Li Shiyin still couldn't just steal food and not work, because of Qin Ran's coercion, she picked up a kitchen knife and cut not only potatoes, but also beef.

Not to mention, based on her mastery of the sword of a generation of swordsmen, the dishes she cut out are really good.

Qin Ran was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Very well, I will let you do all the vegetable cutting in the future."

"Ah?" Li Shiyin finally realized what stupid thing she had done.

As Zhuifeng got bigger and bigger, he was no longer able to eat at the table normally. The main reason is that he alone eats several times more than the others combined.

As for the delicacies cooked by Qin Ran, he can only pick up some leftovers to eat, and what he can't eat in normal times is all his.

What he now eats more often is the beast-feeding pill that Qin Ran specially refined for him, which contains the nutrition he needs for growth and the Spiritual Qi needed for his cultivation.

In the afternoon, the sun slanted, under the old locust tree, in the shade, four people gathered around the table, drinking and eating food seemed lively, only one tiger was lying under the locust tree, drooling.

Those who hear it are weeping, and those who see it are sad!

Long Qiqi intentionally teased him, carrying a large bowl of meat, ran to Zhuifeng, deliberately sat cross-legged in front of his big head, and ate pieces of meat and bones alternately.

"Oh! It smells so good!" She laughed while eating.

"Hmph!" Big Mao Mao turned his head away from looking at the big villain, and said, "I don't like meat!"

"Will I give you a piece?"

Big Mao Mao opened his eyes wide, but still snorted, "No!"

"Really don't want it?"

"don't want!"

Long Qiqi pointed at the bottom of his mouth and laughed loudly: "Zuifeng, look at your saliva!"

Zhuifeng raised his own head and looked down, only to find that the saliva that flowed out of him unknowingly flooded a large piece of grass, and a good piece of grass was wet.

…I don’t know if these grasses will be upgraded into Demonic Beasts after taking over the saliva of the great demon king; I also don’t know if they really become Demonic Beasts, what should they be called, tiger saliva? Or Xuanming Spiritual herbs?

Zhuifeng's face was covered with hairs, and he couldn't tell whether he was blushing, but his eyes were clearly a little flustered, he turned his head away, so it was difficult to look at Long Qiqi, and it was also difficult to speak.

"You should transform yourself earlier! Once transformed, you can eat human food." Long Qiqi took the opportunity to encourage, "Then you can play around better.

"If you don't have enough Cultivation Base...but you can ask your father to refine the Formation Pill for you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, someone brought it up. She turned her head and saw that it was Qin Ran.

Qin Ran said helplessly: "Being transformed, you will not grow tall like you, right? There is a deviation in Meridians' acupoints, not only will you not grow tall, but your cultivation qualifications are extremely poor."

"Speak well, we are still friends." Long Qiqi's face darkened.

"The most suitable body for every creature is always its original body..." Qin Ran said, "Zhifeng owns a good body, why should he compromise his cultivation base and become a human?"

"Hmph!" Long Qiqi stood up straight, and went back to the dining table with her own rice bowl in her arms.

Qin Ran looked at Zhuifeng and warned: "You must not listen to her, you are not allowed to change form."

"I'll listen to my father!" Zhuifengligou almost stuck out his tongue.

"Good boy!" Qin Ran patted his big head and said with a smile, "Go get your rice bowl."

"Yes! Dad!!" Zhuifeng regained his energy immediately, stood up with a bang, and rushed back into the house.

Qin Ran returned to the table, Dong Zhongyuan smiled and asked Qin Ran: "Zhuifeng is the Xuanming Spirit Tiger, even if it is transformed, the strength of the physical body and the aptitude of cultivation are not bad. You have a son in a serious way." , why not let him take form?"

"The human body is born naturally, and the body of Demonic Beasts is man-made. The natural growth of the body symbol Indistinguishable Dao means that man-made ones will have defects." Qin Ran replied.

"Isn't he a spiritual pet?" Dong Zhongyuan asked.


Dong Zhongyuan nodded, only then did he know what kind of status Zhuifeng was in Danfeng.

Everything about the spiritual pet is for the master; while for Zhuifeng, Qin Ran plans his own growth path for him, similar to Li Shiyin.

No wonder this is Danfeng.

Dong Zhongyuan drank again, and asked Li Shiyin: "Why isn't Junior Sister Golden Core?"

"Senior brother, why do you think Realm is so important?" Li Shiyin asked back.

She sighed in her heart, thinking that Dong Zhongyuan's talent was extraordinary, different from what she expected, but she didn't think she was also a vulgar person.

Dongzhong Genichi was stunned, looked at Li Shiyin carefully, and realized that Li Shiyin's Realm was no longer at the same level as him.

"When I was in the Foundation Establishment early stage, I was able to fight against the Gold Core early stage; when I was in the Foundation Establishment late stage, I was able to compete with the best of the Gold Core late stage. I am still in the Foundation Establishment late stage, but I dare to ask my brother, can I accept it?" Shall I strike a sword?" Li Shiyin said indifferently.

Dong Zhongyuan moved his fingertips slightly, but he still refused to admit defeat, and said: "Junior Sister, please bring out your sword."

"Brother, please drink." Li Shiyin lifted the jug and poured a glass for Dong Zhongyuan.

Dong Zhongyuan looked down at the wine in the glass, the clear wine swirled in the glass like ordinary wine, but he knew that this was no ordinary wine, this full glass was full of Sword Qi!

He was shocked and stunned: what kind of Kendo Cultivation Base is it? !

It is not easy to break up Sword Qi into wine, but also make such a sharp Sword Qi not hurt the wine glass... This wine glass is an ordinary wine glass.

Dong Zhongyuan dared not drink this glass of wine.

"Junior Sister's Sword Qi Cultivation Base has reached perfection." He was convinced.

"It's still quite a long way from Senior Lu Jun Xinglu." Li Shiyin changed the wine and poured another glass for Dong Zhongyuan.

She sighed in her heart because Dong Zhongyuan failed to understand the shackles of Realm.

"Brother Lu..." Dong Zhongyuan hesitated, and asked Li Shiyin, "How far is it?"

"It's so-called hard to come by..." Li Shiyin said modestly, but she was quite conceited, "Now I can almost see his back."

Only then did Dong Zhongyuan realize how deep Lu Junxing was, and he took a sip of the wine silently, feeling bitter.

He is a genius by himself, and after a lot of hard work, he practiced diligently for three years, but he didn't want to be so far away from Lu Junxing.

Now, Li Shiyin is rising again...

This meal, the wine was very good, and the food was also very good, but Dong Zhongyuan was out of shape, so it was a waste.

After finishing the drink, Qin Ran invited him to play cards. He shook his head and said, "I've been practicing for three years, and I didn't even pay attention to taking care of the Tianjiao list. Now that the knock on the door is over, I have to rearrange the Closed Door Training."

Qin Ran's heart moved, and he asked, "Is it going to be a big reshuffle?"

"En!" Dong Zhongyuan nodded.

After Dong Zhongyuan left, Li Shiyin asked Qin Ran curiously: "Master, you have always disdained fame, why do you pay attention to this Tianjiao ranking?"

"You already know that the Tianjiao List is a Magical Item..." Qin Ran said, "And for this Magical Item, every generation of disciples needs to consume a Tianjiao to take charge of it, so we know it is not ordinary. The ranking of Tianjiao in Daojianmen , In fact, it is related to the practical interests of every Tianjiao."

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