaken, and he thought to himself, he couldn't forget the taboo creature now, could it be that he had already been tricked?

Thinking of this, he became restless and anxious.

And from now on, the legend of ghosts and taboo creatures living in the back mountain of Danfeng has been widely circulated in Daojianmen.

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