My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 258 Fighting Against The Top Ten Talents Alone


After listening to Dong Zhongyuan's words, Li Shiyin always felt that there was something wrong...

"Hey!" She hurriedly yelled into the air, "I only needed to hit you once, but now I want to hit you six, is there something wrong with you?!"

"Hahahahaha..." But Dong Zhongyuan only left a series of laughs and never appeared again.

Li Shiyin still wanted to continue her theory, but at this moment, "Li Shiyin" in front of the stone tablet had already rushed towards her with a sword in hand.

It started with "Flying Immortal Asking", and his ethereal and erratic figure could not be seen clearly in the chaos.

Only then did Li Shiyin understand how others feel when facing their own Movement Technique.

... as ethereal as a ghost.

"Li Shiyin" came close, and stabbed with the sword wrapped in Star Sword Qi. Li Shiyin dodged to avoid it, and took out the Star Sword Qi with his backhand.

"Li Shiyin" drew his sword again, and Li Shiyin fought with the sword...


Two swords containing the Star Sword Qi collided in the air.

"Huh?" When the two swords came together, Li Shiyin immediately noticed the problem. The strength of this "Li Shiyin" was wrong. "This, this strength and the strength of Sword Qi should only be at my level three years ago..."

She quickly reacted, "This fake body should only have the strength I had when I defeated Song Ze!"

For a swordsman genius like Li Shiyin, his strength is improving every day, what will happen in three years?

……three years ago? She smiled.

When playing Song Ze three years ago, Li Shiyin's Cultivation Base was the Foundation Establishment middle stage, and Sword Qi Realm was the first realization of Sword Qi. She hadn't yet comprehended Feng Chen Jue Nian, Dream Star, hadn't learned Mind Eye, and hadn't learned the Sword of Reaching Stars yet.

Li Shiyin now beats Li Shiyin two years ago, really don't take it too easy.

Both of them are Feixian Wendao, and both of them are Star Sword Qi. In this chaos, they fight lively, appearing and disappearing in the chaos, appearing everywhere in the chaos, and Star Sword Qi splits the chaos disappear into the distance.

Li Shiyin knew "Li Shiyin", she knew all the powers she had mastered, and when fighting her, she felt as if she could see the fire and the lines in her palm.

It was as if she was standing on a high place, watching "Li Shiyin" attacking her. This feeling is amazing. Looking at her past self, she can see her strengths, weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses at a glance.

"It turns out that I was like this before." She nodded secretly, not in a hurry to defeat "Li Shiyin", but dealt with him one by one, carefully checking whether there is any problem with her own Sword Technique, magical powers, and fighting habits Obvious loopholes.

It wasn't until this "Li Shiyin" demonstrated everything she knew, including her strongest move at that time, "Flying Immortal Outside the Sky", that Li Shiyin took her away with a sword.

"It feels like killing myself." She felt very strange.

Standing in the chaos, she carefully recalled the realization just now, she gained a lot, and felt that she had become a lot stronger.

"Is this Dong Zhongyuan's intention?" She was a little skeptical.

The stele lit up with golden light again, and it was "Yue Youqun", who was ranked ninth, the golden light faded away, and "Yue Youqun" appeared in front of the stele.

He paused for a while, then attacked Li Shiyin.

As soon as he took over, Li Shiyin knew that the strength of these fake bodies was the strength of the real body when they were recorded on the Tianjiao list.

Yue Youqun is an older talent, the strength of this "Yue Youqun" is very different from the current Yue Youqun.

It didn't take long for Li Shiyin to defeat him.

Ninth, eighth, seventh, the strength of these fake bodies has long been outdated, Li Shiyin played very easily, and it didn't take long to reach the seventh place in the Tianjiao list.

The seventh one is precisely Qi Yuan who practiced the Flying Sword technique.

And even this fake body "Qi Yuan", more than ten years ago, is far stronger than Jiang Xiaobai, the number one sword god in Northern Chu.

He threw out more than a dozen Flying Swords at once, and each Flying Sword was as fast as thunder, intertwining each other into a net. Li Shiyin didn't pay attention for a while, but was caught in the net and almost fell into a desperate situation.

In the end, she pushed the Battle Spirit Art with all her strength, and forced one of the Flying Swords away, and then launched the Movement Technique, took the opportunity to get close, and took away Qi Yuan's fake body with a sword.

Seventh, sixth, fifth, the fifth in this Tianjiao list is actually Huang Feiyu, not Yan Tianxing.

Looking at Huang Feiyu, a scumbag, Li Shiyin couldn't help frowning his brows, feeling a little angry when he thought of Tian Wenjin's sufferings over the years.

"I want to see how strong you were before you were injured!"

Thinking of this, Li Shiyin pushed his own strength to the extreme, no longer waiting for the fake body to attack him like before, but took the initiative to kill him.

Compared with other people on the Tianjiao list, Huang Feiyu is very young, about the same as Qin Ran, so he entered the Tianjiao list relatively late, and his strength is quite strong... almost his strength before he was injured.

And he actually comprehended Sword Qi, the Sword Qi Realm is not low, and has already reached the Realm of the Second Stage of Sword Qi.

