My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 239 Forbearance Is Zong Jian Yuanjie

Actually, I, Jian Yuanjie, am not a bad person.

It can even be said that I have endured as the sect, and I have paid too much for Daojianmen. It's just a pity that those mediocre people, the ordinary disciples, chiefs, elders, and even the head of Daojianmen, don't understand me.

When I was ten years old, I entered Dao Jianmen, and I was only one step away from being one of the top ten talents of that generation. I practiced diligently and finally succeeded in Golden Core when I was twenty years old.

It's a pity that I was young and energetic at that time, impatient and high-spirited, and didn't pay attention to accumulation, precipitation, background, etc., and didn't stay in the Foundation Establishment period for a few more years, which led to my staying in the Gold Core period for more than 300 years .

Here, I would like to advise my younger generations that the Foundation Establishment period is the most important of all Realms, and it is really the foundation of Xiuxian Dao. Don't try to be quick, breakthrough Realm.

The thickness of the Foundation Establishment period determines the height of the Cultivation Base of practice.

After knocking on the door before our session, I left Sect and traveled and practiced in Lingnan Region.

At the furthest point, I reached Lingnan Xianzong. To be honest, I didn't know what Xiuxian sect was until I saw Lingnan Xianzong. It was a wonderland on earth.

Entering the Lingnan Immortal Sect, looking forward, one sees a boundless sea; looking up, one sees floating islands one after another. Every island is a Minor World. Every Minor World has more than a dozen Northern Chu National Universities.

There are islands one after another in the sky, densely packed, covering the sky, looking up, you can't even see the tallest island.

Here, I would like to advise my younger generations to worship Lingnan Xianzong whenever they have the chance. That is the real blessed land of cultivating immortals.

...Even if you don't have the opportunity to visit Lingnan Immortal Sect, you still have to find an opportunity to visit Lingnan Immortal Sect.

I returned to Daojianmen when I was 80 years old, and then entered the deacon hall to become an ordinary deacon, and worked hard in the deacon hall for more than a hundred years, and finally became a deacon Elder. After a hundred years, I became a master of medicine Elder.

Originally, mastering medicine Elder is the most lucrative job in the deacon hall. I can enjoy all the resources in this position and use the Medicine Pill to pile up a Nascent Soul.

Who knows, it's like being cursed. I just sat on the palm medicine Elder, the pill refining branch of Daojianmen, and Danfeng, and I encountered catastrophes one after another.

Among them, the disciple Elder, either died of Heavenly Tribulation or died of an accident. Generation after generation, it got worse and worse, and in the end, the majestic peak did not receive a single pass from generation to generation.

I always feel that my luck has affected Danfeng, but I can't find any concrete evidence.

Here, I would like to warn my younger generations, never place your hopes in the hands of others. If the qualifications are poor and the background is not strong, then don't have illusions and learn pill refining honestly. Only in this way can we go further on the road of practice.

Until Danfeng couldn't provide Medicine Pill for Daojianmen, I still didn't use Medicine Pill to build Nascent Soul.

I don't hate Danfeng either, but I'm worried that my time is running out. Because I was injured while traveling, I am afraid that I will only have a lifespan of more than five hundred years old.

Then when I was three hundred and forty-eight years old, Sect finally decided to introduce Medicine Pill from Zhishen Valley... and I was responsible for this matter.

I was flattered at the time, and I couldn't believe that such a big thing would be arranged on my head, and I couldn't believe that Sect trusted me so much. You know, Medicine Pill is the lifeblood of a Sect.

Medicine Pill is to Sect what food is to the country.

So for this matter, I am very concerned, very serious, very responsible, and very hardworking. For Sect's Medicine Pill business, I have worked hard for hundreds of years.

Then, another big thing happened.

The last pill refining master of Daojianmen, the leader of Danfeng, died under the tribulation thunder! Danfeng has only one ignorant, honest and honest disciple, who is over twenty years old and still a young disciple of the Foundation Establishment.

I cried bitterly for Daojianmen, and mourned for Danfeng... I think, maybe, about, that Danfeng of Daojianmen will never be seen again.

And it was at this time that people from Zhishengu and Wujian Jianzong found me.

When I knew they were planning to seize Daojianmen, I drew my sword in anger and fought to the death. But, unfortunately, in the end I tried my best to be captured, and I didn't win, nor did I die.

Now that I think about it, I probably decided to endure humiliation for the sake of Daojianmen!

I deeply know that Daojianmen has a profound background, even without Danfeng, it still has a strong strength, but I also know that Daojianmen will definitely not be able to fight against two sects with the strength of one sect.

In order not to destroy Daojianmen, I agreed to their conditions...

But, seriously, a cultivator is all about cultivation. Sometimes, for the sake of Cultivation Base, for the sake of longevity, it is bearable to suffer a little grievance.

I think, probably no one knows, I am the one who protects the Daojian Gate, dealing with two powerful Sects.

When I stood at the highest point of the main peak and looked down at the Daojian Gate, this group of mediocre and ignorant beings must not have known that I was the hero hiding in the dark who guarded the Daojian Gate.

In order for Daojianmen not to be destroyed, and to appease Zhishengu’s emotions, I think that the pill refining master of Daojianmen must be eliminated in the end... Anyway, Danfeng exists in name only, and there is only one pill refining master, and if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed Come on!

Anyway, Daojianmen! Such a Sect should not have a pill refiner.

But recently, the nephew seems to be on guard, and he forced the Golden Core, and he deployed the formation urgently, which is really difficult to deal with.

It seems that we have to wait until this time when Daoqian knocks on the door. It is absolutely impossible to take any action during Daoqian knocking, because this period is too sensitive, and it is too easy to attract the attention of Daojianmen's high-level officials.

What's more, I'm still responsible for the security deacon. So, is this Elder, the medicine master of Daojianmen? I was reduced to doing the menial work of maintaining law and order during the door-knocking period... I really shouldn't be doing this kind of menial work.

"With this information, we can accurately predict your next opponent!"

Um? That person in front seems to be Dan Feng? I raised my attention and walked over pretending not to care.

The snake demon was holding a thick stack of papers and was talking to Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin. Why! Both are talented, tall and good-looking sons of heaven... Daojianmen seems to be showing signs of rising.

"But it's not perfect. Some things were wrong, and some people didn't write it down. We have to continue collecting information today."

The snake demon spoke again, and these words, together with what she said just now, caught my attention. I circled some distance and flew a little higher. My eyesight is not bad, and I can clearly see what the snake demon is holding in his arms.

what! ! ! That is actually the perfect information for this class of disciples! ! They are actually collecting information about the disciples of Daojianmen? ! ! What is their intention?

However, if I get this information... and give it to Zhishen Valley... I feel like my baby transforming pill is lost...

no! !

I mean, such important information must never be in the hands of such ordinary disciples! Who knows if they have the ability to protect them, who knows if they will have evil intentions against Daojianmen?

I have to confiscate these things!

Of course not now, we have to wait for them to collect more complete... No, I mean... um...

Also find a suitable opportunity to do it, so as not to cause too much impact...

Wait a little longer, I have been waiting for three hundred years, and it will take a day or two to conceive a baby...

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