The Hengduan Mountains are located in the southwest of the North Chu State, or in other words, it borders on the southwest border of the North Chu State. After all, comparing the North Chu State and the Hengduan Mountains, it is not certain which one is bigger and which is smaller.

Looking at the name of the Hengduan Mountain Range alone, it seems commonplace, an ordinary mountain range among the mortal world, but if it is mentioned by another name, it is so overwhelming.

The Hengduan Mountains, also known as the Land of Immortal Remains, is one of the two taboo places in the Northern Chu Kingdom.

Compared with another taboo place in Northern Chu Kingdom, Yunmengze located in the north of Northern Chu Kingdom, the Hengduan Mountains appear very simple, and the danger mainly comes from Demonic Beasts.

Yunmengze is a forbidden place for weird and treacherous creatures, and Hengduan Mountains is a paradise for Demonic Beasts.

The location of Daojianmen is in the Hengduan Mountain Range, to be more precise, it is at the northernmost periphery of the Hengduan Mountain Range, where the Northern Chu Kingdom and the Hengduan Mountain Range border.

It is no coincidence that the Sect was built in this place. Generally speaking, Taoism of Immortals pays attention to the land where the law and wealth are coupled, and the Hengduan Mountains is sparsely populated, with sufficient spiritual Qi and rich resources, which can solve the two problems of wealth and land at once, it is really a blessed place for Taoism of Immortals.

Demonic Beasts are dangerous, but at the same time, Demonic Beasts also mean resources.

Leaving aside, let's just say that the cub of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger picked up by Qin Ran, as long as it is successfully cultivated into a spirit beast, when it grows up, it will be an inestimable resource.

Resources and dangers always go hand in hand.

"In the depths of the Hengduan Mountains, is there any abnormality?" Qin Ran stood under the eaves, watching Huang Feiyu go away, with a flickering light in his eyes, "What kind of abnormality will make demon king-level Demonic Beasts like Xuanming Linghu run away?" To the outskirts of the mountains?"

Although Huang Feiyu's seniority is a generation younger than Qin Ran's, his age and Cultivation Base are higher than Qin Ran's. His Cultivation Base is at least early Gold Core.

And a person with a character like him is much more informed than Qin Ran, although... Qin Ran is the head of Danfeng, and has a high status in Daojianmen. He must have known something that Qin Ran did not.

"Perhaps, it's time for the Golden Core." Qin Ran thought to himself.

When he was six years old, he was brought to Danfeng by his master Gu Zhengyi. He built the foundation at the most suitable age for Foundation Establishment, and then polished it for many years during the Foundation Establishment period. He dared to say that anyone who could beat him in the Foundation Establishment period, the entire spiritual world , but very few people.

Originally, I wanted to polish it for a few more years, perfect the cyclone in my body, make all preparations, at least have a 99% success rate of Transcend Tribulation, and then Golden Core.

But now, it seems that there is no waiting.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Li Shiyin's voice came.

Qin Ran looked away and looked at Li Shiyin. It was because of this silly roe deer that he messed up all his plans...

and many more!

"What's the matter with your cyclone?" He was serious for a moment, and asked with empty eyes. As a man with Divine Sense, he could tell at a glance that Li Shiyin's cyclone was no longer pure, and had already been covered with Star spots.

Because of the morning's dead research, Qin Ran's aura at this time was particularly frightening. Li Shiyin scratched the back of her head and turned her head to look away.

"I told you not to practice blindly?!" Qin Ran looked fierce, "Why didn't you listen?"

"I didn't practice it either..." Li Shiyin stammered, "When I watched Cultivation Technique, the qi in my body turned automatically. It's the cyclone's own cultivation, and it's none of my business."

"The cyclone spins by itself? Do you think I'm a fool?!" Qin Ran felt tyrannical in his heart, and he raised his finger to Li Shiyin, with transparent Magic power lingering around his fingertips.

But just as the spell was about to fly out, he stopped in time, realizing that he was affected by Death, and quickly retracted his hand.