Then he is Water Spiritual Roots, in Sword Qi, with the meaning of a surging river, the Cultivation Technique he cultivated is somewhat similar to Lu Junxing.

"It's no wonder that you can be on the list of Tianjiao!"

This scumbag has strength, and Li Shiyin abused him very hard. He used the Third Stage Sword Qi Realm, and "Huang Feiyu" solved it with every bit of Sword Qi.

After beating Huang Feiyu, he came to the fourth place, and this fourth place was Dong Zhongyuan.

Looking at the handsome young master who was solidly standing in front of the stele opposite, Li Shiyin let out a breath to calm her breathing.

"I'd like to know, what's going on with you, you hide-and-show guy!"

From the perspective of ordinary disciples, Dong Zhongyuan, who is fourth on the Tianjiao list, is almost the most mysterious. I have never seen him make a move, and I don’t know what Cultivation Technique he is practicing, and how he got on the list.

only know……

During the door-knocking assessment, this guy suddenly killed Liu Baiyun in an upset.

Dong Zhongyuan always fanned gently with a fan, and always had a smile on his face, even if this was a fake body, he was still shaking his fan and smiling.

"Strike the stars!"

For such a mysterious figure, Li Shiyin was very cautious, and first sent out a Sword Qi from a distance to test it out.

Sure enough, the Sword Qi passed through "Dong Zhongyuan", and "Dong Zhongyuan" suddenly turned into a pile of petals and leaves, Sword Qi passed through, and he returned to his original body.

"Sister Fairy, don't be so violent!" He closed his fan, pointed at Li Shiyin, and laughed aloud.


Li Shiyin was startled, this fake body can talk?

"What is your Cultivation Technique?" She asked.

"This is "Thousand Flowers and Ten Thousand Leaves Divine Art"." "Dong Zhongyuan" replied.

But at this time, outside the Tianjiao list, Dong Zhongyuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the platform, "seeed" the scene inside the Tianjiao list, and couldn't help covering his forehead: "Damn it, I miscalculated!"

Is there anything more deadly than being found out about having a second childhood illness?

He is in charge of the Tianjiao list, so naturally he has trained his own fake avatar, so his avatar is indeed "billion points" more than other avatars.

Like this frivolous talk...

Seeing Dong Zhongyuan's movement of covering his head, the disciples watching the battle immediately had a guess: "Is Li Shiyin going to win?"

"I think Li Shiyin's combat power is too strong, and Dong Zhongyuan is covering his head."

"Thousands of flowers and leaves?" Li Shiyin nodded as if she had realized something, and then opened her left hand, a few Stars appeared in her palm, and she said to this "Dong Zhongyuan", "This trick is called Dream Star!"

Three or four Stars flew towards "Dong Zhongyuan", and "Dong Zhongyuan" turned into thousands of flowers and leaves to avoid it again.


The four fantasy Stars exploded and turned into countless fine Sword Qi. These Sword Qi shuttled back and forth, and within a few breaths, they tore all the "thousands of flowers and leaves" into pieces.

"Dong Zhongyuan" never recovered.

"Ahhh!" Dong Zhongyuan outside was holding his head in his hands, so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

The strength of that "Dong Zhongyuan" is actually far more than that, he has at least 80% of Dong Zhongyuan's strength today, but...

In order to show off his elegant and cool Movement Technique in front of the beautiful fairies, that guy was easily dealt with by Li Shiyin with a few "Dream Stars"! !

I don't know if there is a more aggrieved and embarrassing way to die in this world.

And most importantly, for Dong Zhongyuan, it is really possible for him to die like this.

Because of pretending, he was easily killed.

Looking at Dong Zhongyuan who disappeared on the opposite side, the stone tablet over there began to glow with golden light again, and Li Shiyin also felt a little dull

Ah this... "Dong Zhongyuan" is here?

Killed by her trick?

Then she looked at the shining golden light, and suddenly reacted, and hurriedly said: "Brother, you have already lost. Do you want to continue?"

The golden light faded away, and the figure of "Yao Qingke" appeared in front of the stele. But she didn't move, didn't attack.

After a while, Dong Zhongyuan's voice sounded in this space, and he said in a deep voice: "I have already lost. Do you want to continue?"

Li Shiyin was stunned, thought for a while, and said, "Please continue."

As soon as she finished speaking, "Yao Qingke" over there was wrapped in layers of green vines and killed her.

Yao Qingke, who was much stronger than this "Yao Qingke", had already been defeated by Li Shiyin's sword, so naturally he couldn't hold on for too long.

However, in order to understand the spells of "Yao Qingke", Li Shiyin tortured "Yao Qingke" for a long time on purpose.

The stele over there was lit up with golden light again. If nothing unexpected happened, it would be Jianfeng's great disciple, "Liu Baiyun".

Li Shiyin panted heavily, waiting for Liu Baiyun to take shape.

So far, she has fought eight of the top ten Tianjiao of Daojianmen. Even if it is a simplified version, it is still the strength of Tianjiao. She is still struggling, and her body and Magic power are a little bit unable to hold on.

