Xuan Qin really attacked the city at night.

This is the way the world is. There are dozens of peanuts in the dish, and everyone knows that dozens of them are good and only one is bad, but people will always accurately pick the bad one and stuff it into their mouths.

The people of Northern Chu hoped that the people of Xuanqin would attack the city after resting, hoped that it would snow sooner, hoped that Xuanqin would retreat soon, but they did not want Xuanqin to take advantage of the night to attack the city...

But Xuan Qin came at night, and they launched a siege at four or five o'clock in the morning.

And this world is also like this, always shooting people into the soil when they think they have reached the bottom and it is impossible to get worse in the future. That being said, it could have been worse.

Xuanqin not only took advantage of the night to attack the city, but also launched an all-out force. A dozen cultivators were flying in the sky, and there were countless soldiers on the ground, densely packed into the infinite darkness, as if they were created by the darkness and could not be killed endlessly. The unkillable Devil.

Li Shiwen stood guard at the top of the city from the very beginning, repelling Xuanqin's offensives wave after wave, killing Xuanqin soldiers one after another. The steel gun in his hand was full of blood, and it was too slippery to hold firmly; he had changed one knife after another.

He is really unbelievably fierce, with the unstoppable bravery of Xiang Yu and Lu Bu, if it is in the ordinary world, no matter whether he wins or loses in this war, he will be a fierce man who will be recorded in the annals of history.

It's a pity that the world is full of gods...

When he was exhausted from fighting, he looked down the city and found that there were Xuanqin soldiers densely packed like ants, he couldn't help but suffocate; and at this moment, a Flying Sword flew out of the darkness and came straight to him. pit of heart.

His bravery was actually noticed by Xuan Qin's cultivators a long time ago. Those cultivators have never made a move. One is to know how fierce he is and where the limit of a mortal is; the other is that when Li Shiwen wins all, they may not be able to kill them easily. In order not to break the face, it is better to wait a while. .

At this moment, he was tired and showed his flaws, and the Flying Sword in the dark arrived as expected like a mosquito smelling rotten meat.

Li Shiwen had no time to react when the sword stabbed, so he was about to die on the spot!



This sword failed to penetrate into Li Shiwen's body, Li Shiwen's body issued a purple Sword Ray, counterattacked with a sword, and sent the stabbing Flying Sword flying!

"What!?" The cultivator in the depths of the darkness exclaimed, "It's the bodyguard Sword Qi again?"

"Isn't the baby who ran away during the day also this kind of Sword Qi?" A cultivator said not far away, "It seems that the Li family really has a powerful sword cultivator."

"My Flying Sword is damaged." The cultivator said, "Which faction is it? It's so strong..."

They didn't finish talking on this side, Li Shiwen's eyes on the other side suddenly brightened, and shouted: "I found you!"

Raising the steel gun in his hand, he shot it in the past!

"Sure enough!" the cultivator laughed. Listen to the sound to identify the position, increase the strength, and increase the accuracy. Ordinary people can do the same?

With a wave of his hand, a ray of light appeared and swept the steel gun away.

"But still overwhelmed..." He shook his head.

But at this time...

Li Shiwen from the tower over there suddenly yelled again: "Eat me with a sword!"

I saw him jumping up from the city tower, raised his hands above his head, grasped the void, and slashed towards the Xuanqin cultivator.

As he made the movement of chopping down, there was a purple-black Sword Qi condensate in his empty hand. The purple Sword Qi shot out from his hand, reaching an unknowable place in the sky. In the dark sky, a star suddenly lights up.

Li Shiwen slashed down with a sword!

"What?!" Xuanqin cultivator paled in shock, he quickly pushed forward with both hands, summoned a body protection technique, and stood in front of him.

But that Sword Qi was too sharp, the body protection technique he summoned hastily was split by a sword, and then he had no time to react, and was directly split in half by the purple Sword Qi!

Spear is a false move, Sword Qi is a real move. Show the enemy's weakness and kill with one blow!

This so-called, mortals kill immortals...

Li Shiwen fell from the sky, falling into the endless darkness below.

His battle armor was damaged, he was covered in blood, and there were enemies, but he felt neither pain nor fear.

He thought of his father, mother, wife, son, Little Sister, and felt endless reluctance and guilt. He is sorry for them. As a son, he failed his parents' expectations. As a husband, he failed to fulfill the duties of a husband. As a father, he was unable to accompany his children to grow up. He is not a good big brother...

He thought of the soldiers who died in Hengduan Mountain...

What a failure in his life!

But fortunately, he was finally going to die.

He closed his eyes and waited for the moment when he landed.

But for a long time, he didn't feel the ground...

"Is this city wall so high?" Thinking of dying, he felt much relieved, "When Xuanqin attacked the city, it was not so high."

But then, he felt that not only did he not fall, but he also floated up.

He was wondering, and was about to open his eyes, when he heard a familiar voice: "Is it quite enjoyable?"

Li Shiyin's voice!

"Shiyin?" He opened his eyes, and found himself being hugged horizontally by Li Shiyin, flying towards the city wall, "Why are you here?"

Li Shiyin didn't answer, but just smiled and said: "I discovered that you have a receptive side, and I caught evidence today!"

Li Shiwen was covered in battle armor, and he looked a few circles taller. Li Shiyin was holding him, with a larger size ratio, which made him look even weirder.

But at this time Li Shiwen didn't care about these things, he said anxiously: "Who told you to come? Hurry up!!"

At this time, Li Shiyin had already carried him and flew to the city wall. She threw him on the ground roughly, stepped forward and kicked him, and asked, "You kept it from me last year, didn't you?! You knew it last year." Going to fight, isn't it?"

Li Shiwen got up from the ground, looked directly at Li Shiyin, and said seriously: "So what if I don't hide it from you? Are you staying to die too?

"We can die for our country, but the Li family's bloodline cannot be cut off, and you don't have to die."

"Why did you send me to die?" Li Shiyin was very puzzled, she looked at Li Shiwen, "I found that you always treat me like a child. You are all like this, and you also hide this kind of thing from me?"

"You are very powerful, I know. But..." Li Shiwen raised his head and looked into the darkness in the sky. In the darkness, fifteen cultivators slowly revealed their figures. There were originally sixteen cultivators, but one was killed by Li Shiwen, "Double It is difficult to beat four hands, they have the support of Sect, and there are many cultivators."

"Are you the cultivator from the Li family?" Xuanqin cultivator asked coldly, "You left those Sword Qi behind?"

Li Shiyin turned around and also looked at those cultivators. With her back to Li Shiwen, she shook her head and asked, "It's these rotten fish and rotten shrimps that scare you like that?"

"Stinky fish and rotten shrimp?" Li Shiwen didn't have time to speak, Xuan Qin cultivator was half-dead from anger, "How dare a small Foundation Establishment period be so crazy?"

Li Shiyin looked back at the uncontrollable fear of the Gold Core cultivator on Li Shiwen's face, she took out the Star Sword, and said, "Little Gold Core cultivator, I'll kill it for you."

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