He was silent for a moment, and then said aloud: ""Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique", you can use the power of Star to refine Sword Qi and body. Power of Star, do you know when is the best time to practice? Night!"

"Although the stars are also in the sky during the daytime, the power of the stars is suppressed by the power of the sun at this time, and the power of the stars attracted is small and mixed, and it cannot meet the standard of changing cyclones at all!"

He took a deep breath, stared at Li Shiyin, "There will be another time..."

Li Shiyin didn't know what was wrong with the master, but she could clearly feel that the master today was different from before and was very scary.

In addition, it's true that she doesn't know when the air is spinning...

She secretly went to see the master, and suddenly saw the furious father. For the first time, she realized that it was the master. She lowered her head and hurriedly said, "I... I was wrong."

Qin Ran stared fiercely at Li Shiyin for a long time, and finally walked over.

He raised his finger and tapped on Li Shiyin's Qi Sea point, and sent his own Magic power to Li Shiyin Dantian, completely wrapped her cyclone, and then used the method of refining medicinal materials to extract the Star power in her cyclone. All extracted.

Today was the first time Li Shiyin saw Qin Ran angry, and it was also the first time she saw how powerful Qin Ran was.

Before, in her impression, Qin Ran was an image of a frail scholar who could pill refine, deploy formations, and was knowledgeable, but had a low Cultivation Base and was afraid of heights.

But at this moment, she felt the sea-like Magic power of the master in Dantian. Under the control of the master, the seemingly endless Magic power easily surrounded her cyclone and pulled out the air in an orderly manner. The power of the star.

"Is this also the Foundation Establishment period?"

Whether it is the amount of Magic power or the control over Magic power, it is beyond Li Shiyin's cognition.

She finally knew that the gap between the same Realm may be greater than the gap between Realms.

The top-level gold Spiritual Roots, felt Qi overnight, Foundation Establishment is the Dzogchen in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, only one step away from the Foundation Establishment middle stage, and she has only practiced for a few days, she is indeed a peerless genius.

As for the master, the master said that he will reach the Golden Core before the age of fifty. Fifty years old, huh, she must be faster than Master Golden Core.

It's not that she, Li Shiyin, is ungrateful and doesn't respect the teacher, but, is the master's understanding of practice really correct? In other words, is the master's understanding of ordinary people's practice applicable to a peerless genius like her?

She had thought of this before...

Until this moment, she knew that she was wrong, very wrong.

A master is a master!

The vast but gentle water attribute Magic power of the master slowly withdrew, Li Shiyin opened his eyes, looked at Qin Ran, and said again: "Master, I was wrong."

Qin Ran glanced at her, but didn't speak.

Li Shiyin is very beautiful, 15 or 16 years old, and the gap between her and herself is less than ten years old, and she is studying Immortal World, so the age gap is negligible, Qin Ran sometimes secretly charming, maybe it can be a dao companion;

It's just that most of the time, he feels tired, this apprentice is so stupid, it's like raising a daughter.

After eating at noon, Qin Ran found some things from the storage room, measured and placed them on the open space in front of the house, and looked up at the sky from time to time.

Li Shiyin saw it in the house, ran out, and asked, "Master, what are you doing?"

After all, he is a stupid apprentice, with a big nerve, just like Erha, he has long forgotten the scolding in the morning.

"Look for the direction, set up the formation..." Qin Ran glanced at her and explained, "Although the star power is very strong at night, the moon is very round tonight, and the interference from the moonlight will be serious. Set up a formation in advance, Bringing the power of the Star over and purifying it at the same time, it is more convenient for you to enter the Qi Circulation rotation."

Li Shiyin nodded, and began to worry about it, the master is a pill refining master, the pill refining technology is extremely high, and then the master will set up formations, any spatial formation and sensory formation can be placed, the formation attainment is obviously very high, and the master's Cultivation Base is extremely Strong, and finally add a little, the master is still very young.

Master seems to be much more powerful than she imagined... No, Master is really too powerful.

Compared to Master, what kind of genius is she?

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