Lion Heart Flame Beast!

The place where this poisonous pill appeared was in front of the lair of the Lion Heart Flame Beast!

So Qin Ran understood that when he came here, Jian Yuanjie didn't intend to hide anymore. This was clearly telling him that the signals left before were all left by him deliberately indulging Long Qiqi.

meaning is:

Want to save Long Qiqi?

Okay, let's kill all the way!

"Qin Ran" avoided the sneak attack of the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast in a thrilling way, and then looked back at the Lion-Hearted Flame-Lion Beast that was burning with flames all over his body, his body trembling.

This is the culprit that caused Huang Feiyu's death and became angry, and it was also the beginning of Tian Wenjin's tragic fate. A fourth-level Demonic Beasts, but stronger than fifth-level Demonic Beasts!

He watched as the Demonic Beasts approached, his body boiling hot and evaporating.

...he is just a water body.

He couldn't help but back away.

Water and fire, who restrains who is actually an unspeakable question.

Water can extinguish fire, and fire can evaporate water. Then it is necessary to know the intensity of each point of water and each point of fire. A small amount of water strength means water restrains fire, and a trace amount of fire strength means fire restrains water.

All things are born and restrained by each other.

In the final analysis, it is to compete with Cultivation Base and strength.

So who is stronger, "Qin Ran" or this lion-heart mad flame beast?

Obviously it was the Lion Heart Flame Beast.

"Qin Ran" is just a clone, but this "strongest fourth-level Demonic Beasts" Lion Heart Beast can seriously injure Huang Feiyu in the siege.

So it can be concluded that the Lion Heart Flame Beast restrains "Qin Ran".

It must be impossible to fight. This clone has no Magical Item, no talisman, no Medicine Pill, and it is naked. It is as tough as this kind of beast, and it has never died.


"I don't know if I can run past." "Qin Ran" is also not sure.

I saw him retreating, suddenly his figure shook, and two Qin Ran came out, one rushed towards the lion-heart wild flame beast, and the other ran back.

However, the strength of "Qin Ran" was too weak. The clone that rushed towards the Lion-heart Flame Beast was slapped away by the Lion-Heart Flame Beast. He had only run a few meters before he was overtaken by the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast, rushing straight at him with raging flames!

He hastily cast his clear dream like water into a shield, blocking the deadly kiss from the Lion Heart Flame Beast.

The water shield shattered at the sound, and the Lionheart Flame Beast continued to pounce. The entire head of the Demonic Beasts hit him directly on the back, sending him flying three or four feet away. His body was shaking between the water shape and the human shape. It's about to collapse.


The Lion Heart Flame Beast stopped on the ground, and pressed its forelimbs down again, as if it was about to pounce again.

"I'm only a few hours old, so I'm going to G?" "Qin Ran" couldn't help crying.

Just as he was thinking so desperately, suddenly a bubble appeared out of thin air, covering the lion-heart mad flame beast.

"Qin Ran" hurriedly raised his head to see the Holy Mother who rescued him, but the main body shot.

"Explore further, be careful, don't fall into the trap again." Qin Ran glanced at the own avatar with disdain, and instructed.

"Alas!" The halo of the Virgin is gone, and the halo of capitalists is on. "Qin Ran" has no choice but to move forward.

Seeing that the avatar was going to explore the way, Qin Ran looked at the lion-heart mad flame beast that was about to break free from the dream bubble, and silently called out the "Jiuzhou tripod".


He lifted the legs of the tripod upside down, rushed forward with a tripod, and smashed it on the head of the Lion-heart Flame Beast.

... This lion-heart mad flame beast didn't figure out why it was no stronger than a human being, and its physical strength and strength seemed to be weaker than this human being.

If it can understand what the job of a pill refiner is like in Human Cultivator, it will be a little more confused.

After dealing with the Lion Heart Flame Beast, Qin Ran closed his eyes to sense the position of the clone, and then frowned.

The avatar... seems to be in danger again, that guy seems to have stepped on a formation without knowing it.

It has always been him, Qin Ran, who used this method to bully others, and today he was finally bullied by others.

"I'm really fucking drunk!" Qin Ran cursed in his heart, "Are you a clone or am I a clone?! I'm still trapped by formation!"

But there was no way, he still had to rush over to save the avatar.

Firstly, the primordial spirit lives in this avatar. If he really dies and hurts the primordial spirit, then his body will also be injured; secondly, his current Fractionated Divinity spell is immature, and it takes a long time to divide it once before dividing it again ...The CD is too long, he can't afford to wait.

Qin Ran found the avatar, only to realize that the formations laid out were still arranged in arrays.

"Ah! I really..." He stared at the sky speechlessly. This avatar has too many flaws. It only inherited the prudence of the main body, but not the professional skills at all.

