Those who didn't know thought he was lazy there, but those who knew knew that he was hatching cubs.

After the hive was planted, Qin Ran didn't take care of it. Except for the blood sacrifice every day, Zhuifeng and Liu Xiaoji helped take care of everything else. He himself has more important things to do these days, and that work!

Saying that he was at work did not wrong him at all.

Every day at ten o'clock in the morning, this guy leisurely walks to the medicine hall, looks here and there, and when he's done playing enough, he finds a book and sits on the main seat, and sits for a whole day. At five o'clock in the afternoon, he got up and left work on time.

He, the Elder of the Pharmacy Hall... gave him the feeling of being a company veteran cadre who clocks in and clocks out, that is, the kind who walks around with a teacup and drinks tea "huhuhu" and spits out tea leaves. The old cadres of the son.

On June 18th, Feng Feiyan gave him an account book and said that it was time to go to Zhishen Valley in two days.

Qin Ran nodded, took the ledger, and opened it. It listed the elixir and Medicine Pill that should be purchased this time, as well as the Spirit Stones needed for each Medicine Pill, elixir, and the total Spirit Stones needed.

He read it carefully, took out a pen, corrected it, signed it, and then went to get the Spirit Stones from the treasurer Elder.

It was another day of fishing in troubled waters. As soon as 5:00 p.m. arrived, Qin Ran got up on time to go out.

But this time, he stood still at the door. After thinking about it, he didn't go directly back to Danfeng, but instead went to Immortal Cave, the head of the cave.

Since everyone knows it well, then don't win this game, just show your cards. After all, he didn't feel sorry for Dao Jianmen. Now that he has taken such a hot potato, he is about to go to the mountains of swords and fires, so he has to claim the benefits no matter what.

"Master..." Gu Yueming was already sitting cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes, and maintained his cultivation posture. Qin Ran stepped forward to salute him, and said, "I'm going to Zhishen Valley the day after tomorrow."

"This act is the practice of all Sect disciples, thank you for your hard work." Gu Yueming replied.

"It's hard work or something. (This is not a question of hard work or not, it's a question of whether you will die or not.)" Qin Ran laughed, "Before I leave, I have two things I would like to ask the master for help. ( Before I die, I still have two last wishes.)”

Gu Yueming could naturally hear the implication of Qin Ran's words, but he was surprised that Qin Ran came to seek his benefits in this way. He opened his eyes, looked at Qin Ran, nodded and said, "Let me listen to what you say."

"I, Danfeng, have two children who don't have ID tokens. Please ask the head to write one for them." Qin Ran said.

"It's not difficult... it's the snake demon and the Xuanming spirit tiger, right?" Gu Yueming said, the Xuanming spirit tiger was raised by Qin Ran with his acquiescence.

As he spoke, he took out two identity tokens and asked Qin Ran, "Tell me your name."

"The snake demon is Long Qiqi, and the Xuanming spirit tiger is Zhuifeng, they are all my apprentices."

Gu Yueming cast a spell, engraved the identity information according to the words, and then handed the identity token to Qin Ran, saying: "It can be refined with blood."

Qin Ran respectfully accepted the token, and continued to say the second thing:

"That Xuanming Spirit Tiger doesn't have a natal Magical Item yet, before leaving, I want to leave him with the main materials for refining the natal Magical Item.

"Three years ago, his mother died under the hands of the Elder in the door. I wonder who still has the remains... After all, the Magical Item of the birth, the close relatives, the blood of the flesh and blood is very good."

Hearing this, Gu Yueming raised his head and stared into Qin Ran's eyes with deep eyes. And Qin Ran looked at him calmly.

The Immortal Cave was quiet for a while.

After a long time, Gu Yueming withdrew his gaze, took out a box from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Qin Ran, and said, "You don't need to trouble too much, the Xuanming Spirit Tiger gathered the power of many Elders to kill it by chance. I also worked hard, and finally got this share, and I will give it to you."

Qin Ran took the box respectfully, opened it, and inside was a pair of dark golden jade-like glass eyeballs. When he looked at the pair of eyeballs, the vertical pupils in the eyeballs were still looking at him. And no matter where he looked, the vertical pupils were always looking at him. It sent shivers down his spine.

He closed the box, saluted Gu Yueming, and said, "Thank you, Sect Leader."

"Hmm." Gu Yueming closed his eyes and asked, "Is there anything else?"



Qin Ran turned and left.

After Qin Ran walked away, Gu Yueming opened his eyes again and sighed: "What a clever boy. What a pity!"

"It's always a good thing to be smart." Another voice came out of nowhere and said to Gu Yueming, "He clearly knows where he is and what he is doing, but he still takes this position and assumes the responsibility. This responsibility; it means that he knows what to do, and it also means that he will not die. It will not be a pity."

"hope so!"

Qin Ran returned to Dan Peak with the benefits he had obtained from the leader, and immediately called Zhuifeng, gave him his identity token, smiled, patted his head, and said, "From now on, you will be considered Dan Feng." We are now an official member of Feng."

Zhuifeng's big paw took the identity token, looked at it, and found that it was only an inner disciple, which made him a little unhappy.

Sure enough, Li Shiyin found out, and immediately ran over to laugh: "Haha, it's just an inner disciple. Chasing the wind, you will call me Senior Sister from now on!"

"No." Zhuifeng shook his head and sneezed loudly, expressing his disdain.

"The knock on the door has already passed, so Zhuifeng is considered to be the next class of disciples." Qin Ran reminded with a smile, "Based on this time, Zhuifeng might be the senior brother of this class of disciples."

"Wow! That's amazing..." Li Shiyin opened his eyes wide and asked excitedly, "Is there any list of the next generation of disciples? If you are not the number one in this year's list of talents, don't go back to Dan Peak. I hate Losing face."

"Then I must be number one..." Zhuifeng said, another silly child infected by Li Shiyin.

"There should be a talent list every year..." Qin Ran said.

At this moment, Long Qiqi came over, and Qin Ran also gave her the identity token.

Long Qiqi looked at the own identity token, her expression was very exciting...

She, Long Qiqi, an extremely ordinary snake demon, can actually join the immortal sect of the human race, and it is still that kind of extremely authentic immortal sect.

She felt a little unreal, dreamlike.

"Why a disciple?" She asked Qin Ran, she was a little dissatisfied.

"Otherwise what identity do you want?" Qin Ran asked back, "School disciple? Outer sect disciple?"

"Can't it be Elder?" Long Qiqi muttered.

Da Zhiming Zhuifeng came to his senses at this time, and hurriedly shouted to Long Qiqi: "Quick, call me senior brother!"

Long Qiqi rolled his eyes back at him.

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