My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 305: Someone From Danyang City

In the middle of October, the weather turned cold, and Long Qiqi entered the "hibernation state" as scheduled.

This black-bellied little Loli did not know where to get the inferior Cultivation Technique, which not only made the Meridians acupoints and bone texture of the body go wrong, but also made it difficult for the body to grow up. She has grown up a little bit after eating Bone Tempering Dan for so many years.

Then, she became a human, and the habits of snakes still had a great influence on her. She also looks like a snake, a cold-blooded creature. When the weather is cold, she becomes limp and lazy, and when it gets colder, she wants to hibernate all day long.

Long Qiqi was very afraid of the cold, and it was only October, so she wrapped her coat and snuggled up in the chair under the old locust tree.

If there is no one else, here is such a picture: the autumn wind is swaying, the withered yellow leaves are flying, and Long Qiqi is like a lonely, dying old man, waiting alone in autumn, waiting for the arrival of winter.

Of course, no matter how sluggish and pitiful that little Loli curled up in the chair looked, Zhou Fu didn't dare to say anything. She didn't even dare to take another look.

One is that she has seen the power of that little Loli, and she has also seen her horror. The little Loli pill refining knowledge is very rich, and the knowledge of poison refining is also very rich.

The second is that this is Danfeng, who is seated under Qin Shou, and she has no right to speak.

That's right, Zhou Fu has passed Qin Ran's pharmacology assessment, and has become a registered disciple of Danfeng's Outer Sect, and is eligible to go to Danfeng to learn pill refining knowledge.

Obviously, Qin Ran was lazy again, and he left the task of leading Zhou Fu into the pill refining door to Long Qiqi.

"How is it? Have you memorized the steps of pill refining?" Little Loli, who was curled up in a chair, suddenly asked lazily.

Zhou Fu straightened her expression, and replied honestly: "Not yet."

"Hey! Hurry up!" Little Loli sighed, "You are not a pill refining master. The Cultivation Technique you practice is the Cultivation Technique of a Qi refiner. In the future, you will not be able to collect pill fire, and the difficulty of refining pills will be extremely high." Countless times higher than others."

Little Loli looked mature, and taught Zhou Fu, "You need to spend more energy on pill refining techniques to control the medicinal essence and the external pill refining flame. Others use pill refining fire, but you have to use The fire from the outside world, compared to the fire from the own pill, you should know which one is more difficult to control."

"And a pill refiner like you who doesn't have pill fire is more likely to fry the furnace." Little Loli continued, "The fryer is extremely dangerous, and it can cause death or serious injury. No matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious, no matter how much preparation you make Not too much."

"Yes!" Zhou Fu hurriedly saluted to express her gratitude. She knew that this was the senior's experience and it was very precious.


However, at this moment, a woman's unbearable laughter came from the side. Zhou Fu looked over and saw Li Shiyin, Danfeng's direct disciple, walking from the river.

This is not the first time that Zhou Fu has met the third female sword fairy in the Tianjiao list at Danfeng. She has come to Danfeng to study many times, so she has also met the female sword fairy many times.

Zhou Fu has already discovered that the female sword fairy is very different from her impression.

In her impression, Li Shiyin should be a peerless sword fairy who is as cold as frost, elegant and powerful, but what she saw in Danfeng was a lively and lovely girl, a little mischievous.

The female sword fairy is bouncing around, very cute, very naughty, very girly.

"I met Li senior." She hurriedly saluted.

Li Shiyin waved her hand, signaling that she needn't be too polite.

"What are you laughing at?" Long Qiqi glanced over and felt uncomfortable when she saw Li Shiyin.

This little girl is so sloppy and annoying.

"You blew up the furnace for the first pill refining yourself, and you told others not to do so." Sure enough, this girl exposed her dark history as soon as she came up, and even shaved her face, "Shame!"

Long Qiqi's face darkened all of a sudden, she suddenly regained her energy, she sat up and argued: "I was an accident, accident, do you understand? Pill refining master's business, how can it be called a fryer? You sword repair mang Husband, don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand!”

"Someone is still crying..." Li Shiyin added fuel to the fire.

"Bang!" Long Qiqi slapped the table anxiously and shouted, "Go, you go. I don't want to see you!"

"I won't leave." Li Shiyin likes the black-bellied little Loli who is upset with her, but he can't beat her like that.

She sat on the swing under the old locust tree and swayed wildly. She smiled wickedly and stared at Long Qiqi and Zhou Fu. She was waiting for Long Qiqi to give a lecture, she was very picky.

"Hmph!" Long Qiqi was furious, wrapped her body in thick clothes, and lay back on the chair, angrily, "Stop talking!"

Li Shiyin swayed and swayed, and didn't leave.

The own pill refining class just ended, and Zhou Fu couldn't help but look at Li Shiyin quietly.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Li Shiyin was a little embarrassed, she looked away, "I don't know pill refining."

Well, the disciples of the first pill refining master of Daojianmen don't know how to pill refining, which is very reasonable.


What can Zhou Fu do?

She could only sit down and read the book honestly, hoping that tomorrow's practice would not go wrong.

It was quiet again under the old locust tree, the autumn wind blew gently, and Li Shiyin shook the swing with a "crash".

After a while, a voice came from outside the mountain guard formation, breaking the silence here:

"Danyang Li family, come to see the immortal!!"

The Li family in Danyang?

Li Shiyin's swing stopped, isn't that her home? Did something happen at home? !

Thinking of this, she flickered, disappeared on the spot, and reappeared, already outside the fog formed by the mountain guard formation.

"What a terrifying Movement Technique!" Zhou Fu was taken aback, "It's like teleporting!"

She remembered that Li Shiyin, like her, was a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage. But... could this also be the Foundation Establishment late stage?

Whose Foundation Establishment late stage looks like this? !

No wonder he is a figure on the Tianjiao list. She knew she couldn't catch a single move, even though she was a veteran Foundation Establishment late stage cultivator.

"Don't look, that person is not from the same world as us." Long Qiqi, who was curled up in a chair, glanced at her and said, "There are three more geniuses like that in this small broken mountain."

Zhou Fu heard strong resentment. She thought about it carefully, people with mediocre qualifications always associate with geniuses with extremely high qualifications, and everyone has resentment, blame God for being unfair.

She paused, and could only choke out a sentence: "Master Long, you are also very good."

"Hehe!" Long Qiqi sneered.

Li Shiyin opened the formation, went to the cobblestone road in Outer Sect, and saw a soldier in battle armor standing by the side of the road. She recognized that it was the battle armor of their Li family army.

"Miss!" Seeing Li Shiyin, the officer hurried over to pay respects.

Oh, knowing that the eldest lady is called, it seems that they are still close friends of the Li family, Li Shiyin nodded, and asked: "Is something wrong at home?"

"The family is safe and healthy." The soldier replied.

"Then why are you here?"

The soldier saluted again, and said: "The young master will marry the young lady of Yuchi's family on the eighth day of next month. The general specially sent me to inform the young lady."

"Li Shiwen is getting married?" Li Shiyin opened her eyes wide.

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