He has learned so much formation knowledge...

It took a while, and finally the clone was rescued.

"Be careful!!!" He warned again.

"Okay! Ok! I'll pay attention." The avatar agreed and rushed forward again.

In this way, the avatar walked through the "minefield" all the way, covered with scars, and finally came to the outside of the land of immortality.

He walked over, outside the mist, picked up the strands of hair left by Long Qiqi, looked up at the turbulent white mist in front of him, suddenly thought of Su Changqing again, and couldn't help but sighed.

In the land of immortality, not only lost an immortal, but also lost an exiled immortal like Su Changqing.

He approached the mist, cast a spell to call out air bubbles to trap himself, walked forward, raised his feet, and when the toes touched the mist, he was about to step into the mist. At this moment, he suddenly remembered something...

Jian Yuanjie knew that the mist was poisonous, so what special method did he use to avoid the mist this time?


He didn't go in at all!

The road signs along the way all point to this direction, but it is actually just a psychological hint played by Jian Yuanjie, making people think that he has gone to the land of the immortals, but he has not.

As soon as he thought of this, "Qin Ran" suddenly had an alarm bell in his heart. He turned his head suddenly, and saw a huge earth-shattering seal coming towards him!

"Go in! Hahaha..."

The laughter of Jian Yuanjie's successful trick came, but he failed to avoid it, and was hit head-on by Fan Tianyin, and his whole body flew backward into the mist. In mid-air, he saw Jian Yuanjie appearing on a tree branch not far away, carrying a fat girl.

"Qin Ran!" This was the last cry of Long Qiqi he heard before flying into the Immortal Relics.

"She didn't call me Master in the end." For some reason, this idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of water and hit the ground of the Immortal Relics.

"Huh..." "Qin Ran" slowed down, but still got up from the ground, "Although she didn't call me Master, I still have to save her."

He stood up from the ground and walked outside.

But just as he took the first step, he felt that something was wrong, and he turned around suddenly...

Not far behind him, shadowy in the mist, a hideous monkey with a rotten body and occasional white bones came towards him!

Ghost Monkey!

The last time I came to the Immortal Remains, I brought one of their teammates with me, the ghost monkey who was not discovered until the end.

"Since when did Jian Yuanjie collude with this kind of thing?" He was puzzled.

Suddenly, behind the ghost monkey, several wriggling tentacles came towards him.

"Chi snake..."

"Qin Ran" was so terrified that he couldn't control his hands and feet, turned around and ran away.

His current position was only a dozen meters away from the Immortal Remains, and he had never heard of these monsters going to the Hengduan Mountains to do evil before, so as long as he ran out of the mist, he would be safe. Just run to that place...

However, he had just run two meters when he was bound by tentacles that extended silently. He struggled twice, without any warning, the ghost monkey's fingers and claws suddenly passed through his back!


"Qin Ran", the No. 1 avatar of Qin Ran, turned back into a water shape in fear, pain, and screams, and dripped to the ground. Then, the primordial spirit living in it was revealed.

"Isn't it possible that even Yuanshen will be spared?" Qin Ran thought to himself, turned around and continued to drift out of the mist.

However, he only floated two meters before he was caught by the ghost monkey.

That ugly ghost monkey clawed at his soul, and made a hoarse voice: "Hate...hating...spirit...soul..."

Then stuffed him into his mouth.

Before this ray of primordial spirit was stuffed into the mouth of the ghost monkey, Qin Ran also heard the roar of "Evil Blood Dragon Bone" deep in the mist: "Extreme Devouring Demon Willow!! You are not dead yet..."

Qin Ran was fortunate enough to experience what it was like to be killed by a ghost monkey: the ghost monkey passed from behind, the ghost claws passed through the back, and came out from the chest. He lowered his head and looked at the dead tree branch. The ugly black fingers danced on his chest; the Ghost Qi on Ghost Monkey's body spread throughout his body, making him feel his body getting colder and bloody, musculoskeletal, and losing consciousness a little bit; then, he fell apart and died.

What is it like to be eaten by a ghost monkey? Thanks to his avatar, Qin Ran was lucky enough to experience it: he was grabbed by a ghost like a chicken, and the ghost monkey opened its bloody mouth. The inside was eerie and terrifying, and he had no power to resist The ghost was thrown into the eerie mouth; the ghost monkey gritted its teeth up and down, bit off his hand, rolled his body with its tongue, and rolled his body passively, his leg was bitten off again, and his body was erected by his teeth. Grinding away, he was chewed into pieces; the ghost monkey's tongue and throat squirmed, and swallowed him into the stomach, without any resistance, he was sucked in by the black hole, and he died.

