Li Shiyin was not a good child since she was a child, and she often made her parents angry. Of course, she is not now, and she also makes Qin Ran angry. Therefore, her ability to resist beatings is full marks, and her ability to act coquettishly is also full marks.

It didn't take long for her to coax Li Zhan and Yang Yanqi into comfort, and she was no longer angry with her.

On the second day after returning home, Li Shiyin found Li Shiwen who was drinking under the rockery, dragged him out, kicked his drink away, and said, "Go, I'll take you to beat someone."

"Not interested." Li Shiwen only wanted to own the wine, and staggered to pick up the jug.

Li Shiyin dragged him forcefully and dragged him out.

The two soon came to the door of the official secretary's house not far from their house. She didn't kick the door, but shouted loudly at the door: "Tang Yin! Get out, old lady."

She could see clearly on the street yesterday that Tang Yin's subordinates were bullying Li Shiwen. She, Li Shiyin, meant what she said. Since she said yesterday that she wanted them to wash their necks and wait, then today she must abide by the agreement and come to pick up their dog's head.

Li Shiyin finished speaking, and soon, the gate of the Tang Mansion opened a crack, and the aged porter poked his head out, looked at Li Shiyin in fear, and said, "My son is not at home."

Needless to say, the notoriety of the Li brothers and sisters in Danyang.

"Then where is he?" Li Shiyin asked.

The concierge shook his head: "The villain doesn't know about the master's affairs."

"If you don't tell me, I'll knock down your door, so you can't be a concierge." Li Shiyin threatened.

The concierge was also loyal, so he didn't say anything, and Li Shiyin's threats were useless.

And Li Shiyin couldn't demolish his house, she walked around Li Shiwen twice, suddenly remembered a place, and asked the concierge: "Did he go to Tianxiang Tower?"

"You..." The concierge was startled, and wanted to ask Li Shiyin how he knew, but he reacted quickly and hurriedly lowered his head and said, "How can a villain know that?"

Today is different from the past, Li Shiyin's eyes are dedicated to finding people's flaws and weaknesses, they are as bright as a star, and she can clearly see the changes in the porter's expression, and she knows instantly that she has guessed correctly.

She didn't talk any more with the concierge, and ran to Tianxiang Tower with Li Shiwen.

"Shishi...yin?" Although Li Shiwen was depressed, he was neither stupid nor crazy. He asked Li Shiyin, "Do you know where Tianxiang Tower is?"

"Isn't it the place where you drink flower wine, what's so strange?" Li Shiyin asked back.

Li Shiwen nodded, although it was a bit awkward, but Li Shiyin knew it was good.

After walking hurriedly for a while, he remembered something again, and hurriedly asked: "Then do you know what drinking flower wine is?"

"How do I know what flower wine they're drinking? Isn't it here yet? After a while, you'll know if you smell it? It's nothing more than peach blossom wine, apricot blossom wine or something, is it still osmanthus wine?" Li Shiyin was annoyed Li Shiwen's ink marks, replied impatiently.

Li Shiwen patted his forehead, this girl really didn't understand. He thought she had become a lot smarter in the past six months...

Although she has been saying that Li Shiyin is a bully, she has never done anything to bully men and women. In fact, she became a bully precisely because she couldn't understand those dudes who bullied men and women.

Dandy is a bully in Danyang City, and Li Shiyin, who specializes in troublesome bullies, is a bully among bullies, so she has such a terrifying name... In fact, she is very simple and kind.

Li Shiwen tugged at Li Shiyin and asked, "Do you still remember Jiaofangsi?"

"Remember, a few years ago you were beaten up by your father for going to the Jiaofang Division." Li Shiyin nodded.

The weather was cold, Li Shiwen couldn't help coughing, and then said: "Tianxiang Tower is actually the same place as Jiaofangsi."

"?" Li Shiyin came to his senses and stood still.

At this moment, in the elegant room No. 1 of Tianxiang Building, there were four noble sons in splendid clothes, eight graceful beauties, and sixteen delicate maidservants who poured tea and beat their backs.

The four noble sons are Tang Yin, the second son of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Xiang Hui, the Little Brother of Xiang Ji, the Great General of Zhenbei, Mi Hua, the son of the Eighth Prince, and Tian Boming, the son of the Hanlin scholar.

Xiang Hui half-lyed on the soft chair, with a pretty lady attached to his body. He closed his eyes, groped her body with his hands, and said like a moan, "I heard that Li Shiyin is back."

