At the position where the half of "Qin Ran's head" fell when Feng Feiyan grabbed it, a Qin Ran appeared from the air, caught half of the head, and took out a bloody Qiankun bag from it.

He held his head and turned away, away from the explosion point. He put a lot of death pills in that Qiankun bag, and when this wave exploded, with the explosion point as the center, within a radius of several hundred meters, there should be no creatures for a long time. Get away.

The Death Pill was created when he was researching the Longevity Pill. He seriously suspected that this pill recipe had touched the mystery between life and death, like that life equation or something. Because Life and death itself is a Realm thing.

The real man had no choice but to not look back at the explosion site, he was afraid that he would be poisoned to death by his own Medicine Pill.

Qin Ran strode forward in the forest holding his own half of his head. Behind him, in the blue sky, the Earth Flame Pill mixed with the Death Pill exploded, like a mandala flower blooming in the sky.

Beautiful, seductive, deadly!

At the same time, it also announces that Qin Ran No. 2 is dead, the second clone of Qin Ran's dead soul. Lived at least one day longer than the first clone.

So, when did Qin Ran replace the doppelganger?

Obviously, the one that appeared at the door of Zhangyaotang at the beginning was the avatar. The avatar carried a pack of Diyan Pill and Gaoshi Pill, together with Feng Feiyan, went to Zhishen Valley.

That's why Qin Ran didn't use his noble first identity token to open the mountain guard formation. He doesn't have an identity token, and the identity token follows his body on the ground.

This is also the reason why this Qin Ran is not afraid of heights, this avatar has not acquired the excellent ability of the main body.

This is also the reason why Qin Ran is not afraid of poison, because he knows that it is difficult for him to survive.

This is also the reason why Qin Ran was said to be weak and weak by the Zhishengu disciple. His body was just a water spell of his body, and his soul was just a little soul of his body.

This is also the reason why this Qin Ran is not afraid of death...

After walking once, Qin Ran remembered the route, and he quickly returned to Daojianmen. Afraid of being followed, he took some time to detour, but he also entered the medicine hall before five o'clock in the afternoon.

He really didn't go back to check the explosion site, because he didn't really care if the others died, as long as Feng Feiyan died. And Feng Feiyan was already doomed.

Qin Ran walked into the medicine hall, and seeing him coming back, Ke Yue's face changed slightly, realizing the problem, and quickly asked, "Qin Elder, where's Feiyan?"

Qin Ran paused in his walking steps, then stopped immediately, a little bit of sadness appeared on his face, and then tears fell down.

"Feiyan... Feiyan, we have encountered bandits... We have been robbed by robbers!" He cried out, "Feiyan died fighting to protect me!"

Crying, he walked to the main table, raised his hand and threw a Qiankun bag onto the table, making a "poof".

Ke Yue looked over, and saw that the Qiankun bag was bloody, as if it had experienced a life-and-death struggle; she looked at Qin Ran carefully, and found that Qin Ran's face was pale, and it did seem to have suffered internal injuries.

Seeing Qin Ran's grief-stricken look, it was difficult for her to tell whether she had really encountered a robber, or whether Feng Feiyan did it, but was killed instead.

In view of Qin Ran's superb acting skills, she tends to the former.

"This... the murderous robber today!" She also cried, thinking of Feng Feiyan's kindness, thinking of Feng Feiyan's gentleness, and feeling sad, "I haven't met a robber in decades, why did I suddenly meet him?" Up? Damn Rogue Cultivators, damn world!"

She was in grief, and couldn't stand still for a while, so she sat down in Feng Feiyan's seat with Shi Yuan's support, but she continued to curse and wipe her tears.

Qin Ran stopped crying after a couple of tears. He sat in the own seat, watched Ke Yue's performance, and then turned to look at Yan Yi...


What about Yan Yi?

He didn't see Yan Yi when he just entered the door, and he still didn't see him at this time, he searched around the hall again, but he still didn't see Yan Yi.

Qin Ran always likes to think about the worst. He realized something, stood up sullenly, and asked Shi Yuan, "Where's Yan Yi?"

"I don't know." Shi Yuan shook his head, "This guy probably saw that the Elder didn't come today, so he was lazy."

It's a pity that his mental quality is not good enough, his eyes dodge when he lies, and in the end he even avoids his eyes, not daring to meet Qin Ran's gaze.

So Qin Ran confirmed in his heart that when he was planning to kill him, because Yan Yi reminded him to pay attention, Zhang Yaotang also took action against Yan Yi... But I don't know if it was a simple lesson, or...

"Where does Yan Yi live?" He asked Shi Yuan.

"He is a disciple of the Outer Sect, not belonging to the main peak, and I don't know where he lives." Shi Yuan replied.

But they have all attacked Yan Yi, how could they not know where Yan Yi lives?

Qin Ran wanted to get angry and slaughtered the medicine hall...but he didn't do it in the end...

"I'll go out for a while." He said, and went out with the bloody Qiankun bag. Ke Yue didn't know that the blood on the Qiankun bag was Qin Ran's blood.

Qin Ran didn't go to Yan Yi first, but went to the head of the house first.

"Sect Leader, I'm back." He greeted the Sect Leader.

"Are you back safely?" The leader, Gu Yueming, opened his eyes, looked him up and down, and found that his face was only pale, and there was nothing serious about it, so he nodded with a smile, "Not bad, he has some tricks."

"Actually, there was nothing else. I just encountered a robber and died a deacon from the Pharmacy Hall." Qin Ran said.

"Responsible for recording the one for Jian Yuanjie?" Gu Yueming said, "You can find one yourself in the future."

"Master, what do you mean..." Qin Ran frowned, "I will be the master of the Elder from now on?"

"Don't want to?"

As the deceased, Qin Ran was very unwilling. He was silent for a while, and said, "I'll sit down for a while."

Gu Yueming looked at Qin Ran, shook his head and smiled, and raised his hand to signal Qin Ran: "Show me the Medicine Pill."

Qin Ran handed the Qiankun bag to Gu Yueming with both hands. Gu Yueming took the Qiankun bag and rummaged through it, took out a bottle of Medicine Pill, poured it out, looked at it, and said with a smile, "That's just right!"

Seeing this, Qin Ran secretly slandered, you know a der's Medicine Pill, take a low-grade Medicine Pill to show off there.

Gu Yueming turned over the Medicine Pill, opened a bag of elixir, took out a ginseng tree, looked at Qin Ran, and scolded with a smile: "Well, you Elder in charge of medicine, this is using power for personal gain!"

"It's over, I didn't put it away immediately." Qin Ran's face changed slightly, and he quickly smiled at Gu Yueming, "This is for research, refining a new medicine pill."

Gu Yueming flipped through them casually, and finally put them back, then threw the Qiankun bag to Qin Ran again, and said, "Let's distribute this next month!"

"Yes! Master." Qin Ran saluted, then hesitated, and asked, "Master, look, I escaped this time, is there any consolation after the catastrophe?" Freshman problem, no reward?)”

"Want to ask for benefits again?" Gu Yueming laughed angrily, pointed at him and cursed, "Okay Qin Ran, I think you are honest, but I didn't expect you to be such a treacherous person."

"Why does the head say that..." Qin Ran was a little embarrassed, and said, "I just don't want it."

As he spoke, he walked out of the Immortal Cave, and when he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and asked Gu Yueming, "Master, where does Yan Yi, the deacon of the Medicine Hall, live?"

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