My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 295: There's No Fairness In The Cultivation World

Some people know that Qin Ran has clones, such as Danfeng's Long Qiqi and Tu Shan Youyou, and they will speculate about this.

But how many clones Qin Ran has, this matter, only Qin Ran himself knows.

The Cultivation Technique practiced by Qin Ran is called "Water Blossom Heart Sutra", and there is a trick in it called Mirror Flower and Water Moon. The effect of this spell is that Qin Ran can summon several shapeless water bodies. With Qin Ran's current strength, he can summon hundreds of them at once. However, this kind of water body only has a confusing effect and has no actual combat effectiveness.

The "Jiuji Primordial Spirit Demon-eating Art" of Jiji Moliu has two characteristics: one is that he devours everything to strengthen himself, and the other is that he has no limit to strengthen the primordial spirit, split the primordial spirit, and cultivate avatars. The Demon Devouring Willow has infinitely many avatars, and every catkin of him is his avatar.

Qin Ran got the "Nine Ji Yuanshen Devil Eater Technique", he dismantled it, improved it, and combined it with Danfeng's original unnamed Soul Refining formula, and obtained his Soul Refining Cultivation Technique - "Nine Ji Yuan "God Eater Demon Art · Change".

But because his Cultivation Base has not reached the stage of transforming gods, so he can't cultivate the kind of clone that has independent consciousness and can practice independently at the stage of transforming gods, so he linked Huashuiyue in Jinghuashuiyue with "Jiuji Yuanshen Devil Eater·Change" stand up.

The split avatar primordial spirit was combined with the water avatar summoned by Jinghua Shuiyue to obtain an inferior version of the avatar of the transformation stage.

This is the essence of the Qin Ran avatar.

Because the water body itself is a lump of water, it can change ever-changingly to confuse the eyes and ears, so this inferior version of the god-turning avatar also has the ability to change ever-changingly. ——"Jian Yuanjie" avatar can change appearance at will.

Because the water body has the primordial spirit, it also has a certain amount of thinking and strength. ——Each avatar can make decisions by itself and fight independently.

Finally, the avatar and the main body are actually the same soul, and the audio-visual of the avatar will be shared with the main body, and will also be controlled by the main body.

To sum up, how many clones Qin Ran has will depend on whether he can split the primordial spirit. As for how many primordial spirits Qin Ran can split, you can also refer to the previous plot of Liu Xiaoji showing his own in front of Zhuifeng. Of course, Qin Ran couldn't do that.

Ok, let's get down to business!

The time has come to the first day of September.

It was still early in the morning, Wendao Square became very noisy, and many Outer Sect disciples came.

Some inner disciples passing by didn't understand what it was for, and after asking around, they realized that the Pharmacy Hall wanted to recruit new students.

"It's just to recruit a deacon disciple. Is it necessary to make such a big battle?" They didn't understand. "In the past, the Elder in charge of medicine went to find someone by himself. What? The Elder in charge of medicine in the medicine hall has changed? It seems that The new drug master doesn't have much ability."

Someone said: "Probably just showing off, but don't pay attention to it. They are all Outer Sect disciples."

They said such words and walked quickly around the crowd without stopping.

The noise here continued until ten o'clock in the morning. At a certain moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Qin Elder is here."

The hustle and bustle was quiet, so they all looked in the direction Qin Elder came from.

Before the people arrived, there was a bad wind, and the disciples couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear.

If you look closely, there is a huge White Tiger flying over on the wind. The tiger was huge in size, ferocious in appearance, and frightening in its aura. Anyone who is a little smarter knows that it is the demon king raised by Danfeng, Xuanming Linghu.

Looking up, you can see three people sitting on the big White Tiger. Sitting at the front, the one holding the big White Tiger's ears with both hands is a chubby little Loli; sitting in the back, one front and one behind, is a man and a woman, the man is Qin Elder, and the woman, She is the idol worshiped by countless disciples of the sword sect, the female sword fairy in white, Li Shiyin!

Some people realized later: " turns out that Danfeng Sword Immortal is Qin Elder's disciple."

Someone responded: "Nonsense! Danfeng only has one master and one disciple. The swordsman who came out of Danfeng is naturally Qin Elder's apprentice!"

Someone was well-informed: "It is said that Danfeng Sword Immortal's heart belongs to her master, I don't know if it is true."

Someone hurriedly stopped: "Speak carefully! Is it possible for me to speak indiscriminately?"

The wind was too strong, and many people were forced to retreat, leaving a space in the crowd, and the White Tiger took the opportunity to fall into the crowd.

White Tiger landed on the ground, raised his head and flicked his tail, showing the posture of a tiger, and all the disciples were impressed by it.


"Get down!"

The little Loli riding on his neck slapped his big head with his fat hand and scolded.

He had to get down obediently.

"You can't touch a tiger's butt", "Don't dare to touch a tiger's beard", and "A tiger doesn't show its power" are all saying that tigers should not be messed with casually...

So, can the tiger's head be hit casually?

"Who is that?" Someone asked, "How dare you bully Xuanming Linghu like this!"

"It's so terrifying!" Someone said, "Could it be a new generation of Danfeng giants?"