"Pfft..." Qin Ran fell from the tree where he was hiding and fell to the ground, unable to move for a moment.

He knew that he would be affected by the death of the clone, but he didn't expect the impact to be so great. It was as if he was really dead.

It took a long time before he came to his senses.

He stood up, devoid of energy, his face was pale, like a walking corpse, as if his soul had died.

"This wave has fallen." He thought in a daze, and then walked to the place where the clone disappeared, Long Qiqi and Jian Yuanjie were still there.


Seeing Qin Ran being beaten into the Immortal Remains, Jian Yuanjie knew that he was bound to die, so he couldn't help laughing wildly.

Qin Ran was very cautious, so it was difficult to kill, but he did not expect to kill Qin Ran easily with only a small bait like Long Qiqi.

He and Long Qiqi laughed and said: "So the cultivator must be too selfless! This Qin Ran is so cautious, but in the end he died because of you!

"I would also like to thank you for leaving the signal all the way! Let Qin Ran die by himself.

"This plan to kill two birds with one stone is perfect!"

"Kill two birds with one stone?" Long Qiqi kept crying because Qin Ran was thrown into the mist. Hearing Jian Yuanjie's words, she knew that she had hurt Qin Ran. She stopped crying and asked Jian Yuanjie, "What else do you want?"

Jian Yuanjie threw her under the tree, and replied, "You have collected detailed information on the disciples of Daojianmen these days."

It turned out to be the useless identity information...

Long Qiqi felt a chill in his heart, because Qin Ran was killed because of that.

She got up from the ground, with tears on her face, and said to Jian Yuanjie: "That thing is still at Danfeng, I will throw it away after the assessment. If you want it, go to Danfeng to get it."

Jian Yuanjie took out a sword from his Qiankun bag, jumped down from the tree, pointed at Long Qiqi, and said, "You take it out yourself, or should I kill you and find it from your Qiankun bag?"

Seeing that Jian Yuanjie was not affected by his words at all, Long Qiqi looked over and saw the murderous look in his eyes, and immediately understood that that useless identity information not only killed Qin Ran, but also killed her.

"It's over, it's over! It's over!" she cried inwardly.

She thought she was smart and left signals all the way, but Jian Yuanjie used her tricks... this time she was really going to die.

Trembling, Long Qiqi took out a stack of papers from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Jian Yuanjie, and asked weakly: "Can you not kill me? I can serve tea and water, wash clothes and cook. I eat very little... I can also pill refining... You see, I can still count so many identity information..."

"Hehe!" Jian Yuanjie sneered, took the information, flipped through it, and knew it was true, so he wanted to kill Long Qiqi casually.

"Don't you dare!" Long Qiqi and Jian Yuanjie's posture, knowing that this person will not be soft and hard, and really want to kill her to avoid future troubles, she hastily threatened, "Qin Ran just entered the land of the immortals, he Not necessarily dead. When he comes out, you have to die too!"

"Do you think..." Jian Yuanjie held the sword in one hand and the information in the other, squinted at Long Qiqi, and said with a smile, "Is it just the land of the immortals? Qin Ran enters from here, and there will be many aborigines from the land of the immortals waiting inside." Watch him! He must die!"

Hearing this, Long Qiqi turned pale... Qin Ran is really dead?

"Li... Li Shiyin!" She said hastily again, "Aren't you afraid of Li Shiyin? Li Shiyin will definitely investigate the cause of her master's death, and she will definitely find out about you in the end!"

"Li Shiyin?" Jian Yuanjie hesitated thinking of Qin Ran, that Talent's extremely terrifying apprentice.

Seeing something interesting, Long Qiqi continued: "Li Shiyin's affection for Qin Ran is not only a teacher-student relationship, but also an admiration. If you kill Qin Ran, she will never die. But I can help you..."

However, Long Qiqi was too young after all, she never thought that if Jian Yuanjie killed her, then Li Shiyin would never know that Jian Yuanjie killed Qin Ran; and if Li Shiyin lost Qin Ran and Long Qiqi, That's just a brave and foolhardy swordsman, and to Jian Yuanjie, there is no threat at all.

Just as Long Qiqi was talking, Jian Yuanjie suddenly raised his hand and threw the sword at her.

"No!" Long Qiqi yelled, thinking that he was going to die.


At this moment, a Medicine Pill shot over, deflected Jian Yuanjie's sword, and stuck it on the ground beside Long Qiqi.

"Who?" Jian Yuanjie hurriedly looked towards the place where the Medicine Pill flew, and saw a Qin Ran squeezed out from the bushes.

Qin Ran's face turned pale, and he stood with his sword, looking at them expressionlessly.

"Qin Ran?" Jian Yuanjie couldn't believe it, "How could you not be dead?!"

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