My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 223 The Bizarre Adventure Of A Girl

Zhuifeng's seventh "beating the dragon" ended, and Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi finally came back. The two little girls were on a business trip for almost forty days, going out when spring was in full bloom, and returning when early summer was light.

At that time, Qin Ran was applying medicine for Chasing Feng under the old locust tree, when he suddenly heard a clear and clear shout: "Master! We are back!!"

He looked up at the familiar voice, and saw a girl in a long white dress flying towards him accompanied by the colorful rays of the evening light. She opened her hands, and before he could react, she hugged him from the air and hugged him in her arms.

She jumped down while standing, and he was hugged while squatting. In the girl's soft and fragrant but passionate arms, Qin Ran's nose and lips were on her neck, smelling the girl's fragrance, seeing the snow-white skin and light blue Meridians. He felt himself being held so tight that he couldn't breathe... thankfully he didn't need to.

After a long time, he estimated that the girl's excitement had passed, and he called out softly, "Shiyin?"

"Huh?" Li Shiyin responded with a delicate nasal voice, but did not let go.

Qin Ran had no choice but to let her continue to hug her.

But at this moment, Zhuifeng suddenly cried out in pain: "Li Shiyin! Pain! Pain! Pain!!"

Li Shiyin came back to her senses, looked down and found that she was stepping on Zhuifeng.

She stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, then let go of Qin Ran, put her hand on Qin Ran's shoulder, and jumped off Zhui Feng.

"Wow! Stupid tiger, what's the matter with you? How did you get beaten up so badly?" At this time, she noticed Zhui Feng's miserable state, and said in surprise, "I'm not at home for a few days, and you are being bullied like this?"

"Hmph! It's not being bullied!" Zhuifeng refused to admit it, he just said, "I was practicing martial arts with Dage."

"Dage?" Li Shiyin despised him even more, "Why are you so worthless? You still recognize Dage?!"

Zhuifeng was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, as a tiger, he had a thick skin. He said, "I, Dage, am a dragon, very powerful."

"Dragon?" Li Shiyin became interested, "Is it the kind of dragon with small power, flying clouds and fog, spreading clouds and rain, and supernatural powers. What kind of dragon has a snake body and fish scales, tiger palms and eagle claws, bull ears and antlers, and glittering gold?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Zhuifeng was puzzled.

"Oh, it's the clothes worn by the emperor, with dragon patterns on them! It's shiny golden, very majestic!" Li Shiyin added.

"No..." Zhuifeng shook his head, he remembered that his boss was a black dragon, and suddenly felt that he had no face.

"Then what dragon are you talking about?" Li Shiyin pouted.

Zhuifeng closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, without speaking.

"There is a dragon in the Daojianmen's mountain guard formation." Seeing this, Qin Ran explained to Li Shiyin, "These days, Zhuifeng is playing with others."

"Jiaolong?" Li Shiyin mused, "Although not as handsome as a dragon, it's still okay."

"Have you ever seen a dragon?" Zhuifeng suddenly came back to life.

"The Eighth Prince's clothes are decorated with dragon patterns..."

Li Shiyin has been here for so long, but Qin Ran hasn't seen Long Qiqi yet, so he couldn't help but think of something bad, and asked, "Where's Qiqi?"

"After entering the mountain gate, I left her behind..." Li Shiyin thought of Long Qiqi, feeling very embarrassed, "I miss Master!"

Her hand grabbed Qin Ran's shoulder and shook gently.

Qin Ran looked at her helplessly, shook his head, and couldn't scold her, only said: "How can you leave her behind?"

"Qiqi has learned how to control the wind, but she is not yet proficient. She needs to practice more..."

Li Shiyin came back in the sunset, and Long Qiqi came back in the dark. A six or seven-year-old girl, unfamiliar with the wind, flew unsteadily in the air. Those who saw it were really sad, and those who heard it tears.

In particular, when she passed through Danfeng's protective formation, what she saw was the scene of Qin Ran, Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng having hot pot on the lawn...

Really too much! ! !

She instantly proficient in several levels of Wind Control Technique, rushed over angrily, and then ate three big bowls!

"I've been here for more than a month, what kind of alchemy did you make?" Qin Ran asked Long Qiqi after eating and tidying up, and a group of people were watching the stars on the lawn.

Long Qiqi was lying on the soft Zhuifeng body, she looked at the sky, and said: "The Nether Soul Flame!"

This name sounds like Long Qiqi's style, but...

Qin Ran questioned: "Is there no such flame on the list I gave you?"

"Hey! You didn't get what you said!" Qin Ran was sitting on the lawn, Li Shiyin was sleeping on the lawn, with her little head resting on Qin Ran's waist, she said angrily,

"Master, master, let me tell you, Qiqi is so stupid! When every kind of fire appeared, we went, but she just didn't dare to go up! Especially once, when it was that bone spirit who was cold, I couldn't help it." I helped her block seven people, and bought her a long time to absorb it, but she couldn't absorb it. I'm so pissed off!

"Qiqi is a little more courageous, we will be back in seven days."

Qin Ran looked at Long Qiqi, Long Qiqi's eyes were a little evasive, she coughed dryly, and said, "Who, who knew there would be so many Daoists? They are both body-refining and sword-practicing. They are so powerful. Pill refining." Can't even see it.

"I don't know what kind of evil Cultivation Technique they are practicing, but also these heavenly and earthly fires."

"Many are Cultivation Techniques that need the help of foreign objects..." Qin Ran shook his head and said, "Shiyin's "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique" is so authentic, it still needs the help of the power of Star. Those who need the help of fire, ice, or There will only be more wind, thunder, and water Cultivation Techniques."

He paused, then asked Long Qiqi, "So? How did you get the Nether Soul Flame in the end?"

"When we were waiting for the re-ignition of the Black Lotus Earth Fire in Xuanqin, we were robbed first. But the person who came to rob us had never played Shiyin, and we got a map." Long Qiqi said, "On the map is the Nether Soul Flame. , in Dayan Pianbai."

"So you went to Dayan Country?" Qin Ran asked in surprise, "Going so far?"

"Hmph! If I hadn't knocked everyone away this time..." Li Shiyin said, "Maybe I will go further to Yanhan!"

Long Qiqi was speechless by default. Even though she was an old Rivers and Lakes person for this trip, she had to say that it was all thanks to Li Shiyin. Conspiracies and tricks are easy to use, but at the last moment, you still have to fight hard...

During this trip, she really knew how powerful Li Shiyin was.

She and Li Shiyin set foot in the practice world one after another, and the time would not exceed two months, but the gap between her and Li Shiyin can indeed be described as the difference between clouds and mud. If the two of them fight head-on... Well, she is not qualified to fight Li Shiyin head-on.

"Okay, I know you're amazing!" Qin Ran praised Li Shiyin, then looked at Long Qiqi, and said, "Let's see your Nether Soul Flame."

Long Qiqi showed Qin Ran her dark and gloomy fire.

"It looks pretty good, and the quality is quite high." Qin Ran nodded, "That's right, if you use this fire pill refining, it may be easier to refine poison pills..." He stopped suddenly when he said this, because he thought of refining it himself. super poison pill.

"The poison pill is the poison pill! As long as you can use it yourself." Long Qiqi sighed.

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