A beauty was massaging Tang Yin's head, and a beauty was massaging Tang Yin's feet. Tang Yin drank his tea and said with a disdainful smile: "I'll come back when I come back, what's the big deal. What can she do for a girl? "

"Ha ha!" A smile appeared on the corner of Xiang Hui's mouth, and he touched the key point with his hand. The beautiful woman in his arms gave a "sigh", and he said, "Don't talk about it, that girl is quite beautiful, with a hot personality, like a little wild horse, very cute." It's to my liking. Her long, strong legs... One day, I'll let her hold my head... Oh, I can't stand it..."

As he spoke, he got into the arms of the beautiful woman on his body, using that softness instead of imagination.

"Tch..." Tian Boming reminded with a sneer, "Li Shiyin may have a marriage contract with that Cheng."

"Didn't there be news that Li Shiyin went to Daojianmen to practice?" Mi Hua said, leaning on the soft beauty.

"Cultivation?" Tang Yin raised his finger and shook, "I still believed a little bit at first, but she's back now, and it's been less than a year. Xiuxian asked, Xiuxian asked, what can be cultivated in a year Son?

"Besides, how can Xiuxian Sect go down the mountain at will? I think she probably worked as a handyman for half a year, either because she was abandoned by Sect, or because she couldn't bear it, she escaped secretly."

"Oops!" Xiang Hui was shocked suddenly and opened his eyes.

"What?" The other three were startled.

"If Li Shiyin went to Sect to work as a handyman, a drug slave, or a Human Cauldron, wouldn't he have been touched by someone long ago?" Xiang Hui sighed, "It's a pity, it's a's all ruined."

Xiang Hui's appearance made Tian Boming shake his head, and he reminded again: "Didn't the one surnamed Cheng also go to practice? I heard that he went to Xuanqin Yuntianmen."

"That kid Talent is quite good, it is said that he is an inner disciple." Mi Hua added.

Tang Yin suddenly sneered and said: "I don't know whether to say he is humble or infatuated, just because I heard that Li Shiyin went to practice, he also wants to practice..."

"A woman, why is this?"

"that is."

"Is that kid back?"

"Li Shiyin is back, I think he will come back in a few days..."


They were talking without saying a word, when the door of this private room was kicked open suddenly.

Xiang turned his head and didn't return, he scolded: "Where did you come from, you don't have any rules, get out!"

"Xiang Hui?" The person kicking the door spoke, it was a clear and clear girl's voice, "You are so majestic!"

Xiang Xiang felt familiar with this voice, and when he looked over, he was startled, his upper and lower limbs trembled with fright.

"Ahaha..." He smiled charmingly, "So it's Boss Shiyin."

This is Xiang Hui, how arrogant and obscene he spoke just now, and how vulgar and obsequious his behavior is now... He wished he could kneel down for Li Shiyin.

And the other three are probably not much better.


It's just that they are playboys, their bodies have been hollowed out by wine and sex, and they have been beaten a lot by Li Shiyin, who has practiced martial arts since childhood, and they already have fear in their hearts.

And the more afraid he is in his heart, the more he wants to be brave behind his back. What was the most exaggerated just now is the most standard kneeling now.

"Everyone get out!" Li Shiyin said to those pink skeletons.

The smell of rouge and body fluids in the room was washed away by the heat, and it smelled very unpleasant...

This is the Tianxiang Building at the foot of the emperor. They are all sensible sisters. Looking at this posture, they knew that it had nothing to do with them. They all supported each other and went out softly.

After all the idlers had gone out, Li Shiyin closed the door casually, and sneered with the four trembling people in the room, "Let's settle the score properly!"

Xiang Hui was terrified, but when he looked up, he suddenly saw Li Shiwen cowering behind Li Shiyin looking for a drink. This made him realize that in the past Li Shiyin was able to bully them because she had a big brother who was invincible all over the world, but now her big brother...

Did he really think he was afraid that she would fail? !

"She's alone!" He stood up and shouted, "Can't she still beat the four of us?!"

Tang Yin also realized that Li Shiwen is useless now, and they beat him every day. Today, Li Shiyin is alone.

He shouted: "Brothers, fight her..."

In the 24th year of Jiande in Northern Chu, in the winter, the people of Danyang City saw such a heart-warming event:

The four big dandies in Danyang were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, their clothes were stripped off, and the chains around their necks were in their mouths. They came out of Tianxiang Tower, barked like a dog, and crawled home in the snow.

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