"Heh, heh!" Qin Ran avoided Long Qiqi's direct gaze, looked at the surface of Xijian Lake, and said with a smile, "With me in charge of Danfeng, what else can happen?"

Staring at Qin Ran's obviously flustered face, Long Qiqi slowly realized, and said in a deep voice, "Then, you are the one who has the problem!"

"Say, what bad things did you do behind our backs?!" she asked.

"I didn't! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!" Qin Ran directly denied Sanlian, turned and fled.

Qin Ran is good at planning, but not good at responding.

If he wants to set up a game, he can take into account the various changes within the game, and he will include all the choices of the characters in the game, and in the end, they will all go to the ending he preset... If there are no unexpected changes.

And in the same round, if there is an external force suddenly intervening, or there are unexpected factors that he has not calculated, then such a round will be very difficult for him to handle, and the probability of failure in this round will reach 90%.

In this "Suicide Pill" incident, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He made a mistake, but he didn't do much to remedy it, which led to frequent accidents.

And accidents are too bad for him, and he is the worst at handling accidents.

So under Long Qiqi's careful investigation and searching everywhere, the black history of the first seat of Danfeng slowly surfaced.

On this day, the sky was cloudy and gloomy. Long Qiqi came to Xijian Lake, and finally interviewed the survivor of the incident, Liu Xiaoji, the demon-eating demon Liu Xiaoji, in order to conclude the matter.

She was walking along the embankment of Xijian Lake, and suddenly saw a man in coir raincoat fishing in front of him.

No one knew who this coir raincoat man was, what his name was, where he came from, and what he was doing, but he said hoarsely to Long Qiqi, "The front is The Underworld!"

Long Qiqi stood still when she heard the words, and looked at the man in coir raincoat, with a noble brilliance on her face that she was not afraid of sacrifice for the truth, she said: "For the truth, someone will always stand up, so why can't it be me? As the saying goes If I don't enter The Underworld, who will enter The Underworld?!"

The sky was overcast, the lake surface was rippling, and the dark green willow branches of the weeping willows by the lake were shaking in the wind. The fisherman by the lake was silent, only hearing the breeze blowing by. But it was a chilling scene.

"You should think about it. If you take this step, you will have no chance of turning back, or you will never recover!" the man in coir raincoat continued to remind.

Long Qiqi didn't speak, and silently took a step forward, one step closer to the Demon Willow, one step closer to the truth.

"Sometimes..." the man in coir raincoat sighed, "Some things are better buried in history."

"I just want the world to know what the world is like!" Long Qiqi gritted his teeth, firm in his own belief.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" the man in coir raincoat asked.

The hoarse voice stopped the willow branches from swinging.

"I'm sure!" Long Qiqi nodded.

"Even if there is no regret?"

The sun has already receded, and the clouds dare not move.

"I don't regret it!" Long Qiqi's eyes were firm!

"Ah... idiot, idiot..." the man in coir raincoat sighed and slowly disappeared from the lake. His sigh was left alone in the air, but no one was seen anymore.

Long Qiqi raised her head to look at the sky, she just felt that the dark clouds in the sky were pressing down, as if pressing down on her heart.

She took a deep breath and let it out gently.

"There is always someone in this world who has to stand up!"

Thinking of this, she resolutely stepped forward and walked up to the Pole Devourer Willow one step at a time.

The lightning-strike tree that had been tortured and scorched all over had already recovered, with six or seven willow branches sprouting from its body, showing stronger vitality.

"What happened that night?" Long Qiqi asked the Extreme Devourer Demon Willow.

A baby floated on top of the willow branch, supported by the willow branch, he shook his head to Long Qiqi: "No, I can't say it."

Looking at the frightened expression on Liu Xiaoji's face, Long Qiqi asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Liu Xiaoji slowly raised his head and looked at the cloudy sky.

Long Qiqi understood, who else in Danfeng can be regarded as heaven?

"Heh!" She sneered, "If we unite, he may not be able to Shrouding the Heavens alone!"

"You don't know his horror!" Liu Xiaoji's voice trembled.

"No...I know!" Long Qiqi excitedly said, "Every Danfeng person is deeply enslaved by him, abused by him, and tortured by him!"

"Every Danfeng person?" Liu Xiaoji asked.

"Yes!" Long Qi Seventh Stage nodded, "There is Shiyin who lost his partner, and Zhuifeng who was deceived. They are all on our side! We must unite!!"

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoji finally made up his mind and said, "It was a deep night where you couldn't see your fingers..."

Boom! Thunder and lightning in the sky!

"I was playing fish and shrimp as usual, blowing the breeze, but suddenly, a man appeared beside me..."

"Is it him?" Long Qiqi interrupted Liu Xiaoji.

"It's him!" Liu Xiaoji nodded and continued, "His face is terrifying and ferocious, like a ghost crawling out of The Underworld.

"I saw him prowling around, as if picking his next good being to drag into The Underworld.

"Suddenly, he valued a cute little fish! He was extremely cruel and inhumane, and mercilessly fished that poor little fish out of the water. You know, for a fish, leaving the water is a How frightening, what a desperate thing! Then he didn't stop, he squeezed open the poor little fish's mouth, and forced a round black Devil thing into his mouth..."

There was a patter of rain falling, on the surface of Xijian Lake, on the willow branches of the Pole Devouring Willow, and on Long Qiqi.

"Is that thing a Medicine Pill?" Long Qiqi interrupted Liu Xiaoji again.

"Yes, yes. I found out later that the devil was using the poor little fish to test his new Medicine Pill." With tears streaming from the corners of Liu Daoji's eyes, he continued, "He fed that little fish Medicine Pill , and put him back."

"Return?" Long Qiqi was puzzled, "Did he kill Xiaoyu? What about the other creatures in the lake?"

"Hehehe! You don't understand..." Liu Xiaoji seemed to think of the horror of that night again, and his body trembled, "After Xiaoyu returned to the lake, the nightmare officially began.

"Soon, Xiaoyu felt that something was wrong. He felt uncomfortable all over, and he felt like he was going to die. Then he died. After his death, his body floated in the water. From his body, many unknown black substances floated out. All living beings that came across that black matter... died. Die a miserable death."

"New Medicine Pill?!" Long Qiqi memorized everything Liu Xiaoji said, and finally deduced the whole story, "Hmph! Look at how he can argue!

"In the future, if I experiment with poison pills, how can he have the face to laugh at me!"

So far, under the investigation of Danfeng's conscientious people, the ugly deeds of the villain at Danfeng, who used to refine the pill of longevity to refine the poisonous pill, and then murdered the whole family of people on Xijian Lake, reappeared under the investigation of Danfeng's caring people. Let justice be done!

In a certain study room in Danfeng, a man in black was hiding in the study room. He peeked out the window, but saw pairs of cold eyes staring at him outside, which made his eyes sting, and made him feel ashamed and indignant.

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