Happiness is that cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Ultraman fights little monsters.

Although Li Shiyin is only in the Foundation Establishment late stage, it must be emphasized again that for her, Realm has lost its meaning. She is fighting Jiang Xiaobai in the Gold Core middle stage, that is Ultraman fighting little monsters.

At that time, it was snowing heavily in the courtyard.

Li Shiyin and Jiang Xiaobai faced each other at a distance of three feet, she said to Jiang Xiaobai: "Please draw your sword."

The snow was heavy and was blown around by the wind, covering Jiang Xiaobai's sight. Even though the girl opposite was very close to him, he couldn't see clearly.

He knew that his own Cultivation Base was much higher than her, and when he heard that she asked him to make the first move, he wanted to refuse, and let her make the first move based on the high popularity of the senior. But he didn't in the end, because he had a feeling deep in his heart that he might really not be able to beat her.

He didn't say much, and went straight to the Imperial Sword Jue, calling out all seventy-two natal Flying Swords.

When the Flying Sword soars into the sky, the gardens are lined with trees, and the sky is covered by snow; the dense Sword Qi is like cold air, making people colder.

Snowflakes fell on the Flying Sword, and the Flying Sword also turned white.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't see the girl opposite, but he could clearly feel the contempt radiating from her body.

"Please take the sword!" He shouted abruptly.

The seventy-two Flying Swords in the air fell towards the girl along with the snowflakes.

And under his seventy-two powerful Flying Swords, he saw the girl facing the sky open her right hand.

Her hand was like the most beautiful lily blooming in the snow, with a purple-black dazzling light shining on the palm, Sword Qi like a swimming fish flew out of her palm, facing his seventy-two Flying Swords and flew up.

He looked up and saw the white Flying Sword and the black Sword Qi clashing in the snow, and suddenly he felt a sense of fate as a flying bird and a swimming fish colliding on the surface of the sea. He is a fish trapped in the bottom of the sea, she is a bird flying in the sky.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that he might not be able to beat her, but he didn't know how big the gap between them was.

When his natal Flying Sword came into contact with the fish-like Sword Qi, the next second, the Flying Sword was pierced through, as if a sharp blade pierced through flesh and blood, like a Divine Armament sharp weapon and an ordinary Dao sword, his Flying Sword and That Sword Qi is not at the same level at all.

With one move, he was defeated with one move. The opponent didn't even show a sword, just Sword Qi.

His natal Flying Sword was destroyed, his mind was damaged, and he spewed out a big mouthful of blood. The red blood and white snow intersected in mid-air, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

He knelt down weakly, managed to raise his head, and saw his destroyed Flying Sword falling along with the snow, falling beside the girl like snow. This scene is also extremely beautiful.

Broken Flying Swords were inserted densely around the girl, as if he was surrounding her. He suddenly felt satisfied.

He lowered his head and watched his blood dripping into the snow, drop by drop, like blooming plum blossoms.

Someone approached on the snow, and he didn't need to look up to know that it was the girl approaching. Because even if the snow is cold and his sense of smell fails, he can still smell her beauty.

"To die in your hands is my best destination." He sighed softly.

Li Shiyin looked at the sword god kneeling in the snow, and said doubtfully, "I didn't intend to kill you."

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head, looked up at the girl, and smiled contentedly.

There was blood on his lips, and he said with a smile: "I was going to die. You shoot now, so you killed me."

Upon hearing this, Li Shiyin activated her Mind Eyes, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and replied, "I only used Sword Qi and controlled the Sword intent. Your mind is just being backlashed. You'll be fine if you cultivate for a while. But with your character, It may take a year or so. But I won't die anyway."

"So you don't know anything." Jiang Xiaobai understood. The Li family didn't tell Li Shiyin about the current crisis in Northern Chu. He thought about it, shook his head and sighed, "That's fine."

"What do you mean?" Li Shiyin frowned.

Why does she feel that everything is weird when she comes home this time... Even this funny sword god who doesn't know what to say is also weird.

"Ha!" Jiang Xiaobai gave a wry smile, struggled to stand up, staggered, walked around Li Shiyin to pick up the Own sword.

While drawing his sword from the snow, he asked, "Even in Daojianmen, you must be the top genius, right?"

"Among my peers, there are many who are better than me." Li Shiyin did not lie, Lu Junxing, Liu Baiyun and Dong Zhongyuan were all things she couldn't beat.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around with a few swords in his arms, to distinguish the truth of Li Shiyin's words.

Then he got the truth, and he shook his head to himself: "It's unimaginable for such a big Sect."

He continued to draw his sword, and said in detail: "I'm here to challenge you this time, while I want to fulfill my last wish in this life before I die, and at the same time, I have thoughts..."

Speaking of this, he was still a little embarrassed, and he paused before continuing, "I have delusional thoughts, and I was still thinking about whether there is a chance to get the favor from you, fairy.

"After trying it, I realized that the gap between us is really too big."

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Li Shiyin was taken aback, she asked in surprise, "You like me?!"

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and drew his sword, but when he lost his strength, he didn't pull it out. He held the hilt of the sword in his hand and didn't look back. He said, "Is it strange that I like you?... It's strange if I don't like you!"

"But we only met once." Li Shiyin was really surprised, "We even had a fight."

"How can there be any reason to like someone?" Jiang Xiaobai pulled out his sword, hugged it in his arms, and continued to move forward to pull out a sword, "Whether it's a god or a monster, as long as you don't feel unfeeling or righteous, you will always be happy." Will fall in love with someone... I just happen to like someone who shouldn't be liked."

Hearing this, Li Shiyin couldn't help but think of own Master. When she first met Master, she still disliked him, but slowly, at some point, she found that she already liked Master.

She nodded, it seemed that liking someone really didn't need reason.

Jiang Xiaobai pulled out his own swords one by one, and held them all in his arms, tattered, seventy-two swords in total.

And he was also injured, staggered, holding the seventy-two Flying Swords, and walked out of the Li Mansion lonely.

When he came, he was the sword god, when he went... Li Shiyin watched his back go out, and felt that he was like a dog, a stray wild dog.

Li Shiwen and Li Zhan had been watching the battle from the corridor. At this time, the sword god Jiang Xiaobai was defeated and left, and they walked to Li Shiyin's side. Li Shiwen asked Li Shiyin in surprise: "You won now?"

Li Shiyin turned to look at him, rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "I told you that I am very good!"

"Who knew you were so powerful..." Witnessing the battle of gods, Li Shiwen still felt incredible, and asked repeatedly, "One move? Did you just fight with one move, and he lost?"

"It's a move!" Li Shiyin nodded.

Only then did Li Shiwen have a feeling for how powerful his silly Little Sister is, he nodded secretly, and looked at Li Zhan.

Li Zhan knew what he meant, but shook his head silently. Li Shiwen also gave up.

"Brother..." Li Shiyin asked at this moment, "Why did this sword god say he was going to die?"

Li Shiwen was silent for a moment, and then replied: "Perhaps, who else did he have an appointment with... I don't understand the matter between you cultivators."

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