However, there are still two strongest.

As soon as "Liu Baiyun" took shape, it looked like a sword that came from an ancient and barbaric wild. The simple and domineering Sword Qi pressed towards Li Shiyin with his head covered and his face covered.

"Good... so strong!"

Before the fight started, Li Shiyin was pushed back two steps by the domineering Sword Qi.

She couldn't help but think back to the current Liu Baiyun. The current Liu Baiyun has an air of refinement, like a generation of Confucian heroes.

So what exactly did he go through to change from such a... a domineering figure with a sharp and aggressive look to a refined figure?

With his monstrous Sword Qi, one can tell at a glance what kind of state he was in when he just emerged in Daojianmen.


With a rough sword chant, "Liu Baiyun" charged straight at Li Shiyin!

The Sword Technique of "Liu Baiyun" is majestic, domineering, fierce and domineering, each sword is powerful and heavy, and Li Shiyin can't help backing up, her fingers and palms are numb, and she is even intimidated by Liu Baiyun's fierce and domineering terrifying momentum middle.


After catching another Sword Qi of "Liu Baiyun", Li Shiyin took advantage of the situation and flew away, and began to deal with "Liu Baiyun"... There is no future in fighting with "Liu Baiyun".

She hovered around Liu Baiyun, looking at this domineering "Liu Baiyun", she thought from time to time, how did such a person become so elegant?

... She had an answer in her heart.

However, this "Liu Baiyun" Sword Technique Sword Qi is fierce and domineering, and he has only just joined Sword Qi. When Li Shiyin decided not to fight head-on with him, he was soon overwhelmed by Li Shiyin's Star Sword Qi Cut into pieces.

"Liu Baiyun" disappears, the golden light shines brightly, and "Road Junxing" appears in front of the stone tablet.


Li Shiyin panted heavily, and the little Magic power in her body flowed slowly, relieving the pain and fatigue of the mechanism. Those few sword fights with "Liu Baiyun" were too painful, and her hands are still slightly numb.

She raised her head to look at "Lu Junxing" in front of the stele, "Lu Junxing" had a smile on her face, and she still looked foolish, just like now.

Li Shiyin called all the way, other people's eroticism can be seen, including herself, only "Lu Junxing", this person seems to have not changed at all.

When he saw Li Shiyin, he drew out his sword, staggeringly, as if drunk, and came towards Li Shiyin...

And as he walked, mountains and rivers slowly formed around him, and he walked towards Li Shiyin step by step.

Li Shiyin looked at the mountains and rivers at the foot of "Lu Junxing" in horror. Those lifelike mountains and rivers are all Sword Qi!

Both are Sword Qi from the Third Stage Realm!

I don't know how many years ago "Lu Junxing" could display such Sword Qi?

So how strong is Lu Junxing now?

Li Shiyin did not dare to imagine.

She held her breath, agitated the last Magic power, activated the Guardian Sword intent, wrapped in Star Sword Qi, formed a starry sky, and guarded herself.

"Ding ding ding..."

The Sword Qi handover between the two parties, Li Shiyin found out...

This "Lu Jun Xing" did not comprehend the Sword intent!

In other words, his "Sword Lu Shanhe" can be used when he has no Sword intent...

This person is too scary!

Li Shiyin defeated Liu Baiyun, but could only survive under the sword of "Lu Junxing".

She confirmed the conjecture in her heart, why the fierce and domineering Liu Baiyun became the gentle and refined one now.

She remembered that at the kendo exchange meeting, Lu Junxing scolded Liu Baiyun for "cowardly, afraid of this and that"... He thought Liu Baiyun was afraid of his master, but in fact, he was afraid of Lu Junxing.

Lu Junxing is Liu Baiyun's Hearts Demon.

And now...

Li Shiyin felt the same way.

... She still failed to defeat "Lu Junxing" in the end, and was fished out by Dong Zhongyuan before exhaustion.

Li Shiyin was drenched all over, her hair and clothes were soaked with sweat.

She was lying on the dais, sweat mixed with blood dripping from the side, she looked at the sky, she didn't know whether she was tired or something, she felt a little hopeless.

This is what Dong Zhongyuan wanted to see. He walked over with a cane, looked at Li Shiyin, and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

The question was about Lu Junxing's strength.

Li Shiyin shook her head repeatedly, but did not answer.

"Okay..." Dong Zhongyuan laughed happily, leaning on a cane, and limped down the ring, he said to the referee, "She won this match."

Obviously Li Shiyin won, but only her fans were cheering. The others were either unconvinced or still in a daze. Even Li Shiyin herself felt baffled and didn't look like she was winning at all.

There is no sign of winning the first place in the assessment.

Qin Ran flew onto the ring, knelt down beside Li Shiyin, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master..." Hearing Qin Ran's voice, Li Shiyin looked over. When she looked at Qin Ran, her eyes turned red, and she called out "Master" aggrievedly, and cried.

Qin Ran reached out to hug her, and she crawled into Qin Ran's arms along Qin Ran's hand, put her hands on Qin Ran's back, and cried bitterly: "Master, I can't beat him!"


"Lu Junxing."

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