No one answered them, because indeed no one knew that there was a black-bellied poisonous snake in Danfeng.

Long Qiqi jumped from the back of the tiger, almost fell because it was too high. She kicked chasing the wind angrily, and cursed: "Why are you so tall?"

Chasing the wind was aggrieved and he was a good player, so he didn't go to see her.

Qin Ran also jumped off the back of the tiger, adjusted his appearance a little, and then shouted: "Where is Yan Yi?" After waiting for a few breaths, Yan Yi squeezed out from the crowd and replied: "Here, here."

When Qin Ran came, he made a rough judgment in the air, and there were about 700 or 800 people who came to participate in the assessment. There are more people knocking on the door than Daoqian, and there are only 500 people in the Daoqian assessment.

Of course, there was a reason for this. On the one hand, the previous Outer Sect disciples also participated, and on the other hand, some handyman disciples were not qualified to participate in the door-knocking.

"Divide the people..." He and Yan Yidao, "Divide them into two camps, the pill refining basic test and the basic arithmetic test."

"Yes!" Yan Yi agreed.

He turned around and greeted: "The pill refining test is on the left, and the arithmetic test is on the right!"

However, the crowd was so noisy that his voice could not be heard at all.

He can't fly, so he had to run to say hello one by one, but running around like this, in fact, not many people listened to him.

After working for a while, the noisy crowd didn't change a bit.

When Yan Yi felt powerless...


Suddenly a roar of tigers descended on the square!

For a moment, the whole square was silent.

The Cultivation Base of the Outer Sect disciples is generally not high, and the roar of the tiger scared them out of their souls.

Yan Yi was also stunned.

Zhuifeng swung his tail over, whipped him to wake him up, and said, "It's your turn."

"Oh...oh!" Yan Yi finally came to his senses, and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted, "Pill refining is on the left, arithmetic is on the right!"

That's why Qin Ran came here with Chasing Wind, a tiger two to three meters tall at the shoulders sat there, who wouldn't be afraid to see it? For those who are disobedient, a tiger roar, like now, is more effective than anything else.

With the help of Zhuifeng, it didn't take long for Yan Yi to separate the crowd. According to Qin Ran's request, everyone spaced out and sat down on the ground.

After both sides were seated, Qin Ran took out two piles of test questions from the Qiankun bag, put them on the ground, and said to Li Shiyin, "Distribute them."

"Yes! Master!"

Li Shiyin called out more than a hundred small Sword Qi, each Sword Qi rolled up a test question, and brought it to a disciple accurately, within a few minutes, she made all the disciples have a test question.

This is how Sword Qi is like water.

Qin Ran sat cross-legged, and a cloud automatically appeared under his body, supporting him. He was three meters above the ground, looked at these Outer Sect disciples, and said loudly:

"Now, you all have a test question in front of you, and what you have to do is to answer the questions on the test question honestly and within the specified time, including your name and identity information. The time starts from this moment The calculation will end after an hour.

"What deserves your attention is that anyone who makes us feel suspected of cheating will be disqualified."

"I have a question..." As soon as he finished speaking, someone raised his hand and said.

Qin Ran looked at the man with a smile and asked, "Did you not understand?"

"Yes." The man replied earnestly, "I think the exam is too unfair, too crude..."

But before he finished speaking, Qin Ran interrupted him: "You, disqualified."

Qin Ran was still smiling, and continued: "I don't want people who can't understand. You are too stupid."

"Why?!" The man's complexion changed drastically, and he stood up and asked loudly.


But there was a roar of a tiger, much louder than his voice. At the same time, a gust of wind blew up, precisely blowing him up, and blowing him straight out of the examination venue.

That person just raised a question, and he was directly disqualified, and the spirits of everyone present were shocked.

Among them, especially Li Shiyin. She recalled that the Master's tolerance for her was so high! !

"Long... Elder..." Another person raised his hand and said, "I was too nervous and forgot to bring my pen."

"Come again next time." Qin Ran smiled, "This is a major event that can change your fate. In the face of such an event, people who can make mistakes...I don't need it."

This man was also swept away by the strong wind.

Someone hurried over from the mountain, outside the examination site, shouted to the court: "Qin Elder, please give me a chance."

Qin Ran glanced at him and replied, "You're late."

"But you only said that the assessment was today, and you didn't say when it was?" the man said.

Qin Ran smiled: "Those who came later than me are not eligible."

After such a few people, no one dared to speak again.

Even those who didn’t bring a pen, sat and read the test questions for a whole hour, hoping that others would lend them a pen;

After all, they understand that this is the world of practice, not the world of civilization.

The exam continued, and people were constantly cleared out of the exam room for cheating and suspected cheating. Forget about cheating, if you are found out, there is nothing to say; but there are no cheaters who are suspected of cheating, and they will shout for injustice and fairness.

Qin Ran emphasized again: "I said, as long as it makes me feel that you are cheating, then you are cheating. So, please be more honest."

The practice world has never been fair.

The exam was from twelve o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. As soon as the time came, Li Shiyin accepted the test questions. The sword fairy used Sword Qi to collect the corpse, and no one dared to say no.

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